�L�7_' CL�i'i��1 D�.1��
<br /> ���iiS l��DLI:TUR�, idIade this_�daST-of ��,y in the year one
<br /> thousand n:ine hundred and Sixty-one bet��veen E�1il J. Joss, A�ent for the A•UGtlS1
<br /> Jacob Stoldt }�statie, actin� ior the owners of the first part and
<br /> Countv or i-ia�l, a. �olitical subdivis�on o£ the Sta'ce ot I1ebr<::ska of the
<br /> second part -
<br /> V�I':riv�;:>SETH, that the said ��arty of the first part i� consideration of the sum
<br /> • of r�our Hundred r'i�;hty-One and S0�1U0 (Z�.8i.�U):.....:............:..::dollars to him
<br /> duly paid, the rec�i;�t wr�.ereof is hereby acknowled�ed has hereby remised,
<br /> released a:.cl quit-claimed, arid by these present does for sel
<br /> heirs, executors, anc: ad:ninistrators, remise, release and
<br /> ioreve:n quit-ciairn and convey unto Lhe said partf of th�; second part, and �o
<br /> its heirs and �ussi�;ns forever, all ri�'rlt, title, int�;re�t, estate
<br /> clai�n and dernand, both at la�n� and in equit�T, oi:, in arid to all
<br /> oI' th� foilowin� d.escri.bed propert�T:
<br /> !� strip o1' land Seventeen (1'j) feet in width adjaeent t� �he �resent
<br /> coanty road �3 i'cot ti.0.'�:'. lir.e alon� t�,e Idor�h side oi Lhe �ast 2t}. acres
<br /> oF t�ie TiorLhe«st <�uarte;r of tYie TIorthwest �uarter of ;�eccion Sixteen(lb) ,
<br /> iownshi�o '�'vJelve (i2) T�ortn, Ran�e 11ine (9) �i_est;
<br /> Also a s tri.;� oi lan� Seventeen (1`j) feet �n v�idLh ad jacent to the
<br /> a-c°esF;nt county ro�,d j3 foot i�.0.`���. line alon�; ao�rt of tne TvTortheast �,�a��er
<br /> oi SecLion Sixteen (1�) , Tov��nship `��e�elve (12) P?orth, Ran�;e Pdine (9) '�:aest,
<br /> said strip of lu.nci :�c;,...innir.� at the Tlorth-South <;�ua.rter section line of said
<br /> SC',Ci,1vY1 2�Y1C� (::Ytel7diT1� L'cSti:,Y'1� `iCV8C1 i�UI1�Y'E%CI 51;.t�r—`I'`+�O �1Y1� i.l��lt iE;I1tr1S
<br /> (`(�2.?3) fe�t
<br /> (;lso a stri;� of larid ;�ev�;n ('j) feei; iri �ryid'ce�_ adjacent t;o the prc;se.nt
<br /> CU��:?G�T Y'0::�.'� �j' �'OUt :t.�.'ai. 11:1� B.lOY1�; ��Y'� Ot 5�17.�� TJortne::St ':�;U�.T'tL.GI' Of
<br /> �>�c tion Sixteen (l�) , s�id str�p oi lUnd beei.�r:in�; �Lt �he Lust sec�won line
<br /> oi sa�c� secLion and excendin�; ��':estcrl,y, Ur�e Tnousand �i�ht Hundred. �'orLy-�'our
<br /> and :�our �i'eriths (l,�i�4.i�) �eet;
<br /> �'�lso a strio of land Seven (7) feet ir: v�id�n. adjacent to �he ?rc�setzt
<br /> coun�y road �t ::.� . l�t1e aTon� part o?' i;he :��orth side of t;hE; ITOrtri��est
<br /> ����rt�;r of ,Sact,io_i �+�ifte;en (15} , 'rov��nsr!i.? Ts�eive (12) P�ortYi, '.��.r_t,e :;ine (9)
<br /> ;es� sai�i sLr�u of land �e�inriin�, �t tne `r�;�si; section line of said section
<br /> �_�c, �:cL��ndir.� L:��stc;rly 'Phree �undred `r�iit;;-:ive and Six ^enths (3j5.b) ieet;
<br /> �,Lso G s��i. � of l.�_d ;��;v-:;Yiteen (1'j) reeL in v:,=id�!z GdjucenL to i;Yie
<br /> ��res�,nt counr,,r ro�ud :j foot _..U. ., . l?_ne alo:�� ,�:�.rt of t�e :�ortn side of' Said
<br /> ?''i0Y'L't1YJi;SL <<;u<`iP�if:2' Oi :'i�'CLiOf? i'lf'�-(.'E:Yl ���j� � Sc^i1C1 SLI'l:p Ot 1�3.:i� k�E:U�i:i7�21�
<br /> �11r6t: i1a:l0.Y'E;CY i'ltt".y—:'��VE: f.'.?1C� �.'iX `nt;21t`1S �j[;���� �E;Bt. �!,...:iT. 0.�� T.YlE% '`::iE:SL
<br /> Sec;,i.on line o.i �did sec��on �'ifteen (l�j �:�d �;�ten:�:.nb �asteri;� ^>°�o
<br /> i-=anar�� ,.i�;n�yT-�ne (2%3i) feet;
<br /> ,. :o a s�r_�� of lan::i ;�e���;nteen (17) feet ��n ���di;�i �.d iucent �o the
<br /> _�r�-s�ni; couric;�� ro��d �j foot :t. .�.�;. line alon�; ��.rt of tne Pdorth side oi
<br /> s�;id ,;orcllvae:>1; ;,uart;er of :;ecti.ori ��'iiteen, sa.id stri;� of land �er;inn�_n�;
<br /> _,i '�t i�unc?red aixttr-`i'r�.rc>e �nd A1�.ne '^en�n (8`�j.9) feet t°;est of the ;?orth-
<br /> :;ou�fi ,u<�rL�;r s�ct.i�n l� ?.e �t said section and e ttc;nc�in� '':�e�terl�T Une
<br /> �..casand iti:����eteen (1,�19� feeL;
<br /> <^;lso -: str�� of land 5even (71 feet ir� �:��dth adj�ceni� to the ��resent
<br /> CO'.12"i���t 'i'0E"iG j,.} IC)OT it. :i.'..� . Z.:.i1t.' c7..LU?1v ii�:t1'L Ol L1?8 i;OY'Lrl S1C�E; O.I a21(1 T`u�?'�!�1
<br /> ;�':;:;�; C1l;icl2'�C-� Oi' :��CL.i.�.l :Lt GE;e:! �li� � S&l� StY'i.� O�' 1'v.T1C. �E;�i:lY1�Y1" c'�l: i.^�e
<br /> :`;O�trl—��c�U.t._�"1 <i�i�l_'�t:Z' S�Ct'_OTl l�r�e Oi SB�.k 3�C��U?1 aY1C� excendil7� �;�J@S�;t;T'1�:�
<br /> _i��-it .:undred a�xt;�-rL':h.rc;e and TtiTinE; Tenths ('353.y) ieet.
<br /> TrGets conza_na_n� a to�al of 1.oG6 acres, rnere or les�.
<br /> �o��t:.er va._tii all anu siri�;ular i,he hereditaments �he�eunto oc;lon�;in�.
<br /> 1�:; La :, � ii���i T� �i�LD tYie aaove desrriaec: ��re_nises �znto tYie �•a�.d �our,ty
<br /> o? H�;il, iLS neirs and assi�ns; s� zhat neither tYie said �rantor '
<br /> nor un� ,�erson in n�me and ber,a.lF, sn�ll or ,F�iil n�r�U.PL-er-
<br /> clai�n oi� de��1�:.nd any ri�h� or title to said ;oremises or s.n;; part tiiereof, �ut
<br /> i,!�e;r �n�: every one oi them SY?flli 'oy inese yr�sencs be e:�cluded un� foreve;r
<br /> b�:rc'�:cz.
<br /> LI� .:I'?"_ !='�� ' " R�Jr�, the said part of i;he lirst part has h�:rturitio set
<br /> :-i�s h�;nd �nd seal the .day and year a�ove writi;en.
<br /> Si�ned, sealc;d and delivered in p.�esence _of
<br /> G � �� AUat137 .�JAG�B ST�L�T ESTATL
<br /> _�l��/...� („ . ��
<br /> �Y ��9-�.� �a�.�s�
<br />