� . F. ..,:.�:�:•
<br /> . . . : � ..
<br /> . . .,. .o. :. ., z . _
<br /> ..,—=- --.�� 't-:?c ;�4�.. � ...,..- .. - - - � _� -
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<br /> . , _ _ _
<br /> • - . . �.s. ,-,.. . . , . .. . '" '_ %i
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<br /> _ '-' -.. _- -- - -- ..._-';�..s-�-'-'- ' .�..._-.,..'t �'.,.. .._.....__,...�...> ._.....��..�.:-- :.�-..�..��.-.._ --- ' �.---�- --
<br /> �a - � _� ' <_.s. ..
<br /> Trr
<br /> o, - -.
<br /> .. � ���� ' :ot
<br /> ' � � . . � -�: 9?� ��. ���.''` :4
<br /> � '- � ' ,' At ttse aptian of Beuefciaiy. all or any p�t of the agceed fees aasf cinaYges. aaxtced iaU�esc aad prmcipai s0a11 become `:.'<' . � � ; °
<br /> . .. . 1 i�a,ediaiely due aad payabte.aft�r giv�ng norice ef tequited by law.aPos the occorreaoe of a defanit or anytime therea��. � :s- �'.�; .
<br /> in '
<br /> _ � ` `. ;:._s W additinn.B�efidary sl�all be eniitled tu all the�P���Y taw.the Evid�ae of D e 6t,o t her evi d e n c e s o f d e b t, :: , .�,, �`.F,`
<br /> :. � this Dead of'ISmst aad any�el�ted dacumeats includ�n�withaut limitadon.the gower to seU dte Property. }' � : <
<br /> ���.'` ! �, .� [ � .a�' :'
<br /> a �. ...
<br />- ` .:r.. If theee is a defauh.Ttnstee shall�in addttion to any other pe�utted c�Y,st the re�uest of the�eficiai5►,adveatise sad � , .
<br /> - ;. - , -- �.:.� �ll the Pmisaty as a whole or in seQarate parcels at pnbllc aa�ion to the bigb�st bidder for cash mmd convey absolute titte -- - ; - -
<br /> .. � � free aad cleaz of sU right.titte and interest of Tmstor si suc�tim�and plare as Trustee desigcates.Troscee shall give aotice
<br /> =-°:�-*--�_ � of sate Inctuding the ti�:.tc�and plaoe of saIe aud a d�ccipdon of the ptoperty w be sold as required by the applicable __ T
<br /> �. ,.. - ]aw ia effert at the time of the pmposed sale.
<br />; , , ;:�[�`` Upon saie of the P�P�Y�to the e�t aoi prohIbited by taw,Tn�stee sLall make and delivez a deed w the Pmperty�2d .- '.,. - . .
<br /> . .. whtt�oomrE.ys absofite tiste w tbe P�•s���st paying all fees.c�r$es aad oo�s►s�Pal►to B�efictaty aII ' • ;,_.��,
<br /> ' . mnneys advanaed for r�.ai:s. taxes, insmrance. li�s. ass�utents and prior�mmd inter�t�a,aad t�e �°z;t
<br /> � `,, : .. ;x:_��;..
<br /> � .. . p�pal an�iatecesi on tLe S�aue�De�t,Paping t�e sinPlus,�f any,to Tcns�ar.B�efic�as�l�Y P���• ; r -
<br /> `.,. 'The�la in�y deed af om�veyenoe s6aII be p�ema fasie evideuce of the fa�s s�fanb theteia.
<br /> �
<br /> �`.<� , --
<br /> � All�ies are distincx.a�tatiee and nat encdnsive,and the B�frcia�Y is mritle�i w ail �ies provided at law or ' � -
<br /> i . eq�tity�arhelLer expt�sslY s�foith or tto�'!he asxx�ae bY H�ciar�i oY�Y s�i ia paymeut or partial paYmfat aa the _=^
<br /> - Secured Qebt after the balame ia dae ar is aoceteisted or aRa forectasuce pmoee�mgs are�d shaU not constisrte a waiver "� `;:�
<br /> . . � � of�ys right w cequi�fWl and camplete cane of aag a�ng defauI�Bp not exar�nS a�+remedY on 1�Castor's t,_
<br />°,, " ' def�lt,BeaeBc�ar9 dnes not waive Senefidaiy's:igM w laoea arnsider ths event a defanit if it wntnmes or happms agtnn. ; ,. , 1 °`',
<br /> �% "i� (. f i-_
<br /> ��1,• . ° k` `c
<br /> �4..,:; . ` 18.ESFENSffii ADVAPiC�ON COV�VAN�S;A11�'3BNLYS'F�:CO�ON C�I'S.Etccept wIla►pmlu'bited 5 ` ;�,,,.,.',.
<br /> --�-- -. -� �r_'- by inw.TtasWr a�ecs W gay aD af Bffiefeciss�►'s�ses if'IYustot breaches aay aoven�i�i this Beed of Ttost.'Piustot .
<br /> �. ,° wiil a1s�y paq an dmmaad aIl of�►'s expeases inruned in ou�g,ia�ng.�orpmt�ting the Pmpenq i�
<br /> . �{�4�' or in any i�euta��w,sudits,in.�us o:o9ter eaam�atlon b3►BeaeBciars►in�Fa�t t��iS�PaoPertS►.'fYustar a$rees w . '� ---
<br /> - ` gay aII costs aad eag�s insuice�Dy Benefida�Y in�fO��Pm��HeueRciaxy's sE�'ats and remedies�mder tbis ''�.�__. � �<
<br /> r , _.,' �',... D e e d of'l Y u s t,i n c t u s l i a�,aut aot limfted to,auorneys'fecg.court oosts.an�at��legat exPeas�.Once the Sea,vred Debt is �. . ,r:,:
<br /> e i. .zrs',t�' �,r.�-.
<br /> .- fiilty ffi finall9 P�.��5►�w release tTus U ce d o f T c a s t a n d T r r�nr a g e e a w p a y f o r a a y i e o o r d a t i o n c o s�. ,-�� -
<br /> � All s¢dn amo�mts ate dae un d�end arill bear inte�est fmm tti�time of the advance at tite highest.rate in effer�,fi+i�n. .`•,��f,�:.'� ,,.
<br /> ' � dme ta Wa�.as Pmvided in the Evids�oe of Debt and as pe�mitie�hy iaw. 'r ,;:;�'._
<br /> •. ;`';k.. �'�: ` .,.
<br /> � ��F s�l}. - i,�•rrir�lJ0.���efL�{�IS tLW nfW1'aaaia+V�OYaA7aA!\vi'iO• AS I1S��YYa D�Ai1+YS �l�°�YiivJ�+++�d+�a+ i�wp �iE -r�t-{y�, `...
<br /> • ' � m�ans, whhout limitatiun.the ComPrehenshre Eavimmn�ental ResPonse. Comgeosatton and I3als�iry A�<CERCI.A. 42 l � `�
<br /> ;-,,' U.S.G 4�1 et seq.),all other fede�al.state and lacal laws,zegalations,ordmmmces,ootut osdc:s.attosne9 8�aP�� 1�`#�1����,
<br /> �: � �;���x!' welface eavLvnabeut or a U.�mcdous sabst�ce; and (2) t��-'��
<br /> .,,,,,� or �re I�ue�s conce� �pnblic healrh, safery, . ��r'T:
<br /> . :.r #_ °,.-
<br /> . �',,s °Ha�da¢� Substance° means aay �, tadtoacdve or hazardoas mater3al, waste. Poltp�s�or oontaminant whIch l�as �_ _
<br /> 't;< t,kf.'. chffiac�istiss.wLtrh aeu�er ttte st�caas�e dangemns or pot�uialtY.dan8econs W thc pais�heait4�, safery, welfaze os ,. �_
<br /> u
<br /> �;�5:i�8+t�1,.;.__-.. ,:-.,•= 6IIbSf8II0C8 QE�II�89�dUS IIL'!�E[J21sp °tOli�C S�bS�.o 'r f`-
<br /> !Jf_.:t�.�.. �r CIIV1t0�.�'�C�IIICjII�C.9� Wjth011i�18I�011� 8U}I 8�� ,t ��z--
<br /> 'j:�.:. -� *ha�rdpus w8ste"Os°L�rdous euhstau�e"�der aIIy Eavuonmeutat Lsw. Trusior r�pizseuis. wer,mts aIId �'��. -- ��_
<br /> .. . : ::,,���-.' q�c�pt��vionsly disdosed and sc�owledged in writiag: �`--'.",5
<br /> t �s�:f�,� A. Kir L�£a�rdons Substance tu�Tsv�,1s,or will be la�ated,ugnspo�ed,mamifactuzed,ueated�refined,or LandIed by
<br /> � ��.�E )r,��s� oa on �der or aTa��e Property,e�ccePt ia the otdinae�oonrse of busin�a�iu suict compli�ce with
<br /> _ .i'��;'c{. �:��:�F`� �'3'P� , der �`:
<br /> .��s��'����'r. ,.,`Y.. �8��'L8�6F'd1V��'dl�. •"t=�' ---
<br /> ;;+'��t ,�� B. Trusror has not and will not cause,wnus'is��o,or Permit the release of aay Har�dous Sntiatamce an the FcoP�Y• _�
<br /> , C. 't'i�swr wiU�mediateIY au�Benefia�g i�f(1)a re2ease or tL�eatened ie2ease of Aa�cdous Substanoe aoaus on► �-`-� -_
<br /> . �f bre,a �,;
<br /> , .�.. y�or abbut the R�apert3�a�r.z3grates ot mreat�s to udg�e fcom aearby proDe�:or(Z)theie is a v�o]atEon of. _
<br /> . � ' �.�, ���nviromnental!aw o�the Property.in sna'�sn ev�t,Teaswr w�l tal�st�aecessary re�dial acttontn _—
<br /> �" . . ::a; � �dancewithP�viroa�PT„aw. .��,�._,,�
<br /> .. D. Tiastor �as ar�13�owIedge o�or nason s� believe there is any pending or tbreaaened im►estigat�on, claim, or , _
<br /> Pmom�g ctC x�`giad nelating w(1)any Ha7ardons Substamce located an,ander or about�e Fmpeny;or(2)�Y =��"
<br /> � vio�zsian h�"C'ss�aa or a�r tenamt of any F�vlmrmrenial Law.Tinswr w,�l immediately not�fq Beneficdary in wrlting . _
<br /> ,a. s.: as saoa aY'�eu�r 6as rea�c�n to believe�here is any sar2t pendin8 or tbreatened inves�tig�ton,e�aim.or Pmc�g•
<br /> �. .. ru�r�an e�i�Benefic12�1�the right,but nat the QUI.�g�tan.to participate m any sacb proceeding inctudiag the ..� .
<br />:_r;.;,,'t4' ' � S �88• '. � . ,. .._
<br /> _,;,��',�t t;� � ri�nt to re+�iv�:aopiea of aAy doc+�eats relatia w sucGt s:'. :. .
<br /> ;;�';�?�;;� • 8. Tn�swr sua everg teaant have toeen,arc�a#�aU�n�a tiill oomplianse wlth anp ap�licable�rcraameatal Law. ���+r.a... ._ .
<br /> - ' '�� �. � � F. 7ben ate no uiaderground storage tenks, Lsd*��dump s or open welta tocased on or timder the fc'iripetty and no sucb ���;+�r .�.� .� ,
<br />,_ ' .....
<br /> .�,' F taak,dump or well will be a�ded uale3s�ciary fis��aa�enta�n arridng. .
<br /> ry_d; , .� • , , (3. 'f'iwsror aill regnlatly inspec��Propartq.monitor d�a,aivIdes and operations��titn Property,aad oonRrla�t ;; �° �
<br />:;�„ .. � � a11 getmits,Uceuses or appmv�l�neqnited O�yY aa3►.SFPIic�"aIe Faviio�eiatsl Law ate d�ta�ned and oomplied arIrh. ;;� . ' ,, .
<br /> � �.5�'��)::..,i, ,.',
<br /> = H. Tcastor will ermit. or c�se aay tear�s to peimit, Beaefici�y or Seaeficleiy s�ag�t to enter aad iaspect the
<br /> �:';,+i` "•.�:, � pmperty and�irevie►v all records at any �onabie time to deteimiae(1)the existmce, 2oatioa and natune of any "!'�<<�,-;:; •. , ,
<br /> l. .,� � , Hazardous Snbstaace on.under or about the Pcoperty: (2)the exis*.eQCe. lacation. natutC,aad magnitude of aay !���s..� ;,. :� -
<br /> ..0 �xt»
<br /> - Ha7ardous Snbstanoe ffiai has boen reteased on.under or aDuut We Property;or(3)whetlser or not Tn�stor and any
<br /> ' � tenaat are tn compllauoe with applicable F�vironnnental Luw. :. .
<br />-- 1. Upan Beaefi�iaiyr's �qaest aad at aay time. Tnutor ag�es, at 1Yustor's exg�e, to eogage a q�a118ed
<br /> ± envlma�ental eagineer to prepare aa envim�rutal audit of the Property and w submit the resulls of sucb sudit to . ..
<br /> Bcnet3clary. 'I]ie choice of the eaWmnmentN engineer who will perform sucb audlt is subjact to Ben�t'ciary's
<br /> - ' ' appmval. • �
<br /> _ . � ' 7. Eeueflclary has We right. bw not tLe o6llgatiaa; to perfoim aay of Tn�stor's obliganiaa5 tmder this sectton at •
<br />_-_ _ � Trustor's expense. , . '
<br /> � ' K. As a oonsequence of any breash of any r��e�ntatton,vrazr�ty or pmmise made ia this section, (1)'jhistor wll1 . .
<br /> . . indemaify and ho2d Heoet3ci�y and Beaeflclary's suocesso�s or assigos ha�m1�from sud�inst sU lossw.claim3, ,
<br /> - . � . demaads.liabilifles, damaSe9,cleanup. reaPoa,e aad r�medlation costs.peoalfl�aad eape�ses,ineluding without ' .
<br /> , . � . limitation all costs of 1idg�tion and attomeys'fees.which BeaeSciary anA Beneficiaiy's auocessots or assigna may . . �
<br />- � snstain: aad(2)az BeneSciary's discrerion. BeaeBciary may�lease tWs Deed af Tn�st anA in retum'fn�stor wj11 � :
<br /> • . pmv�de Beneficiary arith collateral of at least�uai vaIue to the Property secured by tl�is Deed of Trust without •
<br /> � • • ptejudioe to aay of Beneficiary's sigGta under this Deed of Tnut. . " .
<br /> .. : , , . . .
<br /> `•�, yagaaots �� '
<br /> t� ' � ' • ��t:,�!��QY�
<br /> ' ' .. . � '01993Bsnt+xiSys[mn�•ue.s►.qaA.MNtt-BQ4397•Y3at1 iormAOJCOOT�IE 9�t3AB ••�a � . �
<br /> ' ♦ . . . . . .
<br /> ,•-'` ": . , `
<br /> i. ----•__• --_._. _ _ - �--"-�—r—' -,'.--- ._ . • •_ _ . r-.-
<br />