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�_ ..�.,�.,�.w..�...__..� .�. . . _ .. _ . _ _ <br /> _._._'n..___. _ .. . <br /> 92�. �.a�oo�� <br /> T(XiGTH4R WITfi aU Aw IaiProremcros now or iKnnftcr crcctcd on�he prcpeny,and�II cucmems,appunenanccs, <br /> and flxlnru now or harea�cr n psn of iho proncn�. All rePlnccmenls and aJJiiWns shatl Also t�:�tiveted Gy thix Sxudty - �- <br /> Ins�n�mcm. All of the torcgoing is rofured lo in th s Sec�miy Inswmcnl as�he"Propeny." <br /> DORRONQR COVI3NAN7S tha�6orro�ear!s liwtully sdseJ of the cslaic hcre6y conreycJ nnd hns�ho righl to gram <br /> nnA convoy tUo Pro�eny nnd thn��ho Propeny Is unexumhrcd,excep�Por cncumbmnces of rxord. 13onower werc,ms and <br /> will detend Senerally tlio�Iiio�o the Propeny against all cla'ms and demands,sub)ai to nny encumbrances nf rxord. <br /> T71(3 S6CURITY INSTRUMGN7'combines unifam covenanis for naflonal use and non•unifomi covenanu wllh — <br /> limticd vruiations byjudsdfc�lon�o consYwtc a unlPotm ucudty Instrumcnt eovedng rcal propctty. � <br /> UNIFORM COV(iNAN'CS. Oorrower and i.ender coxenantand agn:o as follows: <br /> i. P�yment otPrinctpxl end InleresN Prep�yment and Late Charga. �orrowcr shall prompiiy pay whcn due�:e _. <br /> principal of and intercs�on�I�o deU�ovldrnced by�ho No�e aad any prepaymem and Iak c6ugcs duo ander i6e Nae. - <br /> 2. FLnds tor 7Nxa nnd Insuranre. Subjec�to app!icab]e law or�o e wdtten waiver 6y I.ender,6ortower stiali pay to _ <br /> Lendcr on�ho day momldy payments arc duo undcr tho Noto,until the Note fs pald in full,a sum f'Fw;ds")for:(a)yeaziy <br /> taxes and asscssmems w61ch may actain pdori�y over thls Seeuaity lnstewcent as n I Icn on the Propetty:@)ycuty teaseho[d _ <br /> paymer.�s a ground rents on t1x BYOperty.if'any:(c)�eazty 6az.ard ar Qropeny insuranee prermurtu; (� ysuty Qood <br /> fnsunr.ce premlums,if any:(e)��eady mongage Insurux� g�cemiums,if any;:ufd(f3 any sums payabte by Boaower to <br />��d:r,ln attncdance with the Pvvistons of puagraph 8,in Iieu of�F.e�ymrnt of matgage insurar.ce p:tmlmns. 1Tese <br /> ie�ais xe called"Escrow Irems." R.ender may,at nny tinm,mllect and ho d t�nds in an emoum rcas w cxcerd tt�:mv:imum <br /> amuzra a Iene:er for a federatty retafni mongage Iwn may requirc Por portowerY escrow accounl imdv the fe3cm(Real <br />� � �+i��eSenicm�����P��o(.19N z+>amended fromtime m�ime,12 U.S.C.§2601 etseq.("RI'iSI:\"),m.IC3S J�OIIICI <br /> !aw�¢a�applics ro�he I�nds scfs o tux+nrarmt. If so,Lmdcr may,a�:my tlmc,colicct and hold Tuad�in an nmanr.t not ro <br />-- exrsad �hc lesset art:ount. Ler.&r may r<iimnro �he nm.�nt of ILnds due on the basis of curnm dau snd renwnable __ _ <br /> esdm�tes of expendimres offlu�vcEscrow Items or o�heru�:in accordance wiih npplicTble law. <br /> 'Ihe Mnds shali be held in an insiiw�fon whose dcposiu are insured by n federoS�gcncy, inswmentaliry.<e emity _ <br /> (Including Lender,ff Lender is sccl�an ins�imtion)or in w.��Fedeal Home Loxn Bark. Lender ahnll appty�he fim<tc to pay -- <br />� �he Cscrow Ircms. Lender may not eharge Oortower for hulding and npyiying�he Wnds,anm�nlly analyzing tho ucrow <br /> aocoum, or verif��ing Ihe Cscrow Items, unlas 4ender pays Dormwer imeru�on the Iimds vid appllwble law pemifis <br /> I.cnder�o make such n charge. However. Lcnder may ra}uire➢mo���er to pay e ono-time char�e tor xn indcpcndu�t rtaI <br /> estate tax rcporting service used by l.ender in eonnecdon.i�h�his loan,unless appHcable Iaw provkles o:hero•Ssr. C'cless an — <br /> ,graemcnt Is made or applicable Imv rcq�ircs imeres�to l,e paid.Lender shall no�be rcqulrcA�o pay flmco«rr z�ry i«rcst or =� <br /> c.:nings on tha�unds. Uorrowcr and Lendcr may agree i�writing,howcvcr,that intcrest shall bc Enid oa�hc I'v:ids. Lender <br /> shall give l0 6cvrnwror,withou�charge,an annual naounti�g of�he ILnds,showing credi�s and debiu to Ihe l3�pds 4nd Iho <br />� purpose for wtiich aach debi�to the Fvnds was made. 7'he Fvnds are pledged as eddiiiorral secudty for all sums sncurcd by <br /> thls Secud�y Inxtsemem. ' ' - <br />- if�hc i'vnds ncid by i-cvnk� czta.d :�� am:a:ats Y::.::i:.C::.» hcid by apr�t�blc l::�. Lende�•�51! ecc+��.^.!.!e. -. . <br /> 6ortower Por the FunAs in accordance wiib�he requicaRCmv oF applicable law. ;t ate amount of ihe Husl.c}�c1d by . '. <br /> Lender at any Umt is not sut�cimt to pay the L'scrorv 7¢ns wF.en due.Lender may so no:ity Dorcower in wdling,and,in <br /> such case Oorco�ver shnll pay �o Lender c':e amoum nece.ssary io ma:e up�he�eficiency. 6ortower shall maKe up.ihe <br /> deficfcncy in no more�hnn����eleemon�hly paymcnts,nt Lenderk sole disc�e�ion. - _ _ <br /> Upon payment in lnll of nll sums secured by�hts Sceuriry InsWmem,Lender ah�ll promptly rcPond ro Aortower any <br /> I�nds hetd by Lender. IL undcr pamgraph 21.Lender shall ncquire or scll�he Property,Lender,prior to�he ncquisltion or <br /> sale of Ihe Propeny,shall apply any Ponds hcid by Lender a� the time ot ecqulsition or sale as a credit agalnst Iho sunts <br /> securcd by�his Setudiy Insvumem. <br /> 3. Appilcatlon of I'ayments. Unless appltcabie law prorfdes o�henvise, all paymems rcceived by L.ender under <br /> pazagraphs 1 end 2 shall be opplied: firs�,�o any prepaynxnt chuges duc under�he Nme;sernnd,to amoums payable under <br /> pazagraph 2;ihird,�o Intercsl dur,founh,ro principal due;and lazt,ro any la�e charges due widerthe Note. <br /> 4. Charges; Llens. �ortowcr shnll pay all taxes,assessmcn�s,charges, fines and imposf�lons attribulablc to �hc <br /> Propeny whfch may aunin priori�y over�his Securi�y Ins�remen4 z�d leasehold p.ryments or ground reNS,If ony. Uormwer <br /> shall pay�hese obliga�fon:in�he mnnncr provided In paa�aph 2,or tf not paid in�ha�manner,6orrower shatl pay elem on <br />- �Ime dircctly w ahe person owed paymem. IIorcower shnll promp0y furrtiah�o Lender ail noticcs of amoums to Ix paid under <br />- �his paregr,ph. [2 Donaver maku �hese pay�mcnts direcdy,Dorrow�cr sh.�l promptly Pomish to Le��ar rcceipts evfdencing <br /> ihe paymems. _. <br /> 6orrower shall promptly d6charge ony lien which hi<priority over�his Securi�y Insuument unles➢ono���xx:(a)agcees <br /> in writing w�he payment o!�he obliga�ion saurcd by�!ce I�Ye in a mnnner accepiable to Lender.(b)contesis in gaad faiih�he =- <br /> lien by,or defends agains�enforttment of Ihe lien in,legal procecdings which in ihe LenderY opSnion o�xra�e to prsvent�he r <br /> en(ommem of the lien;or(c)secures from the holdcr of ihc lim an ngreemem se�isfacwry to Lender suboMina�ing�hc lien - <br />� �o thts Secr.ricy 3nswmem. If Lender drtr�mints�ha�any pan of�hr Roptny is subject�o a lizn ��hich may nuain prioriry = <br /> over thfs Stcuriiy InswmenL l.ender may gi�x Botto���cra no�ice idtn�ii�ing�he lian. IIottower shell setis(y�he litn or�afce = _ <br />- o�z or moro o(1hc ec�ions>c�tonh alwvc within IOdayso`.�hc giving of r.olicc. w:-_ <br /> 5. }Is»rd or Prope�i;;I�sumnce. 6orrowcr sha!1 kcep the improvcmems n.���existing or hemaf�cr crec�ed on�hc �.;:' <br /> Ropeny insurcd against lass by fire,hazards induded�cliCin the�emi"ez�ended rncr�age'and any other ha�ards,ir.cluding - <br />� Ooods or Ooodtng,for whieh Lender rcquirrs insurance. Tfiis insunnce shall be maintained in tha amoums and for ihe �`, <br /> Porm 7958 9:'90 qwqr'..qnpu�rt. <br /> 1 <br /> ii- <br /> {`. <br /> I. <br /> "�"1 ' *11Y'274Tr4�radt".M'.o-,.; y . _ _ •.. '.r- . ..... .. �. � � •'��'�i:rS �15 zt^:_ -/tv� '�?'-'.2� <br /> `� , `� - <br /> r r • , : <br /> � <br /> ,: „)c, . � <br /> ':'�::: <br /> '.,- <br /> -;;g;`:�� - <br /> _„'+t�'.; , ,:�:�: . <br /> _5,�- �_:�":._ ... <br />}`:1:,` <br /> -. : �_t.: ' � . <br /> -_:;,}?L � . . ' . � , . . . " <br />-%ih;':_!�.r: ' ' , - . _. _ � . <br />_ ri` _� - .r� . . . _ . - <br /> ' . r� � . . . , � ' - - . <br /> - I,`r.� ..i . " " ' . . . -,..t „_,� its � . ..�. ' _ <br /> ,� � . . , . . ;., <br /> r_ ' � -' �1 ti --t. �3 . � _ ' _ . ' . .. . <br /> . <br /> ` J� • _ �` <br /> . <br /> ' � ' t �: 7 :'.. •:! � . � -.; , . . . . '.i�e9 <br />