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<br /> . . . c t 1:�,< C` , _ . , '`:' ^ ' � _ . . . . .
<br /> "'._ __�..:_. ,'_ !. i' � � . . ._ . .' ' .... `. 1 . . y, t'. .
<br /> . 4 - +�...:..�ar.._.� �...._.L..aS...._�i.�.....:'.-+�.f�.�1�...��. .a.,a..r/...t.>..r.La.�.tl'i.r9.-- �'^��".Jm. _
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<br /> . . . .� .. f ��� � �'lY t.. . . ..
<br /> � ' ' . 't�iBfi�R WITH eii the impiovrmcatta n�o:h���e�ected��°nansh U��'be�b�S�curtry�iast�ume�t . r `'f.'� .
<br /> �` fiAwres aaw ar Qe�aRer e p���OmP�Y• �D .
<br /> `. .. '.< - Aq of ttte foiegoing is rete�ct to in tbis Seaurlry Iastrumeat as t u e°P m�eny: '.;;`:Y: `�`,�.;.`
<br /> � `.,``� BOItROWER COVENAMS�at Bosmarer is IawfiilIy seis¢d of the e�heieby convey�!aati�3�[he right to pant and . , ,
<br /> • � << . wnvey the Feopeity snc!that the AroPertY is�cumbr�ed.eacept for eaanmhian�es oi recoad.Bu�roNer wanancs and witl
<br /> ° � � � � � ''�� defend geaeraltY tYhe tit�a to the Prope�ty a�SSL t�^���.�?l+j�ct to am en�czs uf eeou�. ` .. ��� .
<br /> � e
<br /> . . .: � ` 'iWS SECURITY IN�iRtJN�i�Pf aam6ines mrifo�cnvenaat5 for nari�ual �se and Qna-�mifi�n wvenants with limiteQ ;
<br /> � . � , ��tiY J��to cAastioite a�mifanm secUrity mst�umea�t wvesing tral pmperiy+• •."'° _•�.:"
<br /> H aud I.eader wv�cand ag�ee as fa�ovrs: �
<br /> . : ..: UNIFORM C�OVENAI�TS. oaowia •� ..
<br /> . , . 1.Papmeat of Pri�adpal ea�Iate��PaepaYmatt aad La4e C6arges. Bormwer s6ali PmmPilY PaY wha► due the 'Y. :�` :�.� ,
<br /> �.:;
<br /> ,c-� ..-°�= �1 of and mte�est on t8e debtevide�ced by tt�e Nate�s1anY p�Y���d��s�e under the rtate. ` -
<br /> .t ,. i Y�uds imr Tsses a��02. Subjea to a�pplic�ble law cs to a wsit�n waivc�by Leadrr.Boimwer sh�all gay oo `
<br /> .. 'L'. Leade�r on the da,r�unthiY PaYm�ts are d�e�mdes the No�,ann7 tt�l�iate is pai�in fu4 a s�(`Fan3s'�far.ia)Y�Y�� ,` �
<br /> � • ._ `.1; aad�whic4�may auain pria�ity aves d�is Seau�y Iasortunemt aS a ti�a on the Pmpt�atY:(6T��►leas�hold Faytaents - ,.f
<br /> , hi •�r
<br /> : - - . �.<.��< ar g�a�c+�tts an tlre F[ograty.if aaY+(�I Y�Y��°r�P�Y�F��(�Y�Y fftiad i�suraace�ms.i� . -•�.;`
<br /> a �
<br /> . _ '� �Y'�e)5'�Y m����any:and(�say sua�s payat�ls by Baaower ta Lender,i�2�oc�daace wid�the •:, ��v`
<br /> ' '�`• pmvBs�s of pa�aph 8. m liea af the paymeat of mo�age msoranoe p�.'i�ese it�s�ce calted °Esa��Items." "�'4.� -
<br /> . , I�st�a at tim�ooIlect�haW Fm�ds in an amonmt�t w excee�ttti�ma�mum amormt a t�dcr fmr a fe�ie�aliy rela�d <'..° ,,°, ,�'�
<br /> �": �Y, �►Y '
<br /> � ;'. �a�z toan maY re4aire far�nvw�'s escr�w a000�t ander the fedaai flteai H�tar�Settteanent FmoodBre.s Act of 1974 as ' �v�, r.;
<br /> .`<<�,;: �from time to time.12 QS G SectiQn Z6Ui et seq. ('RESpA°),�tess aaat��ar taw tha��piics to the Funds seis a les�r `�' : ._=-
<br /> �: • ,� _ ;r,. . ..
<br /> ,. . �:��_; ;;� mm�1#so I.e�dea may,ai mm�mne.coiiecc and hold Fands m an amannt nat tn e�aoaeS the lessa amount Le�cder maY :. ° '��`�`•
<br /> S. � � e ..�w:,,_.�-
<br /> ;�::
<br /> '���'1� csnmate the a¢naimt of Fwnds�x ma tLe basig of cmrent data m��onablc e�timates nf eap�dipues of fnt�re Fscmw Ite�ms ar ti t,�,,., � -
<br /> basi
<br /> c j"�,.�' ;.. , OthC�VtS6IIl^�C�JO[ 't�" L�Wit�1�1C�3R/. F� L'S f
<br /> �.r �� '�IC F1IIldS�P�hP�d D13fl IIISt1IR�I03d w�I L.q C d E j J O S i L S ffiC�b y 3 f E d C A 1 8$C�C S:ID S E I U I R��Y.O T C 4 1 A Y f m C� " o
<br /> Rt �
<br /> ' �' l��9WJ�S d!p2j►L11C ESCdOL� :�
<br /> �r.r�y _ :. I�,lf�+�/�7['�SQC$aII IDS�U1ti0A�OT III S3�J1`�Ct81�OAlC�!ffiI 820�6�+C�S52a�}� "'. � _.
<br /> �sjt�' 'n :'�. BOIIdWel gdY�10�g 8Il�B�D�Ag��.SII11t18�S�j��`��.II�'i,�LII�.(p'i{[@�jRQ$ �� r ��v �:
<br /> f}t If�D�i,�ti��ay t1Ot C�a$0 Ra � : .: _
<br /> - f y� �7ji `�u�aa�y 1Q1�ES9 I.wder pa�s Boaower iat�tss a�r5��ds and appl�cabte taw p�mdis I�t���$� :; f� lr r��L;�-
<br /> ` . �3aaower tn a ane�ti��e far za'sdepeadeai �� `� � ,
<br /> i�e�I.��r�eay seqa�e paY trial e�t� >.r:,,.�
<br /> `� :. x���a c��wnb this loan,untess app�ab2e taw gmvides a�i�Un2ess aa a�ee.��nr�v��sicabte 1aw �,.' >,�.;
<br /> I i
<br /> c � �t :",'' . t��`�'1�C9C fA+���EL 3112n i1�R�E 'IIE�(jlI$Ed LD j1�B8fL4'J�ffi'kR��L(�F��3 Q14:1(Jl,°FiFLib''3s�6'rETDVffC[� . �p,� �-
<br /> , ,
<br /> ��� 5�mit�t�'2�--��s wriDng,��-er,tha���st sLal1 be�1 on t6e L'�.��sall gEC�w Bc�a�wi�c�rg�►an �;i`• ,��`
<br /> ; , ,f.l;�i� '.. ".,.:;e
<br /> r
<br /> ' .�:F��P'ti�" . ': ;'`, �i' ., 'ri ��R�,''�3W111$CiCf�!!3 8��ILS 40 t�C F'Q�.�S�� .�i.C jflit�.tSC�OI Vf/�t�1��L'�11�t�L$f..'�'"�S VYb9 ��` `.�'' �+'#
<br /> � .���� �•� ' ,�� -
<br /> c � .:. I> �^�' �S c"SUT.�$C�ffi'�OI13��f0I8n SfIIII4 S�iA1' I.���+i .S0CU�1 rA5�111R!ffiL r,c :.
<br />�;..�.: , �. � If the Fuads�isy I.eader exceed the amouats pamiued to be keid��P}icaable law,Lendes sQfaD�ocomnt W B�aower far -;::�.'�� '
<br /> -z'. .,. the e�cess Funds m�xa�ce with the r�ai�araB of appliable law.If�e amnaat of dte Fttinds 6eld Dy Lendei at aAy time is `;.��:
<br /> �,. � . �
<br /> � f. ;, not snffirleat w pay t$e Es�aow Items whea dne.Leader maS►so notify Bwrower in wrIUng,and,in such case Bmmwea shari pay .:'�,�;,,,�. -'
<br /> . afl . .
<br /> s .. � � oo Leader the amo�i a�►w make aP�he de�c�e�'.Bairower suari make�th�defidtsu�y in no mate d�aa twelve ;, , ,.�,,::
<br /> '. : „ . montbiY Fa3►ments.at Lcader's sole di�on. .'.'.�,;
<br /> �. �•�.J: : .� ' �P�Y�in faU of aII su�ns secured by thls Se�i�Y�Leadrs s�pxomytt��efimd to Barmwer�y Fands � '. ��" .;��
<br /> tr� . .;t;. ;:��.:',����:
<br /> ' heaa ey t�eaaer.If.�utaar�h 21.t�aer shau sc�ae or seu�the Roperty.t�emaer.vriaR w me acquisioian or sale Of�the -'�"�:-,,—.
<br /> ' . � u � ;�?: p�ty.sUaD appIy suy Fund9 hetd by Latder at the tune af acquisitlon or sa2e as a cxedi��g�nst Qie satns seaaed by th�s •.�;�.�;�:.�.�,�-;
<br /> :'. . 5��� �;`t �
<br /> ^� � 3 App9cat�on oQ Payasents. UNesv applicable law psavidc4 0�.all paytnencs receivos 6y l,eadea�ut4er pat�yt�s 'S"' _-
<br /> ��. . . �:.• �,_ ,.,
<br /> � --'-= - i and 2 shail be aqptied:fns�,oo anY P�ep�yment ch�ges dae ander the Note;second.w auc�nts payab2e vader p�ag�aph 2; :
<br /> �k� ,
<br /> #�. �„.. ' . tt�d.to bata�est dr�foanh.to plipsipal dn�and 1ast.m anY tate edarges dae ander the Nate. � ,:� ---.
<br /> �;. . 4.Chaiges;Llemv. Barrowa sl�ari pay aII taaes.assessmen�.char8es.fines and imgositiuns amr�butable to fhe pcagearty ..__ __.,,..
<br /> ��.. � w�b may a u a�,y t;a�i t y a�►er m�s e r�i t y►r n s u u m e n t,a n a�e�o l d p a y m�s o s�o u n a r a,c s,,s a n y.s�o w a s h a n p a�►t h e s e Y��;:'�- --
<br /> . asit
<br />:�•:. . ,` .. .:,:�,, oblig�tions�n the maaaer pnrvided"m paragtapA 2.or if a�s Dai�in thai manner.H�uuoovler shaLt pay thcm on time d�ectty to the . �.� r. .-.
<br /> pe�on owed paymeat Baamvrei sLall Prom?t1S►finnish ta l,e�der aII nodces of amaunta to be�id uader dris ya�a�raph.If �.'";,t:;;�;�°.__
<br /> . Bomaw�makes these yaymeats dic�tIy.Saimwea shaD qromptty fmaisb to Le�der receapta evidea�amg t�e payac�ts. � '`
<br /> � Bonower stmll P�P�Y d�Be�Y lien whicb Q2s y�im�ry ovea this Secumity Insanm�e�t mn2es�Borrower:(a)a�ees m .``�
<br /> ,$7 � .,; •:� .� ,� vNi�iug tu the paymeat of flce obllgatian sec�aed by ths tien in a m�nel aooeplable w Leades;(b)cantescc in gaod f�Q�e tian : •`A, *� '�•
<br /> ;�'�%!� .:�:�^�.
<br />�, � : . ..�". bY. or det'ends apinst�fotc�t of the lieo in.Iegal ymo�dtngs which in the I,�des's ts�inian apaate ro p�event the . �': '.. '.� ,
<br /> . eafom�t af t�t�:eo:or(c)seaues from the holder of tLo lieA an agceem�t satisfacwty to I�de,r sn6ozd"nna�ng the lien mro •} ':.�+� : . •. .,
<br /> ��. -. � tEis Sec�ity t��nnmgut If I�acdea deuamia�tl�at any part af the P�ge�cy is sub�et m u lien vrhich may au�a�ria3ity over d�is ; . `� '
<br /> ��,. ' � �� .
<br /> �' : � . ge�igy Ins�a.Lender maY give BormNer a nosioe idennfying tlne lien.Bas�oa�er sbalt sadsfy the tiea or talce�as more . .
<br /> �_
<br /> 5��. � o#tfs��aians s�feath ahave within!0 days of the giving o�aotice. -
<br /> ... . Fauaa 3048 8/90 . . . .
<br /> . ';'t � PaSa20/6 inRlata:_ • . � -
<br /> .. . ., ��8R(NEI(s2��.ar —- • ...
<br /> :;�.. O .
<br /> �. � ' • . . -
<br /> .
<br /> � . ,. . � � ,. .
<br /> . .
<br /> '��..�,-`�' '. . . .._ ... . • � . . � • • , � � , • . . ' . :' ' .' .' '.
<br /> S.�r ' .. , ' . . . , , . . �
<br /> �• • .. . . • . .,.. . . . ' . .
<br /> �i�- . , . . � . . - . ,_ � . . � . • .'_ . • , . . .
<br /> V r . . - - � �'� . -�{ti�??,/f ; . . . � . . ; � . . .�. . � `��,� �. . ,- . � .. .
<br /> �- ���`'i1tZ1k?• � � � 1 ,} �` 51
<br /> ,� �sl��,._ . . � :,��Y . . . ., ,�r`�y . __ z . .t '•, � �
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<br /> �c , �; ,� �. y,�y+
<br /> M'°�, . . . . ' •• , 5 . • • �t l.- . S,,�A1��d , .
<br /> �- .. , . ; . . .. �as�- ' ' '����;�;t�t•.
<br /> � . :. . . .�;r • , . , . . � � .
<br /> � � • .. � d,;;� � • :s<:�. .
<br /> - . i�:� 'e��,:7�,� .
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<br /> . ... . • . . ' - � � - � . . � . .. _ ,. . � . -� � .� . . ' - . .. --
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<br />_ . . .. . . . . . � ' . . ,. - _ ___�._..� _. . . . . . . . ,.�._...... ..._._.,...C7.�.e�..�.�.._._..._._ .......a......._1:� . _.
<br />