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<br /> '. `� � ' � l3.Riu9tsr�s.Aay nfltice w Bomnwer pmvId�for ia this S�uity Ins�ut shall be givea by deliveriag it or ��.��;
<br /> � ""�''` hy mm�ng it try fast dass a�ail��!e!aw�ase af a�ther me.t�o�l.The an�ce sha�t.he dir�to =
<br /> _.._<_�r ,......
<br /> '. �%-�t"; .,; f�le P[OpP[ly AdQiES3 Of 2IIy Ot�IIddt&4S�oI[OV7��$gi1&iC8 by IIflt[OC W I�2IIde[.l�ily nOtICB t0 LEadCi Sh2I16e
<br />. �,.�•���.`. .: `: . �t/C'II��i C�t�38 N2�t0�'S 2�fCS3�ZI�3fm OI�/S�IESS�.CIIdCI�E'S1�I2te3 bj/IIOi�CC tD BflIIOWCI
<br /> t,c:_',` . Hps/lf0�2 p30V11�Q fOi�D�8 SEWIIl}1��I SbBIj��[O�t�E��VCII W BOIIOWC[0I LeIIdCL WI1CII �;�
<br />_ �-�`'° - g;VEfl 84�llSlTjdOQ�II ih�8�i8$[epll. �,,.
<br /> . la Gave�+tag 1.�w;Sev�abilbtq.7iiis S�auity Instcumeut si�all be govemed by Federal law aad the law of .:�.
<br /> , . . •..' tLe jmir•dicSoa ia t�bich tt+s Pragerty is iucated.In tlee eveat t�at aay pmvision ar claast of this S�arity I�asaumr�t ::�'
<br /> � , e .,
<br /> �'<':� -�_ �``.f . ar the 1W�te cnntUc�e wItII applicabie Iaw:sucL oo�Ict abatl nm a�aas ather ptavLsions of this�iry Insuument ar �,i�:.;
<br /> " the Naie�hich can be givea eff�w�ha�thc oonIIlsxing pmvi�.To t�is e�tl the psovisions of diis Secariry � :;.�t-.
<br /> • .. . . ' Instsameai�d t�Nat�ece dgc,aaed to U�severeBle. •
<br /> - '�. , 15� �arm�v�'s Copy. Bo�w� shall 6e glv� one cant'onmed c� c�the Note an8 of this S�rity
<br /> . . '< Insuamffit. •
<br /> !6. �dazts§u�. Eoaawer shall nat canse or pesmit the pre.aence.ns�.dispasal,storage,oi rete�e_
<br /> - . of a�r Ba�axdana Sobstanrxs oa or in tI�e Pcoperty.B�mwer shaii not do,aor altow anyyone else to du,amqthing
<br /> _ :.�.. :��.�::._� affecx�ng the Srcpeny tIIat is in vIola�on of,aay F�vira�tal I.aw. �he p�eoedmg twu seat�s shaU na��ly w
<br /> , - - thE Pr�oe. u� oY amrage aa the Pmgaty of smail qaamSties of Ha�ardous S�bstaaoes tha� aie �tiy .
<br /> zeco�d to be�to ao�al zesideatial use4�d w sa�of the Pmpaty. t� .
<br />" � Bo�awer sball pmmP�l►8�►e LEader atittea notic�of m�y iav�tigation,olaim,demand.lawsuit or othEr��
<br /> . � , bY�Y�or��5��!►�W�D�►involving the Ptop�ty�d airy Ha�dons Shbs�aa " .
<br />- _ Envho�l I.aov of wMt�Boimwe�has 2ctt�al�o�vte+tdge. If Boauwer teamv,or is�ed b3►aay►�:
<br /> ,:.r�.. �. g
<br /> '.., . or�+egNatotY a�uhnrlts►.tbas any iemoval.ar other cemediatIoa of a�8azazdous Sbbstauces aff�ting the�.is ,
<br /> - . nec�uY.Eanawer sha11�omprtty take all�remedial astians�a scoordanc�wlth Envlt+�tal T.�:
<br /> �:"�: As ased ia thfis par�raph 1�, �2adous Swbstano�w' ate those substanoea defined as eoadc or ha�¢s�.
<br /> :- `;:'y' sabs� by Ba�vimnmr�tal Iaar a�_tne fol2owfig snbstances: gaqoliue. keiasea� other flas�nable or ta#c
<br /> •':a� k as
<br /> d pqmIwm g�,waic pesticidgs�herbiades.�rolatl�e solventa,materials oontaining asbesuos or fo�yrde, _
<br /> . . � �`:�.
<br /> � : ' � � . ��.::;� and�adioa.cttve mazerlata. As nsed in this patagc�616. 'Envhonmental LLt►ww' means fodeial laws and i�.of the _-
<br /> •�`: . : �A jads�i�n wheie the Pmpe�ty is lac�ed t�ai md3�r�healtL,safety or environmental pmteaion.
<br /> . . � .{.:
<br />-•. - ,. NON-UNQtOR�i COVENANTS.Ba�*.sa�'rr aa�Latder foither oaveaaat�d agcee as follaws: -
<br />` ---_ - _ _ a7.Asdg�meat o�Reats.Berrower waooadi�nalIV assi�s and transfe�w Lender all the zenrs aad revenu�
<br /> ' of the Pc+aperty.Bamuwet aut�arFies Lender or I�tler's agents to wllect the teats�d revermea and hezeby dir�ects :=
<br /> h eb
<br /> .. � �� �.: �teaant oY the Pcnperty w pay the�2a to Ir�der or l�udes's agents. However, prlar to Le�de:'s aoitce W • ' �
<br /> � :j Bo�ower of Boaower's b�h af a�mr�ve�ant or ag�eem�t ln ct�Secauity tns�t,Bormavcr shall oollect�td
<br /> - °'s naeive all r2ms aad zeve�s off tLe�erty as t�stre for the beuefit of LetWer and�rrower.�Lis ass�gnment oi �.._..
<br /> - . `'.� `,�71ai �: rents oonsStates an absoIate asslgnmeat aad aoi aa as�ignm�at for�QQitlonal seauity onty. �>.
<br />_ ,' ' ��� ;' I�Lender gtves�ra5�OY b�to Boito�(�all�ents teceived by Bomcwet sba116e held Dy�w�as �;�_
<br /> �%;,����. . '��'�� :ii . , uusflee for�eneSt cf Ti�,t oniy.to•be appliod q ri�snms searred by the Seaa�ity Ins�:(b)I.end�s'vatl be �:`,
<br /> 1AhZ�� -�r. .r,?
<br /> lY•.ri . .nS
<br /> � r•,•• :., •,��; •`�. e�dtied w oolleci�c+�elve aU of the t��nts of the r''rcpetty;a^3(c)eac�te,naat of the Fc�cpcsty sbaIl pay a11 teata
<br /> �y� ��-_,
<br /> ,,;.i�`,, '.. „;.:���x�;' dus aad unpatA W Leadsr or Leader's ageut on Leadet'e writtea�emaIId W t�e t�oant. ��.-
<br />����1l..;.'`_�. , •.�. ''_�" Boitower has nat exuuted any prtor assl�nt of the rents and bas not aad wW not perform any act tbat would -
<br /> =:�i�as�;. �
<br /> `�i''�����.�._�";•' � � � r: DieYe�LCIIder fmm .w�:lsmg it9 rlglus tmdet thfis r.rmag[eph 17'.
<br /> "'- Lcadet shall itot�re w enter
<br /> r• �QU�BO uyoa.t�:.sont:ol of or maintaia the Pmpeny befon ar$fter g[viag notice -���-
<br />�`':�`"'�``��'. � ., of breas�w Bo�ow�..Lf�:arever.Lee�er or a judic'sal3y appointed reseiver may do so at a�r dme th�e ls a breac�. �' "�:r
<br /> :,. � , ` :4;";�� A�►applic�on of iemts sLall not c�xe vr v�aive say defmilt ar iavalidate aay other�ight or r�dy ot 1Rnder.T6is ,
<br /> _� ....,,��, .� � . a�.aignment of reats of tue��mperty s:.�il telminate�en the de�seru�ed by the Sectuiry tnsutnnent ts pai�fa tiill. ,:
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