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, . _ .. . . <br />� _____ ._ _ _ __ _ . . . . <br /> q, blre, flood pnd 01her N�rard Insurence. Bnrcower s6a11 insuro nll impr���on tT�o��rt���dher now�n - <br /> ex(sMnco or substquemty ertcted,agalnst nny havards,casuatUes,and mnth�gertclu.Including fire, for whtch f.ender ta�uites . � <br /> insnrunca This Insurancc shall be nuintaincd in thc nmounts and for the periads that i.cndcr requlru. tiorrower sh�ll aiso � <br /> insuro ali improvcmrnts on tlro Propeny,whaLer now in cxistenco or suburyucmly cnrtcd,ngalnst loss Uy Roods[a rt�e exlcnt <br /> rtquired by tho Secrc�nry. All Insurance shall be carrial wlth companiez npproved by I.ender.The invuance Qolicice and any <br />� renewals shall be helA 6y Lender nnd shaU Include loss payable clauses ip Ezutc of,,nd in a form m+eprabte to,F,ecdxt. <br />� [a the e�ent oi toss.2orro::er sh�lt give!eeder irm�diste m�ir!�y m::�". mxy make QmnE a.€kxs dE not mado „ . <br /> promp�iy Ey Corrov�ez. E¢ch tusv.ruace comyaig wnr•.h:r�.is hileby-n.�.m:+zc�!r.�din+Ke3 to maRe p:iymem far sucl� loss <br /> dittctly.ID Lctuler;inslpd of to iSorrox�e:[u�.^.n>A:en:3:zyiatly. Ali oi:�K�.^n of thc insurnrtro prowo:ls may bo applied by <br />, Lender, a�its option,elihcr(a)ro the teductipm oY the"indebtcdncss undcr aBe Notc anJ�hls Security iralmmen6 ilnl�o nny <br /> delinqucni a�ixwnts npplicd In Ihc otder In pamgr�ph 3,and�hen�o prepaymem of pdncipal,or(b)lo�he restoretion or rcpalr <br /> of•the damaged Propetty. Any appllcation of the pracceds to the principal sh�ll not exrend or pos�pone the duo date ot ihe <br /> monthly paymems which nru rckrc�d ro in paragmph 2,or cUange tho anmum of snch paymenis.Any exttss Insurenee pmee�ds <br /> ovcr an nawuN requircd to pay all nmslpnding Indebte4ncss under the Nnte and thls Secudty Instnmxnl shail 6o pald to thc <br /> cNhy legally cmhled�hcrcto. <br /> In tha cvcnt of Porcciosurc of ihls Sccurhy hutmmcm or othcr uansfcr o( �idu to �hc Pmpcny i6at cxtlnguiahcs thc — <br /> Indebtedi�;s,all dgln.�Itle nnd intercs�of Borrower in and ro Insurance pilicles In faree shall pass�o�he purchascr. -- <br /> 5. Occuppncy, Frcservatlon, lfalnlcaonce and f"rotection oT the Propenpi SSorroxeNs I.OAII Appllcatlont <br /> I,enseholds. Rorcower shall occupy,eslablish,nnd use Ihe Propeny a�[lorrower's principal ruldence within sizly days aner ny;;'_ <br /> �he execu�ion of this Securi�y Inetrument and shall contlnue to occupy�he Propeny ns Bartower's prineipal rosidencc for at�east w; - <br /> one ycar aRer�he date of occupancy,unless the Secrctary determines ihts rcqutremem will cause unduc hardship for 6orraxxr, ��_.; <br /> or unless extenuating circwnstances exls� which nre beyond Dorcox�eYs comrol. Dorrower shall no�ify Le�en o( any �'-; <br /> ex�enunting circumsianees. portower shall nct mnunit wute or destroy,damage or subsianlially change�he Propeny or allow '?!;-� <br /> Iho Propeny to deteriorore,rauonable wezr aM twv excepted. I.ender may Inspect �he Propeny ff the Propny is vacant or }y; <br /> ebandoned or the loan Is in de(aul�. I.ender may take reaconabie action to protect and preserve such racant or abandoecd �f-- <br /> Properly.Ifonower shnll niso be irt default if IIenower,durina the loan applica�ion pran�,gave materialiy fa(+r c.-maaurate _ <br /> informallon or statements lo f�nder (or fnilcA ro ptovidc Ixndcr wieh any ma�erlal in(ortna7icN io co�ntction��+cii thc loan '- <br /> evidenecd by dm Nate, inciudfng, but no� limi[zA�o, representa�ions crncerning Uorroa•er's c.cupanty of�he Proyetly us a _ <br />- prir.iF;l r�iden.a. 1£thi;Sctudty lrs�.-.,� . :s cr, al.0^`o;d. &^ .._ ;ha:l mn:ply �llh I�• p:c........_:c.'the!�.e.. I! - <br />- Dorzox�er acquires ke tilte lo the Propcny.�thr Icauhold anc @a�lile shxll not be mergcd unlass I.endcr ngrcca m d�c mergcr fn - <br /> wriling. �:,? <br /> i:.' _ <br /> 6. Charges to Dorrox�er und 1'rotectinn of I.en�rPs R{ghis in the Pra�xrty. 6orrower shall pay aIl gorcrnmcmel or <br /> munlcipal charga, fines and impotittons tha� are not ir.rinded in pn�xgr:�ph 2. 13orrowcr shall pay thrse otrligatiam on time f;-_- <br /> dircetly to�he emhy whlch is awed�he pay'ir.em.If failum to pay would zdversely affect Lender's intttesi in thr Propxrly,upon f�;,t; <br /> I.cnder's rcquost Uorrowcr shall promp�ly lami±h�o Lemier recrip�s cvldcncing�hese�:nments. �_��'- <br /> r;._. <br /> 7"' <br />- tf Dortower falls lo make�hese paymemx m�he paymems requirM 6y parograph 2,or fails to pednrm any other covenams i?�:•�� <br />. nnd agreemems contnined In�his Securiry Instram,ant,m�herc is e legal procecding�hat may signifi:amly a(feci I.ender's rfgMs jii���- <br /> in the Propeny(such ns a proceeding(n bankruptcy, for mndemna�ion m�o enforee laws ar regula�ions),ihen Lender may do u�';- <br /> ar,d pay whamver is nceessury�o pro�ect �he value of the Propeny and IAnder's righ�s in the Propeny,incleding payment of �;;"".; <br /> taxes,haurd Insurancc and oticer i�ems mentioned in paragmph 2. k*`���� <br /> U�v . <br /> Any amoums Jisbursed 6y Ler.der under�his paragraph shall become on additional debt o(�orro�cer and he secured by r?'�- <br /> this Sewri�y Inswmcnl.Thcse amoums shall tr:ar interes�trom�hc datc of disbuncmrnt,z��he No�e rxic,nnJ at thc optlon of �jx;-' <br /> Lendcr,shall be immcdfa�cly due mid payab!e. "`,'� <br /> 'r":�o <br />�. 7. Condcmna�lon. 11�e procecds of am� awaTd m rinim for damagcs, dircet or mnsequemial, in�ion wilh any <br />., mndemna�ion or m6er mkfng of any part oi�iie Property,nr for convcyance in place of mndemnniinn,are here6y assigned end -- <br /> shall Ix paid to Lender�o�he extem of the full amnune of�ht inJebtednez<th:n remains unpaid under�he Note nnd�his Securiiy C+�-- <br /> Ins�mmcnt.Lender xhall.ppiy such praYads tn�he rcdur�i�m o(thc indebteJnesi unJCr�he Nmc m:d �his Securily InslrumeN, �F+,'.;, <br /> fint ta nny dclinqucnt amounts nppticd in �F.c nrder p�m�ided in paragmph 3, ;mJ �hen to prepayn:em nf prineipal. Any `-` <br />- ap lica�ion o(�hc pmcceds to �he principal <hall na rx�end or �sl�ne lhe Jut Ja�e o(�he ntontldy paymcnis, �ehiclt arc %���� <br /> ip.r.. <br /> �-0flfNEl r.a���e q�_�... <br /> a . . I� <br /> a <br /> rl- _ FR ___i�c.-�� c-.VA.:7's:+me:s:r..}.s:°-..lcr . .'. .r. :z'r.�-2T_:•.n:�a} o� ..- . . _-r-' m > _ <br /> r-- - : S' _ . . - - . . . . <br /> .yi;�,:_ - _�_ . <br /> _ :„,; .. '�- . . � , ' � _ � � .: . �: <br /> . :., . ._ . . _. . . <br /> - .:;. - :.� - . . . . . .. <br /> .•;� -. .-. _ - - - - - - - - - :� -- <br /> �}y <br /> 1 5 - ' <br /> .��_ .� -,?. . _ .. <br /> r r � t - y�. - � - <br /> i�i i� Ii ' - " <br /> - ri i� � � . � - . - . <br /> �,�z � , �. . <br /> ���i}�P yr f!c ,�� ! �\� i ! '< - a- , � - - . . <br /> � �r P.tcy i 1�' i� °i}i4�'v�e� f r _ <br /> i�� V+ - s ' � °:t r� i ( ' . . - l r I <br /> E�i/�kAf 4��� _ r ;. ':I�Y y ' _ f `i� i'. ��r �t . <br /> ��vk� 'jF � � �. i f ��- - i�..�ry � ys - - � . , <br /> � !I 1� - .: . � ST I _ ' . (, k '�,i ( ` �� <br /> `'9 t + v. -.i �� i t 3 . j_ - �� b -1` F'-, <br /> : . 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