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<br /> ,;i' - COVEQkiAt1�TS "��
<br /> � .`•�:', �.- 1. PaymmRa. Horro�or egreea ta make a0 poyme+�te cn Use seauad Qebt when duo. UnWse Boscnwer end i.�rndcr agroe oths�xrise. any `. ��� ,. �.� `.
<br /> F, 4 , Payme�lendar roeatves iram Bortower ar ior Borrowera Osn9frt wift+6e�D�i Rreptymert�t of tl�ia s�ee�i�ed deb oc�e to aT�ry roaso�n,h�U , `.a.:�''`�,'`',� (.
<br /> . ,�.,� .� 67ICItI8IY8 Ot IRt8f88t 6�O��D B�.BBW fl d t 0 Ul t B I 8 8 L��� . -
<br /> rtat reducs Of exdiso enV 8chadutad paymunt until tAs 68@Ae� bt �1n�. F< s,
<br /> �..-.,,-. "• � �
<br /> ?.C�a s o A B�a i a t T i 6 a•�a rt o w s r wi11 pa y aD taxes.��s�� p�r�r�teiga�6ttt(D+itabte to the e o r t a w�e r m a s s s n m�s.�a► �` �.f'.�'�
<br /> . m t�eO ptocaRV egal�t any ualms�Miteh woutd impair ttt�^ �Q,�k Q u'�fi�t.L a a d e+mev�e q u i r e '�•.-,�.�:. ,
<br /> . , r �< Qotensea whieh easrowar maY hava 88ainst D+'a�ee�+�1+ ��bnt�l or ar maLeMats to�mAmve ar mairtain the property. ' � ..`R . •
<br /> ' � 8.h�stQaitee.BeROwar wID koep tha DroIIenY tns�ed un�er terms aeeepRabie to Lender at BoROwers e�ens�ertd tor Lender•s bfine4i4 A�U �{ t;.�• �� .` .
<br /> . � Ins�uanee po![dea stfaU tnehtde e standard maRSage etmue in favor o!t�nder.Lender�vW ha nama0 es toss PaYee w as tAe isis�aed an ary suc'ti - , .,��.,. �:
<br /> ` insuranca ooU�Y•�►�V in�ureneo Proeeeds maY�a apAiiea.wSthin Lcrtdet's diseretion.to e'ttRer tl�e restoradon ar repau of tAe damagad pio�s�atY :�<< . .. .
<br /> �a ° '
<br /> . �' �-=.,,� or to ths seaurea Qebt.It tende►requires mortgage tnsurance.Borrower agrees w mair�in sud+ias�vanee for as tong as len�er reauirea. ,• •.
<br /> ` 1.• `� . ��
<br /> ---�.;�,Y..�--�� 4.�etiN.�amwar wit!tc�D the Pso�ertY U►Soad cond�tion and malce a!!repairs reasona6ty rteeesserY. :.s .,a i-� ._
<br /> , . � B.6�anIIaa.Botrower sgtaes to pey alt Lender's expenses induding reasana6(a auomeys'tees,if BaROwet breaks any cov8t�az►ta in lnis Qaad � ' � `
<br />- • � �. ` of trust ot in anY o b�igatian ea a r e d by t h i s Q a e d o t tr u s t�o r r o w a r v n 7 1 p a y t fi e s e amouins to LenQer es Dmvlded in Covenarrt 9 ot thEs d0�'d ot ' �. •,..
<br /> . . .�, �."•.�i'. � �" _ ..,
<br /> �� ` B.Prfar Secuti4lt�rtara�.Unless Bortoweer first obtatns Lenders written consent.Bertowar wiU not maka or permk any�henges to ant►Oriar �¢
<br /> .;�. �:., � '
<br /> sac�uitfl intereats. Bnrrauver u+n11 C�artn aD of Borrowe�s obGgations imder erry Pr(or martga8a.Qeed of trust ar other seciuit5t Weamont� �.
<br /> ,�,` ��' i�ctrc�us9 8oaower's covenanta to make paymente when due. ' , �
<br /> :� ,�
<br /> - �� T. �m ot RmrOa am�Ptatlts.Borrower ass,'gns to 4ender the rents and profits af tha propmty.Unles9 Bortowe►et�d Lendet hava Sgsead ;r� q `
<br /> ,.t„_�; o ti y��'w f s e-u i�twritin g,Botcov+et may coIIect and retain the re�rts as[on8 as Borrower is rtot in defauEt.If Borrovrer detautta.Lender.LenQta'e t �,.�5 �_,?�;
<br /> ' . , , �` ,i, �; eee+��ar a court aDPoir�te d receiver may t a ke po s s e s ai a n a n d m a n a g e t h e O r o D e K Y a n d c o t t e c t t h e r e rt t s.M y�e M S Lender coltects shail 6e i , . r�E. •
<br /> .. r appiisd first to the tosts o t mana[dng tlie p r o P e r h►. m d�g c o u rt c o s t s a n d a t m m e y s'f ees.cammissiona Lo rernal a4e�ts.end anV oth� `.Y . :.0:
<br /> � ` ".:'{ . y, ne�+1►ratated expansea The ren►auurtg amourrt of re�rts wiU then eCGtY to paymems on the seaued debt as provided in C ovenecis t. F'.� •: ; Y -�,;K,
<br /> .�;., �:':.r�:
<br /> � g,�,�Pffistst�d WI[tOevd�•Borrawer egrees to campiy with the t�visions of atty lease H thEs Qe�u#trust fs on : .:;Ta�.::-�
<br /> , �,,•�'�!r e IeasalZCtd.1�Ws deed of bvst is.on a�mit is�a condom�ntum o�a pranned un'st aeveloytner�@ctrower wlll peAorm eD of Battv�nrefs dtrtien . ' ,-.,:
<br /> under the eovenarrts,bY-laws.ar regutations ot the candominium m pianned wut devefoOmertL �, i,, r-,t=..=
<br /> � �, I} ,�`� . �. _.;,. •. .,
<br /> y 9.A�f/at lcadm m Par[artn far Ba�mw�.It�rtower taHs top eTtortn any ot Barrowers Errtiea undar tNs Qsed of nusL Lendos a�ay � ;
<br /> � peifarm the dudos ar esuse them to be psrtormed.Lender may sign Barrowers name ar pfil aExy'amo�mt if neeessary tar performanee.H miy ', � .,.R :
<br /> . .:� construettan an thepro�+ertY is disoontir�ued or aot eamsd on in a reasanab(e manner.Lanser ma�Cra whataver ia neeessary to p�omect Lendm'a :. � .:-
<br /> �_ _ -.�'G• s e a t x i q l a i t a r e a t i n t f�e p r o P e fi l.Thb m e Y inctada compiettng ttie cot�sOntction. -.�V�s- _ -
<br /> - �,:, -
<br /> .L , ,��iY Lenders feihae w Der(om+w�t nai F�edude Lender fram exercising erry of its other rights under the Iaw ar tfits deed of uust. _ ^ - �.•_ ,;
<br /> �" A�ry amour�paid by LenQer w protect lsndes'a security brterest will 6e sewrod by tAia Qeed of trust.SucA amourte wiU be due on dema�nd �.' ��.��.,:.'"�,s nr::
<br /> � " t�nd wiD bear Urterest from the date of the paymeat urct0 paid in fuil et tha interest rate 1n eHect on 1he seaued debG �t. ,� �, .,�,�•
<br /> tnd
<br /> ° . . ,, tp.Q�and Aeeafma9on.tt Bortowar fa�7s to make any paymar►t when due or 6reaks a�ry wvenants unQer this deed of Vuat or am� '
<br /> • pbNgaRan seare0 py th�e deed o!trust ar aay prtor martgage er Qeed ot trust.Lendermay aeeeterate the medmN ot the seaaed dobt and r 1 y+�-
<br /> demand immediate PaYment and may invohe the Pcwer of eata and acry other remedles pe itted 6y appficahta taw. ]�'� '���•���
<br /> .:.r'���.:'•=r' ��- ;,' : �,ifiiFjY%fd 3+:�[';�r',..
<br /> r.t�.�`- .•'� %.�;,j 11.Ra�[est fw KeHeo at Qsteedt.h is hereW req�steA tfiat eapies of tfie notieos of defautt and saCe be seM to eaeA persan�us�a ts a pE�tV ,�.^,:s �
<br /> hereto.at the aQdress af eaeh sueb person,as set tartl�herein. � %-s
<br /> ��' �! 12.Power o4 Sde ff t4te Lender Fnwkes the power of saTe.tAe T�tea ahaU first recoM in tho otftCe ot tfie register ot daeQs a4`eacA com►tf� •. �� .
<br /> 'AI • vuherein the trust proQertll ar same paR or pareel thereot is srtuated a notice ot defautt cor�g the informattanrequited b►r f�}er:.?ha Trustae -
<br /> ` .. , �sf aii w ias ot ri�e notiee of datauh to the Bortower.ta ea�parson who ia a party nerew,and m other persans p�escribed by ;`.: . r•�, ::.
<br /> shalt a�. D n
<br /> °g".� � � appGcabSt�.saw.Nat Iess tfian ona moMh after t�e Tnis4ea retotds ti� notico of Qeisuf4 or becm mo�nhs if the trust O�D ��� �M `��;',`} �..
<br /> �'�',� �'t��.?�t{:� '; . inco�ra�ad dtll or v�Iage�4 is uss0 in fermin operationa tartiett'ai�sY the trustar.the Trustee sha0 give puhfia notica of s�ta^ie parsam ,. jr%.��
<br /> °�����%�;':i':�. and i�s�4ti m�attt►et qt�s�ibod bV aPpptieebTa/aw Trustee,wiihout demand on Borrower.sAatl sell the properiy at pubUa auctton ia the highflst i`:j�'r�� ��'�y��`;:';
<br /> ��;rvF'•';41Y' , biQder.ff s�uhed i��'.�fatm Homestead ProtecUon Act.Tntstee shall ofter the ProP�N in rivo seDarate sales as re�tt3red by appRcaElO fEtw: _ > q,,,��
<br /> Ttw�a maV Po�?�s at aU or arry parcel ot the pmperty by pubiia arutouncement et the ttme and ptaee of artV praviaussy schoduted sae. � �,_��
<br /> Lender or its Qestgrtee maY OurcAase the Yrope►N at any sala. �:^ �� "
<br /> -- tipo���eceipi ot pasLme�i ot titis prEca bSd.Tnlstse sha!!deliver to the D��er Tnictee's Qeed wnveying the proDenN•�����Inad in �_ _.,,,�;`.
<br /> Ttustea's deed sha11 ba prima tade evt�ience o!tha truth of the statemertta coatainod therein.Ttustee Shali appty ihe PrueeeQs�f'sl�a sffiv in fhu �,i��„,�.
<br /> ,. . . - �oIIowing orden (a1 to a1� exDensae of the sate, tneiudin8. Out not ttmited to, reasonaDle Trustee'e tees, reasonabte att��s taes and =r � ;:
<br /> �_ � . . �eirtstatemer�t feas;(b)to eil sums sac+ued by this Qaed of tnist.and Ic)the batanco,if arry,to tho persona IagaIIy e�itled to red.�rso it. :.�f�,�,�'�c-,�
<br /> � � 1 3.F p r a d o s�u o.A t letsders o p t ion,tNs deed of trust may be toreelosed in the manner provida by applicabta law tor torectosure of mortgagos •�;.�.,._ �`�;,�,;
<br /> , �'*!-''.:::.;-'---
<br /> on reat properhl. •�-�,.-r
<br /> , 14.tr�oa.Lender may enter tha�+aperty to inspect it ii Leaw�gives Bortower noUce trefural+.and.TAe notice must ststr�ths reasonBba ` •� '��_
<br /> • eausa�tai.�er's inspoctlon. . — _
<br /> � 4��Si<� 1{,f�aflon.Borrower aasians to LenGer the.�roceeds of�-$sr.,e�-d or etatm tor damage�s s�ocmectad whh a eondartm�!�other tnscit�p - __
<br /> ' 'ii+i� ; ' � of aU�3nY D�of��roperty.Such proceeda w� be apptieA as pmvided in Cavenent 1.This assl9nman!ia subject to ths Lerrns o!arry Otior
<br /> �a.� � � seWritY�sBTeament. ' . x
<br /> � �4•r a. �f r ._
<br /> �i���, � t8.i�vg►By exeteising arN rerne�y avaifaEte to Lendet,Lender daes not give w�a�ny rlghte ta later use a othar remedy.BY not e�ceraisinp .,,,,,,��,_
<br /> � f s����� • ' any csrr�..^t uDon BoROwers detautt,Lender doea not waive any rlght to tater cona+der the event�ctefautt if it�pens agein.
<br /> l:,nh7r;. '- �.� _ . ..--.
<br /> -�ti.��: . � �z;►�ora ana s� un� . ca�ci�ro: SueGessars amf Aaatgns Boimd AD dutlea undar tNa daod ot trust are joir.x md:sevarai. Arry _ � :
<br /> '. gerry�ar,nfio eas3na thl��eed eP¢wst but Qoea not eo-stgn tha arudarhriag�ebt InstrumeMfa) doea eo onry to gra`¢mnC eomay that .�
<br /> ' ;' B�ortcw�r'�irttett�st Lv rgg praDetty to the Trustee undst tho tertns af Uils dood o4 tyr,��L.ln aQditlon euch a Bona�uer agreea d'.�t tFre lendar en0 � �'
<br /> st f�
<br /> �.� , . .. °� ee�e�wiB�iou�t�iat�BTaru�r��r e�rt�and w�ittmto R ielaasdli�g th�a!Bono er nom t�ha�a of thia Q e8 d of uust�6 Qaed of trust or tha soasued � V.� •
<br /> �" � ' . The�f�es end ben��.;of thia Qeed of trust sha0 bind end Doneflt the successota and asstgna ot Cer+�or and Bortawer. � •�
<br /> . . .,, � ..
<br /> � 78.t���cs.Untass c4:etwlse required by taw,eny norice to Bonome shail be given by deQvering is�mr�by maiting ft by certifler�mait aQmrasssd to � : ,
<br /> ; • gorrowar at the proce►tY addra�sa or any other aQQress thet Borr�ra.��r.4�as�Ivon to Lendar.BoROwer wtll glve any noUeo tv Larnl�,r bY�ad
<br /> maD ta lenders adCra�nn Pago t of thia Qeed ot vust,ar to arry c�er aadresa whlefi Lendar hae designated.Any otAet nn�coto tsn4er shaU
<br />-- � 0�eeM�ta Lender's adtstqss as stated on page 1 at this deed of trusL
<br /> � � Any nodctt sheti 6e Qeerrte0 to have 4een glven to Bortowar or LenQar when givon in ihe mannor steted abovo. ., �• , .
<br />-- ,..,.� . ••• _. . .
<br />'` . �� ;;' _ 19 1[e�t,atur of t3io Vropmql oi a Fmtx�ffddf htiaost In 8so Batre�xm..lf all or any P�of tho prc��rty or any Irrterest in it is su(d'dr Ucntferted ,,;};;',;+�`.. :
<br /> � , � wityh�cra¢tlbndor'd pfltlr vurFtten e�an,�rt. lopned�or may Qomend immndlate paymertt of tha seGU+c+b- daDt. londer may aiso dumar.A tmmsdiate
<br /> - , � demert0 p�ay�matR In t�ho eDo$ire s�itteiatlon9 it it ia proAi6Red by 190ro 8 law a9 ot tt e daete�of�is Oeed o trus enaferred. However.LunQer muy not
<br />-ic , • ' 20.Reeomreyaneo.lNl�on tfio o�1i8aUon soeured By this doed of trust has baso pold and Lendm has no turrlvnr obilgation to mate sdvanees ': ' '
<br /> � wdst Utv instrumentt�or agreemenffi secured Dy this dfsed of trusL the Trustea sAall,upon unitten reQuest bV�tf�e lender,rewnvcsy tfis trust .
<br /> t .
<br /> �c ,; • pro�arty.Tho LanGer shall delivo�to the Bortower,or to Bonowefa suceessar in interest,tho truof deed and the note or other evlQenoe of the .
<br /> - � pbiigaUon so setisfled.@ortower sha11 pay any recorAaUon eosts. • . �
<br />_ • � Z1,gaeeeasnr Tninoe.Lender. at LundaPa o�tloa,mey romove Trustee and appolnt a succassor bvatee Ey flrsL maiting a caDV af the . .
<br /> ' suD9titutlon o!truatee a9 requtred by apptieabie aw,npnd tnen,by filinfl tho auDstituUon o!Uustee tor recaM tn tho oKco of the rogistor of deeds . . .
<br /> .. . �ucceoea io e�i�sne v"owe,eu�es au°`e�io ny an°a i uo of U e Trgustee nem ein�ceea o�°fe�e�enV s CI'�•es�sar tr�uste9 ot the propetry,sheH • . �
<br /> - "� . - .
<br /> _�_ . � . —
<br /> � . , rC49�2 0l L
<br /> e•,.�
<br /> gAtat9Lq SYSTEIAS.WC..ST.Cl0 W.!eN 8830t It.800.997�Y3411 FOf�I QCOiRiW1!8M8A1
<br /> � � '
<br /> •
<br /> . . . � --
<br />