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<br /> ' _ r_..�_ ' _ .'!., . - ` .. - �• l�f[`� l. � {`
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<br /> .t —` . __ — __'. - _ _ __ —.— . ___ __ ' _— c.t_— _� ti _..._....t-. _ 2 S. �z' r A''! � -
<br /> . i - , '� - :`' ._ .. ` , _ ' ' ` ' .. ' � ' . ' �. ' ' l c s _
<br /> i �s� � �� ` • ` -. ,. . � � ' ; . ` .. 'r.. � ' . . . - ` c �`' . .. . , .� . - �, . . � "�.;' y � ` ��
<br /> . . . :'.� ' ' ' __ .._.r_.-��.� � - ._.._ .._...._—.r....—,. _ ^ ' . � < ....?� � _ .• t E.c ' .L�� ,.
<br /> c • .. 5`'• i r��'�+ � a . . �• ` � � -
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<br /> ` �;. ;�� � UfITeS9 '• . S .t;�. �.
<br /> Ls�uder and Bo�ower othernr�se a� in c�rdting, all aws�s. Payme�s orludgmenrs. incinding intetest � ��;r_��`�;:t�.
<br /> `v� : -
<br /> '` � , thecean.for suy in�ay to or deaess�in the val�e of the Pmperty r�eiv�by Bomower will be used w resnn�the PmpeKy or L` . .,� '
<br /> � . . agplied w the paymeat of bums sec�d Dy t�is Se�vrtry Insmnmeat. wh�het or aoi th�due, a+ith any excess paid to � .1 �
<br /> . _ Bortow�. Unles9 Leader aad Bormwee athetwIse ag�e�e jn writing.any applit�woa of pmoeeds to prIncipai sbatl a�t e� - -`� .:• �_
<br /> ".-- „—'"� or Pus�the due date of the mnnthtY PaYmenLS refen�ed m ia Fa�a�rapLs 1 and 2 or chan�e tPee amnuats of the paym�s_ � .L.:_
<br /> --�--� BoYeower a�rees tirai ia thr eveni an award,pay�nt or judgmeat iaciudes ca�on for beth Injttty ar decsease in the `r. . : .
<br /> : :. <'� � value af the Pia�rny►aad o�peasauan for any oUtet iqjury or lo�s, the mmI amo�t of sach awazd,Pa�t or judggm�t ' .
<br /> <, . , . .. s5all ke de�ao�tion wiih respact W t�e Fmprrty and Eoaower hemby wnseats tt>Leuder's ianecvent�an into a�► ` �� . .
<br /> t ;�
<br /> ' , .. P���S the Pn►Pr:cY•
<br /> 7. Las�A�glIt�atiaa @luo�.Bosmwez sLaall be in defnult tmder this�ritq�'u�t.if Hormwer,dori�g ttte lean � .
<br /> . . �P1�o�P�s.��e m�rFaitY fatse or inaaauate Wotmatian or stffiemr�tts t+o Lender(or fa�ed w pmvide Ieuder vrIt� ��� � � _ - '�,<;
<br /> any mat�ial inSoimatinon diieNy bearmg an Leuder's deasion w ext�d c�iit to Boiruwer). in coa�Tnn with ti�e loaa �� - : .. �'`�;•
<br /> .. . . evtdeaoed hy the Note. "�; . � ;.•;:..,; . .
<br /> � {-
<br /> . ' . ; # 8. Pirmieeti�n aQ ff.�tds's Itigf�ts ia t�c Ftug�ty.{PBotmwer faits to gerfotm the ooaerants�d a�ie�nts oo�siaed ':`,';::�`,`; .^`,�V�..�
<br /> . . m thls SeauitY tns�.or there is a iegal Pm�eding that ma7t s� ' - � �'�''=°:
<br /> 'gni8rantty affect Ieader's ri�ts tn the Propeatq(sach as
<br /> , � � � a P���icY,pmbate.for oondemnation,forfatane or to enfome laa+s or zegNa�ons),t�en I.end�r may do aad �` - . .
<br /> , . , pay f o r w�t e v e r i a nsoessary w pmtect the vaIue of the Piopeny and Ixud�'s dghts in the PruFeety. Leadea's apions may .,°'� �
<br /> . ' ... ��FaYhtg a�►s�s se�ed by a li�wLicl� bas priority over thts Secacry Iasav�nt, � �n�omt, payiag �, _•�`�:i;`` :�:�`'
<br /> `s .
<br /> � �s�nable atcosaeys'fees aad�ring on the Pmp�rtq to make�aiis or a6ate auis�ces.Att�augh I�dez maq take aclion � �_;_:�,:�
<br /> . �',�� �tbls Paiagrsph�.Leuder�es aot Lave w dn so. 7ite dg6t of i.wder to pmoect I�der's zights m the Pioprsty sbali �.�. -- _ ,.T��
<br /> . ` �the right to obtain ai Bomawer's e��P�pert9 3aspecxians.aedit repons,aFprai�Is,apinions of vatae os - � .. ���:
<br /> . • e�t aPintons ar�ans�miess pmL�'bi�1 hy lavr- °� ''��_t=,,�:
<br /> AnY a�disb�d I�der aader t�La . .,•,'.-:�
<br /> � . hY Fffia�spb 8 si�all baoome additional debt of Bomn�rer se�t�ed bq t�Is ' ' :.�
<br /> Y
<br /> . Seamtty tnstmuusat.Un2�8oaa�rer aad Latder agee w oth�r teims of patyat�t,t�ese amuunrs sha]I bear#�t�st fr�t,he � :�-� �,r-.�..•���':
<br /> . '� daLe of disb�us�t at thc Nate rffie sad eball 6e • �� . � -�`�';:'�
<br /> . _ S Ma�I�m�c�If Leader �le.�vitD iu�'est,upan de�iaad of Lwder. , .-.:.:�.�: .�,s
<br /> re4� ��Se�ae aa a o�ioa of makiag the io��ataed bp this . � = �� .;;:
<br /> ' ' S�u�y Ias�t,Bosma�shall pay the Pr�iam�requi�ed m mai�taia t�e insurauce in effe�t� �time as the ,.��.�.�:#�"� ';-.:
<br /> _ '. � 1�fos the ins�ce t�ates ia aoaoidaase wlth Boaowe's and Leuder's writtr�agmemeat ar��ble law. , �,�.;., `�'�
<br /> � r
<br /> . • �.Leader may ma�e or canse to Oe made�easonable e�ies upoa aad inspe�i�as of fhe�tq.pmvid�d �ti'.�� - ���.�;:
<br /> � �,;,,:��' tbat I.Eader s�all gtve Bomo�ver natioe prior m anY sac6 i��ion sPec�►iqB teasonable caur�t�ezefar as r+ee�ated to Ix�der's • .. ���,�. °
<br /> � intec�st ia tir�PtopPtty. ' r .
<br /> � u- �an.'I�e y •. �� �=
<br /> �_; ; prooeeds of sn awand or ctaim for ddmngea,di�eCt or aaaseqae�tial.ia oaaneaioa with amy -
<br />_ .�-,;•� �oa or other taloing of th�Pragxny.os p�t thereof,or for coaveyaace in lIeu of oond�on.a�Qcreby�ed '.s: '��'<'�'�-�
<br /> - - and sl�ili be paid ta 1�der,subject w the taa�s of auq��.deed of tmst or otLer se�age��a��� �': �; .�_
<br /> -- � > �Psicsky c�c�r f3ti:►S�cutily Ins�.
<br /> .` f`r�: ' In the etreat of a tatal ta�ng of the Ptag�r.thc pt�ceads sbaU be applied tfl t�e smns secu�ed hy t�s SErmdty �%;.
<br /> , .. Ias4�t�nt,whe,tkher Or not thea diae,wiW any exce�sv paid w Boimwer. Ia t1�e evwt of a pa�l tatcing oP t�e Pcaperty In . .• . �,:'�``x'�-`:'
<br /> ,. � wLicb the fafir mark�value of ticse Pmye�ty i�distelq befose the is ' �„'�"_ .,
<br /> taldn8 equal m or greater th�the amount of the snms '.,�-: ._-----
<br /> - ,-_, . s�d 6Y f�s S�u3i9 Insaumrat i�iately befoie the taldag.miles,v Boaawer�d I.ender othe�wise�gcee ia writin�►the _ �-_.�'g=
<br /> � , ' �. ' s�se�aired by tbis Sewiitg Insta�eat sOaU be iedaoed by the�aunt of t6e pmoeeds Qmidpliod hy the fo1lowiag f�lon: � """"
<br /> :,;!s;�;�. � (e�th�mtal�of the sums a�ued ' �=
<br /> :::�S',:` im�dia�eJy before�e �y be6c�e the takiag,divtded by(b)the fair market valae of the prupeaty • .
<br /> ,.,rq�t,:. . � �aktng• A�+balance shaU�pa�d w Barmwer. ta thc eveat of a paadai taldag of the Ptvpeng i� . - -_ -';,�,;�
<br />_ . '�, •• w b i c b t h e f a U m a r k e i vaiue of the PtoDatS► �Y 6efone the taktng is tess tt�an t�e amotmt of t�e sm�secc�r� --�`:;w"`',
<br /> � immedlt�tety before the taking,tmless Borcowet aad Leudet othera►lr�c in wrI 6 . •. ._.
<br /> tit e l agree dag or un2ess app]L�2e law ut�
<br /> . pmvldes.the pmoeeds sLa11 be applied to the s�s se�ated by thfs SeWtity Iast�ent whetber or not the su��;e th�dr� •. "'�'�:—'
<br /> er
<br /> . .. . . If the P�operty is abandoaed by Bon+nwer, or if. after aat�oe by l.eader w Bommarer r�z the aar�emaor o�e�U� .. � �
<br /> maFce aa awffid or seule a clairn for d��es►Bormwer fails to r�pand w l.eader wItbin 30 dsasy after the date tfle uotue ts --—° _'
<br />- $iv�,�der Lv aiethosta�d�m aolT�.rurmi apply the pmc�d.s.at its option.dther w reswradan or nepair a�rhe Pmpeity or • � ., .
<br />_ , t�se sums seciu+ed by�ls S�curi��In,�rt�Qnt.wht�hec or u�t th�dus. . • �
<br /> � . � UNe.ss I.endea aadt Hacc�wt�otherwIse agcee ln zvrlttng,�y application of pmceeds w prindpal shall not eatead or . . .
<br />'"�' , postpone the dae Qate of the manth3Y lsa�ts refeice�ro in Pa�SapLs 1 aud 2 or cd�ange the ama�mt of sucb paymeuts. �. � .
<br /> - , -- . . !Z. Eorrowc�Nut Re2�Pari�'�es�ae By Lend�Not a Watver;Aaoepleaoe of�rHel Pm y m e a f.B x t e a s 2 o n o f t h e '
<br /> �'{� d m 8 for Dayment or mndlfc�tton of amartizaflon of the sams s� by thie SecmitY Insorament g�ant�by Lender w �,�; �. ;�' � . �
<br /> Bornoaer or a�r saaoessor in inteie.st of Eoaower s1�all aot op�rate to release.ln any mnnner.the liabilizy ot Wo oriBinnl ��;"�':��{:�'.�� `_ ' : .
<br /> '�;;'; . . �
<br />- ��ASfiA 0�OF TfiU9T�s�o»Or3g�aa1 - Record . ", .�`,��':;
<br /> . h1Qa9�PJ6 va000ats d�.��Q4� ' "���'.��1�� ..
<br /> �. ���:�';:,.
<br /> r. . . � ..
<br />-�,.� - j • ii ' . : : , .
<br /> . . ��.�...�.�,��.. . .
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<br />�y. , . . . ' ' . . . .f1 . . - . � • � � _ . ' ... ' ' ,
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