-,�.�:__ - . .. . .. • _ `�.2__... �.C_:.':::.�.—+.::..� f=:..�� Lk�,.C.-.�1,...t��f�i r�.-:.
<br /> . _I' F. '� �t 1.- �c . ., . , c �' . ,s �� �_ �:�r f! � . _ ..c:� y.L_ L � � �l �{[
<br /> _:. .i. ..�.. y1��___.�.�____—_.::5„':. ` . .. . c4. t� ' ` ,i `.r.,.^ �^ +� _
<br /> � _---,: �:_-_-�-��3 .. . - � ,--.• ��' -. , ,-. _ ___._ __ r. .� y � � t-
<br /> . F � V � t L f r f�. �f �.!
<br /> C .��_ f �� • , , . [ .�. . . ' . � . . " - __ ---T� t a`s _
<br />_ . '--�'_T _ _ - �_ ' . . . c l . . . . . . .. .�, t . J�S.~ �'��`�.
<br /> � . . . " . . • . . . . ` . ` • • . Yf i i ` . f. .
<br /> , `t ^ ` „ `r� '.(�`, � .• ' .�Y.�..arrl..ar.. � 'ua � ��.3 .�a,.�.��!_�.11.�..- ' __�+_v.a� ____ _._..�__ `V}�' Y .
<br /> � � • . , . 1:�� , �:, :
<br /> ` . � � � L ,�. ., . 97����� �: �. �
<br /> �--- ;�����. � � ���-�--" -- � _..
<br /> - -.�- =�..--.:-`�
<br /> � .�`�` Untesa l�a and Bonuw�otf�vlse a�ee in wrltIng. ail awa�ds. PeYm�s or 3udg�s. 1��dis�8 i�►te�t � � ;�` .`4
<br />_ . : ', .�
<br /> , _ the�eon,for a n y�q j u ry to or dectease i n t he v a tue o f t h e p r a p�ry�+e o e lved by Bornower wiU be us�d ta ieswre the P�opertit or ; r
<br /> �, :.. ; .�:.
<br />_ �u ePP1i�d to tfla paymeat of sum9 secured by tttis Seauity Iasttument, wheth�r or uot then due. w l t D aay exceas pai d W .�.•; :, ,
<br /> . ''� ". B o a o w�r. [J n l�L e a d e r a n d�o r r o t v e r o�wise�n e e i a wri t i n g,an Y$P Plica3ion of pmceeds to prlacipal sLall not extend � , �
<br /> ��T�r: -. 3 =, -.
<br /> — ar Posqwae the due date of the smudily pay��+efened w ia Par�ag�s!aud�or change Ws ams�ta of 1he payments. �. .-�:- .` _ ,. ;
<br />.. � Boitawer a�es that ia the evwt��wazd, PaY�aent oj 3udgmffit includes compensat�on for both injwry or decrease Ia the � �' ,:..'::�
<br /> � value of the Property and oomgeo�aon for aay osh�injury or tus4.the tota!amuvnt of�uh award>P�or 1� 1` �' ',
<br /> r. � ,' shall be dexmeA wmp�tton with�espect to the PmFert}►and Bormwer heieby consents to L�der's iut�ve�tion into anp. �-` "�
<br /> . ./. . � ' • _ �-..
<br /> , �` P������5►• I . . � �:
<br /> • , 7. I.OSn OII�32�.BOtIOW�ShSll 6C iD dC�811It UIIdQ[t�3 S0CllIlly��EOIIOW{'Is d1tI�D$thC IQBII !.'--'" �"_:o-,'" _`'�c'.
<br /> — –-� � fBISC Oi�C 1�0l�OII O=�t0 LEIIdE[(0?�ICI�tD pI01IFdE L�Et FIIIII �� • :�.�' `` .� .
<br /> F�• ;� � {:'' `�:
<br /> . ffii�►�[l8�I�dJtII81�0II�p�tC3T1Rg OII�EJ�B dELlStOII t0 @7�d Cd��t IO BO![DLYe[). �II C�tIICC�OD W�tb(�C 108II �' y
<br /> W � .
<br /> , �vfd�toed by the Note. I �' '�_ :
<br /> ..,` �. P�+atec�on a4 Lffid�'s 1Ri�1s In 4IIce�lragety.If Baamxer fa�s to pe�fatra ths wvenaais aad agreemcats contained I , s P at_.
<br /> -.-. .�`-'r��: . ;�. m dris S�y Insu�at,or rhec+e is 8 tegat psoceed�g tbat maY s�gad�nd3►affecc l.�der'e tights tn t�e Pm�ty ts�� I'.:..;: -..':,�'.';�.;.,.;�'_
<br /> :�, a pmoeeding in�uy.Pmbate.for coade�atlon,forfeit�t+e or m eafoioe laws or re�ntations),thea Iead�may do and �
<br /> oe
<br /> � pay for whatever is aeoessatp to piatect the vatae of ttte Pmperty aad Lender's tights ia the Broperty. I.eadec's astioms may
<br /> .�.'.� � ,� : `:..:� ��P���Y smns secaaed by a liffi which has p�iorIry aver this Secu:iry dnsitument, �in8 in oonit, Payh� �.,, � � .,_ :,
<br /> ecu
<br /> . . � .` �mabie auo�yrs'fe�s and�terin�an tlr�Pcopett�+m make repaus o�abate nuisaaoea.Alttiong�Ler�der may take asx�na� �:;. �.�: ,, '"�
<br /> . ,.; .- .,.s. � �s
<br /> ';_t, , - I t..,.. 3L .�ir.L'
<br /> vader tfiis Pa�ag�apL 8,Lander does aat[Tas+e w do so.'I�e rIght of Lea,der to prote�Lender's rIgt�ts in the Propeity ah�►lI� �
<br /> �'% incIude tbe tight w obtain at Eorrower's�se.PmFenY insp�ans+.c�ti�pOr�•��•oP�°�of value or ottt�� r, . � d' � ,�
<br /> : �'. -.��..-:., �:-.,�
<br /> ` ,"t f. e�sert opinioas os ieports aatess pmh�ited i s g law. 7 �' �
<br /> ,'i:��� � .�;���. Any amauuts dtsbaised by I,rnder tmder d�is Parag�ph S�II beuome addItiOna!deln of BOmu�ver s�d by Wis - S> ���� "
<br /> "�,c ° << Smr�ty Instrum�s.UnIes9 Borrower and Leader ag�ee m ath��ms of paqm�t,these amouats shall bear�cqt fcom t�e� ,
<br /> ��i� ,€l�L � , �
<br /> ��` E�,�"� d�of disb�t at the Note zate and shaD 6e payable.wisTi�t,.�on de�and of I.eader. �. '� , w.
<br /> `': � `.,te}`�,;: 9 Ma�Fnsosauce. If Lender�eqni�d mortgage��a candit�on of makiag �lotm seaued by tlt� - - `.�..'`"°.�
<br /> ;,�, �-, ,.
<br />__.. :,,�r�= •�"I?.��,_� S�tY I�.Borrower shall pay the p�drmis a�c�tm�the insu�anee�a e�s4 u�il s�ch�as th�� I ,:� y����N,.
<br /> , ✓:� •'.ti`��� �t f0!t��CL'U�DafCBID 8CCOId2�CC��qTtOWi�',f3���2t'S FJfIgffi 8$YC�t OI8JI�I�C�JISIBW. f� ri�; �
<br /> � ..°�° ' I�.� �peetion.Lender�ay mage or cause t0 ite m��sonab''.r:�es apon sttrL 3aspect�aas of the pmpeaty.Pmvld�� f � ��� �
<br /> �M1:� 4..�
<br /> ! •�}'"�� that Leader a1�aU give Somnwer nntice prIor w anY sacit�on sFecifY�ng 1: ; , %.�{:
<br /> ,.. i+easanabte cause thecefor as related w Leades'�t r' ,:
<br /> ,{,'k� �:.
<br /> ,�,��' �: intea+�t in the Pt+upertq. ' t} :;� � ±
<br /> If Y
<br /> r;. ` `:�'�r�;.� ' 11. Condc�•a�t�an.Zhe P��af a�a.g�wa:d or c,laim for d�.dirax or annsequ�,ia ca�on wlth aay ;t ��:=-_
<br /> �:, .� {�;:J<�:S��a:.' _ Yu OT O{LLW a�the ,or art the�caf,or for ooIIVey�ce ia tiw of oondemnatton.are h�►as�gned ° -
<br /> Y,t�;� ` oon� � �P�Y P I,� �'':
<br /> , ��,yt, -�-=-'-'f aad sLall be paid w Leader.ssib}ect to the teems of aay u�.gage,dePd of uast or oiher security a�t witb a 3i�whicb' ; :� ,i:� _
<br /> {� . ��. ., ;: has pt�orIty ovet fl�is Sesamity InsGnmm�� ''� y �
<br /> �
<br /> . .�.. �"•",__
<br /> �:��1� F' ��,iW-.::�!'7':
<br /> J� '� � ' Ia tLs�i:v+�;t of a.ratal talang of the P�peny.the pmceeds sball be applied w�e sums secumd by this Secaitty: ,. .,; .�a> ;,.,
<br /> 1 . lasanmeni.a�3�a or�u r3r,�►due.with acy escess paid w Bo��r. In the event of a parti�I Yakiag of the Pcogzrtq in '�` " '`' `���:
<br />_ � �� ��� which the fair�t velax.a�ehe Pmperty�imm�iazety i��e t�e taking ia equal to ar greater thaa the amount of the s�s � -�::�x. ----
<br /> � � socuied by tliis S�wrIry Ins�t i�mediately before t�t�sing.ualess Bouower and I�ender otherwise agtee in wrlting,ttte Y -�. _
<br /> �� � sums se�aued by t�s 5ec�ir�rn�.,ent aLall be rednced bp the amanai of the pmceeds mnitipli+ed by the follawsng f�dans�� �f
<br /> • (a)ths Wtal a��t of the sums secured immediately before the taking,divtded by N)the falr m��value of the PmpErty ! .,S�r' '�<<
<br /> - � . ����. :� �di,atety befo:e the taking. Aoy bntaace shall be patd w Boirower. In the eveni oY a partf��g of tLe Piog�ty�i►� � ° �n�.rw�
<br /> i .; ., • . '�� .:;i S�: •�'C._�._.L'�ad'L._
<br /> • w h i c h t h e f a i r m a r k e t v a tue o f t h e Propxity i mm e d i a t e ly b e f o r e t�e t a?t i n g i s 1�r�t h e s u r��m t o f t l t e s�r s s� � ;,. .rt-Y,�.-
<br /> � � .•� ' immedlately before the tald�g,�Iess Bormwer and I.eader othernise a�ee in a�g or nnless applic�ble�f.�utbetwls� a ja >� -
<br /> ,: , ,.`. , ! :�•...:.� � -.W_
<br /> : . pmvides.t$e proceeds sLalI 6e spplie�w the sums s�ared by tbis Secnrity lasor�z whethet or not the sa��Qten dae. ',; '., � .
<br /> ;; .. � If the�operty is abandoned by Boimcrer.or if. after aatice by Leader w Bomuwer that the wnden�a:o$�a t4 �;�„'. `.,) ,�.: � '��.�
<br /> .`; , .: mage an a��ard or satle a ctaim for damagea.Bomower faits w cespaud ao lxndet wtthin 30 days aRet the dmt�the aotioe ts �?� ..,,�. <r.��a;;
<br /> c$ t��'
<br /> ,,� ` �i.v+�,Le�der�S sushorized to collect aad apply the pmae�ds.at its a�s�nrsn�e l t h�rt�resto�t ion ar nep�t r o f t&°.P c o g e r ry ar �, 4 . �f,�;;.
<br /> :^ ��;r'�� . �., � ttt�sams secu�ed by thls Sc�y Ias�t,whetber ar m-�t:��d::e. ' !�'�;;i "
<br /> ���•;:tt'���, ���� ` . Un2ess I.eadet�af l�Yrower otherwise agce in�su�.a�z7+aPPl�catIon aB���rceeds to prittcIpal eha�not e�d or ; �,,,`. , .
<br /> ' S�` poststone the due date of t4ce r.�antlily payments:eferced w da��&o i aad Z or c�ange the araccai of such pnymenrs. `: y,�<<•:�
<br /> r,<. ,sf,t,
<br /> `�`� `�h;�' � fZ. Bon+htiver Nai L�ssd:Forbearauce By Leadsr l�r,tt m Wcu�ver�Aa�ptan�of�rtia8 I�y��Extensioa of tbe ' "; ''�;j.
<br /> tu YS
<br /> --•�� •• � ;. ����.•�'titb- 4e� �. Y',�, ,
<br /> t� ,.r,.:,.. ly dms for payment or modific�t3an of amorti�ion of the suns secared by tbis Securiry Insr�ament g�anted by Leader w i.. 4.. ,
<br />'�°",`.t,;,,�,�;�. ... . 8ormw�,r or any suooes�ht iiEteiest of Hormwer sh�,i.L rrnt erate to release �a aa maaner.t�e liab�i of We ori I�. . .
<br /> �, ��,..r � . , op . Y � 8� t • ' -
<br /> .� i�„t:i , ,� ,�, �
<br /> - '� . c F7E8RAS(iL30�QFTRBB'p�ru:�Or�gina2 - Record �,.�}: ' . . ,
<br /> - � � � .', � aaoo�aea� �.�+� 0100400852 ;�_ � � �
<br /> - - � � t ; �� � . .
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