� °�e',.� �.,� , kFC, ��f�r r ci�ai�S.� �yf ctit.�.��c.�`'.��'di�3:a.$i:.. . - � 4 � :.i }�.'�l����yw"�'���'-'i° _
<br /> ,r.
<br /> g eI ' � - � - z :� � �-��� - r ct-ri
<br /> T� , � �,y t��' . r, . . �'�� Y- �'� r 1-4 Jr�1 <.r� r e 'c� -
<br /> �?,� _ e�l��i'� ' ,t ' f f ?F �.f� T
<br /> "1�: � f- _ . � . R. _ � ''C � 4 ' YX .-�r. ] .-1 Y. -.
<br /> _ _' .L +f _ f " _i.. y' "s:t ._� dG'n�'ri...` s. "
<br /> _ � .4it4�:�:i7�. -�?Z�. � ' .I` JS.«--•..� � --' �___ _ ' ,
<br /> •" ` ---�.� /�) � - .
<br /> .�
<br /> . . C i -*µ - M/�� � . � - � ,
<br /> ,�' �'�
<br /> \/p
<br /> ' - ' � J�<<,: , �
<br /> ,' _ ` ',:.',�. B. All fa�re advancxs from B�eficiaiY to Trasror or oth�fat�ue oblig�dams of T:uswr w BeaeBciasy�mder any _ .
<br /> � ( � . piamissory note,aonuast.guatantY• or other evideace of debt existing naw or exeraued aRer this Dcad of Tnist
<br /> � .` ,`` �', wherher or not this Dced of Trast is spe�fr�11Y refaced to in the evidmtce of deb� .
<br /> . C. All obligaztons Tnuwr owes to Beneficiary,which now emst ar nmq teter zrtse, w the ext�t not prnhibited by
<br /> – taw, insludimg.but not limit�w. liab�ities for ovecdraafts nsltttiug to any de�tosit account agteea�tft bettvcea
<br /> , - • Tmstor and Be�eficia�+. for inaiuing.P�servin8 or oshs►vlse p�utecting
<br /> '. " � ' -:` ��r D. All zd�dirIanai sn�s advance�and exg�ses incumed b3►B�ficiari' ���by B���mdar the teims of
<br /> � :_ , ,�r the Pic+opetty►�d ite value and any otber sams advanced and eapeae�s -
<br /> , - . this Deed of 7lrust,pivs interest at the highest rate in effecc, froat tttne to time. as pravided in tbE Svideace of
<br /> . `�::�-�;--�--`°, �� Qebt. .. ..
<br /> ------ - - - B. Tiustflr's Qertosraan�meGer the te�ms of aay Ins�um�nt ev(deusfug a dcbt by Tnistor to B�ciary aad any IIeed ---.r -- ---
<br /> . � , . of Ttust sewring.g u a r a n t y i a g.or othetwise retasing to the debt. ,... •
<br /> - , � if mnte Wmi one petsan sigas this Qe�d of?tass as TYustor,eac�Tiustar�gcc'es t6ai this Deed of Tnist adll secate all . .
<br /> � � fuuue edvaaces�fi�ta:e obtigatioas d�crlbed above that ate givest W�r ivaurzd by any aae or�ure Tmstox,or any ,
<br />- � � one or mote Tn�swr aad otheis.'Ibis Oe�d of Tnnst will ant seaue a�atltar debt if Beneficiery falis.with reapact�sar� _
<br /> sw f
<br /> ' other deDt.to maIce aay requised disciosaie abont this Deed of Ttt�ct ur if BPUeficiary fails w SivE auY requ�d � � :-
<br /> � . ` ttt�dght of mscLss�on. ,,�
<br /> � ' � ' ' S. EAY�S.Trostar agreES to matce all payments on tHe S�ued�Deht when due and in aa�rdaafle witb the te�mv of tSe � ,
<br /> • � . Evideaoe of Debt or th�s De�of Tnist. � � � _
<br /> ' .. '� � . 6. �A�tSANTY OF TITLE.Traswr coveaaats that Trnstan its futv�lly s�of tl�estate coaveyed bS►this D�of Trust
<br /> . . and Has the right to inevocably�t,convey and sell to Tn�stce,ia uust,with goarer of eals,the Pcopettq and wazrmous : -
<br /> . thai the Pmperty is�bered.except fot encnm6ranoes af cc�ard. ,i
<br />. . f:,i- i - _
<br /> -- -- . . _ '/. �(,�l�lQ�iA��'�.r'..Z'NS[OI W1I�►3�1 t�CCS.USSESC�EIItG.�C118.CIICQmbi�C�28.t�S2QSj►�DIS���'Ol�d lC�+ - : `_
<br /> TIIIS[0I p:F'�di�VIt3C tO BEQCf1CI81'f ���
<br /> � IIll�t[fS.ffid OS�1C!C118T�E8 lP�2�Ag LO t��tOj)��W�tilD�d11E.�RpC�I�SI�i�]Sy 1�Q�1tE .: '.� .�--�.-.
<br /> °„� .. ,' .. . copies of all Fo�ces that snch amnunts ace due and die n�a3Bte.evItlmdng Tinswr's payment.'�s�or wli1 defend titie w �; _ .;,r--��.
<br /> : :.:,.�...
<br /> � ;; ��oP�►�sunsc anY claims that woo�impair the Ii�n�of this Deed of Tntst.Tinswr agees to�sign to BEacEf dary,as f ° " _�F..�.
<br /> __ ` .�'�. b y genef�caary,any ri�hts,ctasns or def�whidt Tra�ator may have againsc pa�es who supply laLor or
<br />- .. . � , aat�w improve or�aWain the Pca�.Y• . ��.
<br /> . dT QthE'd 1�E�ffi ' r 3€�•�
<br /> •,r r '.i g. PRIOR SECUL�ITY II�ST�SI`�. +��reP,ard W a�►Y other murt�age.deed of unst, serurir.'g agce�e�
<br /> � . doatment thai�a pr,r��Y mterest or eac�ambsance on tt�Pmgerty mmd that may have prioritY ovet this Deed �,,�' _;-
<br />;` . ,. , ' • of Tmst,Trustos ag�ce.a: � �nrirrLSY,
<br /> `•,,,.� A. To make ali paytm�►ts whea��W peTfotza or cnmplywlth all cova�aats. , �
<br /> `�'� •�� � � . � B. To P�PtiY deliver to Benefis�."'�anY aotices tbat�ZYaa�tm��ceives&om the hold�,r. ''�
<br />'yS' - • .t. ,. . �.� ,� P•
<br /> � =•!: � C. Not to make or permit any mnd�na or extcncian�af.and m�re to req►iest or accept mry fnmre advm►oes�mder anq �__�_
<br /> -- ' . � . ':;�. aote or agceeoaeat sea�red by,tt�ather martg�e:,d�d�of tiust or sccurity a�t nnless Benelicisty canset�ts �'.�..,=---,t.
<br />��, . � in w�itiup,. . �.=��r..
<br /> 1 � � 9. DIJE ON�ALE OR E1�iCUlV��N�.H�3rneticlazY maY�at•i�s a�s�an,dedare We eutire bal�rae of the 8�ed�7�rt m ��y�:
<br /> ` � be imm�iately dne and payable uPaa daz�n of mry li�n,eaca�r�ce.tramsfer,or sale,�as conuact for aqy of tt�e �
<br /> � ' .�;'%'�"�';, � on the Pmpetty. Hovrever, if the Pmpariy insIudea 1'�ustor's resIBeucs,.Wia secdon shali��sibject w the r�uicttona ' ,���-,-
<br /> ,;� , .- 7f,//�y(� .• .
<br /> . ,ratt• �•..:. .�:,, imposed by federal law(IZ C.P.R.591).as aPPl�cable.For We puipascs of this s�xton.the tenm"pmpErty'also inclnfles � �'�:•: —
<br /> 'Ibis covenant shaU�ma with the Fcm�tY and sl�a}1 nema9n�n e�'ect�1i1 ih0 � �,r:,v..�.,
<br /> �' • • ':;,�:�1._, i anY mterest to all or aay part of the Propertg. Y�r�,,.���;_.___
<br /> ; r,. , �
<br /> � ,, r : Secured Dekt is paid ia fuU aad this�ad of Tmst is reteased.. --
<br /> � s_ .r�,l�
<br /> � ` • ���jsi`. ' Im.7Y�NSF��aDF AN YrPfEYtEbT 1K'�°�GIWNI'mII. It�Tmst�r is an cntitp ottter thaa��ral pr�rson(such as a .
<br /> � _• ��� r ' rgaai7aS Beae�tlary maY d�mttptd�imme�iaac PaYment if(1)a bene�cial inte�iu'I�nsto:ie _._
<br /> �5 .�. coiposafloa or other o on),
<br /> ��, ` .' sold or uanaferced;(2)thene is a c�ange in either We id�dty or.m�mber of inembets of a pa�me�ship:or'(3)there Ls a :__ _
<br /> �. ,: � . ci�ge Ia owneiship of more than 25 percent of the vo�ng•stocb of a corporat�on.However.Beneflcla�y m$y nni deanand . � -
<br />-v�:� . payment in the above aia�ons if it is��hibited by law as of dio dut�of tttis Deed of T:ust. � ° ;
<br /> .:.;-��_,,::-
<br /> �i,�. :` •� . .�.••'`.�;: li.ENTiTY iNAItRAI�7[7F�AND�3Fd�iTATION$. If Ttuetor is an enuty other tham a naiaral p�son(sucL aa�a
<br /> y,., . . � :.��,;, coiporation or other org�on).Traswr makea w BeneficluY tUe following��ea s�d represeniatiun9 wLich sball .
<br /> ,:,j.: . . ..:��� , be contlnning as Iong as the Secaued�bt remains outstanding:
<br /> ecau d
<br /> A. �uswr �s aa ene�yr wni� ��nty or�an�zea ana v�cuy ex�s�na �n a�E r�ascos�s s�ace ot�mpnranon (or
<br /> �'r:; •• ' `'.'�� or�aniration).'hustor is In g�aEi stand3ng 9n sU states in whiah�Tntstor t�aasacts bus�s.T�nstot 6as the power
<br /> ` �` ' and sutimrlty w own the Pt�y and to ca�r on ita bu�lness as uow beln�r.�r�tad a�. as applit�ble,is
<br /> :,:;
<br /> �� � • `t':•:,:.�'1,�.'`;'.:'.. ed to do so in ear�state in whicdi Trustor ogeiates. .
<br /> �,;,;. ..l........ .. . .: m�
<br /> ; : . • ,. B. The a�ecuflon. delivery and per�'ormaIIw of tlils Deed of Teust�by T�swr�d t h�o b 2 igation t fi+j fl a n ce d b y t h°
<br /> r'�''�"�• •. � ;�t �^ Bvidence of Debt are wisbin th2 power of 7Yustar. ht►vs 6e�a•duly author�d, have reaeiti�ed all neoes-sary
<br />'=-=;�! govecam�ntai appmval,aad w n D ll�ot vio tate aay p r n v i s i a n�of luiv,or orrter of court or garemm�tat agency.
<br /> =-:t=r�.>���.� . . � . C. Oiher than dlsc2osed in writing Tn�stor has not c�anged�ite naine within thc last ten y�s and has not nsod any .
<br /> �i, .. other vade or Rcdttous name.Without Beaeficlary's ptior wdtten eanscut,Tnwwr dcea IIot an8 wiU�t nse any ..
<br /> �;�. " other name and arill preserve its eaisdng aame,uade names and francLises until the Secumd Debt is sadsfied.
<br /> �: , ' ` � �: .
<br /> `'` � .. � � 12.P�OPERTY CONDITION,AL'i'ERATIONS AND INSPEGTION.Tnistor wlll keep the Property in goad conditlon �
<br /> �'��� `� Trustor will V8 HP�CflC ro t nottce of an loss or damage to ,
<br /> �,'` . . . '� , ' . and make all repaiis that are reasonahly necessary. 8� �Y D �P Y
<br /> • the PropenY.Ti n�swr wlll keep the Property free of noxious w�eds and grasses.Tmstor wlll�t initiate.join in or aonsent
<br /> �,: . . � to aay change in any prlvate resuicdve covenaat, zoaing ordinance ar other pnblic or prlvate mstrtction 19midng ur
<br /> - definiag the uses which may be matle of the Property or any part of We Pt�nperty. wlWout Beneficla:y's prior arritten
<br /> ' �ncant. �r wi11 nodfy Betteficiary of all dea�mds, Praceedin8s, claims. and acdons against Tnutor or any oiher
<br />.M�- ,.� � .. owaer a�de under law or regrilatian regarding use.owneisLlp and aocupaacy of the Prnperty.Tmstor will comply with ali -
<br />--� . , `>�� te�al��sements aad restrictions.wL*.ether publlc or private,with respact to ttte nse of the Ptoperty.Tnutor also agees :-
<br /> ° e�1
<br />,'r%r'�� that the nature of the occupaasy arc��wiU aot change arithout Benehciary's prior wrttten consent. �
<br /> ;'-��.'. .,;y;;;:. . : ,':: '::;.
<br /> �`��% ' ' � �' �,:,;�' No pnrtion of the ProgertY will�e removed,demolishal or materially altered tvlthout Beneficia�y's prior writtea oonseni
<br /> •,:�. . .
<br /> � . •� +.�.,.� except that Tnistor has the right e��nove iteac�of personal pmperty c�mprising a pFUt of the Pr�e���wom
<br /> __ _ �. . •1� `• � ._....�"_�....
<br /> `� _ . ��� paga 2 0l 8 •
<br /> . . • ,�.11�(T' ' •
<br /> '.�,'� . .... ' ' �'� �7993 Banten System9.inc..St.GaiO.MN 11-800397-23at1 Fonn AfVCGOTdJE 9/13199
<br /> . . . .
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