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�u� . ,+i� "t . J �i . . r r [ � r -- i. �' �t( <br /> r -{, . <br /> � }�v� fN � - y��r(l� '� � �- �. . < �l �. . x1ir�7S.a_V:�.+�eA`W�f��7� - �.�f( r�E�� � <br /> �.1tT.�+..I..e��.4....- ,y'1���41i.S��'�_���L]��. ..:•�.JLdf.�TAni:Ad.V'la�tv�L'. __...�.w.�.u«'.1�_/•e���"�a��� .•f <br /> �ie_�.�� _ <br /> R:�x•..".C__ <br /> t �4',}rir4,"� b --�, <br /> �„t� "'�� 92-- �10Q1$ ,�r <br /> 't` z� �,4,�. - <br /> `�z .s�tr�°�! , <br /> uxiGrn:C"',,rc—wwY'a aa7awir Yta t«iav owwwt.rKt a{�t:::s«�:x � _-° - <br /> � �'F�t 1. Iayin�M ot Prl»etpM snd It1t�nMi P»p�p»�M md L�t�CIwpN. t1«roxw sh�e pomari WY wMn tw ux ?:SSz <br /> - { �� p+No�Y N arW NiK�H on tM d161 IAdmo�d bl Uw►loN/�nJ�ny AnPr�x�n�Md Uit N�rpu du��xfdr the floH. �'� <br /> � x '�'` �. FPiltli 10f 71iWi M1d IIINI�NICI. &bJ�d lo ppk�6M kw a to t xTtpn xrkr 6y LmMr,emow.r uw vy a�«�dr on <'���' <br /> .%`r`t 1i '��� Ih�tNY��/PM��+n dw undr tM fld�.unN IM Nol�k P�„1ut.a wm�'fundt')fa: (q ywl/�WUS and�Mnlnit aiid� �_ <br /> .r�v7" — <br /> _ '�„ "xS� r�uv�nw pb�M w«uik s�arNV miwm�m u a wn cn nH Pra�«tv:ro)rwN w��Mda t+rm�u«ywna nms on uie ftop«ty, s� �; .. <br /> r- r,�7: M MY(�)YM+N hxrd Ot PropMY Nwma ptwk�m►:(�YwN fo0d Nfurna prw�4im�,N�nY (N YwN malpgt Nttxma W�rnt. :��, ��- <br /> '��s� <br /> „' '�r� N�M1d(Q Y+i'�umi p�5'/bl�bY OOnCAW to Llndll,H.uora�.,�n�m.c�+uo��a�wyw,u a,h w,a nx arrmr�a�naw �� i �-�"�.,:,.. <br /> ;� - rt�; „w�r�o.a«wxM. m.�.M«�+�e�.a•Fwvx Rrnt'. Lrndrr m�y�\I Ny 1YM.CO{OU Lld Ildd FW Ei N YI YOOIl111 fqI 10 RRCNA 1�.=, F wr� _ . <br /> �� +�,+i�,':;�' m�rnwmM,.m�xu.w�e.�«.ieaw.y.,wib mony�y�w.o rHy r«ww ia o«�,.oc��u�r m.r.d�ew :S;sYl;�r�7r�� <br /> ��5�,*;�: EaYte 9NIImxM Proadura Ad o11A74��uranded irom lPoe lo IYne.f2 U.8.0.�2801 N s'�¢(��ESPA•)�uNas anWhx NK 8W.�ie��o ",� � ���*`.". -;� <br /> _s."' :�. Ih�iundt iMi�NttM arraunl. �1 io,LenMr rtay, tl Rtry Ntw,uikt�nd 6W Funas h si mavrat nW to ae�l th�7avrv ar�a'S_ l+�cNt ,;�:`-;i_`I'+/--e:�."'.. <br /> r' ;a;; ray xlNVls th�rnount ol Funde dw on th�Mp� ol cumt cM4�nd rau.�o o�imwYn aP r�paPVlCUea k 1Ax�£xrax c'.wra a afrrr/ke F-�n`,� � '�',�T.�. <br /> �f - - 'i'� N aocorduwe wl4 nppfa6b Nw. - `�rs t �;�': <br /> � r2 <br /> , - l.; ifis Guir,Sa SA�,R ba Mk!Si m W�;Ibn whow dKw�ls r�NHx�d Ey�fed�at rRrr.y.i�rshnw+.►4Y.a mUty;::..�,�lorr,Hr!tnder i, ,_v ,�rLe :. <br /> ,, ' -�4} B rxte a�Y�stUOnj tt N siy Fedee+t}foms lan Brik L�ndr NW appy the Fun3t ia fPof a`.a E�aow Ilemt. LwiNe mag n.t thvW �. . � : f4r �.� : <br /> ec�oww ar nda,o�na.c�sn en�r4�s.ur::�q�muY+�+a uw auow,�mr�i n�w�yt�r.�e:aow n�„e.�uas iar�en r,ys emowx , � £, �� <br /> .�7' Hixai on tM FuMt�nd MP�hw F�'+�s t¢nd�t lo m�k�wch a durDG FfaxNr.Lendr mry rsq�.•te 8ttrcwr lo P�Y a onHine a''a"p� '��_' 3Ls r r t '�. <br /> .;��-' W n hd�7if rd aute Ux*�tth+D emke ueM by Lenden c�onneeGa�w3h 1Ms Men,uMeee eM�'a5M irx L+orkks elh�rxbi. Ur123a � � -- . <br /> , }���!{�'; an s3+H+nant M m�d�a N�aUe Irx rsqutes h�aat to W W�d�Undu nfial mt be req.�Yad lo py Bonwrer any hlxes+.or an�lqt m'D'+z `�j'S s�f��r .� <br /> ��,`'1- �.:j Flmdx B�rravr�nd Undr mry a3'a h xrMFg.haw�vr.tMt Hlrat shN ba FWd on ihe iin3s. lender shM yk�lo Farsawx.v,ilhout ' � t� �: �_ <br /> �� � chw �n�nnuY aaounlH o1 the FwMS sh P L�e fa whkh e+ch dabR 1e tte Fwds ,.�,Q N . <br /> , pe, p wMy pWls nd d�hN310 Ihe Funds and tha et '`� f_ _ <br /> / � h�i". P�, t s r s <br /> ,_y �,��. wu m�a.. rn.r�a�ao er.o�19�d,s,ddWaw wcwiry wr a wms sewrea�ms swxwb xuwn,r,�. yy���,, ti ��,t F a-: <br /> s �� ?i2++' N ih�Funds hXi.k 0y Lindat tnceed Ihs urqunl6 pertdled to W heW by a,^�ii:e4a bw.Lender stut�cca:nt lo Bercowa la Ih�awcete Ay t� i v�ii i_' <br /> � - Funds N ueordnd u#h Ns rocair�.vnts M�ppic�Me Yw. H th�aman�ol fha runds htld by Lendr a��ny�Is na a��:.4nt lo pry th� �f�a� ¢I 't -.� <br /> rr y''. �:?� Esac�n G1ms wMn dw.l�nder nmp ao nolYy Batowr N xrUnp.and.N weh uae Barowa aIW py�o Lmda fhs umunt twtafuy lo m�kt ` ��i i �"`-- <br /> t "� .. . �te Ca dekJ�nry. 8arowr thY m�.W up Ih�deklauY h no mon Ilwi tweMe monlhH MY�U.a1 Lmda's eds dtaNbn. .�iyx. �t' t'S =� <br /> ..} -��4':;: �Fm WYrtw^I ln ful M Y aums eecurM bY Ws 6ea(tj MSWmenl.Lenda ahY O��P�H fHwd to Boarv.m mY Funds hdd by Lenda. M '{.�i��ir I/ L.�,�ti'z:" <br /> �, - -��� f � .- <br /> - i . 3: uridar F�n4nWi 21� Lmdr ah�!�W�'�a eM�ha Hopery.Lender.f�br lo the ac�NUitlon a aYe ol�he iacpery,ehN�pp y ny funM hN� � _: �7 j�u:;. <br /> M ien��er at fh�iNw d�oqul�fllm or sJe u a a6Q1�aW9t the wms s�nxed 6y Ws BewrfN NnWmenL R ,:. ' <br /> ' �.b1pp11C�ttOn Of PayrnBa".0. Unln�ppFON�M Yw provMes othxxise,J p�ynw�ta ru.Wed by Lendar unda Fcro3nphs 1 and 2 :. r { ,��.. <br /> � t ' --' she]bo aDpMd:iroL lo�ny FrtpayrtzM clwpes due undr ths Notr,aecanA,lo emouNS pya'aa und�r qnyph 2;Uikd,io 4.:v«t dw: �•`.- '��. �ro;,;� <br /> � ���'- fWr(.1 t9 pYl({HI dlkY,itld hl1.ID e.ty Yt0 chY9M3 dJ01MdBf lhe HOlO. 4 _'. {E�«!F": <br /> 4. ChM s• Lfans. Daruxr ihal a7:ixes,�ssessmmts,ehu �s,fines�nd � ; -��" � <br /> �,_ . iM , MY 4' MPO�Nbn3 itYRx�lWls 10 tM PropMY whlch r+aH ,:� . <br /> _� alt�h prkr%y ora��S 52anry fiawrclenl,�nd le'sehoid pymenfs d ground renU,X�ny. 8arraxx sMl p�y Iha�obip�tloni h the mv.ner � -_ t ��ti,�,:`�; �- <br /> - -� provkled h pnq►ph?. a X na�r?ld h that rtrnna.Bmawer ahal pry them on tN»dreqy to the penon avetl p�pmnf. if_narx shM - -F ,����.- <br /> : i- '`; promp9�r Nmith lo Lander Y noticta ol arnqiMS to be pJd under�hls pv�ynph. N Bortowx nukes thne p�ymenls d�eccH.6artaxet . . ,-A i��,�i �- <br /> . �.i.'�:, ¢hel promplly fumish lo Lander recelpls eridmchg Ihe py:nents. ' '�� � ---� �. <br /> `i- -�'�•% Barowx ahJ prcmpty d.selurye�ny Gen wl+ch Ns pbMy ora tMS SewiNy InsW menl unkss Oarowrr.(e1 ayrxs N wrMp to th�pry' �".. � Sy� f n s -'� <br /> - '�}�'- menl ol lhe <br /> --•1!-� obip+L'en s�cvred by Ihe kn In�r.ynnn autpl�ble to Lmder,@)conlest¢N qood taith Ihe Yvi by,a defmds�yWSI enlactnxnt � �)�: -, <br /> �C'�E� of the!m 8,!ep!prce�ps whkh N the lu��da'a opYilon opttate lo prerent the mforepmnl of Ihe Yen; or(e)aecwes hem tha hoWa d IN � °� "-`- <br /> - . u � y�tii�.., <br /> =' . Gen aa n3rxm'NrA aalkNday lo len�!e 5ubprtyutNg the fan Io 1ti�Saw�Ny InsWma�t. 11 Lzrda t�amhn iMi my qr�d.tM Prqwty N yin ..t? �. <br /> '''"� sub}tC 3o a 7m ahkh m1y�Raln pno-..y ovx INS Sawrily Inshumenl,lMdar msy gNe Bortw�er a no'.tu ldcntynp ih�6en. Fftrtqvx o1W � <br /> 'i ,.?� utkN IM i�n�r1a<o on�a mc+e d the�cUa:s eM tonh Wova withN f0 U+ys ot fhe 4�9 0/noUce. � � Y _ - <br /> ' � t+l°!� 6. HiOCarQ or Paoplrty InWfanC�. Oortowx aMt keep the tnprc.^c>mis now Wsing ar he`eUlar kected m ths PropMry NwrM f �l<a�T _- . <br /> � -,.,�'", �pJnst loss bY ba tuzuds Nduded wnhN lhe term 'extmded eorenye'�nd any olhx huuds.Ndw7ng Ibotls a M1oodn9,lar whkh Lmder It� ��in .:« �. <br /> � _ -.-yj. reyc;res i�suru�a. Thls Nsunnce aluP be mUrYfncd In�he amounls�nd for lhe pMOds th�l Lenda requYes. The hwwnee anfa prmidn4 C-. ' r.._.., : <br /> -. a.,;;' the fisuranco eM]be chosm by ffarowx subkd to Lendets approval vihich shal not be unre�sonaby wrihhHd. If 8orrowx IQs lo m�t�faN E - f�- - -:�a;-. <br /> �� . . <br /> �t}- -:-'s! tovM90 dostr4.Y1 nCare.LMda rnq,�1 LMdXs oP��.�teln oovpe9e lo prolecl lmder'e r19h15 h�ha Rc�erly!n aaordna wNh � _ _ ��r= -:. <br /> �� - :f P��Ph 7. +-CRi+l:�. <br />_ ' s ;:!�,.`,: h9 Im�nnee poicks md rmexils sh�7 be ecapable lo Ihe 1mECr entl sha7 Y�do a standard mortgege cLUSe. Lmder ahai Mve the �?;���j �- <br />_:+;"-;�.�y."- rSgtd 1�hotd Ihe poGdes u�d renv�,a:a. 11 Lmdu requFes,�orra•.�v sha7 FrcmpLy yhe lo ter-de�aY rece;Pls ol pdd prerriums�nd rmewd ' . <br /> :�.��;{4�,- po�s. In Ihe eiml d b». Becower sh�Y gha prompl notko to the lnauar.ce taMp end LeM,.-... lmdtt mey meke pool o�bas H nol made " . , <br /> �i Mon',pf7Y b�'Darzxer. i �. ' - - <br />_�„�;�` � �'� Unbss Lenda a�d Omowa otCm�ise agrec n wrNing.hwmnce prcceeaa s�ai bo appEM lo reslaaUcn�r�e�Y ol the Ropaty decni�v!.� , . <br /> .-,:,.i:� .�:'7.r� ihe uaknUOn a reqi Is econorrlcary Ioesl�le�nd Lmders seaniry k r.m feasened tl iha reetmtlon or«pas h noi econorciaN feuit+o . . . <br /> � { Cf L{(Y'1:N S 6lOY�:/WqIIC b0 IESDCf.CE.Ih0 IlISVINCO(lI0KCE5 shai te app7ed Io tha sums secu:cd by IF.IS Sttuiiry InsWm.em,whelhu p nol <br /> � Cue.rr11h a+y excess paid fo Oarraver. 1�Oortower aGar.ecry Ine does nol answcv wilh'n 30 Gye a nct7ce from Lmder tNf ihe <br /> 'r19u:a•:ce Cortla has o°a0d l0 6e:L'e 6 Wkn. IM1Cn LMdtt M•ay CN¢cl ih.e kuL�arce poueds. lmdM rtloy�!E IEe pocCCC15 to ttqik a restue <br /> � ihe flopttty or lo pay 6ums sea�Cd by Ihis Sear.ry InsWmai4 nF:citc� u col Inc�Aue. Tho 301fey puioU�.i{teqn wh.en Ihe no4ce it rJren. <br /> �� t;n'�eas lmda and[iarrarrtt othe�MSe agree n rrt'Nng,any a;ckaECn o1 j�cceetls to pmdpl shaA nd exip:d or pos��cne the due tlate <br /> ol L'e m:mhy ptymmis te�mcKl tc b p�mgrepS 1 nnd 2 a Utrg�iEC arxunt of Ihe pa7rtr.ents If under pa.vgaph 21 tte PrcpMy is <br /> acyr.tred by lmda. Oaraxtt's isht;:any Mscanco poGdes ure;rceeeOS�esul;k�g trom CaTe�;e lo the Ropaty prlor lo�he acqu!skion <br /> 6h�Wss lo Lm�er 1>Ue 'uCml d the 6ums sCwrM bvlM1is SCCwib InsWlr.enf YmiMaleN oAor to Ihe eCW!s:lion. <br /> ] 8. Occuponcy, Aresarvallon, Mainfonanco and Protocllon o1 lhe Proparty; Borrower's l.oan Appllcotion; <br /> I Lli6BhOW5. Uorcaxa shai ooa:py.eslabfish,and uae ehe PropMy as F3orrowtti pMdpal residrnce wilhh shly tlays aRtt 1ho ezec�.ion of <br /> Ihis Eoa:ily Inslr.mml end shn7 con:nuo!o aapy tho Rxertf as Oortowas qNtipal resWmco for al loost ona yeer afla the da:e ol <br /> oaup�ncy,unkss Lmder olhoewfso egces N wi'i+g,whkn<onsml aha7 no1 be unrcasonaby x"..nhdd.a unkss o�emuoting clramsWnas c�dit <br /> whkh ero baymd Oortovras eon4d. Oortowa shell nol desuey,tla.mago or Nipah Ihe PropMy,a,1ow Ihe Propaty lo delttfaa:e.a rnrrcit <br /> � wasle on lho Prcqaty. Oortower shn!be In dN.e��if any latetture ection w pfoceeding.w�Mhtt Wil w atmkial.Is begun thot h tmders good <br /> '- 5-.-. <br /> - - :T. anoi.rm(�yil woe r c�s fum 9028 8180 <br /> � <br />