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<br /> ,ti, < ,. '�.�:;..w--� 11:JJ FA%^,_...� �023
<br /> .". 00/28/97 FRI . �
<br /> �� ��.. � ��p . . � y�� � i;�,:� _
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<br /> `. , � `�� U a ia fulf of ell suu�se�u:ed bY thie 9scuritg Iasai�t.I�.em�cr�&t�tt ptompiFY xefaad co Bo�+��3+ '_� � . -�:.
<br /> � ,�=w� Pa PaY�t h 18.Leaiiec sNa11 acquire or seli the Pc�rpeRl►;.�ender.Prior to the ecquisition vr ` : �..
<br /> - �-�� Fuads hetd by Leader. If.uader��Pds hdd by Leadex at the ti�e uf a�uis�a�ar sal�as a credit agaiaat t�e simaa � ,v ._ � 4 _
<br /> sale of the PmpertY, sIIa118PF Y Y .
<br /> ' . � . `_�� se�t�d by tl�Se.m'�tY�sst�mt. �Pe��of p�Pal ead iAS�aest��d b��Leadet�all be eppli�as psavidc�ia '� .4:�..:•� ;"'_
<br /> .. 3. APF�ic�on oY�eY�• ,�odur f�or cberg�t°otltes�tia�grs'?• theq ariil6r gay�bla s�en •..
<br /> . `'`; the Note. If Bo�row�aares I�der aaY Iate cbarges s ,• ,
<br /> ;; . ,.-.':� mhibit�4Y�w,tHe applicatian of psy�s maY be a�a�:1sY���P�n oY athet chaz�s-
<br /> =:::;t,';� d�and of Leadet.UalessP � `� -
<br /> i .� -�� ��r p a i d t o I,w d e r i n a�d d i t ion m the maa6�ly paymeat o� sepa�Y� �be � . �,:
<br /> . � �` Thaefnre. Paym���1�r chasges, dist Le�4"ss may aPPly anY�Ymms t+eoeived � �:`' ,; �
<br /> '' � s ayp l i e d ia a m s n a�a t 4 J�e a'b s oiute dis�tion af the Lesder.Horio�eer ag�a ��g��b 2. �� � •
<br /> te wada Paragcaph 1.as flisx ta�e�ouam P g 9 a�l e . <. ":` .: .
<br /> � ��'�` ` s aad�F�agia�`•�s�sa+d�.riiher 5rs!to amounts Payab w d ' , �-
<br /> . .: 4. �?Vtaxtgao�a ead D�da oi Truat;C�a�tgesi Llens.8ocro+�eY sbsll pc¢fmm aB of Bm�mara's cbli�ationfi uade< <, � : �'j��_:
<br /> ___ � • �� ,-;r �ay m�tgage�deed of t�c cs�other�ecaulry age��c adth a lienafiish has prioaty over t�is Sec�iry 1�stnmatat.if eaY. l.��.. .
<br /> d ell teu�s. ��_� �
<br /> �J iaclud(cg Borrower•9 coveoants to malce PaY�w�a duz.Bosso�ret shall pay or aausA to lse psi �� � �` ;
<br /> ux •
<br /> � c�c2taYges,Snes and impositiaas atttc'butable to the Ptope�tY wbich m�Y avaen a pdar�over tL�s Sssuri4Y� , �� �.
<br /> ,.,, �����'�' I�sehold g�os gcauud z� ��9' dei o!` seac levled an tt�is�tY ,
<br /> � ..���fi;,�°`. � �pa�.�dxe the sama be¢ome iaqucu' s*the eutitti ama►ts� �J � �:;� �:.`' ��
<br /> � ..' �f��S;' ;�ef�:�attder thtv SecwitY lnstcua�ct�nPoa tlsa iad�bt�daess sa'ut+ed Y• '� 6;`..' �-
<br /> :t��__.�
<br /> � �uu�t.� an tht erty ia��
<br /> � rpvemeuts now acssting or h�� � ``` 1>'�•. ; ,,
<br /> ,:f . ' S. ��=u��ebal!lceep the imP , � � �
<br /> the tam"extendod coverage,"�ood t�r2 au.y*otice�hazazds as Lendet�.Y�� , _ .,� `
<br /> , , , r loas by fue,t�.'ds�-'`���r surh pe:lods as L.endu ss�a9:e4�• �� r ��, `
<br /> f �'� .:t°;�!ba�•i,�;;� tt�ae to ti�,�+i 4a s�� strelt 6e chas�bY$�s��►Ie��•.�,."p�vel by Lea�Qt;�� ,� '*'-3�`::
<br /> ��,:�r1 � �j
<br /> 'f,t,����'�,r�� � ����ly wi�hhetd.If the Baaa�rr fails to a�nta�u:tte oavar�e daet2?�a4 e��.� ��;:�, _
<br /> (�t�'t r�rxt,�'�r�'� t�at suth spp�o w aeco:d��+witt►F�S."���.�C i�rd�e Frtt� . .
<br /> , :;���.�7 ; may,ai its aP�• a ste�slsrd�actp�^a�ia¢ff�vvor of� r c [ � ,�
<br /> ,-f � �t�4,�' aS��y,-�S to grai�its'rc�'fxts in the PcvpeRY � s��
<br /> os[eitder and sLali iudu�e m t `�.i�:�,��.�,`:.�
<br /> `.t?��#*F��`if.;�t�� aad renewels�f�&bs m a f�cs s�Fsabte i r L L a t�.,�ea�,snbjxt to tl�e tee�ers�p �,.,�,. •I _
<br /> A�{;"::"� le'w Ixuder.Lmder s1�11 have the right to hold tfte goliefes�s1 rea�' 4 �:`i'�'�+ '`-:�'�-
<br /> n .n v u t� S s t a u f t Y 1asa�t. ff aa�► �.`� �{,°+ f �'-
<br /> � .` :;�-:�,:.� a fa�m zsxept� ;� ;.,. ,_ -,-.
<br /> •. ,,��%�:_` m�tgage. deed oY uust or other sscaaity ggz�t w t t h a l i e a a�f c h h�a p r i.p�t y .
<br /> . � ;�� insmaace pmc�ds e�e made PaYahle to Bono w a. 8 o r r u w e r s h a ll F F n�Y P�Y���to L�der.indudia�.wltha�t : :j`
<br /> O�Ct�S II13de bY C11lCSt OY Oi�f�Yi1{�• :. ..",f�..�i�
<br /> ; •.�_ limitatioa.t h s e a d o�ement to I.eada of�y pf 8e lied w regtora�loa or c e p a i r � ..; . �
<br /> _ . .. , ,.� tfiles�Leader and Bat�+owa otnmaise a�rce iu arrItiaB�iUSUtaace pta��all agp . f ,,..�, .�';�"�`.-'�!1:-
<br /> UB
<br /> ..r`r7s�.c.-
<br /> �- . ot the PrapertY d�g�•if the:estoratioa or mDair i�eronomiralt9 te�stble a�fl L�n d�r's�r t t Y ie n o t I e s a e a e d. I f t h e �: �„..: -
<br /> waiilcl be l�eaed. �e iasnrance PzoCe�ehaU be � :.�,��, :.. .�'■•.<<:
<br /> � . .•+ �toeatfoa or r air is aot«oaomieeuy feasibie or Lender's sea�t �:._:�.:=� ,�,�
<br /> � �qinttllCt Of AOi iA2a dtt��FJ�3Syt�8�t0 BOi30WR. •.�--.• .. ;�'�
<br /> . . " applied to the sums setvr�d bY tt�s 5e�utiry Ins�w� cation of pm¢eads to pYia�tPal sba11 aot aumd or � - ;�
<br /> .. � . :,. Ualesa l�eudet aad Borrmwet othawl�e a��'���•��� , ._;� . �,.
<br /> . � oae the due date oY We moathly paymenw�fened to ia IIa�agrdF bs 1 a a�Z or ahea ge the amouac�ot�e paynts��. � . _
<br /> �.'� '�' �er Paz'agr�Dh 181he PtapeetY ie aoquiced by Leadar.Hoxrawec a right w aay�poliaes aQd pror.eeds r�deg W -'--
<br /> . ftam damage to t�e Piopeet�►Dnor to the aequiriaoa sball pass w Leader to tltv a�t of the awas secnred by d�Is S�uiry .-f�_ _,—� ;__
<br /> F I�saument 1a�ediatelY p$0!t0 th8 lCQ�i�tIOA. di�buts��t os appkcattan of iasu�Fi'�cecda s�11 ; , --,
<br /> ` . , '�e pravisios�of tbls Patagrapb S cenceming fhc P��. :, �
<br /> �. , w�er or not(i)L�d�is a namied iasuted� N)��olicy taataiw a .r. � -.�
<br /> �; ,� , �Iy I�o ar�y insuranee D�ocxeds wverin8 tlie PtoP�stY -
<br /> . �pttgage ctavu or(iii)Lmda has rt4ulr�d Borro�et to maiutain tha inm�cv. Bmaowet au�otl�and diraets�y ins+ottr ' , s,, -- -
<br /> t:�� , to list Lffidet as e loss payee on auy�aymmt of ins�uamco Pmceeds upan Lea�a's notise to ins�uer oYLender's iatassc ia the ..�;.
<br /> - ����. ma�cepmof " �,".�,�_
<br /> sha:l Bive ptompt notkx w dte ias�uaaaa��et aad Lender.Leader maY �:,..=_
<br /> : . � 1�the tvent m�tc�se.Bo�� :� , �'` ,
<br /> . of tos�if aoc mzde pra��Y tiY Ba=rower. . • ., : ..
<br /> �' .�.. •�.i
<br /> ' •`.�:;,�,: .. IIY th�P[oyettY is abandonec!by Sarto�er.or ii Bozrowa fails to�P�nd•to Lesdes witbio 30 daye ftmn the date ;� .•;i�i;""^;ar��.�.."'
<br /> �•.'•� � �+,.:: , . � to Y�o��er ttiat the inauresce caisier offe�w eettle a cls�for insuraaee beae&�. LeaQrs i� ,�q�;4:.,
<br /> ,.'>� . aoSce i9 a�$iltd by Le�tder . . ..
<br /> ::,:;� . � . . ' apthur�W Coltest aad apply c1�iasutan�Pmceeds at��'s optian eitt�es w testor�cn oi nDair of the Fru�etty or w ,
<br /> ' � � .F . the sums seeured by t�is Saati�Ias�um�0�- . ,
<br /> i , '. � .. 6. tr�rvatton and Mai �"'���of YroPatY:LeaSaholds;Cosda�ni�s:�Uait D�vdoP�Boreaa+a
<br /> - � `+c:�rr•• ° t$e 8mpeaty in�ae8�aud�all aot caa�it a�petmit w�e. lmpei:m�t or deoedotatlon af the Fragecry. .
<br /> �� .�r<.n ' ��8' thae is;a violasion of uay Iaw.a�ia�ue ar gove:amsn3 ng�ton , . ..
<br /> ,�� Bo�tawet sha11 aot Qo eay�hin� a�g��OP�Y . -
<br /> � •_ • • � ,
<br /> ,�°. . applicabk+to a«siQratial yraPatY���Bo=maer shall comply witb►tlte Drova�3o�.oY aay iease ii tbls SeaultY ta�t+�ut is . ..
<br /> l b
<br /> �� •-= .• : ori a t�asr�ld. Ii�is Secari�Y I�at�'�c ie oa a uait�a a candmaim�or a plarmed uaie Qewelopraent. Borrawer aha11 . .
<br /> _ . : � petfosm aU of Sormwer's obligadaas undes the declazadon os wveaant~czeating or gavern�ag tho candos�ium or ptan�ed . : .,,
<br /> . ea n
<br /> '�� aatt d�veleDm�t.t�e bydaaa and�egulacioas of the c�domtni,um os Pleaa�d uni=develapmc�t.aad coaadtueat dooumrnte•
<br /> 's•:�'..
<br /> ��� � c�seaasicua o�op Tausr�sto,�� 0100401033 � . . � ��. .,
<br /> � A v aot�
<br /> ��'�� � R1CO3�3ldB � . .. .
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