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' -( Ttl�ri ?rA r!y : _ _ '�j-�� , _ j � -. ��; . <br /> .i . ��ft�i" � e �t�i �r tt� yTa .t - � 1� 4�}l.� -.: . ' t �f 1 N'-'. <br /> , r <br /> , <br /> ' _. 1Z� ;1, i £ r F, �1 � Y - 2. �L ' -.�: r 'r���:e��l;..�ewL�tc.'��[:�. - ..wiv.:��n.l,�a•�N'{41T"�f�.:;r+���.,: c,�„ - <br /> ,. FG_£a..s...rk�r.�x�.�.a..l�S_`r:o.lts�a.u�.u.�..,:r.�\�d+JL �..... _ . . _. .. _ _..._ <br />:<'.=�n��=� • 92.�. 9.�.Odri�S �.:�-_-_- <br /> �_.-., <br /> - �;T�- <br /> ' S� N�nrd or Yro�xny Tns�ir+�nu. Slorrox•er shrtll kor.� tho improvoments now exlsting on c�rtafter «aicd on �he """F��. <br /> — • Pro�.ttly'insurcd againet lois by Ora,harards InciuA�d��9thin iik temi 'extended eovemge' anJ any oiher hn:xrds, including �"'` �- <br /> ;��� floods o�flooding,for whlcfl I.ender rc.q:dn:s insuranca.T1ds Insurance shnll lw nuimatned in�he anx�ums and for tlie pedneis ��jf� ��� <br /> Q�el I.tndcr r[quircs.7fie insurana carder providing iho Insurona shall Ix choxn 6y Iiorrowcr subjcci to L.cndcr's approval �r .�t ¢�' <br /> T�"'�,, whlcL ahall no�bc anres:onably whhhcid. If Rorrowcr fails to maimain cnvcragc dcscriWd abovc, Lcnder may,ai I.cnJcr's "`i F"z�'n �� <br /> �e t�?.� option,oblain wvengo to prota�LcndcPs rlghts in tho ProMny In accordann:with p�ragraph 7. 6���+7 /, -; <br /> All Insuronro polieles and rcnewals shnll be acecpiablo m Lender and shall includo a stanclard mm�gage oiausa I.ender ,{'�?''�4 ; <br /> 1, �i.� Sh011 havC Ihe righf Io hnlA lhe�licics and rcquires,Ourtuwer shall pmmp�ly give�o Ixnder ail reccipis of �= � <br /> ,� �f pild premiums and renewal noticcs.ln thc ovcn�of loss,f3orrowcr sh�ll givc prompt nmicc lo�hc tmurancc carritr and Lendcr. �s,yr.'R..`�,0.° <br /> '.�.�;>,r!;: i.tndcr mny makc proot of loss if not mada promp�ly 6y porrcnvcr. .',��j;�{:::`�'`,_�: <br /> -`��'3��c'":�� Untess Lender and Aorrou•er a�hem(se ngrce in u•riiin�.Insurance procttds shall M r.pplial ro rcs�oro�io»or repair of�6a �'�t�`�o-:�?i;:- <br /> ';.; <br /> ���'�t„�,�:` Propeny dam�ged,(f�Lo restoratlon or«palr is aonomically fwsi6lo and LeMcr's ucuri�y fs not Icssencd.If the ratnm�inn or - �., <br /> ' � c" [epa![Is aot annomia�ily fwsible or Lcnder's securi�y would be Icsuned,the insunnce procccds shall Ix applitd Io the sums r-3�> i i: <br /> l,�r��?'-'_�� sxured by this Sccuriry Instmmcm, whedrer or mt�hcn duc, wl�h any cxccss paid�o Onrrowcr. If Rorrowcr x6andons thc ` -`.` _ <br /> ,__,;;jf'`1.� Propeny,or doce cat answcr withtn 30 days a retim(mm l.cndcr tha�tho insurence rarrier has oflcred to xulc a claim,then �. �;r-: . r��'�:c.__ <br /> , ,°`,i A` Le¢det may eollect the insumr.ce proc.eds. E.eeder may use tl�o prands ro rcpafr nr «storc the Pmpeny or to Bay sums . �u;i �. <br /> s-'1�'�.�'�- sxverd G�this Stturity Instrumtnt,wE.e�her or nct then due.Thc 30�day period will ik6in when the r.otim is givcn. ,� <br /> :, -��'�' Ltnler ud ffotto•xer cNerwise agrce in writing. any applicatlon of pnxttds w principal zhall`rot extend or '�-�, j��i -; <br /> �� <br /> �a �� ` pos�por.e i?re dr.derr.of lhe monthly prynr.nts rCerrM to in paregraphs I xnd 2 or ehange the artwum of the paymeNs. I( -�-� �, � - <br /> �,�� A `� under parr.grzpl2E rue Property is acquind by Lender,Bortower's righl ta any insurnncc policies and pron:eds resulting from �� `h <br /> ��5� ,�>' T.;_43`vi -. <br /> „- *}:� damage ie ihe 34�c;:g Fdor ro the acquisitian sh�ll pass to Lender w the extent ot�he sums+::und by�his Seeuriry Insuunsrzf -�. <br /> ;^�����`�=f�k , Invnciliaxty�prio�su thz acquisi�ion. �`5y'; 4s�.k-' <br /> ��{�7.q�+`;t. 6.�tte}unry.3'uutrvatlon,hfalnicnanm and 1'rolaUon ot ihe PropertY;Barro�rer's Loan A,pplicatfon;I.�ex'haids. �T��������,� <br /> �fi-� �'' ' Borrowcr sfiall,es�ablfsh,and uu the Propcny as Uorrowcr's principal rcsidencc wi�hin sixry dzys:Jtcr�F.e cxcrmion of A o- � � <br />-'�'f'��=`�' thls Securi� lns�rtimes:;and shall mntinue to occu the Pro n as Borrower's nnci al residenee for atleast one ear af�er f�"��}fi"i � <br /> Frff�z ._ • Y Pf P� Y P� P Y ��'Y e t,: <br /> � �. �j.-. Ute date of attupartq.un!tss Lender o�hcnvise,w� in axiting,whtch mnunt shall nol bc unrcasombiq withheld, or unlczs �Y"-!�+r� �n � <br /> +�t �yz� � extenuating cfrcumsiarcu exiit ufuch ere beyond Dorrowei s mn�rol. Oonou�er shalt cot dcs�roy. damage or impaG �he j -+S�ynk <br /> �".v�[�'�: ' Propeny, allow thc Projxrtg:o A-urdoratc, or mmmit w;u�e on ihe Prop=rty. 6ortowcr fiall bc in default if any forfcimrc � -�y iir�( <-� <br /> �� �--lr.Y' actlon or pra+ceding, whe�har aivit or criminal,ts begun�ha�in l.ender's good tai�h judgnKn�muld result in forfciwre of thc ``�y,{�.p� �._, <br /> � �fi � ;t;� Property or othenvis�matedali��impalr the Ilen crcate4 by this Sccurity tnswmcm or I.ender's ucuri�y interest.Oottower may �;�--,.�yr„�4 e_ <br /> !- �'� eurc such a detaul�nr.d xeim�ate,ar provfded in paragraph 18,by eausing the acllon or proceeding m be dismfss�d wl�h a mling �i�.}ff� ` <br /> '� �� '{- th2., lo L_M�'t_o�e[ f0 fI!�y�e�mip�linq; prcludec fnrfeitu�e nt the Itorrower's intxc�i in the Pro ny or other material :t•>.i'7 4 ��'-�-- <br /> . � o •c o 1 � (� .. pc <br /> ..r, sR <br /> ` '�y'' � impairment of�:e lien erra�¢d by chis Sccurity Ins�mmcnt or i.endcr's security inrercs�. Etmrower shall also be in detaull if t.;,�l�{�1�,�,�j:� <br /> 6 <br /> � � Cetii Horrower,dudn th�loan a Ilrn�ion nxess,gavc ma�edali talsc or inaccurate infomia�ien or stntemcros�n Lender(<v failed ;- �, E +-- <br /> , .i;, S PP A Y =.nds 1,� , <br /> x��t-- -�`� ro provide Lcadu tsah any marerial infomintien�in connecllon wi�h the loan evidenced by ihe Nme.including,bm not IimiteA ,h'r{�y�f�r: <br /> "i° F�'-� ro,represeutatior_;conceming Oorcower's ocntgzn:y of�he Ropeny as a principal this Sxudcy lnsvument is on a '•;:r�.p h �� <br /> �,5 }� '�x`:` leasehold, Qartower shall comply wiih all �he pmvisimGS oi ihe Icase. If Oorto�ver acqaires fre �i�lr io the Propeny, ihe ''"`f� �* . <br /> ./� o�;l <br /> s �XTi� �"� Ieaschold and thc fec title shall not me�ge unlcss Lcnder ngrres to Ihc mcrgcr in wriiing. r,.t '� ' <br /> ��t<y<�`�i 7.Proteclion of's R9gfits In lhe Property.If Oorrower feils lo perfami the cm�enams nnd r.grecman!s camaintd in -�, ,`+,: �cy� ,� <br /> �4 �5 ��' lhis Secudl Inslnmxnc,or there is n le al racedin t6at ma si nificantl affal Lender's ri Nx in ihe Pro n (such as a :_�• ` " <br /> --� `73r,R Y B P S Y 6 Y 8 P� Y i,1� ?``._. <br /> , rtN �ur•� rocccdln In bank�rr robat0.for conJemnatlon or forfcimrc or to enforcc laws or rc ula�ionsl,then Lcndcr ma do and �17` t - <br /> lfi2�c'� P 8 ?��y'.P R Y _ YE <br /> ��-v� i"�� pay for whatcvcr is nccessary ro�cotca the velue of ihc Propeny nnd Lcnder's dgh�s in the Propeny. Lcndcr's actioas may z�ff;ta,��� r:. <br /> t5\k��__�,t inetu:[� Fnyfng any sums secureS by a lien which has prio:ity nver this Security Ins�necr.�nt, appearing in mun, paying _ j�`'f�t4`�YF __ <br /> ,���F4 reason:Sle auomeys'fees nnd entering on�he Propeny�o n�ke repairs.AI�M1ough Lender may take ac�ion under�his paragraph - �t�y rj} <br /> �.ti�r'� 7,i.endcr dacs not havc to do m. ,�` r YJ��.i"�. . <br /> ..'`.s�,�}�+{ Seccai}nlnstmnxm.dUnl Oorrow r andU(.cr.h:hagrcerto'o h r7temu1of paymenta�hc caan oun srshnllrMarri^c cstdfrom'h'e �•�jy�`����� �� <br /> 1�t14��:, da:e of disburscmcnl al Ihe Nme rate and shall t+c payablc. ui�h intcrcst, upon no�ice from Lcndcr lo Oorrower rqnts�Sng -�ti' +�r{�j�'�� <br /> !r sAln . .a,' payT.:CnI. ��I rs �vr _, <br /> C <br /> i"" � --_�. 8.M1forigoge Insuranm. li Lrndar rwuired nwngage insurar.ce as a conditinn ot r.�akmg�he Inan secured by�his Secnritg ,i?jf�+(��v,- <br /> '. .se,!) <br /> °�r f.;^' Ins�mnxm, Dorrowcr sl�all pay thc pmmiums �equircd tn maimain �hc mo:tgagc in cffa�. If. (or xay rcason, tlo-: �.-;,�.1;� =-` <br /> ;lJk i;f+� mnugage insurance coverage ruF:nred by I.ender lapses or ccams to be in effacL Uormw�cr shall pay�he premivais requirzd tn :{'� �1f� �'�-. <br /> t c- ob�ain coverage subs�anlially e.ycn�Jer.l to Ihe mo�tgage insunace previously in effa<_1t s msl subs�amially eqaiva[es`�o�he �t,.*'�7 t-�-.. <br /> � E�: <br /> +�; `'- —` ms� to Bortower of�he mm�gagr mzurance previously in ei(.cL Gnm an alicmate n;��ngage mwrcr approved by f.cadtr. If ;;.;�p�t�.� f- <br />..:l!�a�.s:T".}.:. <br /> :::,.E.:,:,�,;.,, substemially equivalent mongege insurance cov¢roge is no�arailable,6ormwer shail pay m Lender cach momh a wm equal�o „ � <br /> -�:�-;}i;:%i�' one-lwdflh of Ihe ead mon a e insurxnee rrmium bein id h Oorcnarr ahen ihe insurance core'a e la ud or eeased W . <br />��;:t- i 3' Y B S P 6 tu Y R P <br /> "'"��r°'��-��• bC in effai.Lrndtr��ill acce 1 use and rclam ihex a mems u a loci rc>crce in liru n( mm� a c insurance'Loss resem <br /> �.�:�6e.}lvs_ P• P T f R <br /> ; .i,�z..�i?!_� _ <br /> _ ' 4, fam 30pE lr90 . <br /> �'�i��s���r.�i� MC�019•NFJJ �m���s . <br /> _� ^.�._S3': : . <br /> _ -;-�i.i� - <br /> . :i,: ::S,1rv::;rii:��_' -_ .-�ii�i�,i:,,,ii-�t. .-. . . . _ . - . - -- . - . . � . . . - .. _. <br /> f <br />.. .- __ ��':' . <br /> _ ;:��'..�.r�� � ' <br /> t_ <br /> ' ' ' --�f�. . ' <br /> - :t;i: . .� � <br /> ;;f`ti� - <br />_ °'i.. <br /> - } <br /> 1h .. ' <br /> f2�iW}4"`• • •- . _ . _... <br /> tx3 '� <br /> ' �Y. <br /> r _' ' <br /> �.� . <br /> + qJ <br /> "�r.�i ' - - . . ' <br /> • i <br /> 1't � ..�. -{�. . . _ . . • _ ._ _ _. ___ . .. .:.. .. .�__ _ __ . .� ._ <br />