�.�a•,na�ro�� . _:f. _ t'�t. L .�c _
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<br /> _ pdncipal art�wt of�te indab�dnsss saatted by thLs Qaed oi T�.not tndmdirtg sums advanced�mtect the� � Qead ot . ,
<br /> , �.�`�� rntst.e�ths artglnal print�f amount s�d he��.or$ ,whid�ever is greater , -
<br /> .t: , t6.�7isroAan2aas Paoartsmn3. ;
<br /> ..`�•:' . �8)�pT(�I64 E�9t@II88�.�31SIOf1 CI thD t$i19 tOf Q8yrtt8llt Ot IR�iRC2�fCt10�8lIl0Itl78tI0f1 O�lh0 SUf(IS S�lltBd by WS ,,'�r•
<br />- . B�d oT Tn�st grant�Dy�enQer ro any su�nr in tnisrast oi Borro+r�rer shaU rtot operats to retease,in a�mannar.6fe uabi�- ?f� '`
<br /> �<,, •. ry ot tt�orlgina!8arrawer aad Bo�vers saa�ssors in interest.Landsr shaD not b�requtrad Oo conuneaoB proo�adings .
<br /> . � egaU�st sud�suaoessor ar refusa to extentf tlme for payment ar atAe�v'se rrtadlSt amoRi�atlon oi tl�e sums seaured b3v tAis
<br /> - `= Oead of Tn�si by reason of any demands rt�do Dy tha orig[na!BQrco�er and Borm�rrer's suocessors�n U�tereri -.
<br /> ..,. ` , � (b)LandaYo Powara.WifRout aRecting the UabIIdy ot any other p�rson Uabte for the paymerd of acry aLIIg�an herek�m�- _ ;
<br /> ,°�� : tloned.�d wifhout affeding tlra 6en ar�arga off�is Qaed oi Ttust upan any Oartlon oi ths P�o�rly not��t4�ereYn[are �°-•��
<br /> , � � : reigased as�curiry far tl►e tldl amous�t oE aU anpaU!oDfigat�ons.L.eader may.fmm fhne to tfma and without rta�a(�reSsase .: :6..;;
<br /> �� . .�� �,�: � �Y Parsan so Qaflt�.(�ext�d fhe maUm'ty ar after anY ot the terms M any sud�obligattosear(I�Srant other�rtduiganoas.(iv) .
<br /> - � �tease ar ceoamrey,or cause W Oa reteased or reoomray�d at arry tlme at Lendsfs opUon anY R�.P�on ot a0 oi tha 't_ '`
<br /> -: ;�-'"��'� � Pra r �ice or release atAer or add'i'tmnal securty tor an obI' n Rere(n mentiar►ed.or a�maWa oumpnsiticris or
<br /> �•.. .�--,-�-.-.�. .. PeRV.() �Y Y � (
<br /> �-� --��-� oti�er asrangemsnts wiYt 6eAtors tn retatt�on tissieto.
<br /> _�'` .� (c)�od�sarance�y lender elot a Watvc-�r.My forhearanm Dy Lender in exerdsirtg erry dgM or ramsdy hereundsr.ar ath- ..
<br /> ' s� , ,�. ������ enYise affurded bY BPD�+�te tava.sAafl noi be a waiver of or preduda tha exerdse of any su�right or remedy.The procuce- , • .
<br />, :''=:��"° � ' ment of�rts�uance or fhe paymsnt of faxes ot other Itens or c9�argas by Lender shall not De a vrahrsr ar Lendefs dght to aco�2r• .;:Y,•.:
<br /> . , „�'�� etBlttematim'tyotthahattfabiedrtessSe�ure�bj►tttisQesdofTntst
<br /> - _ .. _ �=��` 2,�; � � .
<br /> - - ::T- fa'ai d shalt bUtd.� a�ttte�hec�etmQer 4�hati tnure�caspe�s�t�0ocessors andeas�ns of Len�der�and TcusDcr.AU -
<br /> ..:,,.E_ '. .�.
<br /> caverrar�ts and agnsememts of Tnistor shaU be jo�nt and seversL The cap�cns snd headings af the paragrapAs of tlds Q�xd M
<br /> - ;:`�°u' Trust are tor comenienoe cniy and ace nat to be�etf to ird�preE ar de5ne tha piovLsians herea� `.''r
<br /> r .�,.�;" (e)l�equeat for tdatices.ihe PaAies h�esDf►�e4uest d�at a cnpy af any nottoa of dafautt hereun�ar anQ a oopy of ar�►ncfio2 .
<br /> ' • ""• of saie ftecettnder be ma�Ted t�esc{Y p�tty to thts Oeed of Tnist at ttse address set forth abovs in tha manner pras�bad by ,. ��•
<br /> -,�„;{;.:;;�:.
<br />.'S : :•;;;. , ,:.�:_;.. appLce�'s law.E�t f�r arry ofhe�cuafic,�required under appt(rahle law to ba given in snother mannar.anY rtaSaa provfded tar
<br /> '°s�%'`�.;.: ... _ in 8�s Qeed of Tnist�ra116e given[sy ma�irg s�d�t aotiw by oe�fed rnail addrassed to the other paritas.at the address set .
<br /> ' ����•f• forth abava My notic�provided tor in ihfs Q�:�fiTsusl shaU be eifec�tva upan mai'Ung in the manner Qesignate�herein.tt ` .�.
<br /> ' ` �'••r y':, . Tmsta�is mare than one ps�son,natios seM to the asi�ress set 5orth above s4�a!!be natFoe to afl surh pe�sona � .
<br /> ` (��on.l�ssdet may make or aause to Ee made r�te entrtas upon and inspactlona of the PcttPe�l/.P���
<br /> . ihat L�st�all giva Tnrstcr na8a�priorto arry suc�insDeexfcR s�yecifym9 Basotrabia cause therefar re�ated Lo Lende�'s itrter-
<br /> . �'- escfiUiB3�pCtly. . . -
<br /> - �'• (g)tt�ccmeoyano�Upan payinent of aii sums sewred dy this Deed of Trosi.lender sfiaH te�t Tnislee to t�oavey the
<br /> -��°° ° �•, ;`_;;a Propetry and shaU aurender this Oeed of Tn�st and aD notes evfdenc�ng indebiedness secured by tlifs Qeed of Tntst t4 ` :.
<br /> -�� Tn�ste�Tmstee s!�ceoomrey fh�tfioperty,witlwut wacranty and witlwut charge to the person ar Rersons fegati�/enh'fied
<br /> .;f �•,• '..�F<,'`� fheret�.Fr,�or shaD pay all cosi5 af�oNaUon,if any. �
<br /> (h)�eisanal�eoperty;Sacrufl�t�1Sreement As addittanal seaat�l tbr tfie payment af the I�aba,Tn�star hetesy grdnts
<br /> .�_. . Lendsr undar ths Nebraska Unffomi�mmeretaf Cade a�r1ty Mterest in a0 fncWtes.equi�►t�and oiher peram�al ptcyErty - ..,��
<br /> �, used in oomtecHan w�lh fhe real esiat0 or improveme�s facated thereon.artd not otherwise daclareQ or da�d to be a paR of •�,�;,,
<br /> ., .°, Ute reaf estate sec�ued hereby.Tftlls instr�unent sRait he consbued as a Secur�y Agreemeni undar��odrs.8nd the Lender
<br /> � ` � ..: :- shaU dave atf tha righb and remeQias of a�aue�"p�ry under satd Cade in aQ�i�on W the righta and rea�fas aeateA under ;';;;;�;;
<br /> ' ...`..�, and��1e�fhe lender pmsuant in:i�ls t?eed of Trus�provided�t Lendefs dghb and temedies undet'��►aragra�g."��.7 � �:.,
<br /> ' • � '. ba aur�tt�6ve wRh.and in no way a lfcmmtIon on.Len6ets rt��rni remedtes urtdsr anp other sscucity ag�sament s•a„�sc-d�f�}y. �:�,=;�
<br /> � � ' .;;'..�� Botra¢a$sc�Ttus6or. �?t.�;
<br /> : , :;i jp (Ij LT�ra and Ee��..^s�ranea.Tr*.stur heraby warrants and t�r�sents tliat there is no defauli under fhe ptavis�ons a9`aRy r �
<br /> :- • :°w`?r mortgaga.d�8d at t�:.�ease or p�ase arntract desaibtng aq or arry part asT the ProAetty,or other ccnt�ct.irtstrument or �s:.i�''
<br /> � - � .`, .f «,
<br /> ��' frr• da�m thia Oeed�rtut.�anA tt�T.t-r�ard aQ e�'�ng Uerts ro a�unmod"�e�t asrceQ�M tsn�der�a�tofs wr(t ���
<br /> �.' - ten dt��rstere oi llens enQ en���css pravv�eQ for l�ere�.Ttusto►Shait timety perf�a!t of Trustors obftgaUons. _
<br /> ' oovena��represenraUons and wum�stfias under aayr and ail e�g and future Ltc�ns.sha9�mQtty fon�rard�Lentier ooples °
<br /> , `�:�',.�� of atl notioes af defauft sent in wnnecy3�.n wi��3ny�asd all exfs�:.ng oe future LEens.an0 shati�a7 tivjtt�oui t.�zr�efs prior w�tten -
<br /> . . , oon58rtt fi arry manner modify irie Dnavisions ciaF�la�any►futuse sEvertoes�r arty e�ds6ng or fifirre E�s "'':='T.=:
<br /> •� . • �ApAlte�tian o9 Pay�en4o.Uni�s athe�crquired by ta�v,sums pai8 t�Lender hereunder.inr��cvithout Um�atton '-"
<br /> ' ' paymacats of princtpaf and Interest insurancs prooeeds.condemnatton pro�eds and renb enA proRts.shsil be appl`�d�yr ' .
<br /> .'�. :,.i •_: Lend��1hs amounb due and a�Uom TrusWr and Borro�s�a i�sucb aNer as Len�er�e i�sola di�etfon deem���-
<br /> . , abie. � . .. � .�-
<br /> .. _ (k)�rera�i�ty.li anY 9tovFSta�a�fhis Deeb ot Yrust ooaflids with eADltpbis law or�i��ared tmrai!d ar othen+rl�wt�3t�- g:.;;_�
<br />- . . tor�eabte,such oon45�ar or irnalt�ty shall not efieet the ofher pravtslons of tl�ts Deed af Trust ar the l+�ote ulh�can ba c,�en `-;.;;.-
<br /> . ' . sfted vrithhoet the oor.�cdng pravisfan.and to thls end tha pravistons of tf�6s Qeed of Trus!end the Note are�ed to ba�w
<br /> . �-4 . etablB. i�• ,�.
<br /> •�: r, (Q Twiusfl.The mrtns'Trustar�ut°i�orrovret shall irtdude botb singutar and ptureb and+�t`een the Tnrstor and Borr��r�
<br /> °ia
<br /> . . the sar�i�erson fs),those terms�u�d in tALs Oeed ot Tnis!shap ba fnUer�angeabla. . �;,.`=.�-
<br /> . . - (m)�ovaming Law Thts Oeed at�'cust shall ba gavemed Oy fhe faws of the 5tate of tVeDc�;ca.
<br />_, . . � . '.� . M-
<br /> .s .
<br /> _ . ;1 .
<br />- .�
<br />__ . : � • '�,
<br /> s
<br /> . ' .. 's. .
<br />-, .: �:•:n;;�;.;� .
<br />_ "t. :;:/,`:����• T�ustar ha3 e�e3ta.Red fhis DEed Ct Trust 2s o�tfi3 Qate v�rdtten abave. , '
<br />_- . y� , .
<br /> ' �•'':;:t�';.. TNlltUr
<br />_ ' `;;�����,�; ames F. C eberry rn�or
<br /> : ... . ,';:,4�,,,�►';
<br /> �• . .� . TcasOor Tntoflor .
<br /> H_ � .
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