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Fy' +r, <br /> f ' .-: _ _ _r' � /f .(. /�y _u-. . _ _ �i�r��{- � ?:w.yc'�� - /. s !;.-.:__ <br /> ( u' -�':j�-llllln ttiff _ . �f'4;it,.rtµSN'v.a.�E�.sY.t .. ___ .. ....�5. .i .l .. _.. <br /> . . . . �...L.r,....l.:w.�..7.»t1..�l.L�.u.....hL.J...,.....a.:...afJH�CtN0.innd.4X.1tNC41FJ9'N� ..__'._�`___'_ .__ _..... ,�,__. <br /> rerr_._ <br /> � iT; � <br /> .��4;�'�� A �.U9.9t�7 �a,�. , <br /> ���y�,.� �rS'M��t,Atut�r,�/t7w�r.�rustor sholl poy oI1 rons,assnumnts ond otlNr chcrpes,includinp,wnfwut Iimua�lon,lin�i on0 im�� �` ' ' <br /> . , <br /> tty ,s� pOtNl6nsottributnbMfotlqPropaty.andlrosefaWpoyr�»NSaqrou�Ercts,itony,WfttefMsa+»Wwmedelinpuent.TNSlushoilpromp. �±i fL�, �s� _- <br /> Ily furnish to 8�(icbry utl noik�i 6t a���is d'uo v,c,'�,y thls yc:oyrc,.''+,e.'�h tfq e:°nt Tnnttt sM�ll muke poym�n�dira�ly.Trusta sMll 4` '� Y ,. .. <br /> 'pF�3�� prar�plly fumlih to&n�tkiary recripts�rW�n;inp sah payments.Trusta shdl poy dl toxrs ord osstssments wfii�h moy be IevHd upon w� rY�' �f��,1� ,_ <br /> � ���h;�; 8mtficiay's IntKest Muln a upm this DeW of Trost v/ithout repord la ony low tMt moy W�noct�d Miposinp(wYment of tiro wlwle a any ��x w`:R,:„. '�. <br /> J�y• pattMrwiupontheB�fidaY• ,T , ` f�s';�, <br /> � -�, e.AMI{1w�i il�y Mi trN�Nk��f MM}kirpy Aarit�,Trusta sholl mak�oll poym�Mt of M�K�st and principol and payments of ony z,� r ; ?'`� j{) -� <br /> '�.:;;?_ aMer chorp�s,fe�s ond expmses tmtraltd fo be pold to ony existl IlenhoVdxs a pria Mntficiaks urder on la deed of trus�a mor• � i ' ; �e E a�: <br /> 4�i F� tpop�Wtars ttN dot��MY are delinqvent ad promptly pay ord diseFary�ony ad oll other liens,cbims w ehorqo�hich moy jeop�rdito ihe � -�`-' 3 '� �� .: <br />. � i r�zf�� s�curity yranred Ixrein.If Trusta tails to mnke ony such{wy:xnT a loils fo perfam my of�M covenon�s ad ayreeme+ts conrolned in this � � a ..>`:� <br /> ' �Y�' Oeed of Trust,a(n ony pria mortgoge a deed ol wst,of if any atian a praeed'ug is commenced vA�ich matnlolly ottetls t:r�eTxisy's In• ` -: ` '' '� n,_;. <br /> 4 ��� ttresl In the Propeny,including,Uut not 1lmited ro,emincnt domoin praeedirgs,a praeedings involving a CecenSrnt,or ii Tr+ntalals to zay : : _ <br /> - * ,� Trus�w's debts genrroliy os they Uecome dve,Ihen Oenefuixy,ot Beneticiory's option ond wiihout rat�ce to cr drr�nS��on Trvst�o+i -.� ; ° ,;y <br /> x �' rifMvlmleatfngirus�alrmcsr�obligoHOnherec�v.kc.rzaycakes�chappeaonces,dlsbursesuchsums,o�ltokesahc�trxiasiseaessay � ---: , ;_ <br /> �� �-�� 4o pratx�Sanxf'r.'say's i+ixise inc S.d'vg,b�t mt imit¢d fo,fa3wser.xnt of reosorwble atlomay's t¢xs,�ymrnt,p;+rtFaia.�m�at a tam- -:s + ,� <br /> ` ' �� Framix of ctty arc�srhaxe,dwrqt a Sn+,�!entry�q�n tha AroyMy to moke repa�rs.In tM evrM tMf Tr�sttt shoit to:l lo prtt�re in• - 1� th'�1 �t=:-: <br /> ---}ii svrance a to poy�un�s.esssssmems,a my atAar ch3rgts or to molce ary yayr•xnls to ezis�iy pr,a Tra hzUars or beneticiaies,Brneliciay ��f Y'���7`j��e'_; <br /> -- ��. , . .rF�n:r"�sz3. <br /> � �- r�; moy paure svc1�ins�ronce u:d mokt such yayment.Arry omo;nts disb�.scd by Beneficiory ywsvonf to this Paro9roph 6 sho.l becane oddi�ionol f.- ������{ <br /> '-`'y` indebtedness ol irosla secu'M t'�thit�oi Trust.$uch aawnis Stall be poyo6la u,��natice from 6xnt9i�i�ry toTmstcr requosting poY• S _ �t ,. .,r �!#trF': <br /> I la%C <br /> _ '�S6f inent ihereof,on6 sta:l Seo;inte:est irom the d�le of dsbursemenf ol�he role poyoDle tron time to tima on outs�or.;is��rri:xipol under the t�'q?tn� 'sr � _._ <br /> ��,- Note un!ess payrnem of iNerest m sah ro�e wav+d be contray m opplicoble Iow,in which erem such omeums sho116nv imerest ol the h�ghest -,�,�:��,�3�-� <br /> ur <br /> ��,`;t3y'_ wte permissibie u'der oppliwble low.Nothina ce��toined in�his Pwagroph 6 iM!1 reqaiw Benelklary to iacur ony expense w loke on�eUion . ?���y�Y�'�,�'��._� <br /> ratr�+'��Ct- herarder. ry /c:�c�t+,�`�i{n�:'�,. <br /> r ''µ'�d°�K'� 7.M�{��f ef bM�.Benefi�iary sMll hare�he right,pawer ond aulhorily during the coNinuance o!�his Deed c�irusl to colfact�ha - _ _ <br /> ;�f;it;i r�crs,issoesordpofitsof�heYroparyardofanypersonalpopertylaofedihereonwithawitlwuttokingpossessianofthepropertyoifected ' � ,��n .;; <br /> '��,'� �hc�eYy,ondirusiaherebyabsolu�elyanduncondtionalfYOSSgnsallsahreMS,iss�esandproti�sto&neficiary.Bmefi�iory,howover.here6y .�ri -•=' ��?,f = <br /> z�,x x7 j� consents fo the lruslor's collection ond rcienrivn of such reNS,issues oM pofits as Ihey acme axl btaarr.poYOb�e so Imy as irustcr Ps rwt, y y -' 1��3 <br /> _ �f�yrf of such time,in drtoult with respeU to poymem of ony indebiedness sttured fieeby,or in the perfwmonte oi ony agreement hereundar.t!pon t4,ht ,: �'9�f -°• <br /> , „? ony such defavlt,Beneliciary may m ony Gme,e��her in person,by agm�,a by receiver�o be oppolnted 6y o wwt,wilhoia r.mke and wi�hout ��}�� ����,- - ._ <br /> �'�-��,'; regord ro the odequocy of o:ry sx�ritY fa�he irdebtedness A!reby saaed,(a)onter upan ord roke possession of f�r Rvlzrty a ony port � ��1!��� e��;�k�:.; <br /> "`����;.J� thereof,ondina4ormnan�esuafaaotherwisecolleclsuchrems,issuesordprolits,inclu�ingthoseposldueordt�t,'wh-u=dapplY���^�. ' -. - , <br /> ..,,r!IL`-.}je less coslS er.Q e.eenses of operotion ond�o1?ecfion,induding reosono6le ellaneYS fees,opon ony inde4:�taass secv:e0 F.ere6y,and in such S-,�._:; ���+`��A.c <br /> `�f� qdet as BEncSiday may determinei @)per(om such a�s of«pair or protectbn os moy be necessory a ywyar io cc�at�re ita v'u'�e o{i�� —;f�i ��r��_;- <br /> �,Li� + p,a.,�y ���teoseihesomeoran tlhereofforsuchren�el,le�m,ondu iuchconditlonsositsjudgmenfmayd'xtaeeaterminoleorod• � �• �Sfn t <br /> �,�����i%t�,I 1Yi YP� �" ' 4��I�1Cik;5'. <br /> � � j� � �� j.��ehe terms aMI conditions of anye:isling Ieose or Ieoses.Ur.'ess Trusia und&neficiory n3ree oihersise in writing,en�rasqlitalion of renis, - ; , r , , <br /> d�4 <br /> ..3jt�r,'�h�{ prqn isory nore w[la'rge the omanl otrsuch insallme'ms'The eMer�v�n ond toke do�e ot the fniroilment�Y Y2,��o�ettiono if=,oid '(���1�1��,{�����n: <br /> ng po rg possession of�he Pro rt . <br /> � 7sf1 ta�: reros,issues ord profits,ond the appiication thereof as otoresoid, shc:l rrof vroire or cme ony defavlr a noiice of default hereunder,w in- �� : �,A��J,�+�}F� <br />. ;.�9�a-" votidate any at done punwnt ro such no�ice.Trustor also ossigns to Benefitiary,os fur�her semrity fa�he pertamonce oi the o6fqolions �� - _ ; ��� ` <br /> ' -L} ' secured hereby,oll pepoid renK and ail monies which may hoye 6een a may hereolte�be deposiied wilh soid Tms�a bY cny lessee of the Pro• � *_ �� �R'. ,pµ <br /> ��ry'+�r' rt ,to secure the men�of on rent or dama e:,and opon defaul�in�he rformanae of an of the ovisions hercof,Trostor o rees lo �, �:' xlU� <br /> #�_ P� Y PoY Y 9 Pe Y V� 9 a � r : <br /> r.�`�` delirersuchrtntsonddepositstoBenefiuory.peliveryolwri��ennoti�eofBenelitiary'sexerciseof�horiyhtsgronledhertin,loonyteranta• �-' � ,: <br /> vriy�'j+�y.�� �vpyinq soid premises slail6e sullicrcnl toreqc�re soid tenum Iopoy scid rem fo tho Deneticiaryontil turt"er nmice. � ` "'_ <br /> ��{j���(j B.fMIMxMtiwiJftitieloonypodofthe'Frcperlyshoilbetokenintondemnofionpraeedi.ys,byrigAttfeminenidomoinasimiioration, � ��p i <br />,.:,'-}s,-� I�{b o�sholl be sold unde�tMeat of cendemnmion. o`I awords,dasases ond praeeds are herei��esti;eeA ord sho116e Qcid fa 8c+iefi�iary xfio sMll f , :. ,)y ;�F`.: <br /> t�,���j{p} o��!y such awords,domoges mf p�aeedito 1�he sum securedtr�his Deed ot Trust,wi�htt�eszess,if any, Trosns-.�f Trosta receives j�� - " t ;. <br /> Z<��• ony notice or o�her inlom.cchn reyordi:3 w:h uctions or paeednqs, rr.ntcr shc11 give prompt writlen notHe thereof to beneficiory. �'ih c ��kk y yr •� <br /> BeneficiaryshallbeeNitled,e�nsov�ion,<ocuTmence,oppearinandprosettr:¢initscwnnameonysochationorpaeed�n9sondsla!IFeem �.�� �'j7 f.�.. <br /> tl'"f -p��., tillediomokeonycompromisen�seuk�sentinconneUionwOhcnysuchoctionapoceed:rgs. �`��� -_,- �4�r��Z�� _ <br /> i' '�'13 9. R�wMi Net Euiuifre.fler.efuicry shol�be eniitled to enforce pnyment ond prrio-ccnce of any indebtedness a obligalions sc�cred C-��.i���,T, -_ <br /> _..,�,_t�r�; hercby and to ezerdse oll righss ardy»wers under�his Deed of Tms�munder ony olher a�.eTent ezecWed in conntttion herewith or o+y Iaws "iy�p r ,��F y� '= <br /> 47��� �jY; now or hereofter in force,nolw'nhstcrdirr,some or all of the sah indeb�edness ord obligu�wns secured hereby moy ncw or hereaiter t�e othen ���i�,����f�(j� f�,_, <br /> ag'�t :"�`r� wiie setured,whether by mongc5e,dece o!^•:st,pledge,Ilen.ossig�unem c�oiherwise.Neither the ateptaxe of this Deed of Tms�nw its , .� ..+_ <br />-"�7i�1EQl'�.p enForcemenl whe�her 6y cowt ucelen u pvsuaci to the po�s¢r o(sale a oitnx�owers he�ein iontafned,sMli preiud�ce or in ony manner ai(tt� , � - .i� _�i <br />.:..t_.�j,..,�� Beneficiory's right to reoGm�,.a=a enlnce any mher secuury now a hereafter held 6Y M�ng ogreed flwt Benefitiory slall be � �.`.���`?�f,' 7�j•�- <br /> z �'A �-';�` entitled to enforse this DeeC n`*�csf cr.d crc�other semr7ry eow a hereofler hed by Benefciory�n soch order ond rtwnrtr os it moy in its ob• � - � � <br /> ..5. .. S tolufe discre�ion determine.}:o�a-xC}he•e��<o��erred up0�or reserced Po 6enelidary�s intended to be exclufive Ot cny OfhM remedy herein i_; � �,�. <br /> . ..�b�:.�� . .. <br /> � _� ,, or by law pror{dM or pe�m�ue3 t�ea`s*c"tacomu�otive e+d shu:l Ee in add�fon to erery mher remitr^,.-•m hereuMer m`wwor herfafter �.. '':�, - <br /> .;},:+�"i1 exisling at I;w cr i+eWity t� t.s_.�e e.e•,eower or rexedY P�orfded herecnCer�h;f P±xd of ir�.s••; FenefKimY w fo xhich it r.qy!e �, '. , - _ <br /> � .t'��t>'i.: Othetwiie emft{M.m4Y Fe e'.^•:�Y.::•t.•e':ly or IsEep<rdenily.from Iime to t�mi r.^'ts clien¢t�:er 6e dee.^�^A eapedienl 6eneGtiorY ..� `�.- . . <br /> - o�+ditmnypxs_r�accas�sac••-�-=1rts.l�eminghere�nsha:Itamnsimedos�d+�f+n}L•e-ara�aryfromseekingodFl�ce.xyjudgmenta3o�ns� , _ <br />.�_,i•��.' .�".':} rtaTrusrwror}veate�tsv:ho:t�nisp[r�+Redbyluw. - <br /> i I0. 7rauls+af Ympert�:1ltmmy�ioc.�'o�u ony po.�ol�ha protaey c�mr•'��es��here�n�s s:M ��rns/erred a ca+reY�tr�trvsecr ' <br /> i <br /> . y r�IY.CVi ZN4fiGOfy S D�iO��i�IP�CG�:F+t �.,:.vdmg(al Ibe aeotion oi rs!.±�a er,,,n:rorte s�laC+»rf to thii Dced ol Trus� Ihi rt�.crta- <br />. . � �ionotopurchasemo�eysecw�tyime�es<<o�haseholdop�taaes. lqcvn^:it•C,.4e.�st 2?umTCr6T�Pe�otionolluwuprn�trCa:na�a <br />- � _j ioint Mna�t a {d) the qrom of o�Y�easeho�d in�erest of�kee Y�s or I�:s ccnrQnJrg cn cyri�,^. �o purchose. Deneffuary Rml. a� <br /> _..�__�..._ <br /> . --- `-� OBnPlifiply'S OpfiOn.OMWIP a111hP SV:�S SCCUtM OY 1h:1 UeeU Oi INit�0 Ue i:�r..a,n;qur'y^.9 o`d;@�Ae CP iv�n2:`B:.-3�R�....�,,...,.... _� <br />.. � of defoul�.BeneGciory slail ho+e ws�•ed soch opiion+o oue:erote��o:to�he sn�a ��o:�r'cr caa�,.epro�c:. Bneef:ciary oM ihe person�o <br /> whem�he propeny is to 6e mid a��o+sfared reoch ogreemem in vrtiiing tM��he d•mDr nF tal ti•'�m,�s ura:FCr,rcrv to 8enefiriary o�d fhot <br /> � , i 1he imerest poYOble on the svms sctucd Ly th�s DeM o1 iruU shoil be o+sixh ro�e a,0¢��ufinn^�sr.;�.�i,;�.n�:� <br /> j <br /> � <br />. -i-+ ����%: <br /> f',-., . <br /> .e.'Ly.. <br /> �,:�..: <br /> �� <br /> ( <br />