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<br /> a,Y- '
<br />_ �_�`.. .__— " "
<br /> -, '�c'�`.`y 'n`;
<br /> �,���"• .` .� Bormwer shall PrompslY giv�l.ender written norice of siry investi�aation.claim.demand. lawsuit or other action by any ':`f,:
<br /> ` "�:r�, . govetnmental or r+egulatory uSencY ar privnte party�molving the PropertY and any i�aaardous Substanoe or Environmental Iaw `���«
<br /> - ��"°F`�,��, af which Bomawer has actuaf know[edge. If Earrowcr learns.or i.s notifiad!sy any goverancental or regutatory a�thoriry.that
<br /> '`•� (` �` ` •< any removal or other retnediation of any Hauitdous Substance aff�g the FrQperty is RecrssarY.Bormwer sha(1 promptty� -
<br /> c:���:_„,,', ., all aecessary remeitial actiaas in accordance with Environmental l.aw.
<br /> t'; As u s e d in t h is patagrep h 2 0. "H�a r do u s S u bs t a n ce s"ar e t h o s e s u b s t a n a e s d e f i n�a s w x i c o r h 3 z a r d o as s ubstunaes 6 y� •
<br /> -- � Environmental law and the foltowing substances: �soline, kerasene. other flnmmable or touic petroleum products. toxi�
<br /> �� � ` << Q e sticides and herbicides.volatile solvents.materiat�containin�asbesyos or formatdehyde,and rsdioadive materints.As used in �. ,.�
<br /> ' this parsgrsph 2a.'Envirotunental Law" means f e d e�a l laws a n d laws o f t h e j u r F s diction w h ere t he F ro p e r t y i s f o c a t e d 4 h a t� ' .�=
<br /> ..'�. r . .,,. • ,'
<br /> , _ , � relatt w health.safety ur environmenta!pro2ection. _�,
<br /> : • PION-UNiFORM COV�NANTS.8orrawer and Lea�er funher covenant and agrec as follaws: � ;r�.w.
<br /> � �i 21.Aaeter�tion;Iteme�iles.�I.endYr s6aU give aottoe to Bon�o�ver prior to aoce[erat[oa folto�Barro�rpr's breac6 �.
<br /> � of any coseoant or�gre�ment in thfs Seeu�ity Instrmment Nut a�t pr[or to ac�cceteiatton under parsgeaph 17 nntess� . , `:
<br /> e
<br /> ��, �t` �. � , aPD�abte taw pmvtdes oWern�.se).'1'�e nottce shaIi specify: (a)the deisu[�@}tite ac4ton eeqatrcd tu cmr ihe deY�tit;�
<br /> , �*.:, (c)a date,nnt[ess tdau 30 days fmm tlee date ttee aotice is given to Bormw�,by whtcb We d�efautt must 6e cured;sud
<br /> _ �..:. �;.:�;`,._ (�t8at f4tiure ta care We detaWt on or before Ehe date spacf�ed in the reotfce�aay result in acceleraHoa oi the sums �
<br /> �`.�' :;.;%� secarcd by th�s Sccurit�'Instrrmie�t arad.sate of the PropPrty.The�otIoe shall further infos�Borroner of the rigbd W
<br /> , .� reinstate after aooeterat�on uad thQ right to bring a cmurt adcuu to a�Qrt ttee rsoa�cisteace os a defanit or any a3f�r ,
<br /> t e ' .
<br /> - ��'�'} defense af Basraaer tn aceeleratton�nnd sate. iP the default Is nnt cared on or 6efose the dsde speciffed in the acyy�Foe, -�
<br /> - ..:.� Lender,at Its optton.map�qaire immedlate paymes�t tn fall of all sams s�ed by Wis Seasitf Irsbvment wit6ocaa ::,:,�
<br /> . fustheP deman�and mt�y invoke t6e pow�of saYe and any uther remedies pYrmitted by apgi'scabie law.I.�der s�� ; ';%t":
<br /> w
<br /> ' - !��`� wiitted to coUed ail m�pg�es 6tcurnal ia pursuing the ceatedtes pmvlded in t�is par'agraPh 21,iadadiag,@tet not I�ited ; ti,�
<br /> to,reasonpDts attnme�a'fees and crosts af titte evidence. ,'�,.�«`
<br /> • -::,;�� E�th��nnw�of s�sle is[molceal.l�raatee s�all record a acsti�of 8efa�t¢.ia��c�n ow��in�hIc6 any �c�F tdt+� . ;�:;
<br /> ,� �'m�a� � 'e law i�l�ovi'e+r�'f�� ,
<br /> ,, •: Pro�rerty is lm�ted aa��fiafl asail copies of sacti n�ttce 6n��a�fs psea�t .. �p�t ,
<br /> �'� a C� 'ff�sfi�atd��sDlae�z�
<br /> �,. the otlier p2rs�ns p�hF ap�licaDte 1aw.,�¢�ttt�ti�e r�bJ'��- . t
<br /> > > �; t
<br /> � �
<br /> �,'_���,,,�,�,,t:�•: oY sale to tt��1'soIIS�6 the r-�r.rr�rp��{d C�y�'��t�ttv.Tr¢�7s�.�+�3��1�m¢u�ses,s���s9z. �'��.�, ,.
<br /> ..��,�,;��Y ` ., t+ke�roic�G���SUbfic at�ttnn fi t�1��bi�er at ti�t�¢a��ace au��tYae t'��'�esig�eated in the ar�aime c� ;
<br /> ' �e�cr�Fa'�ore pa�s au�t��.�fs.�r'�r�ice determi�es.'1'rastee may Po�tponsa�of all or any panee mtFt� �
<br /> ��'��t�(Y�}���' �Stg by�ic ann9�u�ment at tiibre dme a��9 place of aap previously schednIed sa2� Leader or its deslgaes rxr�y � ;
<br /> {r. ,+�.�I��/�.�4 �'• . _
<br />__-_ : >�'�-.:F.;°, � � �.mc6�se t�e Ptvp�ty at$ny sate. .
<br />'�.� - • .`,,�;�� lTpon reoeipt o 4 payment o f t he p r ice b i d, T r o s tee s h a l l 8 d i v e r W t h e p a r c d a s�Teustee's deed come y i n g t�te _
<br /> t''. ;. • ,<: _
<br /> � � `:>•„� Progerty.'�he recitals in the Trastee's dced shall be prima facte evidence of the duth of ihe statements mude tlter�n. _
<br /> � � , '� Tncstee shaU apply the prnceeds of the�le in the foUnwing orden:(a)to all casts end exp of exercising the power of
<br /> .... _:`.�.= sate,aad t6e sal�fnsladtng the paymeat of the Trustee's fees actaally incurred.aot to c��b�.�SO.tNf br �g % _
<br /> � ��'�' ���� oY the principaf amount of the aoqe at the tlme of the dedaeation of def`auit,and reasonabie attorneys'fas as perns[tGed
<br /> µ`' �r ;.�� hy taw;(b)to sill sums s�d by thts Seivrity I�utrumeat;and(c)any excess to the Rer�on or persor�s lesalt�emtttleA to -_
<br /> .. .,�. �
<br /> . ,,..'::. .,
<br /> .:,5 ��. '_—
<br /> 22. [tecomeyahce. lJpon payment bf all sums secured by this Securit} tnstrument. lxrtder shall reguest Tnutee to F,`"
<br /> - • � ' `' �'' �. reconvey the Property and shaU sumender this Security tnstrument and all notes evldencing debt secuced by this Secutity
<br /> • •• ' �s Insmiment ta Tnutee.Trustee shal{.reconvcy the P�+operty without warrsnty and withaut charge to ihe person or petsons legally �-_
<br /> � ' ,'� r entitted to it.5uch pecson or perwns shaU pay any recordation wsts.
<br /> . � � .� . 23.Sn6s4itute Trostee. Lender.at iu option,rttay from time to tlme remove Trustee and appoint a succcssor tnutee to ��:
<br /> `�� �. ��•�"` any Trustee ag�oiated hereunder by an instrument recarde�in the oounty in which this Security Insnument is recarded.Witltout __
<br /> '�':�: conveyaace of the Pruperty,the successor•wstee shall sacceed to allithe dtle.po�ver and dutias cnnferred apon Trustee h.erein ,�
<br /> .. _-__. •': and by appticabto taw.
<br /> .�. ,�•;� 24.Re��t for Notices.Borrower requesu that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's address �___
<br /> .� �:',.,-' , •.�:: whichisthePtopertyAddtess. �'_
<br /> � �.'���:. •�:�� Z5.Rld2ts to thLc��curity Instrumen�if one or more riders ara executed by Boaower and recorded together with this _ _
<br />: . �`:;j:�;,�;;,: �.��;: Security Insuumeat,the oovenants and agreements of each such rlder shall be incorporated imo and shall amend and supplement — _
<br /> '":' r�`,'�i�°';.:�'t the wvenants ansl agteements of this Suurity lnstrument as if the ridsr(s)were a part of tlus Serurity Instrumen� �,�.._
<br /> '';��•`'�" ,�SC` [Checkagpli�3�bo�(es)] �-
<br /> - ...t�,�:•�. . . . —
<br /> ,i� , --°•
<br /> � •' �. � , •.j .4�;.�table Rate Rider Condominium Rider []1�Famify Ri�l�rr . . � -
<br /> _ `.:1`:;`�;:':;�, ::; ' C�n;��ated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider [�B'sweekly Paymtrs:t itider °�-.•:
<br /> � ' ��.,_ .
<br /> ' '. �'�,��r ,,- , �,-+,�n Rider �Rate Improve�t Rider �s��d Home Itider - -
<br /> ��r`,y u:� �V'.:�.Rider O Other(s)(speQC3i; �
<br /> . ;.,
<br /> ' { . , , . . . �`r �...
<br />_ ,ty'.; . � , , . . __
<br /> ... ,,: .�t`�; �
<br /> , BY SIGNIN(i BElAW.Borrower accepts and agrces to the tem�s and covenants contained in this Security lnstrument and
<br /> .•';�;.",:; :,�:. ; in any rider(s)eaecuted by 8arrower and recvrded with it. � '
<br /> �•:,�, Witnesses: • --
<br /> , . (Seal)
<br /> ' � . •` L1[1d8 Brul18 -Borrower
<br /> - :• ,� .. .
<br /> - ,. ..�. ,. .. � /li --' �� �i���o (Seal)
<br /> . ' LBVelIIe W. Bltiliti •eorco�ver
<br /> _ ' ' � r;: •
<br /> " . . ' " � (Seal) (5ea1) ;,
<br /> .. ` � .Borrower -Bortower
<br /> .t , ,
<br /> � :';',�r;r� �.:. STATE Q�PIEBRASKA, County ss: Hall
<br /> �� `��°�-�`�r��;�i:�� The faregoing instrc"ment was zctmowledged before me this 3sd day of Apsil . I997 . .
<br /> -- ,`Yr''�';� `�•'�� ��' .
<br />- ::,� �'t° `' bY Liada Bruha aa�3 I.a7errs W. Bruha, husband and ruife ' �•
<br /> -:,�' ::,:;",;�i` �tc�:ss my hand and notari�S s.j.l at f Covney. e afo 'd.' .
<br /> .���'"�'�;r:' My Cor�ission Expi:es: C�����.eiG�� e
<br /> + ',, ,
<br /> ,� p � ;.:: io��r2oao h��ry�r::� -
<br /> — � cEG�ttlsral�Rir��teo►ue�
<br /> WL4EE3 A.BORTE iorm 3028 9/90
<br />- ...,`� :i`1'�}�;: .. ' � �a��.��OQ.y�Z�� P�4o�4 ,,,.
<br /> ,�:;:j' ' .,'.
<br /> . ...,—•_+� . _ - . . _ .. � .. . . ,.. _. ._ _ • ..,. ,. . _ .. � . _ . . . ._ .. . � � - -- � . . . ._. ..._ . .. .r. �e_�.yci:
<br />