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;�, s <K«v3 . � �.:i;.C'� �: �- " .n .�r. -- _ _.1�.� ''�w�,tFr���4•�i:.. <br /> :—�.� " �Ly � . ---^�"'��,_._-. . . _._.. .. c. _ _ -r�� { ���` 7-_-- _ <br /> - -f- . ,r �,F'. ;.S .e. � S R. <br /> ..ri - . ' � �r � � �.. -". � .. ' - � — " � .�.. g d . <br /> � ,tr �, ' - 4 � t ,tt.. '- •.H . —_ � y--i�-r — <br /> -(�4 {� G _-.r�� <br /> '...�:` c. ` �` ' F -�(•' . _...._.�..-�-_._.....�.�- G{� ` <br /> . .�r -c. .��� . <br /> _ �� � � <br /> , _ .� -.i�ie'.�. <br /> `` -�� • ' 17. Tra�sfer of tho Peopoir4y or a Benoftclal In4eres4 in 8orroe�rer. n an or any pan ot ehe Prop�tSr or . : <br /> eny Urterest in i1 is sold or uanste►red (or H a benefleial(nterest in Borrower is sold or tzansterred and Bortower is not a nadiral � ,<<. '' ... <br /> � ' ' persan)without tertder's pdor w�fitten consent, Lertder its optlon. re�iulre imme�ate payment tn NO ot aU sums seeured by . <br /> .F. ' <br />_ . . �r�'�' Nis Seeurtiy t�strument Howaver,this optlon shall aot be euerdsed by Lender if a�cerdse is Prohibited by tedesal law as ot the <br /> , �. date ot this Secu►itY (nstrument < , `,: <br /> � H Lender exercises tNs opUOn.i.�der sha0 gNe Bortower notice ot aeceteratton. The noUee sha0 provlde a pmtiad of a� ��.`.. . . :.4 <br /> less than 30 days hom the date the rtodce is de�vered or maiisd with!n whlch Bortower must pay al1 sums secured bY thi� . 4 <br /> �� . ,.�.. `.. Secur(ty Instrument If Bortowar fafts to pay these sums prtor to the expfration o1 this pedod_ Lender may invoke any remedie9� :" �, • y�'.: <br /> ' pe►m(tted py thls gecurity Instrument wfthout tUrther natiee or demand on Borrawer. . <br /> � 18. �OPrav'ter's Rtgh� 4o R�instato. Ii 8ortov+er msets ecntaln cond'Nons. 8orrov�er shaU have the rtgAt to havo� .. <br /> ' entercement ot tAis Searity lnsUument dlscoMinued et anY tirt►e pdor to the earlier ot (a= 5 dsys (or such othsr petfod as� <br /> `< appltcabie law may specdfy tar relnstatemer't)betore seie af the ProDerry Pursuant to any power of sate wetaU�ed in thls 3eeudry� ` . ; <br /> _-``', ( )pgYa <br /> • ��.�..-�; Instrumern:or (b)enby of a jud�nent enfordng this 3Pau(t�l Instrumerri.Those conditions ere t�at Borrower. a Lender afl �. <br /> --__� _. <br /> sums which then woutd be due under ffits Seeurity insWmer+t and the Nate as it na a�tion had occurra�dc @?uires anY�ia .-. --°. <br /> a . .� 6etautt ot any other covenan!o�ageements; (c}pays aA e�enses(neurted in�tarcing this Security Instrument.induding, but� ; <br /> • � not qmited to, reasonable attomeys'tees:and(�fatces sueh actton as Lender may reasonabty requtre to assurs ffiat the Gen ot ���_' <br /> �. this Securiry (r�strummt. LenQer's dghts in the Pcaperty and Borrower's obltgaUon to pay the sums secured by thls Securtty - <br /> . . (nstrument shali cor�tt�+ue unchanged Upon renstaternent by Bortowef. this Security irsstrumem and the a61'�gaUons seaued ';�';, - <br /> hereby sha0 remafn tu1ly effective es it no acc��tfon had occurred. Howev�.this dght to rdnstafe shall not aPPN in the case ��:,,'� � - <br /> '�';� af a.��raUon und�paracyspfi 1T. ' �~ <br /> �� r -- <br /> ::�,� ��. Safe of �11ate: �ge of Loan Sea�icer. Th9 1ltote o�e A partial[Me�est'v� the tHote (togethe� wfth this ir <br /> ,r,•�j.•..' See�.-�y Instrum�t) may 6e sotd ana or more times withoul prior noUee to Bortowa.A sate may resutt in a ciFange rt� the entiry ;::.•'", r <br /> , � � '' (fmown as the'loan Servic�')that coRects menthDJ PaymerKs due undet the Note and this Seciuity Instrameni Th�e atso may ` - - <br /> . f'A� '. ...-... <br /> _ � . . , 1�,.> be one ar more changes o1 the Loan Servicer eTrefated to a sa►e ot th2 Note. If there is a change at t�e Loan Servicer. f : <br /> >;, �:�,•.� Bmmwer w�11 be gtv�written notice of the chasage m accordartce w�h Para�t� 14 sbove and appltcabte ia�v_ The no�ce wifl , ,;,�. <br /> ' ��a.1.1.�"��;r;•� staRe the name and address of the rtav L.o�5�+.:aer and tRe z�ress to which payments shauld�e made. 1'4�e noUce wU atso s� '-` �+,r �-. <br /> ti;. :. � � : . .. <br /> ' i�. conta(n any oiher infom�atlon requ3eei b1t�pA6�;e taw. � <br /> . . T 20. Hs�rff�xets SubstaitC6s. Bom¢�v�:sfia�nat cause or pennit the presence.ose. disPesal-=tQe�9�or release oi �; `�t` , <br /> ; . '��"::"•'r, eny HazatQous�ces on or In the Pro�. Hortower shaU'not do.�altow ertyone else to do.�hin9 aRectlng the �3 <br /> ., ,. _-. � p'�perry that is a� violadon ot eny Environmerrt�9 The preoeding Mro sa;�.�s+ces shaii not appy to t'ie t�esence. use. or t , •._ <br /> � s;er;�: on the Property oi sm�1 4�antltles of Ha:ardous Subsia�ces ihat ara gznerafty reco�ized to bs a�p:apriate to na�mal ;! -;'�� �, ! <br /> I� i <br /> c�si�a;�iai uses end to maintenalos ot the PropeAy. '�r ,ri#anr�{ <br /> �y�.�.;�.x�r�.,. <br /> �:� : �arrower shalt pmmPtN �e Lender writien notice of any im�as��e:�, daim. demand. lawsuit cs�er ecdon by airy .,;�..,3,,,�. <br /> ' riS:J�.�r-- -- <br /> - .. . ...::, gav�amenfal or teg.tiatory ageney or private�vj i:ivohrh�g itse�ra,isri�t as.9.aast Hamrdous Subsisnce or�r.a�aonmental Law ot �;l:f�kG�A,r���r'= <br /> ,;:Y . ,i vrYdch Botrowet has actual latowlettse- °r'�Yi�.�; :"'_ <br /> � _ tt 6afie»� teams. 07 �no�fle0 by anl/ 9ovemmer�ffii or reg�� aufiority. that anY *'•j;r.. .,;��a: <br /> :Fe-. . ,�,,y� l�ar�sCo:�s SuLStar►� afszc�g Ar�aKy is necessay. Sa�er s'� promptty taice all �.;.`�:�°�;r�f3', « <br /> or ather remedaUon af a�s-; �' �,��? o f"• <br /> -��� ' aac�sary remedat adions in a�acia�ce w�E�:vc�nmeritat o.a�. ��:;''�:"�{�•4 ;�° �,+;;:; <br /> 1 �.;,.•,�„�,s �z., . <br /> . :�•`, fs used in this paragrap h 2R'?�daks S�nces' a-a lhose subsiane2s d�s!cd as taxia ca?.�c3aus substances by s,, s�!:`�: '° Y',��<� <br /> . �.� ,�, ,��., � <br /> , .f� ��; 6rvoronmeMa1 taw and the toAowusg suhs�a:s: gasoifi� kerosena, oth� flammabta or ts�ac ��1aum products. taxte j,a,;,; ,, � <br /> : � • ' esdeides and herbtddes.voiatille^e^ials conffitning as6estos or form313ehyde.and radiaadir,e..-r��tals. As used in s:,;;;r ': ���': <br /> P •��r <br /> '. y� �' para�aph 20. 'Environmental law' means federet Iaws and laws of the juris�eqon where the Properly is tocated that�eiate to r:�; ..- - <br /> ! heatth.safery or environmerrtel pce�c8on. '�y�'� " _3'•�' <br /> � � � _.i ,G•.:�,': �". ���_ <br /> � = �- _. . ., . . s NOI�WNIFORM COYENAWT�.8orrower and Lender turther covenant and agree as fotlaws: ?;��: �n", <br />._ " .. y_�.._.. <br /> __._�_.___.._.._ 21. Acceteration: Remedtes. l.endQr ahall give nartice to Borrawer pr�or to acceteration �:':�-"; �,: <br /> {:'� � to9lov�ing Borrower's breac� ot any cnvenant or agreemoM in thts Security insirun�ni (bui noi ,;, -����; <br /> �: , <br /> ••�. �. . prtor to ac�ele�atton under paragraph 17 untess applicable Isw provides otherwiso). YQte notiae , .._;,.' �:.q;,�. <br /> �; ' � sfia11 specNy: (a�t0te detaut� (b) tha action �equired to cure tho dotaul� (c) a date, no4 toss thaa .! -�^. <br /> D. '. ., <br /> L' '� 30 days from the date the nottco is given 40�orrowor, by whlch the defauft tnuat be cuaed; and ��.'r� — <br /> �;f': '. � (d) that 4atluae to cure the dc;faui4 on oe 6efore tPia �ate speci�ied In 4he noltc� �ay r�sult in ;�..�,�: <br /> �:;�-- � <br /> i.y� , . acceterat��n of tha suma secured Ory BD�Io S�curity ins�tr�cment and sate ot 4he�ccpo*ty.The notice �:�;,;;__:, ;m��__ <br /> �4 shall 4u�er in4orm �onavdoP of �"ora �ght to retasta2e a� scceteratton and 4Qte Nght 4o bring a = �_ <br /> oa <br /> cou�4 action 4o asse�t tD�e aaea-aacistence of a de9autt � any othar det�nsa a� Borrower to �,`�; - <br /> `� � ncceteraHon ae�d saie. t14 f�� do:�vit is not cured o� or 6efop0 4ite da4e specifled tn the notice, f:j r•:. • �++:.::r.;: <br /> - •L ���,�`,;i���j�,��f'y:�ii:-,`... <br /> •� � Lender at Hs option ms�c�r�tPa�mediate payrrteM in f�Lb a�f e�� surres secured by th18 Securit�/ <br /> . ' tnstniQnent witftout turther mernaira� �nd may invoke tho �ar of eale and �ery ather rerrtedtes '��_�%,�= - <br /> ';z. _' . : ...�`, -_... <br /> , . pormitted isy appticabte taw Lertdaff�hall be etMittee�to c�a10 ex�enses Err.�,csod In pursutn� ��'.."_�';;'::�;;� _ <br /> :>� . th� ►omodtes pravided in this paragraph 21, Including, but v�at Etcrr.f�d to, r�abie attomeys' �� ""--`��-- <br /> � feas and costfs of tlfte evidenca. � -�---. <br /> � If ffie power of sale Is lnvokod, TPUSteo ahail record a notico �ft defauQ$ f� each coun4y tn �"' -'�`_ �` <br /> �=` • ` vvQ�1cP� any g� of the Praporty ts rqcated and shafl ma3! copies a4 such rt� �n th� manne� �; .;°;-� . <br /> 'v. r� <br /> "'��.. : � prescribed I� applicable law to BacPawer and to the othe�persons prescrlboc� � appltcable lativ. r:1_ <br /> ARsr the time required by applicable law.Trustee shatl glve public rrr��o oi sde to the persona r' ,,;ar�A� <br /> ' acra�ca the manner pres��ibed by applioablo Qaw.Tr�stee,withou4 dc�r�arnd on Borrmvrer. s0at1 sefl '' ';;kS�t �•,`"�.. , <br /> ��.I�, : . ,.��;�!<• <br /> � '�;, t?Se Pro�erty at pubtla suction to thu highest bldd0r at 4he time and place and under the terma .:�r,'����; <br />_�� ,. :�, � designated Iro the notice of sale in one or more parcets and in any ordor Trustee determines. ,�:.. '�" `' , <br /> :�a ,.` . Tnis400 may postpone sale o t a t l or any parce/ o f t hu Prope r s y b y p u b l i c a n n o u c a c e m e n t a t t h e .. <br /> �,. � : time and piace a�f arry previousty schedutud sate. Lender or its designeo may purchase the <br /> �" , . ;t� PropeRyt a!any sate. . . <br /> '`'' Upon receipt o9 pmytrten4 at tho price bld, Troste� shNl doliver to the purchaser T�ustae's . � <br /> �'�-.� � ?��"� deed coaveying the Property.Th� rocitata in the Trustee's deed shatl be prima 4acte evidence af , . _ � <br /> �; ' . ' � the truth of 4he s4�tements made therein. Trustee shp11 appty tite praceeda ot 4he sate in the . <br /> ''�..�- �• toitov�ing order. (a) 4o all easts and er�penses o4 axorcising tQte power o! sate, and tho sate. ,. . <br /> � inctuding the payment of the Trustee's tses actuatty irteur�ed. not to oxceed throe <br /> �:� , . . <br /> � . 9'0 of the p�incipat amouM ot the . <br />�� ���• � . . no4o at the Ume a4 the deetaratlon of dafauit, and reasonabfe attomoy's toes as pormitted 6y Iaw: <br /> ��- (b)to all sums secured by thle Seeurify f�strumon4; and (c) any encess to th� person or persons <br /> �`;. • fegafly en4itted to it . � -- � <br /> ,: <br /> . � .. - � . c7376.LMp 11Al �agv a oi 5 � • •' . <br /> . . . <br /> .._ � ._ . ..,...__. <br /> ----.-- .--- ���� ... . <br /> . . i ' 97053 . . . <br />.. � .. �'� ��' � . <br /> . �yrq,���:..i t '�t,•y " � . .�ti .. l.. -. . - � ,,. :i �l -9_ y)�,..-ti;i.`-. <br /> ' -._....—""_._.,.,.�- .-.. -- . + . . '•a��''1�'', .r. ._ ,r_ ,:r:.. .l• h �' '� , .:�. _. �r 4f,i.'�. , <br />