,� .., z- �. .� "f�..C.,::-.;r'�y�ttia� ,r �
<br /> . ai:. _ ,:.0��_' - .. . .•:P^ ...x.'� r� a c --
<br /> � "
<br /> ': . -r.�c-�'. � . �----�r� - . : -'- 1� �- ---
<br /> �....��':.� . . w` . \ `_�'�� C_ , ! A� �{ �'C ; �� t ut t�.
<br /> ' ���. . . �,� - � - - :`4` ��'d �'� � ,� t .7`0� � �y r � � [t `°'_'.�°',. �� .`� � ,.
<br /> „r,i• � .. .L 4- • -Tr� ;�'�:o:e `�-- •h. �;c..'. ' - ...�....� -_...� S .
<br /> � � � c� � `� �
<br />� � '" + I l,f.
<br /> -' � _ � • TOC�1E�FiHi WiTF!ad the improvemertta now or hereaiter erected on the propeRy.and aU easements. aCDuRenances. �d _ �c�f^-
<br /> . '� . S�Ruras now or hereafter a part ot tAe property. AO reptacemenis and additlans shaU alsa bo covered�y NIs Securtry instrumer►i kn_ ��. _
<br /> i..` . :'..4; .
<br /> � �� au m me roresoin9�s�ereRea to�n wis sea,�ly �nshumene as 4he•Propeav.• f',-�. . � f _
<br /> ee
<br /> BdAROY�I� COVENAMS that Bono�fs IawluRy setzed ot the estate herehy canveyed and has the dght ta grant and .��£:�
<br /> ,.��...
<br /> . . eomey the F4�operly snd that tt�PmpeRy Is unenc:umbered. exeept tor eneumbrances of reeord. 8orrower wartents and w�l .
<br /> . �' • detend g�er�y the tttla to tha Froperry ega6�st afl etaims and dm�ands�,subjeet w a�ry encumDranees af racard. � . . ..'��..-
<br /> ga6 st �;
<br /> THtS SECURITI� INSTRUMENT combines uNtorm �ta tor natl�anel use and nan-uaHortn covenents wqh IimiteQi� :,� .
<br /> � �� • variatlans by j�tsdtctlon to eonstiNte e unitorm searicy instruma�t covering rea1 property ��'s:`� �� .
<br /> _
<br /> := UNIfQRM COVEt+1ANTS- Bonnwer and Lender eovenant an�agree as fouaws: � '�.--..,
<br /> �� . ' 4.Peyment o4 PrinciQaf snd [t�teres� Prepaymeit!9tid LBt�Ci1�Sea Borrower sAail promptly RaY�hai� ,. . — f —
<br /> ' ' , due tha�eiAal of end Interest oa the debt euidenced Dy the Note and anY PreP$lfm�end late charges due urtdsr the Notec ,�., }
<br /> '�' �:��' 2. unds ior Y�es an d insurenco.S 4 b j e e t t o a p A U e a b l e t a w o r t e a w ri tt eR waiuv O y Lender.Barrower sfiaU p�yy.°°� r : •� _ -'?�,
<br /> %j. � enb are Que under the Note.unti!the(�to2e Is pald in tu0.a sum ('Funds')bc (a)Y�Y� ; � '''
<br /> to lender on tE�e day morrthty Daym �easehaEd �
<br /> s��. taxe.s end essessmerrts whtch may attain pdority over U�ts Secudty tnsRument as a Ren en the Propertyr. (b) Yeady► •.'y:...:._.
<br /> � insurance prertdums: (�Yearry 8aod i�uur+�ce '� ;�;�:
<br /> _-�"��' payments or ground� on the Property.H any. (a) YeaztY ha�rd os proPerryl _ ,
<br /> ,��. `.. prEmlums.H eoY(e)Y�l�rtB�Se insurance premlums.if atry:and(Q at►y sums PaYabls by Bo�ower to Lend�in atxord3cice� .� s .
<br /> r. witA the provlsions of pmragta�h 8. M Ueu of the payme►rt af mortgage insnrance premiums. These �ems are cetted 'Estaow : ,.
<br /> �.'' . � .Y�...'
<br /> " Items.' lender may.ffi any Ume. eoUect and hoid Funds in an amount not to exceed the ma�dmum amount a tender tar a ,_�:.
<br /> . ' tederaQy reJated moRgags toan may requtre tor Qortowds esaow accaunt undar the federai Real Estate Settiement P4ocec�rbs �a... .... :%. - ,
<br /> Ad of 1974 as amended irom tLne m Um�t2 U.S.C.§26Q1 et seq. ('RESFA'). unless aruther lavr that ePBlies to the Fsasds :: : `;��;.:`�-;,
<br /> •� . � _ sets a lesser emount It so. Lender may. sit arry time. eoQed and hoid Funds in an amount nat to exceed the lessec emauM. :�:,• ,,t•:. ;
<br /> _.. '¢�---�._ _... ..�,,.-:..
<br /> Lender may estLraSe tne amowri of Funds due oo the basis of current data and teasonable� of e�end�res of faRue :` a�'.�c..-__.
<br /> =-�. �- Escrow Items or oth�wLse fi accordanee wilh appGcahte�v�. f :
<br /> TRe Funds shaD be hdd in en InstiWtIan�rrha:e d�cpos�s are insured by a tedsrr�i egency.instrumertta6ly,ar estitY(t�odkc6n9 �`�;� � � ;
<br /> • •� :.°+ Lender,if Lend�is s�ceh an institutianl or in�FerS�.aal Ftome Loan Bank ler�shafl aPP�Y the Wr.ds to pay the E3c�ow tlfaC � ��� t; _
<br /> �` ,:. : ftems. Lender may not eharge Bartrnc�-fcn c���i:q and ePPN�9 the Funds.ann�a¢y analydn9 the esemw aceaimf,or v!�1yin9 i.Fi�._<<',��� G�- '..
<br /> f t�:�:a xu/�__,.
<br /> � ;�.«f�,:,r y
<br /> x�° �` •` the Esaow Items. unl2ss lrnder Wr,t_ 5ortower irtterest on the Funds and appQcabte taw petmits Lender to make such a ��v�„��` ���.;
<br /> -. .- -.�- :�.�i: charge.However, fi�dc-r may require 8orsowe�to pay a one-titne eharga for an ind�endeM real es�te tax �orlicsg seFrY�
<br /> )�;='_ .i used by Lender irt cortnecdan with this loan. �mless eppGcahle taw pmvides athen�ise. UNess an eger�rur�.t is �[y�� m v,�,��?�`,'��p;�o�!�,
<br /> - x appflcabta la�v�quires interest to be pald. Lender sfisii nat be required to pay 8orrower any interest ar eamin�a-�U►e Fw�t�, l �' r��Fi�f;
<br /> ' 8ortow� and Lender may agree in vrriHng,howeu� that interest shaU be patd on the Funds. Ler.�sts��+�to Bc�raw�. , {; �7` ��;-
<br /> �� `: ,�„�'�. withaut chacge.an annual accountIng ot the Funds, showtng a�rts end detiits to the f�nds s:,d�p�posa Air wl�c3+ �t j ,.:�;(t'������`
<br /> -----a--...: � d�R to t4ie Funds was made. The Wnds�re ptedged as adtNi .�-i seaniry for a0 sums secureG�i the Setxirity Instrur..krit- _�� ,�.:r4.r ....,�.
<br /> _� �- .� r It the Funds heid by Lender exceed the amounts pamitted'y P�hetd b app�icable law.Lend�sAaB acoowtt to�8orrovtEr '',..�;',�, ��`'�r
<br /> y �`��-;..
<br /> � •� �•'; tor the mtr•ess Funds in accorder►ce w3t1� the requireme�s of a�Itaable taw.N ihe amourn ot the Funds held by leatt�e'a1 ar►Y .�.�f°,1;�-_
<br /> > � � Ume Es not sufifda�t to pay the Esaow ttems whar �n_.tra�'�ay so rtotiTy Bortower in rm'ting,and.fi sach cas�Borravref ,� .`:.:`°•`�'�,}�r� .
<br /> a� a . . "'
<br /> �_ � • I' '.--`:
<br /> r � �ha0 pay to L�der the amount necessary to mat�cqa��a'��T�Y• Bortower shail make up the deflcien�y in no more than :�:.`:h.^i,��,„�}�.�,
<br /> .. �f.:' . N�IvB mon!!dY Vaymerns.at Lender's sote d(s�retion.. .. �'�-._-.. •..W'��'""=
<br /> r,� on errt i�fuA of a0 sunss seaued by tfiis 3ecurl."�t��nerA. Lender shati pmmptly refund to Bonowes,ariy Funds ,�
<br /> ���''.� �; uA PaYm
<br />_' ,n�,..,;,s,:;<-:" ,a hefd by Lender. 11.under parayaph 21. L.ender shall aequire cr.sr�l;t��ie Propetry.Lender. pdor to the acquisftton o:,sera ot the :,-
<br /> 0
<br />°��';�1,,, • 4 '' ,� PmAerry.sha0 aPPty ar►Y Funds hefd by Lender at tns tlme oi aa�isiBon or sale as a eredd agalnst tAe susas secu�red by thls =•r : �;•.�.�.
<br /> s�
<br /> �+'.� -.• r`,��;' � ;� SeWrfly Instrument . . '.
<br /> � , . ` , " '',..
<br /> - � . ',,;� 3. A�fpilcBKOA � PBytuteMs. Unfess�scabte ta�u pc�ide.s otAeNRse, a0 payments receb►ed Ca} leader und� - ..�, ,.
<br />= ' ' ' para�hs 1 and 2 shatl be app¢� flrst,to anY Prepayment�due under tfie Note;second,to ama�p�.y�b4���' �;%
<br />`, ' . paragrapfi�third.to intenest du�tr,��rth.to prfncipal du�and Iast.to any Iate charges due under t h e N o t e. 7��
<br /> r ' Lle�s. Borrower shaU pay ati taxes. assessments. charges. fines end imposiUons attrd��ble to the '���. '�:;.:
<br /> �� 4. Ch8 Qe�. or uttd�er►b�H eny. Borrower shali '� �^ �=�!__cf'?_.-,
<br />< . .` Properiy wAict�may atteh�prtorily over thls Seatrfty tnscumerrt.and Ieasehold PaY►nents �o __r�
<br /> � � � pay tfiese obtlgations tn fhe mminer provlded In para�aph 2 or H not Qald in that manner.Bocrower sha4 pay�them.on t6ne . ., ;;1.�--_...,
<br /> i � . �- ° '' d'uectgr to the person owed payment. Hartower shaQ promptly Almfsh tn Lender aq notIces of amaunis M be pabd under ttds •'.:,',..--.
<br /> > Borrower shail prompUy fumtsh to Lend2r receipts euldErtdn9 the �,� ��,`r,
<br /> -- �__ paca�aph. It 8ortower maSces these paymerna dioedN. __ -
<br /> • , - p$y1rlQltS. fL4.af3sL;1
<br /> Botrower shaSl prompUy discharge arry fien whicA has prforiry cier thls See�uity InstrumerJ:rsless Borrower. (m�aSraes in ` `. �_��?•'
<br /> . contests in d.feitA ti�e `.� • % , '.
<br /> � � wrtting to the payment of the obffgatton secured by the fien in e �r�+ner acceptabte to Lende�: @) � .;.• �:,�
<br /> . - � • lien by. or detends against er�orr.emerrt oi the�en (n.legal proc�emngs which in the Lende�'s opiniun op�'s td•prevenl the _ . �S�_:�_
<br /> � ' ' er►forexrnerd ot the Oar,or(c)secu�es trom the hotder of the Uen en agreement catisTactory to Lender s�?Qnatfttg,the G�to �^"'� -
<br /> ,��<`� ,
<br /> �� thts seeurfiy instru�r.est If Lender deterrt�ines that arry part o1 the PmpeRy is subjeeK to a�en�uF:cb may�l;��r prfbaity.over tAis � �
<br /> � - a��`�i`� ,`� 3ewr+ty InstrumESrt.L�.der may�sr,e Borrowes e no4ice identityfig the Qen.Bortower shai]sa+.s�'tj�U�a�tsic�a otrp aa.rrtare oi ����„`�`
<br /> � t;t��iy;•; the adtons set tortr��.ave wW�Gr 1¢fbys o1 the qiving o1 nat3ce. � �� -
<br /> t1� r,-.
<br /> - .i�•2„ S. Hffieid (ie�fO�f8RS7�1SU�81tCe.Barrower sheD keep the improveme�rts now e�sting or he�'�st etvct2d on the �?�_ ° _
<br /> . .. :;; ProVerlS► tnsured�gdm;t loss by fire. h�ards induded wHhfi tfie term 'eMe�ded coverage' an0 atry otha�f�ac�ds.bsctu�ng , ,aq�.;-=�-;,a,'!
<br /> '� • � ftoods or ftoodfng,for which lender requfres tnsurance. This tnsurance shaD Ce snaUriained fi the amaunts�d tom�th�p�ttods • �`,. +�.� _-.
<br /> ' that Lender requhes. The insurance earrler provtding the insurattce shaU Ae cAosen by Borrower subject to tend3Ps epproval .r"`�'6'" '.-
<br /> � wAich shaU no1 be unreasonabty withhetd. N Boaower tai(s to matrrtain covera9e desc�bed above, Lender mayr.at•LendEr's 5,.' J _
<br /> `.� • . ir,,: �. ^ optton,obtafi coverage to protect Lender'e Aghb fn tha Properly in accordance with para�aph 7.
<br /> t., . �.,�.�
<br /> ,:•.;.�;���. ; A� insuranae poQdes end renewals sha0 be acceptahie to Lender and shaD incTude a standard maRgage ektuse Lender ;. �..�.�•_
<br /> '��' ' ' shat!have the dgM to hold the polides and renewats. If Lendet requlres.Barrower sheU prompty gNe ta Ts:4er atl roceipts of �. ;` •
<br /> . 5 . �.;. .:�;:::
<br /> � ' patd premiums and reiewai noUces. In the eva�t of loss.Bocrower sha0 gt�re prompt notice to the insurarrx�cart�er.erid Lender. �-�'� .
<br /> a �`�' ,��
<br /> ��I� '.�� '',"` �. ' LenQer may maTce praol ot loss if not made promptly by Borrower. � .
<br /> ry .. . ..�
<br /> '� �:'-:'r�,�•��:-• ; Unless i.ender and Borrower otherwtse agree in wdUng. (nsurance praceeds shaD be eppQed to reototatlon or repatr af the �.`.�`�•�'�;..
<br /> ;_:. ...,�� �C,•,..i)
<br /> �, .�c:;-. ,.�� propaty damaged,H the restoratfon or repaU is economicaRy feasibte and Lender's security is not tessened.H the restoraL'on or r �. ::,i: .
<br /> �� '��'� � �epafr is not economicefiy teas(ble or LendePs security woutd 6e lessened.the insurance proceeds shaD be.epD�ied to tAe sums = �� ••.
<br /> � ' ' ser.ued by this ��rn'if�� Instrament. whether or rt�i then due. with eny excess pald to Borrower. If Barrower aDandor►s the �:, ;.�.���;i .
<br /> '�;,. � . PrRerty, or does rtr,n rfmswer within 30 days a ersltr.�e from Lendet that the insurance eartier has oHered to sedle a•da1m.tAen . . � •
<br /> � � , lr•�der may coQecC tlre 4:.surance proceeds. Uas+L�may use the proceeds w repair or restore the Property or to p�y sums ,
<br /> seeurcd by thts Security tnstrumerrt.whether or�at then due. The 304ay perlod wi8 begin when the noUce is given.
<br /> �', .. ` UnSess lender and Bortower othenMse a�ee in writinq, arry appGcatlon of proceeds to prfncipal shaU not esdend or ;
<br /> �'���� post�cr.e the due date o1 tha monthry payments reterred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or cAenge the amount o1 the payments. II ,. .
<br /> �` under para�aph 21 the Properry is acquUed by Lender. Bortower's dgrit to any insurence DopGes end proceeds resultfng trom . .
<br /> � � �.� damage to the Property prtor to the ac�isiUon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums by thls Security In3Crumc�nl -
<br /> �' � �• ` trnme�atery pdor to the acqulsttlon.
<br /> ��- ,� � .
<br /> �; : t�. Occu�ancy. Pvesenratlon, Qttatntenanc0 and Prot�ction of tho Proportyf Bmrawor's 6oan
<br />`��- � Q�{91t�'ti�m Leas�hold8. Boaower shall oeeupy,estab6sh, and use ihe Rroperty as Borrower's pdncipai residence wit�in
<br /> 4••� sixry days after the execution ot thfs Security tnstrument and shall conttn�e to oecupy the Roperry as Bortower's prfnsl�al
<br /> �r•: , , . .
<br /> �� residence tor at teast one year after the date of oceupancy, uniess lender otherwlse agrees In writin9.whlch consent sRail not
<br /> . • be unreasonebry withhetd,or untess aQenuating dreumslanCes exist vrhich are beyond BartowePa eontrol. Bocrower shall no1
<br /> ,,;y �� destroy. Qamage or impair the Properry. atiow the RrapeAy ta deteriorate. or cammit waste on the Property. Bortower shall be�in
<br /> �� - .
<br /> � detauri if arry foAeflure acUan or proceed'ing. whether civ�or aiminat.is 6egun that In lender'$good fai1A judgment eoutd resuit :
<br /> �� . •-- .
<br /> in toAeiUue of ffie Property or otherwise materiaQy impah the fien created by this Securiry tnohument or LenQei s secudty interEet.
<br /> ��.- . . ' ' Ft3t6.UN4(�+9n Paqe 2 of S �,� . .
<br /> , . • - 97053 , .
<br /> : ' � . � . .... --. . . . - '. , _.
<br /> �
<br /> . •
<br /> ,e: . ' . . �--'-' -----"-�-- -- '._ :.. -.:.p''.. , . : '-. .�. .�. °^.-. .—^_T�.^�^_.�''^_ -�•-° .~ .��:"f_"'"?'T"_'�`_y'_.T..'��r.-r�-�Lf�-^:7"tIr"_. . .. �_i . ��t.�:?1r. �-y. �ti. . .
<br /> _ �� --�
<br />