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_..�� ' " : . � . .i � .6._ <br /> .,,. _ <br /> rc--� . _ . .� � `- _ _ _ — - _e ,< ' <br /> i .• l <br /> .� 't< <. - s. i � 4 . <br /> f ' �. .-.� f , l� .:, � �s � `4 .c }c 4 ' f . � '�`� <br /> � y�_ . .'� �� �i<'�s �.. C��_�..u.�.f b .__.�,. {r ' ' ' _ ( j��- ._�.v...+..�. - �U�.�A.• .�• 4 C <br /> `� 1 ! 1 C'` �1C�LtC,_. ��_� Y� �,..� <br /> t4 r <br /> _ '��...Y ' , ,e�e � . <br /> � � � Bosmwer mtY aaie sueh a de�su!! and retnstate. as pswtded fn Qaragraph 18. �5l causing the adlon or pracee�ng to hs �:. ��.., <br /> - >T --=� _� <br /> ' :.'�� • dlsmkssc-d v d 1 M g r Wng i h a t.i n L e n d e r's g a o d ta�h detamination.predusles toRei�re ot the Bortower's interest ir,the Propmry c► : <br /> erR at the lien creaLed by tNls Securdy InsWment or lenders searity interest. 8ortaw�s h a D a tso be i n ' .� <..«t�. �, <br /> � . . ' other m�t�iat heWalrtn . 4�.. <br /> •: ��.... . <br /> de�if Bo�aN�.durfng the taan eFpflcatlon pmcass.9ave matetlally tefse ar tnaecurate infortnatlon a►statements to Lend2r(ar :i. - • <br /> taBed to p�Jicla Lender wtth any mutedel hdmmation) in canneetlon with tl�e laan evidensed by the Note. tndudu�g,but rtot •,� �' � - ,..�,.,,.... <br /> � t resid2nce- It thls Sewtfly(� . '°. <br /> , GmitEd to. �resQ'�tions concemtrtg BorrOwer's occupan�y ot the PraPe►At r�s a p�� fee title to the • . . <br /> � � ` .` InsWrr�r.t is as� o teasehoid Bortower sAsli eort�ry wiU� a1►Ne provislons of the tease. It Bortowrer aWuires �g ' . ' .. -. <br /> __= P�cu,s�ty.tte�tsresehoid and the lee Utle sha0 not merge untess Lender aryees to the merger in writing. D . . <br /> � S 7.Rra'is�ctlon af L�ndat�'s Rlgtt� in t�e�rape�ty.H eortcwer ta3ts to pertorm the covenartts and a�eements <br /> t <br /> , t coatain�d in Qtis Securttl►h�s��k s afEed Lendv's dghts tn the FtoPertY pfi .. . .. <br /> or tnere is a tegal ptaceeding tl�at maY �fl��nY � <br /> mEate.tor condertmation or teQe�re or to entarce iaws er regulatl°ns),tAen Let►der maY� � �� <br /> . (sucfi as a p3taeed'irtg in bantauD'�Y•P lender's eetions - - <br /> � do ervd p�Y fcr whatever is neeessary to Proted the va�e o!the Frope+N and Lerrder's d9hinstrumertt. eppearin9 tn eouK. Paytn9� ' ' <br /> -r:-�-"�,' may in�d+� p�9 �Y sums seared by a Qen whteA has µlority over this Sewriry .':_ . <br /> ��._.,�.•-- tees and eMertng on the Property to make reAaUS-AMa�9h Lender may take adion under thts paragraph� s-..: . <br /> . ----��. - reas�e a�St�Ys' _ _- �±^^_ <br /> �. ._ .'��•.� • ' <br /> 7, ��dya�not have to do so. , <br /> . � '� p1yf arnoy,rtts �sbursed hy Lender under paragraPh l' shaD b�came add�(ona9 debt o1 Bortower seaued bY this Secx+ntyr <br /> Inswmeent UR`�s Bamower and Lender agtee ro other tertns o1 payment these emaurts shail bear int�est from the date af - - <br /> ,. �p,� Ohe�tote rate and shaU be payabla.wati interest.uAon noUce ftom Lender to Bonow�requesting paYment , ..•. <br /> - -- � - _ 8. C,RAi4�3$0 InSUrffi1e�. If Lender requued mort�Je fisuranee as a canddian of malfisg fhe loan seaired tsY thIs , r: •: <br /> .. _ Seonfsj tnsfi�n�t.Borrawer shs0 pay the premfums requhed w mab�aln the mortgage tnswance in effed.B.tor eny�eason.the ,. � .� �,. _ .'. <br /> . . :' d Le�sder�apses or e�ses tn bs in e(feeL Bortow�r sha0 pay the prsn�ms req�ed to -,;�_ <br /> � • mortg�tsrsutanee coveraSe�eqtdr� bY ent W the -;_ <br /> : •• .' obvdn oov�e suhs�u�l�/eqwvate�to the mortgaqe fisu�ance prevtousry tn eHeet at a cost substantfatry►e��► . � ._ _. <br /> � cost to Baraever of the asaRSaSe insurance P�O°� in eftect. irom an attemate mortqage insuier appraved by Lender. fl : f u �,` <br /> to LenQer each morrth e sum equal to r <br /> _ , f su7�sttsr►tiaUy►e4uivat�t martg�9e ms�a'anee caverage is nat availabi� Bortow�shaU pay `� r y:..;-_ <br /> t bdn9 P� dll <br /> � on�tvtelfth ol.the yearly mortgage instu�e Premium d Bacrawei when the ins�eranee eaverage lapsed or ceased to <br /> _ .�_ �- <br /> . `-<: be i�dl�S, Lender w�U acoe�� ase ar[st ceffiin t�se paymerrts as a toss reseve in Heu.o!martgage insuranee. loss resenre , t . . <br /> . - e insutance eov�age(in the amaimt and for the peiod `=,,:•._ <br /> �, T "; � pay�s+cc�ts msy!no tnnger be required at t119 opdon at Lendv,it moRgag <br /> - .{ that Lenct�tequhas) Dmvided by an 6�sus� aDPrrnrc��t�tder again becomes ava8abte and is abtained. 8nrtuv�er sha0 pay R �... <br /> , -s tor maRgage <br /> � ttue prerivam�e4uUed to rtialntafi moRqage insuranee�efted.or to provtde e lass reserv�unU7 tlse requir�t ��,r . <br /> - ' insumnoa e�ds in eccort�ince with er►!f em'I2en 8�n�t between Borrower and Lender or appllcahte taw. f�►f�_� <br /> ��-- rr,';.= 9. (fl�BC��i.lender or i1s ag�E maY make reasonaDte enat�uPon and mspedians af thaPrape�ty. Lend�r shell give _ .9y� <br /> . `�'•f goar�rar�cao'3�e at the tlme ot or pdor to an inePectlon spe�ying ressa�rabte�use far the fisgedi�cr_ . M��. <br /> ` ` •`���`:: 10. CandOttan3ttoil.The proceeds of anyr award or da6n tor damages.d'uect or cons�.in connection wr�h anY ,,• <br /> '�'��.:` ' �`��•. or tor comreyance in fieu of wndsnnarion.are her�y assi�ed and _ <br /> ��'�` con�rd��atiYO or other tntdng of arry part oi the Property. .,'`+�""'�' <br /> . C��_, <br /> � � '� 5l�3U be palei to Le11deG a_i . <br /> 3 ��• <br /> � <<`•< (n ttoa eved o1 a toffi1 LaEdn9 at the Roperiy. the proceeds shaU be ay8f�ed to the sums ceaired bY tiim searitY = � <br /> - - - ; IrtsOcumw'ttt.tvheth� oi nOl thm due.witA anll excess Pald to Botrowv. In tfie evelrt af e parti�tsddrtg o1 thB Frop�ty In whkfi . � r_ ,-- <br /> ^ t�.e tetr rr�ufrat wafue of the PrapeRy tmme�atetf►Defore tfie taidng is e�al to or greater thsn the amowrt o?the sums secured ,-.�.=, <br /> .j.;• . ��;� �.. . <br /> ��cs+Q:'., . . betote the taking• unless Bortower and l.msder othernlse agree in wefdng,the sums :,�.._�;��,;,�- <br />.,`��;�.�.�,;. ,:�.�.j bry ttds Se+7sritY tt�itttme.rtl tmm2�atety �. _,.a <br /> ,'�.,.`'_... ... sewr�ed try:Ehis Sea�ii$:I�rsWme�nt shaU be redueed by the amourrt af the Pro��+i�P�6y the toQawtng frar�lon: (a)the � <br /> ;:t � .-, �� to1a1 erc�oam�h of tRe su��ecured(nane�atd!!6etose tha tafdng.divided 6y(b)ttu�fdr markd va�e ot the Ptop�rty immediat�y ��•..: :_ <br /> � .;;•.}'a baiartce sNaD be paid to Bortower.(n tha eve�c�a partia?�.�tg o!the PropeRy in whicfi the faU mact�t ,' ,, <br /> ' .,/• t'r bdoc�tTea WfdttB./1nY 6etore ihB taldrtg j, s�� " <br /> •. .; � vaNa o3 thD Prope�ty 6mnerIIatdy tr�CCe the taWng is less than the�snr.�at of Me s�s sew�ed imme�et]► ''`".: G;ii <br /> ���`t�/, uctfe� 8arow� and Lender othenri� a�ee fi wrfUng,or unless �st'.�7cabte �v otheswise p c¢t i�e s. the pmceeds sha0 6e .�.s �;• I:; <br /> ` . �f 1 '• ••it� <br /> app"ied ta�e sems secnred by thb SecutttY(nstrument whether or not ffie•sums at�ilien dua. � .;�'•:;..,��,:..; <br /> • '�'1� � M tha i�roD�/is abandoned by Borrower.or ii.�ter notice by Lender to E�!'�that the candemnor oR�s to make an � ; <br /> • f s` , �n�i;�#: <br /> avrnr.� or settle a clafm tor dama9es. Bortower ta�s to respona to Leheer v+r�.;s: 30 days aftei the date the noUce is given. P� ��_ <br /> �d�j�r. L�far is euthorized to coQect and epPN the its optiarr. ether to �storaUan or re�slt ot thw R�ropetty ar to the . I.,,. �--_ <br />.. .. 14�;y§,. . sums seuned by this Searity Instrumen�whether or not tAen due. . .. ,--�,^•--. <br /> Unless Lend� and Bortower othetwlse agree in wriifig, ar� �aUon of proceeds to pr(ndpal sAall not c�Qend c�n fl-=-_':: •�-�;`:,� <br /> �"�:t•.:__ <br /> . , po�tpav�the due date ot the monthy paymenta retemed to in V��'s� �d 2 0l che^ge the emount M such Dayments. . �� ._ . - �{�- <br /> 91. @torrawer Not Roleased: Forboarance 6�i Lendc�Na!a�C�lahrer.6Qension ot the Ume tor payrtce�cr .:.�..4...• <br /> . ° m.�S'cSice�n ot amortl�Uon of the sums secured by Nis Sewrfry InsL�.Tncmt grant¢d by Lender to any successor in Uite�ds g;'-`''� • av;- <br /> : _-k.,r;�f .��'•=^.�._�_,.-�____`__�`.'._`°"_ <br /> •;��(,.:,. BoRaHer st�aU not oyerate to retease the Qabffity ot tAe odginat Barrorer�or Borrow�'s suecessors in interegt LenQer sha0�s � <br /> . . :"9,e,��i��;. be requU�i to wmmenee proceedirtg� agatnst any successor tn icrti�est or cetuse to¢�Qend thne tor paymetri or otherve�e W. : <br /> ���'t�;;% m,�(y ar�Rizafton ot the sums seau�st isy this Securriy fnstnm�er.t-y reason of any demand made by the odgfisi Sortawet or �#N=; .,..y�;,:,,_. <br /> � , � 8armu¢t'3 suocessors in interest My torbearaTree bY Lender in exeicising any dght or cemedy shaD not be a wahrer of or - -_ _, ,'_._:= <br /> 4��, : . pseducta+the exersise ot enY d�t or remedY• � : f�w,-�, ' <br /> uc _ '�r'"T : <br /> 1�. Succossors and Assigns �oure�: .�int a�d Sevoral LBabtlity; Co-signera. �ne covenants and � <br /> .�� aq�enr.stsls ot this Seairfty InstrumeM shall bind and benefit the�ssors end assl�►s oi LenQer and Borrower.subject tn 1he . .,� <br /> •.� � pra�lsiartro o1 para�apA 17. Borrawer's wvenants and a�eemm�:ha9 be Joint end severaf. My Bortower who co-si�s this t.,�� .�'y-�r. <br /> _�,;, � � Sec�u(Ly tnstrument but daes not exec�rte the Note: (aJ is co-s��T4 U�S�"��me�rt onfy to mortgage.�ant and comel► _ <br /> ,�.:. • �' <br /> �iJ.,, that 8atawer's irtterest in the Prapary under the t�m�of thls 3�:c9ry lnswrr�-r[fi (b) [s not personeQy o6�ted to Pall�e ; .^ ~. <br /> , .' suma secured by this Seauuity Instrumenx a�►d(03 ag�ees that Lender and as�ciC:e►Bortower may a�ee to�end.moddy. • x,.N: �• <br /> � terbaar ot make an5i accommodaUons witb regard to the tetms of thls Seeurity fr�ument or tfie Nate witAo�t that Bortower's <<'� � ' '}. <br /> � � ���>ii" ' ��� IAa11 Cherg08. I}the taan seared by thia Sewrity Instrument is subJeet to a taw whiefi sets m�udmum loart �•�' � ^`i'J��:.:�. <br /> '1�� _ ;, J�-�i���,,.. <br /> �` � ;�F��;: �: char�an.end thai law is finaDy interpreted so that the interest or othcn loan eharges co�ected or to be coDected in connection <br /> q _�.1,` such toan ehar e sfiall be reduced by the amount neeessary to reduce <br /> f;'�,r.,, . vfil�tiv�toan aceeed the pennkted Qmits. then: (a)arry 9 . <br /> �t?:f��" , � tha charge to the pertnitted limil: and (b)any sums afreaQy co4ected irom 8ortower whieh exceeded permitted 8mits wiU be . . <br /> �' �j r ; retu�sCad to Borrov�er. Lender may chaose to make thb�etund by reducing the pdneipal owed und�the Note or by matctng e <br />;r � � �pr�yment to Borrawer. H e retund reduces Prtnd�. the reducdon wID be treated as a partfal Prepalm�ent withaut any . . <br /> ;i. � � , pre�ay�.�nt charge un4er the Note. � . . <br /> ;h,:;,� - �q; (�pU�pg,Qny noUte to Borrower provlded tor in this 8ecwity(nstrumeni sha0 De given by Qetivering it or by maffing R <br /> �:'�';�i��.,. . � by fusi:dass ma�u�aDpQe��e law re�ires use oi another method. The noUee sha0 be d'ueeted to the PropertY Address , <br />-��Q=:A� • � or any�athe►addres� Basrower Qesignates by aoUce to Lender. Any noUce to lender shaU 6e given by fust dass ma�7 to • . <br />�i�`'"' '', Lenda�s ad�e.qs stat�-d herein or�y other ad�ress Lender Qesignates by noUce to Bortovler. My noUce provided tor in Ihis , _ <br /> � � Sscuctty InsWment shaU be deemr�b ta have been ghren to Bomewer or Lender when gtven as pravided in tNs paragr+iph. � • <br /> �r� . . 16i. Gweming Lsuv: �Sa�sa�iifiy. This Secudty Instrument shaD tre govemed by federal Faw end tAe taw o1 th� � . <br /> �, � � judadietlon in whlch the Property is I�cated In tha event that any pravision or etause of this Sewriiy tnstrument or the Note <br /> �: , <br /> eonfilets with appUcable law.such eoMUe1 she0 oot aHect other provisions ot ihis Security InsUument or the Note whtch ean be � <br />`it;= - given crftect without the coniGcUng prwlsinn.To this end the provisions o1 this Seeurity InsWment and the Note ere dectared to �I ,r <br /> �'�' ' bo severabfe. ' <br /> �: ., <br /> . . •°--� � 18.BOROW@t'S CO�f•Borrower she0 be given one contormed copy o1 the Note and of fhi�Seeudry Instrum�t . <br /> . .• .� Ft3�&LMG���BT� vage 3 of S L1+�- v� � . . <br />. . . . 97054 � . .. <br /> ' '' .� • ' ' — _ " - <br /> .�...�.,-7m - '--- - — � -- - ..-- ' - - <br /> . . . . -. .�- m�.�. . <br /> ,.�.,.�.... � `�h, <br /> . . . -�.. �.� � �: <br /> .. �_.._,,. <br /> _ <br /> —•--�.�. . . . . . .i. . . . _ _ � ._ . ._ . .. � . . . . . •..._ . . .. . .. . _ . � . . _f _ ?�:...:.. �.. .._ . .. <br />