�_ "�__�' . � •< <[ '=j.3.:.-LY. �r ..- -2
<br /> f<a_ � . - . � � ,,,ayG7 � +[. '
<br /> 'r'�°��`�: ` � ' ` '. 't � ��tt . ?... 'P � � � _ r S -
<br /> `;` _^ � _- ��.L.G �` ' . �.< 4 � ��{ � '- � . � ,t � V -.y--r� �t �t� � ;. }�_
<br /> Si, -.�' . i 'Y,fl" t3�....._. ..._...°_._..-.—..o - .v�..C.a " '� f r. rr �
<br /> - ,� ..•S
<br /> . . �. -��':` �:'--y—_-.:. -
<br /> . SE- '
<br /> .. •'tjl. �� ��� ��C/���� . • � �`���.
<br /> . ��
<br /> , � _ � 1. PaymsM9.Honovuer s�ees to ma�e alt pfiRnents on ths socured Q�t wRen dtte. Unless Borrowar and Le�sder agree otheiwise. env r.i "
<br /> �. �; paymarta Lender reeeives Srom Barrawar or far BoaowoPa Denefh wDt ba ap�ed fhst to ac►y emounts Bortower owes on tt�a saeured aeM .
<br /> •�� -..' e:Gusivo af imares[ar pdndFal.secon0 w irstarost,and then sn principal.ig pWFSI prepaymant of tAa seausd deCi ocars tor arry reason,it wUF
<br /> t�t teduee ci uzeessa enV tcA�OaYmcn� ^" debt ia paid in fuU. ,. ,'
<br /> -- � y,•�,��w �• -. .3 g•p aD:�'�1 essme�.and ottter d�as8es attr�utaMe to ttse propertY when Que end wal datend ti8o �
<br /> - 'eo�e amae ��etd e Gen o!this dsed a!trtcst.lendsr may reg�dre Bmrower to essie�►a�rt��.�ak.ss:,i �
<br /> -•:,'•>: datenses wht� w.a�de e8a1r9! . . saOAN tabor or masodats to hnDmve ar mamtain tha praAertSt. . '�_
<br /> �, :,. 9,btst�Cneo.Qotrowet wIU keey the P�DeRY ittstaed�utdar Lerma aeoeD3eDIe to lendar at Hrnrower's expense and tor iendera OsnefiL Ali r��
<br /> ��� �•�(�•: fnsuranee poltdee ShEll inehtde a standatd martgage deuse�n tavor o4 lende►.lender v►�be namea as toss paYee ar as t!►e irssurad ors m�y sueA _ .
<br /> -- ••c.•r� ins�asnco Pvfiey.Any insurance proeeeds may bsiD�lGed.wiWn Lendefs d'isaetFOn,to eitl�er the restoration ar repair of tRe damaged PrQD�nY - ~-
<br /> , . .:;'r2j+:��!' . S if8 _ _
<br />_ -:r.,.. Ot t0 thB 68GU8d dBUt I}LOtidB!fBQUiT89 m6Rgeg9 iflSUfBRCB.BaffOw2f B�e83 tD mEHtYdin SuCM inStP8t7Ce t0r aS IOng 8S latidBi reQU3i83.
<br /> ``�Sc.•:�;
<br /> ---- –�--+r=- 4.�iOji4Jiy-@Cit8W8!WiR @R�D t3t4S R�II�nlf u18���A 8itd IA8k9 811?@pa1fS tBBStJf1201y n6[�SSaly. -- ---:• - ,----
<br />.. . . '.',.t�,,, � ..� _...o.' - .:-.
<br /> �_`fl�h� ;�.° 6.6�zasos�.Bortawer a�ees to pay a0 Lendofs e�ensas,indud�ng reasonabta attoraslls'teas.H Bnrrower 6reaiw any eovanaMS tn tlils deed
<br /> of uust or in any obiiBatioa seaaed by thts deed of wst.Borrowe►wRl pay theso amoums to Lender as provided in Covenant 9 of tt�is Ceed of `d�
<br /> � f.
<br /> trus� '' ,
<br /> ``, 8 PHar 8 �aiQasb.Untess Bcrrower fuat obtairts le�e�s mitten conses�L Barrawer wll not maka ar pemtit arN d�anges to anfl P�►
<br /> - Leeurity i�.6artowet w�i perform alf af Borrowers obitgations urtder arsv Prior martgaSe,dsed af uwrt or otherdeetauitY a�eeme�L
<br />. indudrn Barrawer's eovenartts to ma�ce paY+*iertts wAen due. - - '��.._;_-.
<br /> S - ,
<br /> �;;• . ':''_.. :
<br /> �' 7.Ass. ert at Re^fAa�d Rro6ffi.8arrower essigns m Lender ths rems anA profits 6f tfie pmperly.UNess Barrower and Lender have agresd ., . -V,°
<br /> oth e in vRitts�, Barrawer may eoUect and retain the tent&es tong as Borrowec is nat in detautt.If Hnrrowet defauhs,i.ender.Lender's ::<<�;.;
<br /> � <.;�`.�� b enL or a caurt appointed reeeiver may�tae possessfon�manags the property artd eaQecc the rertls.Amr rerts Lender coUects shaA 6e ~, ;°. - �� . t-.-��
<br /> 9 's"i...
<br /> ' �- � sDOred tirst to dte easts ot managing the Brope[t�►.�a��aourt eosLs and attomeys'[re.s,wmmissions to rernal �.and arry otfier i
<br /> �e�y tetaced e�enses.The remab�ing amoucit of re� i then apply to paYmetns on t�e seaaed debt as Drovided isr�vanam 1. ��
<br /> � �� a�;% . . ;
<br /> 8.L+oaseJtotQx CmtdmnL�innu:Warmed Itntt B�-Earsower agrees to comply vtiritn the O�sians of anY teas4 H t0is dead ot trust is cn ,.��-` ;:
<br /> i� ` a feasehn(0.if tNs Qeed oi m�t is on a a�it m a conQamtNim ar a ptanned unit dave(opme�,Borra�erec ws'L�jteRorm ai!ot Bnrrowe�'s dutiss �w
<br /> � tmder the eavenarrts,bWaws.or regutations of the condnadceiun or ptanned unit Qevetapme�rt. ''+} < <
<br />- .`..'.. ,., .. �
<br /> 8.AuBm�t at L�dr to QaAarm tas Bartowei If @mra�v faDa w perform arry of Borrower's duties or,�tfr�.ls 3a�ed�of WsL L.ander may � - � .
<br /> '�' � pertorm tAa duties ar eause thetn to he parfom�ed.tertder�!sign Bortm�aefs name os pay anY emou�'��hst�ssary fos pertartnanco.If erty .
<br /> �� :: �cnsductton an trtepropeRy(a d�soonUnued ar not�artied an�a n3asanat+te mm�ner,Lendet may do whv.-1su'�is neees6ary to Drotecq LenC9�'e , � -�,�
<br /> '. .. _•. . ,,:: . �e�N�in LR9 WoDenll.'Ehis may ittidu0a eomptatin9 tfia ransEnu�"¢cn. ' ... __
<br /> -- ..-� .�';:= .�= • . . �
<br /> +:% Lenders taihue to per(orm wU not Orec[udv Eendar tmm exercising any of�other rights unde►the ISw cr U�s deed of trust. -_ • ....:
<br />. .f� ':-.:i _.:... �.�l_-.'
<br /> ;:r " :,`,i 1�y amour�patd Dy l.endw m protect Lem�C+'s seciuity irttarest w�7t Ee seaued Dy this dsed of trust SucA amourtts vn'(I be Qus on�mand � :e " '`�L-
<br /> :� t�nd wifl be�iM�est trom the date of the D�S'���P�.++��II at the i�terest rate in efFacc an the seaued debt �� .,
<br /> � � IQ Os'�end Aecamrffiton. If Borrawer fa3� to tRa+.t.rv rasyf Daymerrt when due a bte�s any covenart� wder Utis deed of tnist m atty �..___�L-
<br /> obligatlon seaued by Uils deed of trust a s�r,riw�e or daed ofr Uust. lender may acceie.rasg D3R maduitY of tlte seuaed Q�u2 arM Y � ;. ,� ,�,•
<br /> ,j . �'�� damand ImmeQ�te Daymant and mey invadcs c�t�wer v�sale and any other remaCies permitted by aDpl"s�tus'aw. t.
<br /> . ; ��••_
<br /> } 91.RoQt[ost tar RaBco 04 Oef�sdt.It is hcdbp��`+at copies of the notices o!datauh and sata fa€��:+t to each persan wtw is a O�Y , �`; j�¢� .:
<br /> hereto,at tt�a 8ddress of eadi such Perso�asoze Ter1r krecmir. � 6 �� ; �`��L `l.
<br /> d
<br /> _�- - 1, � 1 `' . . . Ft �'
<br /> . � .' 1�Fowor of SeSa.tf ffiB Lender i m m k e s t h e D o w e t o f�7 l f e T r u s t e e s h a U H r s t r e c o r d M t h e O t fi e a o t t h e.r e g i s t e r d;�`�a e d s of BacA c a u n t y t � .
<br /> vdhe►etn tha trust pmperty or same part or pareef therecf ib�fivated a nottce of defauh cor�ining the f�ormation requtre�by faw.The Trusteo c��r' • ����--�.-
<br /> `,l,�� '�` shatl aiso ma�7•sopies of the no8ce of Qefautt ta the Bartav�sr,to each person who Is a paziy hersto.ar.d to othar personu as pres;aibed by '' F�' ( .
<br /> •�'r �$ ��'' pcable fmn.(Sot fess than one mmrih a4�r tha TnistES cecotQs tfie ssotiee of Qetauit or two ma�if ttte tnrst OropeRy ia nez ts�ar►y ��� t� �`
<br /> ' �;;,?�,��,�j��,�irt�`•�.;� ��eatporated dtg at viUage end is used in farming o�eratioria cartied on by tlm trustor.the fnistoe shaP[t��ub�a notlee of sale W tha vo+s�na '� """
<br /> , �, rr } ., atW in tha m�rr r prescrib80 aDDPNca61e(aw.Trustee.without demam:is en Bortower.shaD se0 tR�(u^q7�N at puLiic aucUon to ttv��dt��st i� :. �.j�r�` _-
<br /> '`�!y'�;� r�:� biBQer.tt resutred hy tds Fffim�omestead ProteeNon Act Frustee shall o4ter the properr,�Fr,two separa�sates as requireA hy apDllca�+a'raw. _;
<br /> .,j�„!:. •':, Tcustea meY Dcstpona eats o!aI{ot any pareel o!the OmG�bY WEIIc announeemeM r�fi�f'az.time and piace ot enV OrevloustY schedu[ed sate. .,�,. .. . ;.,,.�
<br /> - �� �' LBI1A8/0t It8 de81gRBB fi18Y pU�Ch&58 tRe p�Opel[y eL iitry sel0. � 3 F ^ .i,��;.
<br /> ___L�Y i .,,:t, ' " =
<br /> � ��. Upnn reeetpt of paym errt of tha priee btd,Trustee shall deitver to the p�uchaser Trusree's aeed canveying tne property.The�ecittals eorttatned tn j,�r =
<br /> �,,�!,��� T►u s t e e e d a e d s h a i F h e p r i m a t a e l e e v i d l e n c a o f t A e ti u tl�ot the statamerrts coMaineA thereln.Trustee stiatl epply the Oroceeds of ttis sate in ths � ��.
<br /> '',� .•,F;h-::��r.`�:. foQOwfng mQar: tef to a0 e�enses b1 the eais, inctuding, but not limited to.reason a b t e Tnucee's f aes. reason a b t e a t t o m a y's t e e s a n 0 `i4: ._, 1:..�-
<br /> r"���%v `���: �ainsteitement tees;(61 to afi eums sec�ued tiy this Qeed ot Uust,end(c)tha balance,if ar►y,w the persons tegatry entIUed to recetve it. ��. ?t;��_
<br /> -,f,:,. �..,. �
<br />-- �` "' 93.Foredasuro.At LenQera option,Wa Qeed of trust may be foredosed in the manner provide by eppUeabte law for tareetasure ot mortgag�► '��:. ����'
<br /> �::-Q;-..�.-
<br />`:<,f'n' ��� on�ea)proyarty. ° -
<br /> ";, i� ." .� , 14,ItmneeHon.Lend�e�r pmay ermar the property to Inspect it it lender pives Borrawer notice beforehand.The notiee mu�t stete th9 reasona6te _T _.-�_
<br /> , _ CSU80 fOI L0Ifd8�S���vyvCtlOt1. ��{1� L
<br /> '' � 15.CondomnoUon.Bartowet asei�ns to Lerrdc�a the�roraeQs of a�ry award or daim for dame�ge�a conrta�w�a eonbimnatton o►cllstc taEctng ��� °"
<br /> EQ
<br /> �' � ot aQ o�arN part of tfie propetty.Sueh Gracx�sda vv�li tre epptiod as Providsd In Covenant 1.7Ns assi��ic�sub;ea to eAe terms c:f1 at�+prior ,f�?, --
<br /> __ ;';�, se�a�eemeM. ' , _ -�xi_�� _
<br /> 1 18.Wahres.BV exereising atry�eme�y ave3aDta w LenQer.LenEer daea not give u any cf,RLC to Ister ns'a erry ottter rr�r�y.By not e�retsinp �'_� =.-.`-
<br /> a p r ' amr reme6y upon Borrowere defautt,Lendes does not waivo any tlght to faRer cansPder the ev�ni a de4s�.'t iS it heppens again. a''�
<br />� �, •1'. S..`1„`: : -
<br />"`.}"`. 't�•`•����Iy7�f:;` YT.Jotnt end Savatal L1a0i�y.� eo�u��;sueeasw�a ene e�srs�eaRma�i euues unaer wis mam�r e� �,n are�o�M ane sevara�. Any .. j� .
<br /> _ . � l,,.., , 6orrawar wfio east8ns this deed of tuat 0ut daes not co-sign ihe urtdeMtr�Qebt lnstiumeM(s)d�.ae•va only to graM end comrey tl�at ti" ���,;,
<br />___ _ %;�����t�;��'(' , Borrowar's tntarest in the property to tho Trustae under the terms of thls deeQ ottrust.tn aQd'rtlon,suQn�14�rrower agrass that tne Lender anA � ��•;;� ?��,,,`,'
<br /> i j, .,_ , other Bortawor unQdr tAts Qeed of wst may e�aend,moditv a mak� anq ot�er ehangoa in the tort�o.-?this deed.nf trust ar the ser,wed rA�'!� .
<br /> � ,,,,!� d�without that Borrowero eonsent and wtthout releasirtg tl�at Bortower ttam the terms of thls deed of��s�. �
<br /> �%�;'. Tha dutias and benofite of tNs dood of Uust shaU bind end Cenefit the successore and essigns ot lender aM Boaower. • • •
<br /> r � 18.Hotice.Unfess otherwise repubed by taw,erry notiw to Batrower shalt Ee giwn by delivaring ft or bx m¢ifing it by certifled mail eddressed to � s :�
<br /> � y„ Bonower et tAo pro�aRy add�ess or any�atner address that Barrower has �Ivon to LertQer.Bonower enll�r�ve arry notice w Lender by certfi�ad :.• �
<br /> �. 1,x` - ma31 to LenQe►'8 BQdtose on pago 1 af tnta doed ot UusL or to any other address wNcA Lender has d�ignated.Arry other noUce m Lcx�r shaU f}�
<br /> te
<br />-- .,:���' , be som to LanGers eQQress as state0 on page 1 of this deed of uust. • • �x',;�• :��..,�
<br /> My oottce shall bsi daemed te ttave boen Qivan to Borcower or LenEer when givan in the rnmmer stated above. !t h�, �
<br /> !,' : ,�?,;,_, 19.Tranafm of tl�o Propsriy av o Beuiatldal Uitereat In t�e Bo�rawer.It ett or any part of Uffi y�roDerty nr anY interest tn it is sotd or vanafenod ;rj�'�'���,�.�:
<br /> � . �� w i t h o u t L e n d e r s p t i a r v i rt i tt e n c o n s e r t 4 l e n Q e r m a y d e m a n d i m m e d 1 a t o p a y m e M o f t h e s e c u t e A d W i L L e n d e r m a y e t s c Q e m a n d t m m e d i a t e ,t�n u� ��
<br /> ��_..
<br /> ; i' `f� � OaYmeM it the BoTrawor is not a naturd ryarson end a beneflelal lnierest in t4�e Borrower is sold ar trensferrad. However,Lender may not !s, ���n��-
<br /> � .-1 d emend p a y ma�in tho ebove sltuettons tt i�ia prot►iEfted by tedarat taw as of th�date of thts Qeed ot tr� , fi{,����'�� _-
<br /> Jl��+�� .�,� . '� ",�+lf��,
<br /> : 20.Reeomrsyartee.VYhen tho ohllgaUon aeuned by thla Eeed of trust has Oees�paid and lenQor Aas no tuRhor ahllgatlon to make advancea ' �` �
<br /> " '' undor tho irtstrumorKe or a�reemerrts secured by thi9 deed of trusL the Trustee shalf upon written�equest by tho Lanaer,recanvey tt�trust �c , �i':�.
<br />_ •. �`•� � � proycn The LttnQar shall detiver to the Bortawer,or w Baaowera successor in Interest the truat deed and tho now av other evldenea ot tha
<br /> _ _ , . uhfig�lan so eetisHed.Bortower shatl paY eny reoordstton coste. . ..
<br /> . •�''r'�;�'';,.t;:.,' Z1,gtuecsaot Tn�tas. Lendet, at Lender'e o�on, may removo Trustoe and appoirrt a saccesso►truste9 by�rsy mailing a copy of tha . �
<br /> _ ;jj.,� :'�. ' suLatltiNon ot vuatae as�equlred by appiicabla aw,and then,p�fiting ris suGstitudon of trustee tor tewrA in the afflep o!tha register of Qeeds .. � ,
<br /> oi each couMy ln which tho trust Droperty,or some part thareol,is situaLed.The cuccessor truatee.wRhout canveyaneo of the property,shall
<br /> �.'��.t��,.. . sueease to an the Oowa►.Qutles,authority and titlo ot tho Trustoo named i�tha deeA of trust and of any successar truatee• . .
<br /> �;��;�,•;•- . . . .
<br /> `,I��, .
<br /> ` "`; . , . .
<br /> • .-. /a�o?ofL . ,
<br /> � s,un��srsrtus.we..sT.e�ou�.eeN seso�„�ooa9�-nan caaa�oevanar�ene�, ' ._.. . .__
<br /> • � �;�� .
<br />- , . „., . � - - - -- -_ _ - - — --;-=.... ...
<br />