' ;1 � ���i;t�,�s�,.,+��,lr s � �t7�,i1.. . . i�.� ., ;
<br /> � y .
<br /> _ ✓ _' J r,�i ��f�rdN�_�,�' * >f' i�� �'�� . t IAC.# �� . .., ; -_:t,._::
<br /> ` �.�� ,,,,r�r.'�.=•.
<br /> :_ �6...��.usUSF.3i{.SCM�iY��" 1l•-it...c.i�.r ' 7 � na,s�ucuw.�aino�.. _-_^•• • _"___'
<br /> 92� �.o99�a. —--
<br /> Tho Runds sball bc hcld In an Ins�ilulion whom deposits arc insured by n f�dcral agencp, Instrumrntnifly.or cmi�y
<br /> qncluding Lendcr,if I.cndcr is such an Instiwtlon)or In any Falcral Homc i.oan Iiank.l.enAer sholl appiy thc�unds�a pay�hc
<br /> Escrow I�ems. I.ender may not charge Dorcower for ho:dfng�nd npplying the�unds,annually onaiy�Jns thc escmw uccounl,or �''*�==%-��
<br /> vcrifyins tl�a 6serow Rems,uniess i.ender pays Hnrro�rer imercs�on�he Rand:and eppIicable Inw pennils i.erAer lo mnko such a'c�`�r;'._
<br /> a c6arge.ltowever,LenJer may rW ulr Borrouer to pay n ono•tlmo charge for mi independem real es�au wx rc{wning xervice ';�;%;:_*,..�_�...
<br /> uscd by Lcndcr in wnnatlon wlil� t61s loan, unless appllcnblo law provldcs othenvisa Unlcss an agrumem Is madc or ;fA;s,�.�;,_.
<br /> applica6le law requires imercs�to be paid.I.ender shall no�be reqaind to pny Rorm�ver any interes�or wrnin�s on�he nunds. :��-�.;-;:�,�
<br /> Borrower and Lendcr may agrx In wdtlng,hox�ever.�hat fmcres�s1�all be pa'.d on�he Funds. Lender shall grve m florro�eer. '�'��.�?:;. ,
<br /> wilhoul chargc, nn nnnual accou�ting of Ihc Funds, showin crcdils.nd debi�s lo Ihc�unds anJ�ha +r sc for+rhich c2.ch sii'`�t-•
<br /> g P' Po 3`:=;:;....
<br /> dcb0�o thc Nnds wns madc.Thc�unds nro plcdgcd ns addi�ional sccuri�y for all sums sccurcd by this Secunry fns�rument. 4,'<i�?,;-.
<br /> lf�he�unds hcld by Lender excecd tho:unounts penniued ro bo held by ap IicaLle law,LCItd2!ShdII account to Dorm�ver ----= �.
<br /> for tLo excess�unds in a.ccorAance with�ho requueir.eats of npplfr,iblc law. [f tPe amounl of the funds heLd by l.endar ax aoy N�����._:
<br /> Ume Is not suflictent to pay�he T:scrow Icems w m due,l.eaMr nu so notif Bo[rox•cr in wri�in nml.in wch case fiofroutr �"'.' _.
<br /> h Y Y 6• Ta-'c..;,,:..
<br /> stvall Qay ro Lecder�he amount amssary ro nu.te up the deficiency.Boaower shalt maBe up U:�def:aeiuy in no�r.ore�ua ����;;�;_
<br /> twelve rconthty paymRnts,az Ler.dei s s�te Sixation. '`� _.
<br /> Upon p��m:nt in Cvlt of n4l vrn.:�^cutt+d dy dus S�iurity la�uumsnt.Lei�.der shall promptly rcCund ro Horrov.er xny j�t��°'' -
<br /> ¢b.+�i}�en9 hy 4enRer.[E,undet"paragra?`�21.�+m+::yS�!!a�an:z or alt t(ze Pm�e+ry.L.e�'er.pnor io Hie acqulsi�iorz or zir �r�z . ;;
<br /> of ihe Pcoperry,shnll xp�x.y nny 1Fnnds heYd bp isntter n:�fie�ime oF.�quisZtuiu<�r sale as a ctali[ayainvt the sums secured by r{�:.;__;:
<br /> this Security Instrumcr.t. ?�.-Z:'t"�
<br /> 3.A��lirn7Imi oY5':vinenis.Unlas nppiicable law prorides othem�isc,all pay'mems raeival by Lcndcr undcr parngaphs =1?�F�r,�_-�
<br /> I nnA 2 shall be applicd: tirs6 to nny picpaymee�charges due unle<<F.e Note:secord,to nmounts payzble unACr pamgr.ph 2: �+�� -__
<br /> third,(o inrercst duo:(ounh,lo prtncipal due;nnJ lac4�o nny late�t�arga Juaunder�he hote. �r�r „ ,;
<br /> 4.Chergesi Uens. Uortmrer shall pay aii�axes,esscssmems, chargcs, �nex nnd impositions e�iributnblc to�he Propcny y.,.�V,-_,.
<br /> which may ettain pdodty over�his Secunty Instmmen6 mid la�schold paymcros or ground rcms,If nay. 6ortowcr shall pay n� �
<br /> these o6liga�ions in the manrt:r provided in amgr�ph 2,or If not palA ia�imt manner,Oorco�eer shall pay them on�Imo dircctly �`�'�i {3 €:
<br /> to Uio person owed payment.Qononer shnlPprompdy fumish to Lender nll nntfces of nnmums to be paA under this pamgrap6• ,���,+,_;t':�
<br /> ff Dorto�ver maka tliese paymems dircctly,Rorcower shall prmu�qy fumtsh w I.ender rcccipls evidrndn�the paymcr.ts. •„��`i;_,.
<br /> Oortowcr ahall promp�ly dlschargo nny Ilcn whieh hns�rmr ly o�'tr�his Secudty Inslmmcnt unlcxs Ilorrowcr.(o)ngnrs in t;;�_,�_�___
<br /> writing�o�he{uyment of the oblige�lon secured by the Iiem m�inanner aceep�able Io I.ender,(6)mn�c��s In gcx�J lahh Ihe Ikn :;.,.,( .
<br /> by, or dcfcnds against cuformment o(�hc Iicn in, Icgal prncccdings�vhicli in thc Lcndcr's opininn npcmtc m prcvrni thc s.,:, �.'..
<br /> cnforccmau of tho Iicn:or(c)xccurcs fmm�hc holdcrof tlic Iicn an agmmcro smisfaciary m I.�r.Jcr suliordina�ing�hc Iicn ro ,'f"•'�'- -
<br /> this Sccurity Insuument. If LcnJer detcrmhxs�hat .ny pan of�he Propny Is sul�jat m n Ilen which n4�y mmin pdnriiy orer j;-,'r;-.:�.-�
<br /> this Securl�y Insuumen6 l.enJer may gire 6orrox�er a no�ice Identffyir.g�he Ilrn. 13arn�wer shall sallcfy�he Iicn or iaku nne nr ��;.}'�S`%_•�
<br /> morc of the ac�lons sa fonh adnvc widiin 10 days of�hc 6�ving of notltt. f�����'=--
<br /> 5. Hxuhi or Prnperty lasumnor. Onrrowcr ihall kcep tho imQrov.nkNS now ezlsOn• or hrrca�cr cnro�eJ an the ''��'(��Y•"�-
<br /> r,'-'t:.::�-�
<br />- Propeny insured agai�u� lou hy firc, hanrds IncluJed�viihin the�crm eztendecl �m•craEe' an ,ny mher harards,including :;.�.. _+�
<br />- Itoods or Ilooding, (or whkh Lendcr aquires fnmmnca This insumna shnll be matntainal fn ll�c nmucros nnd for tho pcdods �.j�:};;��;,.;:
<br /> Ih;i t.er�er r�ulr�.71�t In;umr.:e carri:r ror.dfng!hc insurenm sha!I Iw ohn.cn 6y Oorto�eer su61a1 tn Lender's nPProral '?+;�,i,- .
<br /> which shall not be unr�sonably withheld. F(�orrou•cr fnils In mainta:n corer�ge deudbcd alx�ee. Lender may, o� LenJer's t},';"�;:
<br />' op�lan,ob�eln mvengc m protcct Lcndcr's rights in dic Property in ncm:dancc wl�h pam raph 7. �%,;t..'�••.-_
<br /> :.�r..y
<br />- All insumnce policla and ronewals s6all bo ncceptnble lo I.enderand shall inclu e n standard nwrtgnge clause. l.ender �,sy,.�:,.^._
<br /> shall have�he right�o hald the Pollcies a�rene�rals.If Lender requira.Oorro�rer shall promp�ly give to l.ender nll a�ceip�s of . f.,,,
<br /> •��>,A,
<br /> pafJ prcmiunu and renewal nouces.In tlic evem of loss,6orro�rer shxll givo promp�nmice to ihe insure�ce carrier aad l.ender. _n�C'_�`(,
<br />- Lendcr may makc proof of loss if nm made promp�ly 6y�orrower. .r.,�_,;.^.� -
<br />- Onless Lender and 6orto���er o�henvise ngrc..in���nting, incemnce proceeds s6all be upplial to res�ormion or repair of the E•�•.-ra�:
<br /> Propeny damageJ,If�he ratormion or repafr ts cconomically fe:aihic a�d Leider's sewrity ic not lusenal. If iha rutormion or r``'��^i���'
<br />- repalr ts not economically fcacl6le or Lender's sccun�y would be lesvxd. Uie insurnnee proceeds shall he nppliM lo the sums `'S'.y.;g;%'�.
<br />: sceurcd by Ihis Settvity Inslmmcn6 a•hcihrr or nnt lhen duo, aiih e�y excess paid ro Dorrmver. I(Oorro�rcr r.bxndmu �he e�y;1.5};=g
<br /> Proptny.or dacs nut nnswer wiihin 30 days a nmice Goni Lender thxt�Ac in�uranm carrier has offered lo sa�le a elnim.ihen ,.�.,..i;,;
<br /> Lcndcr may mlla� �Cc i��.<nrance proc.eds. Isndcr may usc �he prmtds m rcp,^.ir or ra�ore �hc P�opcny m �a pay xunu � �I��r�-�
<br /> sceuretl by Ihis Security LtalmmenL x�he�he�or rot then due.The 30�day period wlll bepin���hen the notice fs given. j%�>>�";�,>,.
<br />- Unless LenAer nnd llorronrr n�hcnvise agrce in wri�inp. any xpplicn�ion of praecds ro principai shall no�extenJ ar `�;�.;_"-`
<br />._ poslpone Ihc Jue Jalc nf�he ntomhly paymems rcfcrred lo in parag�xphs I and 2 or cl�angc the amount of ihc paymen�s. I( .'.';�tr,>;.-.
<br /> w�der parngraph 21 �he Property is acquired by Lender.6orruw.rs righ�m any insurantt policies nnJ pracecds resulting from i:�•�.rr,'�-��
<br /> t,,�..-;-:.
<br />' damagc to�hc Pm{kn�prior to�he,cqufzi�ion shall pacs to Lendcr io the exirm of�hc sums sceurcJ by this Sccuri�y Insvumem �;�,_�;;�_�.
<br />` inm¢dintciy pdor ro��e xcquisi�inn. `.�-
<br />; G.Occupancy. Presenntlon,Ainlmenanee nnd Nroittilon ot ihe Pro�xrly; 13orroxer's I.aan Appticalion;I.ta+eholds. S - ',.�,�
<br />= porm�cer sh�ll occupy,cstablish,and ux�hc Propcny sa Dnrruwar's principal rcsidencc within sixty da�s nfmr ihc cxecmio�of -.•.. -:
<br />- tLis Securi�y Insuumrnt and shall cnntinue m occupp�he Prnpenr as Borroi�rr'x principal rcsidenm fur at Ieast nne ycar af�er ""`�-��'-'
<br />- Ure da�e of occupancy,unless I.ender otlieneiu agrees in �rri�ing.which conxnt shall nm he unrcasuuably��ilhheld.or unleia "'�-�-.S: "
<br />- extenuaiing cirwms�ances exist �rhicli are beyond 6orcon�er's cnmrol. 6nrmwer �hall no� Jes�w}•, drmuge or impair ihe �I;'r,"'"�,-,.�
<br />= Propecty, allow tlic Pro�crq•�o Jcicrinra�c. ar mntmii o•as�e on lhc Pmpeny. 6arrowcr o-hall l+c in dc(�ull if any forfcilure •;,:iiF•>.
<br />- nc�imi or pracecding, +vlicihcr civil or criminal,it bcgun d�at in lAnJcr's gad faiih jndpmcm rnuW «sult in fndcimrc of�hc -
<br /> Propetty or olhenvice nwterially impair Ihe lien cteal�W l�y Ihfs Srtuny�Inslmmenl�x l.ender.se.uriq�internl. Omtu���er may `�::��.�;r
<br /> - cun:such a dc(ault mid reinslatc..s proviJal in parngraph 18,by causing Ihc xciion or pnxceJing la hc Jismissnl w�i�h:i mling
<br /> = lhat. in Lcndcr's gaxl fniih dc�crmina�imi, pr.rluJr. farfcilure of il:r 6oumrcr's iincrnl in tlm Pruperly or nihcr matcrial .
<br /> impaimicnt of�hc lira crcatnf by�hin Sceurity Ins�mmcnt or Lendr��xcunq� imcrc.�. Ilorrux�cr �6a11 :Jsn hc in dcfauh i(
<br />..` 6orrmrcr,during�hc Inan applica�inn pnwc>�.@are nu�crialle ISI.e or in,recuric infnnnation ar.�vtcmcnts w l.cnJrt(or fnilnl
<br />-= �o prm•ide Lender��•ith mq:m:neri:J infunuaiin:n in camiau��n��i�h d�e luan ceidencttl by�6e Nn:e. inrluding. hul not limitnl
<br />— In.rcpreseniaiinns runeernmg Ilormw�er'.�wcup:mcy uf�he i�.�,�.�q�..�r��������� «•�dr��,�.u ii��.Securiry�In.Irumenl i.on a .
<br /> = le.'uchold. Qnrrnwcr >hali rnmplr u�iih all tLc procl.ion, ol Ihc I«c. Ii 1lnrroxrr a.yuim f.c 1i�A m 16r Prn�nq. �I:c
<br /> = leav.hn!d anJ 16c fer litle�hall nol merge unle..I.cndcr agnra�n ihc nxrger in wriiin�.
<br /> - 7.Prolttlim�of I.cndrr'+Rlghts In Ihc Pmprrl,r. I(Burrowcr f.n:.�o�durm�6c co�.nant�anJ agrccmcm..nmaincJ in � .
<br /> - Ihis Sc.urily Inarumcm. nr�herc f.a Itg:d pnxccJfng�!iai ma).ignifi:anllr:dlca� Lcnder'.ngh�.in ihc Nmpcm Iwd�a.a
<br />._ procecJing in ban4ruplq�, prohatc. lur aanJcmiutinn nr fnr(rilurr ur in rnlnm Lm.or rcguiau�u�•�. �hcn LcnJct may Jn anJ ;
<br /> - Pay !nr wha�cvcr f.nc.c.a�rc �u prn�cn ihc �:duc u(Ihc Prnptny :mJ LcnJ.i� nghi. m ihr Prn�nt. LcnJci a a.tiom mar '
<br /> include paying nny wnn xcwrJ M1r a licn whirh h:n prioriq .icar tlu. ticcunn In.�mmrnl. ap(nannE m a..an. pa�ing
<br />.. .. ._ . . ._. .._ _ - ,�... �. �.....i... ��.,d...�6;. �
<br /> . _. ._. ._..._�_'"'..._ _.._ ...... �..i.._..��.... �.��.:�,..��!�
<br />. - rea.nnaoic anumc�� �cc.anu cincnng nu u�c��.q.��q ....�..,.. .y.................�.. ......... .._.. ..._.__....' """ "".,_'_�'_•-- �
<br /> _ 7.IwnJu docs nol hare Io Jn.u. •
<br />— Mr amount. di.hun.d hy L.ndcr unJcr �hi. para.ra�h 7 .hall hccnn:r xdJniwul dcM ol 0nrtn�nr ucurcd br ihi. �
<br /> Sc.crin�In.trun:cnl. Unla>U�vro«cr anJ Isr.Jcr :igr� tr rtF:t Icrm�nl pa)n'.cnt.�h:>r amounl�.hall brar intcrnt Gam i6c �
<br /> d:nr oC d�sbursement al Il:c Snec r.nr ar.d .IuII bc p��:'r.:r. .�::h in�cre.t. upm notnr in,m Lrndu in 6nrro�.cr rcqucsung
<br />-- p:rcmm�l.
<br /> 8.�torlgage]neuranee.11 Lend.r tequircd m�,ngngr msnrance a>:+rrn3a�.ro�•� ma6e�.g ine:_�:� ..curtd hy�his Scamih
<br />-- InN�m,�rnL �nrrmrcr�hall p:n tte prcmium rcquireJ in nmmc:in�5t mnnyag. u:.�c:�r:r :i <r��r:. ::. ;m mm �:n��n. iLr �
<br /> = n:ongage iroutance mrer.�gc m;uirr.l l,y Isr.drr I:�prr.r:.cax�tn M ir.elin�. lir::.,ner�r.i!p+� cr prcmium.rcynirrJ e.
<br /> nb�ain rceetage whstantiall��eqnivalcm�o Iht mnngaFc insur:mn p:r+u�u>h m cllcct.a� .�o�.;.�t,�taa�ially cyui�alrut i�,ihr .
<br /> I-i cn>t In Iio�rnuer n1�he ua,npagr imeranre rrc��iou>ly in ef(e.�. lrnai an ahrm.at r.:•tte�}t m�urer apprnced hc Lenver. 1(
<br /> - „. _ . Fo�m3028 9;90 �
<br /> _ �
<br /> � _ _
<br />