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W;� a� rr� :r 4 z�..,.r �-L�� �i-. �� ._._ � ..._ .. _ '- <br /> ��..,. .:.4..tS'v:v.✓�.o.}.:.i: 41e61i�+ —.._e.`,i..osr. �.l�I�J.G�RA4�Wdv.te. .. . • � <br /> � <br /> — �� �.�. �v�. <br /> TOOI3THIiR 141TH nll the impmvomcm�nnw or hercailcr crecteA on�he prnpcny,nnd,II casemrms,appunrnanccs, <br /> nnd Oxmres nmv or hercnfler n pnn of iho p;openy. All replacements nnd ndditlons ah�ll also be covcnd by�hls Sauri�y <br /> - Instmmant. All at�he forcgoln6ls rckrceA toln thls SCrudly Inc�mmem ns thc"Properly." _ <br /> 60RRONfiR COVQNANTS�hal Oorrowcr is lawfully sclud of i6c es�o�o hcrcby comcycd nnd has�hc righ�to Sram <br /> _ nnd convoy iLe Ropcny and Iha��he 1'ropeny Is unencumtwrcd,excepl for encnmbmnces of record. Rorrower wnrrants nnd <br /> -`_= wfll deknd gcnemlly�he�i�le to�he Propeny againsi all claims nnA demands,snl�Jai to nny cncumbrances ot neord. <br /> TNIS SCCURITY WSTRUMENT combincs unifomi covcnnms for na�lonal usc and non•unlform covenams wi�h <br />--`—- Iimited vndmions byJudsdiclion to cons�itule a unitomi secudly InslmmeN covering ecal propeny. _ , , <br /> — UNIfORM WVt3NAN'fS. Rorco�vcr ar,d I.endcr corcnam unJ ngrr as(ollows � <br /> �;� 1. Pnyment of Prfncfpnl nnd Inferesii Prepayment nnd i.ato Chnrga. fiortower sl�ail prompily pay when duo the � <br /> �g� yrincipal of ancl inicrest on�ho debt eviJenccd by the Noro and nny prepaymem and Inte charges due under�he Note. <br /> °'�3 2, 3ln:lstor'Nxesand insurnnte. SubJerllo nppIicable law or�o n wdlten wafver by l.ender,Rorto�vcr shall pay w <br /> _��� �.nder on the day monthly paym.ems are duc under tho Notc,aNil U�e Note is pald in fall,a sum C'�unAs'7 for. (n)ycnrly �.,- <br />�__-�$ tanes uA assessmen�s ahich may aualn prloriiy orer lhis Securiq Inslrumem as a lien on the Propeny;(b)yevly Ieasehold ___. <br /> paymxms or ground rents on ih�c Roperty,if any; (c) ycazly hazud or q�opcny imura�r.e peemiunu; (d) yevly IlooJ ■ �_.__ <br /> insut�:ce prcntiums, if any; (e)yexrly mwtgage insnrnnce prcmiums,if any; anc! (q,ny sunu payabte by Bo[roner to <br /> ��� Lenhr,in accotdance wi�h�he pmvisions of paragraph 8,in liea of the p�ymem of mohgage inmrance pmmiumc. 71:ese <br /> �,`+�� Items nrc ca14tR'Escrow Items:' 4ender may,.�xny�i�m,coilec�and ho!d T�r.cis in an anAUnl not to exceeel ihz nvuimnm - <br />-. f� , nnr,mim�+lin9er for a fcderally rclated mongagc Iwn may r.quin for Rorto���erY escrow accouni ander thc(ederal Rcal * ` - <br /> _., J�i, �'" �. <br /> ° Psmtc Sculemeot Araedures Act of 1974 ns zmended from�imc to�ime.12 U.S.C.§ 2Cr�l e�seq.("RGSPA'7,unless anolher 4�-;�-.:��,:-� <br /> �k-�� iaw�hn�npplr s io�h:Punds sc�s a Icsscr an:onnt. If so,Lcnckr may,at any um.,ce°kci anA l�oY.l AuxLc in an nmounl mt lo � f`->,_�- <br /> - -= excccd Ihe Iqc<cr amoun�. Ler.der may es,i!*ate �he amoum of I•Lnds det ou the Msis of ci�Rem da�a and rcasonable z?�Qi,„� <br /> es�imales of expendilures of fuwre I?scmw ham:c orahenvise in attwJ:c�r nith n,pli.ab7t laic. - <br /> ,���� 'fTia lLnds shall be held i�nn insifnrtR�e� �.hosc Aeposits nre insnrcd Dy a icdcral ,gen.y, irotmmeNality, or entiry f>)c�?_; <br /> -. G�ch�ding Lender,if Lendzr i,snch an inslitmion)ot in any Irdeml Home Lnan ItnnA. Lrnd.r shali apply ihe f•Lnds to pay - <br /> �• Ite L•cerow Ilems. Lender ma� no�charge Dorto�ver for holding nnJ applying d�e Fundc,nnnnaliy analyzing �he escrow } ;,_. <br /> � accoim�, or verirying ihe Batrow f�ems, unless Lender pays Rortower im.rcs� on ih Fur,ds nnA upplicab!e law pertniis � t!„ . <br />,._..���, ki�..:�. <br /> y�: i 4ender lo mafre sach a chzrga Ho�vmtr, Lender may requtrc�ortourr m pay a or..-dme charge for an independem rcal Lp _ <br /> ;:;.: es�aie tex repottine servlce used by Lender in connec�ion wi�h tliis loan,unless epplica6le law pro�ie:s mhenvise. Untess an }���y�__ <br /> _t'�j�' ngrcemtnl is mndc or applfu�6lc Inw req�Iresiniercs��o be paid.Lendcr shall nm be rcquircd to pny Borrower any imcrest or } } <br /> enmings on Ih6 i1nAs. Doaowxr and Lendcrmay agrec In wriiing,howevcr,ihal imerc+t shall bc paid on the Fcadc 4ender ��,z:_,::� <br /> `������; shili @iv��o Bmra�vcr,wllhow chargc,mi xr,nual xccouming of�he�unds,showing crcJi�s end daM�s w Uit F:ncts and�hc :zy;;f_�-. <br /> ��" ' purpase for which each dtbi� to�he Fur.ds��as made. The�unds aro pledged as addiilonal secutiq Tor nll sums secmed hy j�;�>- <br />.�.,iw�i,� IhIsSCCUri�yln.trumenL �+��i `� :. <br /> �({i,n �ymtc M1eld hy L.mder excetd �.e amounis pemiiued to be heid by opplicnblc law. 4endtr shall ncronnt �n �¢,, <br /> (�-.3 �llortower for Ihe excess Ilro:1.,in attordantt wi�h�he rcqutrcmems of opplfcable low. lf�he nmoum N Uie itmcca hrid by �� , <br /> S ��:- LenAer en any time Is not sidlaem to pay�he Csarow Items when due,Lcndcr mny so nmity Oatrowcr in wriu2,� t.-� <br /> ;.��s`� sn:h case Dorta��er shall pa� ro l.ender �he ¢moum necessnry�o make up�he deficiency. UoROwer shall rt�T:r up �he �+�'.���;�; <br /> -�� �t dzficiency in nn mote tlian�welve moNhly prymems,m I.endert sole discre�lon. • <br /> +�f�a <br /> ,,,lk� U{wn paymem in full of all sums secured by�his Security Instrumem,Lender shall promptlp r�fnnd to�ortmver¢ny �z��t;; <br /> f Ponds held by Lender. If,under paragraph ll.Lender shall¢cquire or sell the Propeny,Lender,prinr�o�he acquisiilon or � � ,_ <br /> ,Q?S�� sak of�he Propchy,shall apply nny Mnds held hy Lender ai the tlme of ecquisition or sale es a crcdit agalnst �he sums <br /> _.,:x;;,_, secmed by�hfs Security Insimment. i4�i?;t-� <br /> ,- +.h. 3. Appllcelion of Pnymentx Unieu applicable law provides oihernise, all paymems reteived by Lender under �y , _ <br /> ^'t�° parngraphs 1 enA 2 shall be upplled:firs6 to any prep:�yment charges due under the No�e:second,to amoums payable under ���� �;�:, <br /> 'i4'�� puagroph 2:�hirA.lo Imercst due:founh,to principal due:and laa,m miy latech:uges due under�Fr-tio�e. <5 2 ; <br /> -i¢" 4. Chnrges; I.IC09. I30ffO��Cf SItfl1:pay all mzcs, assessment<. charges,fines and tmyosi�ions nuribumb!e to thc �r�' K; <br /> y� �� Ropzny which may mialn{nioii�y ov¢r�hix Sewriry Inxm�mem,nnd Icaschnld or ground rems,if anp. Oorrowar �>' �__ <br /> ,t„`?:� R�alt pay�hese o6ligations in ih°manncr provided in paracnph 4,or if noi piiA in 7hat manner,13onower shall pay �hem on `'l�y�i,:-: <br />. ,>9!�:.�5� tim:diretlly to ihe persai o�.ct poymcm. �ovo�rer shxll pwmptly furnith lo Ler.der all nollces of amoums to be paid andcr �rfd), _, <br /> � ihis parignph. It IIortuwer mekes these paymems direcdy.Aortoxer zh.ill promp�iy fumish io Lender rcceip�s evie!encing i : <br /> >i l q`. the paymems. '� ' <br /> `_ �: Roimuer shall promp�ly disc6arge any lien x�hich has priority o��cr�his Secu�ity Ins�mment uNzu Qortower:(n)ogrecs ''r <br /> .�,�. in ariting�o�hr p�yment of the obligation snureJ by the licn in a mannr accep�able ia Lender.(b)comes�s in good(aith the � '"� <br /> ,�y lien by,or d.fends against enforeemeN of the Ilen in,Icgal pra.eAingc which in the Lender4 opinion operete t.prc��em�i:a >�" - <br /> =;•�;;�:# enforcemrm ot�he lim:or(c)securcs from the ho!der uf ihe lien nn xgreemem sz�icfac�ory�o Lender sulwrdina�ing�F.e lien �_,'�_- <br />-��r£�:,i to this Security Insuument. If I.ender de�ennines�ha�any pan of�he Rupeny is subjcct�o n lien whith may anain prioriry .�i�'-;'-;��� <br />�--:;=:'('�• over�his Secu�i*.��Ins�mmenL Lender may gire Oorto�ver a no�ice idencii.�ing�he lien. 6orcower>#r.:tl satisfy ihe lien or�ake -','•":;�=� <br /> ,_3,L•� ;�-� _' <br /> ;1;:;�i; oncormorcoi�h:r.clionxutfm�haborcwi�hinl0daysaf�hegivingofnmicc. -�'��'�" <br /> ,!`4, <br /> -.-.��_ 5. flmard or Properly Insurnnce. 6orm��er shall keep�hc improvcmems nmv cxicting or hereafter crected on�he ,�� <br /> y�, Y�oqEny insurcd agalnst Iacs by firc.ha��rds incleded wiihin�he�emi"eztendrA mrenge"and any mher haranls.ircluding s <br /> _-;%?;i�� (toods or Oonding, for ��hich Lcndcr rcquims insurancc. 7Lis insurancc shall hc mainlaincd in Ihc amouNS and(or lhe <br /> � j'� ? <br /> �v.t?�"! Form}OLY 9190 ��u¢�:.Jhpue�� <br />�-:'�''.s::. :9�:-. <br />- Ld' ;' <br /> s4 : '�..,r <br /> �:��;;`; . . <br /> .,.:� <br /> �, <br /> n ..y;'i,:.iJ-:"iP-<'C+.b2;Yi4Ltd��U`.. .. - ,. .. .� .. . .._ ... .. _. _ ..i . . .��. �. '?yy•q,•qY•3FF�tnr :'l'N5. !q _ .. . <br /> S �I - - � . - . . <br /> :c:'iu'.�?F�:r..F��� . .. - . . . <br />- _�..ak.�t-'.+t�__ . <br /> r J_ '1 = <br />-.�.5t'>.3 �;;•r � - - �' . <br /> ;';/t)��}f�. -:'y�._ �.. .. . <br /> . 41 ' z'; . . � <br /> _`" �7r ' _ <br /> :�;�F;'�� ; <br /> _ . . r � � -' _ . . <br /> :-�di>_'�;,,•'1,_:�i ',:' . , . - . <br /> 1�� S " <br /> 4� . <br /> } �h > L . 0 4 . . . <br /> \#t S -"7 �< . - - . . . . �..�.... <br /> y,f t '. . - " �� <br /> � � . _ " 'i, l 1 . ' . . - j <br /> ' � <br /> .�.:` . .. ry.. .Fr . •^a . _ . . - . _ � . .. . . . .. .. . e-1:�� t -... . .__ .. _ <br />