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r� � ___�� __ w: +S t,s <br /> Tia�.. . �— � . _ -. , . . ...—. _ ._ �-— . <br /> . ,_ �'�'�'f � , . ' f ,.� ` C�' �� • 1 r � <br /> � Y t� t �, �,t� � � � `F �. <br /> _ _ . 4 C4..� i ' � .. � '` i '.1�,' � _ _ -�4 _ f_^__ _ _O <br /> , ' '`` ' e ti„c �.Wy.-- t 4 <br /> �k'( �v� � •r� ,.' <br /> - _ n�m ��� � =� <br /> � •4 � • �o - <br /> `� '° � `' �1`� b�a��a� <br /> . . . ` If t1ie Pmperry is aasndone�by Bonower.or i�aRer notioe bq LenQes to Borrower ttat che wndemnor ogets ��`<�.'� <br /> �. . . tu make an award or s�ttte a ctaim for damages.Borroasrer fails to respond to Lender witYzln 30 duys after the date the ' :: , <br /> ` • .` ' �� notioe�s given.Leader is authorized w aoltea aad epply tne pr°°eRds,at Its o tioa,either to restoration ar repair of " <br /> � _ `` ''.'�� Inswmenk wHether or n t tken dua ! � , <br /> the Propercq or to the sums sQCnred bY tUfs Secudry licstion of mceeds w rlact al shall no�extend � '�� ,• <br /> — E t°��. . �;,` Unless Lender ana Borrower otaeta�e agree in avriting,a�r app P P D ;• <br /> '.. or pastpoae the due date of the moathly payments refened to in QaraB�apt�s 1 aa�2 ar change t�e amount oi such <br /> --- " . P��►�- i�t t+iot a��ffiura. Fxtenstoa oi the t�ne for paymeat or . <br /> , , �< `�`,: iL �Not Red���� �► t ted Leader to any suaoessor in , � <br /> �� , modifirat�an of amortizatIon of ahe s�s�ecnred by tNs�ecurity Insuumen Bran hY - <br />---�����-`j`� interest af Bormwer shall not operate w release We itatiititq oi the original BorroNer or So�er's sawessors ia ,- - <br /> �`=t°. �°� . a t anp saooessor irr intesest ar refuse to estend <br /> . . ' intea�t. L�ender shall not be required to oommenoe pmceedinp,s �ins �ttamant teason of atry .. <br /> `}: � . .. t�me for payment or othetwtse iuodify amorti�atton of the sums seaued�y t0i�Secadty �Y <br /> -.•�� � � demand mads Dy the originat Bo�r or�rmwer's sura�ors in Interest Any forDeasanoe by Lender ia eacrdsing , <br /> _ � . . ....` aay rignt or rem e d y s h a 1 1 no t b e a waiver of or prectade the�ercase of any r1gGt or remedy. '",` <br /> � � iZ SQCO�an��igas Bfl�;Jainta�3eu�all�iity:���7�Ce cavenaats and ag[eeauents of this <br /> �' s <br /> . .� Se�aritY Instrament shall bind and Dene6t the sac�oess�is aad as�gns of Lendes aad Bormw�r,snbject to the pravlsions <br /> � � '`' of paragragh 17. Borrower's covenants aad agreemeats s6a11 be�oint and severaL Aay Borrawer a+ho ao-sigas this . <br /> � Securlty Iasanmeat bat daes not ewecuce tite Not� (a)is co-sigping this SeauIty tnsunment aaly to mort�ge,�ant <br /> ;�`?: and oomrey that Borrower's interest in the Propeny under the terms of thLs Sec,a�iry Instramen�(b)ts not persoualty � : , <br /> - .. L- �.r":n. : . <br /> ' � - , - ob]igated to pay t�e snms se�aued by this Secarlty Iastrament;aad(c)a8cees that Lender and aay other Barrower may ' , <br /> ;`..� .�Y ,,t.` to egtend.madify,forbear or make any acoommodations witb regazd to the ter�of this Sec.ariry Insuument or <br /> __ `' � :t t�Nate wlthout tGat BoitavPet's consenL �mum loan F <br /> ` ��,:- f��s-�t�:ti �',; E m n(�a t g e s. I f t T a e L Q a n s e c a r e d h y t h i s S e W r i t Y Insuament is snbject to a 1aw which sets <br /> � 'f �� k`i r �Rd that law is fi�a�y ii�aPreted so that the interest or other 1�c�taa�co ll e�t e d or to be ca l I e c t e d I n _. <br /> `.}-"�`� �`�r� �n wit&tixe[oan eaoeed We per�eated�mit�.the� fa)an5►sach toan d��all be reducedp by the a��aynat <br /> �_"`+J��'� ' �l DOIIOW�f�Y�uC�I � <br /> :,'`; r, *' 2�It'�COn2C�Cd <br /> ��to redv�the cbarge to the g�m�r�d 1i�.it;a.�(b) �Y <br /> ', ,�,�'�� , ��ge�limits w�l Ue refand�d ctx�ar[ower., i.��c�se to ma�ce tLis refaad 6y redadng tne '' <br /> �' ;,`,:, �aie cawed e2s�et the Note or by ma��ci`�ect papaae�.�tn�. If a refuad rednces prtadpal.the reductian �;� <br /> ,:',��'�s�_::.� . ... w�be ueated aa�pardal prepayaaent ai�t anY pieg�g�"�=�°�dea the Nos,� , <br /> ' ��lr�fi;�a`�fj;;� � 14. Na� �:y notiae to Borrav�p��ed for in�is Se�ic�T'.msa�um:�►t s3aaD be givea a'sy deliveiing it or {�{,,; <br /> , `'.'f"�t,;.�{F'�. nse of a��tt�c�msthad. The not�ce shall be d�rected w t <br /> . 'a.,;�.� ���;4r��; try ma�ing it by f�is�aiass mail n.ntess appH�cai�l�law ceqnires <br />-� ��''�;•.`s��,��,.;, :_. the Pmperty Address or aay other address Bo�rer desig�tes bp notioe to Le�der. A�aotice to Lender sliall be <br /> � '���:'��;�, given by ftist ctass mail to Leader's address stated IIerein orai►y ottzer adQres.s Leaderdeslgnatesby aotice to Borrower. _ <br /> ty <br /> � . . ` Any notioe provIded for in ttds 3ecarIty Insun�ent sl�all be deemed to ha�►e beea ghren w�asroa+er or Lender when _ <br /> ` ', , • � , �"' given as pmv�ded 3n this paiagrapb. _`., <br /> . � � 15. ���abitaty. 'Ibis S�.vrlty lasuameat sha11 be gavemed by federal taw and the law of the <br /> _ Y ``, jnrtsdictiou in�vbicb the Yropertp is locatcA. In the eveut that aay provision or clanse ot tt�is Secauiry lnsmtment or ,'•�-°� <br />_ . , . ' ..,�... [�e Nots wnfllas with appticable taw.suc�wn�lia sha11 not affect oWer pravlsions of tUiis 5ecuritq Insaament ar the s��,� <br /> S � — <br /> . -. '� Note a6icL can be given effe�t r�ithout the c»nfliaing pmvisinn.Tb chis es[d the pmvistons o�th�s Se+auity tastrament <br /> aa0 the P1ote are declared to be severab2e. r� <br />.� . . 16 �orea�a,�a'a OurQy. Bormwer sLaU 6e given oae oonformed oopy of the Note aaa of t8fs Secartty Iastrnmen� �;:�.,;_ <br /> � 17. 11�ffif4a oY 1$S p[1)j��Iy m 8 BCII�fli31 IIIt�ES[ID BsiI6�vP8. It all or any pa»of the Froperty or atry !�-:: <br /> interest In tt is sold or transfeaed(or if a BeneSda!interest ln Bomower is soW or transterred aad Boaawer is not <br />=� � ��f .��.. .,� a natnral person)withont Lender's prtor w r itteas wnsent,L e a d e r m a y.a t i t s o p S o n.r e i l n i r e i m m e d i a t e p a y i u e n t!n f u ll � -= <br /> ......., . <br /> :;�;�:':. � `� of aU sams secared Dy this S�atIry Insuamett� Hazvever,this option shall not be esercls�d by LenQer it exerdse Ls �:-�_ <br /> . prol�ited by fe�erdllaw as of the Qate of t63s Secarlry Iasuamen� `� � <br />= If Ler.der��shis opflom.l�ender sbail give Bo�er�efl�of aoceleratton. 'il�e aotice shaU pravlQe a � '� <br />=__..,.+ :. {� peri�of Qot I�+t�an 30 days from the date the notice s�delive�ar maiied wIthin ahich Burrawer mast pay aIl �:� °. <br /> . sums sewred by�Iils Secoraty nn�•r,ms•+t Ii 8orrowes�:1s to pay these sums prior to the eapirattan of this period, <br /> �;�� <br /> - . Leader may imv�]�eany remed".¢s permitted�r ch9s Secu�i¢��uumemtwithont fanher nodceorQemaud on Borraw�r. �..__: <br />-T i� �r�-..�►s Rig�t to��",a*�.,� it�a3rower meets cenain ooaditioms.Horrower sltaU have the dght to h�ve .�;., <br /> �`� ' ( ) �l+s( <br /> -- enforcement of tbis Sewrity Imscr�e�t d`i-�n�nued at anY tlme p�°r t°u►e earl�er of: a S or snch other _ <br />-_ • � F���appu�ble lav�r ma�+y sQecJfy foT reta�tatement)b�fore sale of the Fm�rty pn�saant to atry power of sale <br /> • .�.`1 cantaiued�n th�s Security Ins�ment;or(b)entry of a j�dgment enforc3ng tbls S�inY Tnstrument 'I�ase wnditions <br /> : . are that Borraa�a: (a)Pays LenQer all snms which thea woWd be�ri°under[bis Securlry Inswment anA ihe Note �: <br /> = . :� as if no awe2ee��had oaaured;N)cares anY defaWt of any otheff anvenants or agreements:(c)Paa��ss all eape�is4s .:�,� <br />`Y; � incarted ln enfo�ang thls Se�nrIty Inswment,inclu4ing,but not timite�to,reasonab2e attomeqs'fc,es:and(d)takes <br />=° � � � sucb action as Leader may teaso�bly tequlre to assnre that the lien of tLis Secarity lnsuament,LendePs dgtus in the <br />_ . � �.. � Properry and BosowePs obllga�ioa to pay th�sums secureA�}r this Securlty Inswment shaU oondnue uachaaged. ' <br />���� Upon reinstatement by Borrower,this SecuNry lnsuument ana the obllgadoas seciued hereby shall remafn fnIIy <br /> � � , ' effecdve as lf no acceleraBon had oocurred. However,this dg1►t to re9nstate shall not apply in the case of acoeleratlon <br /> _ ander paragaph 17. • � <br />--- � . � 19 Sate o!Not�;Qtanp o4 l��� '�e Note or a partlai interest in the Note (together arltt�WLs <br /> - � , Secudty Insunment)may be sflld one or more times wlthout prior noflae to Borrower. A sate may result in a change <br /> " : • . in the endty(known as the'l.oan Servioer7 Wat oollects monthlq Payments due under the Note aad th�s Securlty <br /> � ' � tnsvnment. There also may be one o:more cl�nges of tfle Loan Senricer nntelatea to a sale of the Note. If ihere <br /> -- , ' � is a change of the Lnan Seivtcer,Borrowe�wiU be given wrttten notice of the change in ac�rdanoe with para�raph <br /> - � ' , _ 14 abave suA appllcable law. The notice�1 state the naac�and aQd�ess of the new Loan Servicer aud the address <br /> ,� • . '` rm vshicD payments shonld Ue made. 'Rr.e�oxice wfll a:�o�contain any other informatton required by applt�Bfe law -: .;:�': <br /> . � � }�.�y��. Baaro�s s3aall cc�r� or ge�is the presenoe,use.disPasal+storag�.a�release , :?, <br /> _ —.,�,-,:;�;:: .�;?,�� �t any�Iararduu��u�ssc�a�s on or fn tlte i�roperty. Borrower s�a[1 not do.uor allaw a�►oae etse to do,anyth9ng � <br /> a <br />.�. ;�'.�..:�;..,;��: �:.,:�,..�::� affeaing the Ptvape�cq that is in vIolatin�af a�r Emiroamental law. 'lhe preseding two sentences shaU noi aPP1y t° ��;�'�:'= <br /> ' "••..�;'i�ti�fr�;�t�.�� .'`;� the presence,use,or smr�:o�the Property of small gUaadt�es of Hazardons Substances that are generally recog►ized <br /> - ���i�•k'�s• to be�ppropriate to ar, nesidendal uses and to�iatenaace o!the Praperry. <br /> :,�s,:- .. <br /> :,... . <br /> •-- - -�- •--= <br /> � NEBIil4SKA—Single Family--garmie MaeJFeaddie Mas IJNIE�RBa INSiRIitf�TP Foim 30�9/9D(PaBe 4 of 6 Pages) <br /> . .:. . � : � aa��iii�aa� ��.. <br /> . . <br /> . � .. .: __ - � <br /> . . . <br /> . ._� __: _ .. .�__.._:.... : .. .. .. . ���—�--�.-.—.�. . . . . ..� . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . , , { <br /> _ - � .._..... .. s —.-r,° , .,,.,.-. <br />