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<br />. . . ���_���... f .�t S `t 7� ` L.`P.`.�
<br />-... . ..Ci. � .t. '
<br /> , ` L • ,_�� .. .f
<br /> << r. ��a �0�34� 9� �
<br /> . � TOdErE�R WrlYi all the fimpmvements naw or he�eafter erected on the property. and all �cments� ; .
<br /> ��.°.�' .� appurtenanaQS,and 8�ures aow or hereafter a part of the pmpercy. All replaoements and additfons s�ari also be .
<br /> 4 . . _ . . ooveced Dp ttis SeanIty Insaa�ment �►Il of the foregoing fis refened to in this Secvritq Insmmment as the'Propeny. , i�. .
<br /> � BORROWER COVENE�PtS tiiat Borrawet�lawfi�ily s+eised of the estate hereby aonveyed and has the right ta �i t,: ,,;�,`� ,�
<br /> .- �. ,� �, grant and aom�ey the Property and that the Prop�sty is unenr�mber�.esoePt for encam'branoes of recard. Borrawer ` � i
<br /> � , �., warrnnts and aill defend generalIy We tiue w the Psoperty ag�inst a11 claims and demands.snbject to any encnmbraaoes , .,;'�
<br /> � " } .
<br /> : ,�� of rcaord. __ -
<br /> ,=-�` 'FHI3 SECURITY INSTRUMENf'wtnaines�niform oavenueu for national use and non-uniform aovenants wiW
<br /> . " . '� limited variatIons by jurisdict�ou w aonstimte a unifoma seauiry insvament mvering reai property. . -
<br /> • UNIFpR11q opVEMAPYIS. Bamo�wer aad Lender ooveaant and agree as follaws: �'�' ,
<br /> . : _�.E � and Iate�ar�es. Borrower shall promptip PaY when�se -:"` : �; =��:�':
<br /> , .. s �- �eat of Primdpa! t��t .. ,:;;,:.'' : , �
<br /> ;t,;:-
<br /> ._ .�` the priaapal of and interest an the debt evid�no�bp t�e Note and a�r prepayment and late cHasges�ue andra� �:...::.;'., , .
<br /> ,
<br /> ;�'�:�:�,,. :. :
<br /> s _.. NotG �,.::�:.:c 4::.
<br /> ����;���t�t
<br /> ' " .� 2. Faitd�for'I�s ar�S�c� S n Dfect t o app l isa b l e l a w o r w a w ri tt e n w a f v e r l s y L e a d e r,B o i r o w e r s E�a 1 H ,,:-,.: k.,�.�
<br /> . t �t.,.
<br /> . ` pay to Lender on the day monWp payments are due nnder the Note,uatil the Note is paid in fn11.a snm('Fi�u�s"� � �:
<br /> ,. .:�..�: :
<br /> . � ; for.(a)Yea*ly�xes an,d assess�enss whicb zmay atcain priority over Wss Seauhq Inswment as a tien�n we Properry; _,�,r:.;
<br /> . . : , N)Y�*tY teaseha2d g3yineass or ground rea�ts on the Properry. if anY: (�) Y�Y h�d or pYOpertq i n sataace
<br /> .� ' '`�"�'. pzemiums;(d)Yearl�►flood insaianoe premiwt�s►if anY: (e)Year1Y mflrcg��insarance p r e m inms.i�av�y:an d f��3+ :• ., _
<br /> soms payabie Dy Bomawer to Lender,in a000rdauae witb th�ptovlsions of paragrap�8,in tIen of t�e payment af -f` '; �=z
<br />�;i;r�•';`�'•°�� .-:.a mongage In.s�uaaae premiams. 'l�i�items are ralled °Escmw Items.' LeuQer may.at any tiac�oouect attd hold ..:�h;���,:�',-:
<br /> ;,r�:':.�-:.:`,:,.; ,� Funds in an amouat n.93 w exceed i�e ma�mm�amount a tender far a�eaalty related mortgage f�may re9uirc .., . �,
<br />,;..�''�' " �;-: ;<,; forBoriawes's esav�-.�aaronnt uad�s t�e feder�I�ai Fstate Settlera�2�+ars-�ures Act of 1974 as a�m-�,.ed from dme :�i:.�.,,�: � .
<br /> -� �.:.g F.
<br /> , :` s ;:'�. m t�.]^U.S.G.§�Ol et sec��l'A'),d��r�ss another iaar tbat�res to t6e Foads sets a L�amonnt If '� �-s, �i =.
<br /> � ,4t�f� , .�
<br /> t ,! ��"�J.;,F s0.L�dr�iaay,at any time,ooII�and flold Funds in aa�unt�at to exceed the lesser ama�t. �d�a raa�?
<br /> �!° `��f'`„�r,� ��e.�r�amonnt of Fands dre an the bas(s of wrrent d�aad r�asanable estimates of expe���a€� yT _, :
<br /> . s .� Esrn�gaems or oWs�wtse in aaoordanoe wItL applicabte law ,. `� :
<br /> �''•°,�• ;,� ,�t�• '�* �mt4sslz�I��seheidiY►aniastltut�oa�depositsareinsaredi�ra.federalageng►,instr��tY+azeAa�g °„ .M � _,"
<br /> ,., •:�r_;�;,:: ,,
<br /> ,s7s.s�:f ° �a 3:e�ader,i�Y�der is sude an instit�atiu�)or in a�r Federal So�¢Loan Ban&. Le�dea��jj tfite F�wcc�"s �,: ,r} •�
<br /> ,` : ,'�1��c�r� t`o�a,���Bsaow Items. Leadea ma�y not c�ar�Borraarer for hoIding a�aPPlyi�g¢h���,a¢�IIJ►�� '. '-
<br /> �1��I��• the�acoo�nb��S tL�G-��rrov�Items,an2ess Lebater pays Bo�uer lflteses¢a�thE�c��3 a�.�F� `• T ;,^_
<br /> ` ','"�t�t�';�`"' Lender �muwer to pay a on�¢iu�dk��e�x`� � ','.;_
<br /> . :���'��" 1aw permits L�sd�r co�ake sach a c6arg� Hmr�. n�aY Te9ui�e '.�: ;-�.�;�:.�.
<br /> . �. :. .
<br /> � . . , :'_ �i iade,pendent real�estate tax reporting seivIoe urted�Dy Leacter ir�aonn�on wllb ffiis loan.unless agp�4ca�Ye C�w ,,
<br /> . p-a v i d e s othe�s� [pn4eas an ag�eeffi�nt is made ar appli�able 1aw reqahes Interest to be paid.Lender sball nmt De ° ' '°'?�:::•�
<br /> ��" . , reqnired w pay Bomoe�rer afly intemst or eamin on the Fbn�s. Bormwer anrl Lender may agree in writing,how+ever, •� ` � �
<br /> &s '��s:;�,.::.� -_
<br /> . . - � �.���: that iaterest shall be pafA on the Fi�ab4. Lender sbalt gtve w Bonawer,witttout ctiarg�aa annnal acaonnting of the :—• ;� -_-
<br /> � F�,uas,shawi�g cxedits ana aeeits eo ttte Fand4 ana t�e purpa�e for w�a c n e a c h a e b it to w e r u n a s was ma a e. 7 l i e '`'°'~ -
<br /> �: : ��� -:-
<br /> `-- �.,-�-.E- 1 unds are pt�gai as ad�Eii[ur�I secutlty far a�i sam�sccured tiy this�ecudty ir,suatae.nt. - •,�� i
<br /> � � _ If the FunQs held by Lender exaeed the amounts perm[tted.to be he10 by ap�ttcabte Iaw,Lender shaU aowunt to �.�:: _-
<br /> � .• , Borrawer for the esoess FuaGs in a�rdanae wttb the reqairements of appllcable!aw If the amonnt of the Fa.ads aelA �'"`�=`��'. .
<br /> ,_:�.«�;.
<br /> ��. .' iry Lender at any time is aot suffldent to pay the Fsaaw Items when Qne�Leader ma}►so natif�r Hotrower in writiag, ;;;-�,,,,� �
<br /> anQ ia sach cas�Borrower shall pay to Lettder the amovnt neeessary to mage up the deScles�cy. Botrawer shall make : •=''��`';°
<br /> � . 4 np the deS�enoy in no more tIIan twelve monlhly pay�tents,at Lende�'s so2e dLSaetion. ', °._=j��-`
<br /> . �,, .{ UPaa Payment in fa11 of aU soms secared by tLia Secarlty Insuamr.nk Iander ahaU promptty reii�a�to Basmw$r ...�"-�,�_-'
<br /> � � ` at►y FunQs heId Dy Lender. I�aader patagtaPD 21,LenQer shall aa�nire or sell the Property,Lender,pslor to We ,v
<br /> . . . . • ' aoqnisiUon or sale oY tIIe Propeny,shall apply aay Fuads heW by Leades at the dme of aoqatsit�on or sale as a t�edit + _ _° - .
<br /> , �, ' ;;' agalnst ttie sums secuted Oy ihis SecorIty lnstruntenL
<br />_ �. . � �:'�� � � p�p1�of Payme�L9. Unless appl�caDle!aw provtQes otheiwise.all paymenta received hy Lender ander - -
<br /> __ • para�ap9s 1 auA 2 sbalt�e applled: 6nst,to a�r piepayinent charges due nn d e t t he Not�seoon d.to amonn t s paya b l e � �� `"_ _
<br /> .., aaQer paragtapb Z;third.to inter�t Qn�founh.to princtpal dn�ana tasb to a�r late ct�arges Ane ander t$e Not�. =_
<br /> .� �%�,..'. 6 �a�I2�s Bortawer shall pay aU tases,asseasmeats.c�arges.fines su4lmposItionS attdbntable to nhe `' °
<br /> �: '.`���.:: ��; pmperry wbich may attain prloriry aver this Secatiry Iastrument,an0 teaseIIo2A payments or gronnd reats,fS�►. . =
<br /> ,•,.;t:.. . � ,.'. � :
<br /> � . • Bmrawer shall gay¢1�se obli�ptions in the manaer proviQed in para�raph 2,or if not paia in that manner,Borcawer ��"'"-
<br /> . .::'.� �•,�. sHafl pay them on t�e dlrectly w the peison awed payment Boirower shall promptty famish to Lender all IIauaes —
<br />