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--��; I ��+7�s��M1 sa�ffr3 ��€'�{rf �`i��� r i'.�� i-f} i �fir ., <br /> �} (1 j i ' h " (I ± <br /> �Pfn�`r� �i q:r f�./ , r�yy r>} r t . . . ' C- - � -,:, ._-. -..._ _ ..�<i.. . . <br /> , , <br /> `�7FsCf+iKiMnfilFYiiYilNmviRid�:ip.�ti���_.1_ ��. ... <br /> .. 9��° �a��ss <br /> , ' appticablc law may spccify for rcins�e!cmrnq Ixforc salo of�he (Ropcny pursuam�o nny po+vcr ot sale rnniolncd In�hts --�--- -� <br /> Sxuriry InstrumiN;or(b)eNr r�oF a pdgmcm cnforcing this Sccnriry Ins�mment. 'ii�oso condi�lons nro tha�IIorcowcr: (a) <br /> pays l.cndet ull sums which � n would bc dnc undcr Uds Sceudiy InsnunxN and tho Noio as if no acccicra�lon had <br /> � ' occurtRd;(b)curu any defauit of any aher wvenants orngnemems;(c)p,rys all ezpenses incured in enforcing this Sewriry _ <br /> Insuumen4{nclnding, but no� Iimlicd�o,reasonable anomeys'fees;and(d)takes such actlon ns l.ender mny reasonabty --__ ._ � <br /> reyulrc lo assnra thm�ho Iicn of thls 3ecurily Imwmem,LenderY rlghls In the 1'roperty and Gorrowert obligallon m pay ihc --' <br /> sums seeUrcA by �his Sauriry Instmment shall contiwa unchnnged. Upon reins�atemem by Borrower, this Secudty fC%`--`^°` <br /> ' Insimmem and iho obtigntkns securcJ ircreby shall rcmain fully eftec�iva as if no nceeleretion had ottuned. Hox�ever,this �,'� "�� <br /> dghl la rcinsmro shali nol apply In thc casc of accctcra�lon under pamgraph I7. �=._— <br /> 19, Snla of Note=Change ot I.iwn&rrlcer. The Nme or n aninl imercs� in ihe Note Ua c�hcr wiih this Securi� ��;�'-q. <br /> 6 Y . >�Gy;;-. <br /> fnstrumenq may be sold ono or more tlmes wi�hom prior no�fce to ortnwer. A snle may ruuli in n change in ihe cnq�y '%r'��"���--- <br /> (kr.oxm as tho"Loan Scrvicer")�hat collcas momliiy paymcros duo nnder ihe No�c and this Sauriiy Instrunxnt. T)�ere aiso s $'`.; - <br /> may bc o�x or morc changcs of Ihe Lwn Serviccr uiue�azed ta a salc of t6c�`o�c. tf therc is o ohanyc of i6c Loan Scrviccr, � <br /> Bor[ox�er wip bo given wdtten notico ot the change in aceordance wiih paragraph 14 above ar.d applicabte law. TAe r.aice � ' �' ' <br /> - wilt staie the n�ne and eddress of lhe new Eoan Serv[cer a�d to which paynxnts shautd Ix made. 'Ihe no�ice will '��"--��" <br /> atw ca:tatn any InfonuaUon rcquind by appiicxbte la�v. '.�'+,z''„>.>'..': <br /> 20. ➢aazantaus Smbsia�crs, Bortowa shall rm cause or rmi�ihe nsence,use,dis osal.stora e.or rc[case of an �f('a'�_,:',_ <br /> !lxzarCons Substances on or in tF.e PYOpeny. Dorro�rer sM1aii n du,nor nllow aalone elsc m do,a ylhing affecting the Y"°�� - <br /> Propzny thu is in rlolation of any Environmer.tal La�v. 77ie prcading two semences shall nu�appty ro�he prcsenca use,or �'�'�r`'� "` <br /> stomge on�he Propmy of small quantities ai Hazardous Substances�ha�nrc encnll�reco nized�0 6e m m �ace�o nortnat �;`�-�''"'".�� <br />-- rcsidcntint uk.and to maintenaacc of thc Yivpcny, g y s PP P '�'t�+'�i � - <br /> l` A4^Ji .• <br />._ Bawwu shall promptiy give Leer,kz wriuen no�ice of any Invesiigetton,claim.ckmand,la�rsuil or other aclio�by any ��"=G'"'K - <br /> gorertmema!ol regulatory agency or private pany inrdving the Propeny and xrzp !�3zardoiu Subsiance or d7�cinsamentEd "'��!''+`';r:^'- <br /> S..%�`1;•�•_,. <br /> Laur�Y �chirh Uortower has actual knowledge. !!f B:,rrower leams, or is no[it3ed by nny govemmemal nr rrcaW�o.�� + ;�>�7�:=;". <br /> -�-.-�,-.� _ <br /> :m:ho:it},:hat'any rcmoval or other mrs-dla�ian of aa�-bla�ardous Subs�anee affectin±tT.e PrRtny Is neceac��}.6orro�vee '�::.:::--at:�-:. <br /> shall p:os�prig�aAe all necessary rcmeAixt acilons in acru:daace with Fnvironmemal Lnw. f?'�,;"�;:':� <br /> As�ued in tlds pamgaph 20,"Haznr<lous Substances"are thoxe subslanees defined os tox�c m hazarAous suMiances b}� �"4:''�l "' <br /> y�l';.'-l�=Ef i�:i,_�'. <br /> Environmentd Law and ihe following suhs�anccs: gasoline,kemxer!r,o�her tlammab!e or toxw pettoleum producis,�oxi. .��;-'••is�` <br /> '�y�,(��k`.'o'.?7:rt.,_ <br /> pes�icides nnd hefblcides,vol�iile solvenls, materinls contalning ashsros or Pomialdehyde, ard radioac�ive ma�erials. As S✓,t,;,�'-'__-,.-. <br /> used In this paragraph 20,"Cnvironmemal Law"means federal taws unA laws pf�he judsdiciion�vherc�he Propeny is located i�;:aL��;,=r' <br /> �hat relaro ro health,snfe�y cv envirnnmental protecflon. � - � �� •�';;.__- <br />_ NON-UNIPORMCOVENAN7'S. porcowernndLcnderfunhorco�cnantandagrceasfollows: 's��j;ri••,�,�.€�. <br /> 2L Accclerationi Reniedies. I.euder shall Ire notlte ro IIarrox�er rior ro acceiernlion totloxin Borrou�er's 's'�`;".`` <br /> B N B t.: �Y�;'.,._ <br /> breach of anq em�enant or agreemer.t in�hfs Security Instrument(but not prlor to uccelerntion nnJer paengraph t7 ���o�x�';,'� <br /> ^^l�seprllcah!elsW,rws:'s;ol.".:r::Be;. Th:nat:�:shalls�,c:::y; (a)ttEu'2inuli;tu)iiicacitunrequireaaioaureihe ' � --�- <br /> F'i'teull;(c)o date.not ies�than 30 dnvs ham thr d,ce Ihe notice is gM1�en to Oorroweq by whlch the JePmisll must be S�'>�d'�s�7i�,,_;� <br /> cnrtdiand(d)thalfaliurefocurethedelnnllunorbeforclhedutespecitledlnlhenollcemayresn111nncoe7era11onof ���ptft * :- <br /> oha sums secured by this Securi�y ins�rumenf and s�le of ihe Property. The notice shail funMr fnform Dorrower oi � �s� - <br /> the right ta reinslate nfler accelermioa and Ihe righl to Uring n wurt actlon ro nsserl the nomesistence of u detault nr �}`"7 ` ` <br />_ any other�le7rn.a of Rorroa�er la naderatlon nnd sale. If the default Is not cured on or hePore tLe dale s c(fied In ���;'f�''��``4�• � <br /> pe �s-.,..:.:;t'_. <br /> the nolke,iwnder et Its.y�:ian may requlre Immediate payment In NIl of aII sums secured by thls Securtly instrument N+.{�„ '-- � <br />' without fur�her drmnnd an� may Ln�oke the poxrr o(s�le nnd eny olher remedies permllted by appllcnble Inw. '3,'¢;�4�.':-;;;`;� <br />- Lender shall be eNfltcd m cotlect ntl expensrs incurred In pursuing the remedies provided In �his paragrnph 2l, ��r3�':%+iS�:';,:-"- <br /> ,ts,.-r-.,< <br /> nclud ng,6u1 not Iimited lo,reazonnble nilomeys'fees nnd rnsts of IIIie evidence. ,;fi'(,-ya;;�,_.�- <br />_ If the po�rer of snle Is Invoked,7Yustee shafl recorJ a notlee uf defeuit In each counly In �dJch any part of�ke s;.y.;�.�:•:::'_: <br /> Proper�y Is Iocated and shall mail copicc of such notice In Ihe manner�rescribed U�oppilcable Inw�o Itorroxer nnd fo �c•"��!%?�`�-.\ <br /> the olhrr�xisons prescrf6ed by eppllcabie law. A(Ier the Ume re u red by a I rable lan,7Yustee cha0,•im ubik 'x��`��+^`'`'��°� <br /> 4 P s, P .�.:,,.�.,,, <br /> notice o�sale lo the persons nnd In Ihe mnnnrr prescribed by upplicubte law. ' asice,wilhout demand una 3�orrm�er, '!?'; w <br /> shali sell the Properly nl public aucllon to the 6lghrsl biUder n1 the I[me nnd place nnU under the terms d-rsignnted In �' <br /> thc aollcc of sate In one or morc parceis and In nne ordcr 7}us�cc AMermines. 7}uslcc ma��posipanc sale uf ni)or ne.?� F�`��r. i�$'� � <br /> p»rcel ol'thc Properly Uy public nnnu<nmment zu tl�e tlme nnd plam of nn��pre��lousiy�xcl:xE:ded snle. I.endcr or i�s �' �����;X�S?"��- <br />- designec mny purchase Ihc Properly�u x�ir sale. �"{�-""....^�-.,.- <br /> Upon receipl o(pa,rmeut of Ih�price bid,7}ustee shail deli��er to 1hr p::cchnaer 7}usfeNs deeA com�e��ing Ihe �?���i��<' ' <br /> Properly. 'fhe rec(Inls in the'1}uslce`s decd shall be prima fncic evidrnce uf ffic e:m�h of Ihe slntements madc�Iwrefn. �f' '�•'+°� ' <br /> 7}ustceshnll apply Ihe prnceeds of Ihc sale In Ihe tollo�ringorJer: �a)tn nll aosis nnd expenses of excrcBing Ihe pos�cr a�:k�p s <br />_ �,lS,� � <br /> � w R <br /> h <br />- �JrJ � . <br /> ., <br /> �,1. .} _.�,.' <br />. '.>`..._:�:�-^L`� — <br /> Jr r�. <br /> i c. t <br /> L <br />- vf..�-t)t� _ <br /> .�iL��_:---_"• <br /> tarmwm 990��eni :'�'}. -_r <br />- ��� .'�i��i. __ <br />. ��":+�"��3���i_ <br />. 1 ..�'je' !.1�'� <br /> ��.�'- ��.ryrF�nc�T: w_.��_.�..�. l..' .t r . . . <br /> {. - �TIi:(.9aJal�TLV� �. m _ {�� <br /> k t t )� . . . .v-a..)�.'�✓).-.2'�u'.: -/IP-ic2�y;v,mvF�r_nn:�- ��y,�:�_���.:Yr. _ "' <br /> :��5��*��5'.<i�� i � . ..�. .. . - - � ' . <br /> � �I 1. _ _ . _ _' —__— <br /> {I�rfk7�e��P}� i � �... , . . _ ' " - . <br /> 1F <br /> �c{iYY/i+�.. . . . <br /> t <br /> ��-. -!_"v� . . <br />+�"t.f!� .. J - .. ' _ � . . .. <br /> � , h. . <br /> .•�}. '. :i. . . • . . <br /> .�,1 f' � . . ' . <br /> 1 . - .� " . " ) . . . <br /> f_ f. : . . ' . ' . <br /> f .a '!y <br /> y � . . -. . '-`'f. <br /> ' �� �f1 ' � . . _ } . . <br /> . . . �.. . .1.�.. r . _ _. ... . . _..I�i .. . r . ' ._ .. .� __._a �.:1 •.. . . . ."_�'.._. _ . <br />