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r <br />�0120�.037 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section Twenty six <br />(26), Tov�mship Ten (10) North, Ran�e Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska, said tract being more particularly described as follows: <br />�Vith reference to the Northeast corner of said Northeast Comer (NE 1/4); thence rucu►ing <br />on an assumed beacing of North 90°40'40" West on the North line of said Northeast <br />Quacter (NE l/4) for a distatice of One thousand Twenty-six and Thirty-eight hundredths <br />(1026.38) feet to the actual of beginning; thence South 00°23'30" East for One <br />thousand Two hundred Ninety-four and. Twenty-six hundredtbs (1294.26) feet; thence <br />South 89°36'30" West for �Ry {50.0�) feet; thence South 00°15'03" West for Eight <br />huadred Ninety-two and three hundredths (892.03) feet; thence North 89°33'l3" West for <br />One thousand Three hundr�d Twenty-one and Seventy-two hundredths (1321.72) feet; -��--- --- <br />thence North 51 °Ol'03" West for Three hundred 'Thirty-four and Sixty-seven hundredths <br />(334.6'n feet to a point on the West line of said Northeast Quarter (NE i/4); thence North <br />00°�9'SQ" West on the West line of said Northeast QuaRer (NE 1/4) for One thousand <br />Nrne hundred Sixty-five and Seventy-six hur►dredths (1965.76) feet to the Northwest <br />comer ther�f; thence North 90°00'00" East on the North iine of said Nartheast Quarter <br />(NE 1/4) for One thousand Six hundred Thirty-two and fifty-one hundredths (1632.51) <br />feet to the point of beginning, said tract containing Eighty and One hundred Ninety-four <br />thousandths (80.194) acres more or less, the Northerly Thirty-three (33.00) feet thereof <br />being Schmitz Road right-of-way. <br />�.ess the followint descriotioa deeded out <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section Twenty Six <br />'(26�, Township T'en (10) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska, said tract being more particularly described as follows: <br />With reference to the Northwest coiner of said NE1J4; thence-running on an asswned <br />bearing of N 90° 00' 00" E on the North line of said NEll4 for a distance of 42.00 feet to <br />the actual POINT OF BEGINNING; thence contint�ng N 90°00'00" E on the North line <br />of said NE1/4 for 301.00 feet; c�e,�� s ao� oo� oa " E for 455.00 feet; thence N 98° 00' <br />00" E for 290.00 feet; thence N 04° 00' 00" E for 422.Q0 feet; thence N 90° 00' 00" E for <br />151.90 feet; thence S 00° 10' 00" W for 742.00 feet; thence N 90°00' 00" W for 738.53 <br />feet to a poine 42.Q0 feet Easterly from the Wesi line of said NE 1/4; thence N 00° 09' S0" <br />W, parallel with the West line of said NE 1/4 for 775.00 feet to the POINT OF <br />BEGINNING <br />