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20120�03G- � <br />GL�LD� p A N <br />ti1l17Ga eL. . . <br />A tract o[ laad comprieing a part of tho N�rtheast Qnarter (NE 1/4) of Section 'ltveaty-sis (?.�, <br />TowasWp Ten {id) North, gange Niue (9) West ot t6e 6th P.M.� gall Connty, Nebraska, sald tract bei� <br />more pat�lcularly described as toUaws: <br />With r�t�+e�ce tfl. the Northeast corner af satd Nortt�east Corner (NE i/�i theace running va an <br />asspmed beadag ot Nortlt 90°�0'00" �Veet on t6e Norfh ItQe of aald No�theaet Quarter (NE 1/4) tor a <br />distance of One thoueaad 1�veaty.shc and Thh�,y�ight hmodredthy (1�638) teet to the actual potnt ot <br />be�nnin� t6ence Sonth 04�3'30" East for Oae thousand 1�vo tiaadred Ninefy-four and T�ty-sfa <br />handredthe (1Z94.2� feet; th��x 3out6 89�6'30" West tor Fttty (50.00) foe� theme 3oeW 00°19'd:l" �Vest <br />for F.ight �undred Ninety-two and t4ree hnudredths (892.Q3) feet; theace Nar�h 89°33'13" Weet �oir One <br />tbo�nd . TLreP hund�d T�e4ty-one aad Ser�tj-two Lundredthv (13Z1.72) fee� th�ce Nortl� 81 <br />West tor Thtee htmdred 1Lirty-tour and Siaty-sevm haadredths (334.67) feet to a paint on the Weart liiae <br />of said Northeast Qnarter (NE i/4); tbeace Nortli 00°09'Sp" Weat on We W�t Hne oi said Norttieast <br />Qaarter (NE 1/4} for One t6oasand Nlne hundred 3faty-flve aad Sev�t�ia hundr�La (];965.7b} '[e�eet <br />to t�se Northwast curra� therea� tt�ence NortL 90q0�4'00" East on the North lfne ot said Nor�t Quai�ker <br />(NE 1J4) tor One ttioneand Str humdred Thiirty-iwo snd Fittiy-one h�mdr�ths (1632.51) ieet to .the point <br />ot 6�inning, said 4rad cantalning E�ht�' and �ae .handred Ninetyfour thansaadtbs (80.14� "`scree <br />u�ore or less, t6e Northerly lbirt�t6ree (33A0) fe� tl�ereot �etng ScLuitz Boad rfght•ut� <br />Pa�nxl H: <br />1Le W�t halt oP the Northeast Qaarter (9V i/2 NE 1/4) and tLe Nurth Hsa11' ot the Northwest Qaact�r <br />(N 1/Z NW i/4) and the North half ot�Soath hslf ot dte Nortbweat Quarber (N ifZ S 1/2 NW 3/'�,a11 <br />fn Section Twenty.�vo (?,5), Towns�ip Te� (10) Narth, Range Nine (9), West of the 6tb Pcindpal <br />Merldiaa, LESS TSE FOLLOWII�iG PROPERIY QF TEN (10) ACRE.S. ' <br />Beglwnfng at the NoxtLeast camer of the Northr�st Qnarter oi the I�TortLeast Qnarter (NW 1/4 NE 3/�; <br />th�rce soatherly along the.east line of said Nnrth�oat Quar�er ot We Northeast Qaacter (NW 1/4 NE <br />1/�, e dts#enoe ot 11va hnndred Eighteea (218) tee� tbence Westeaclp parailel to the Nort6 I�ne oi, said <br />No�lheaet Qnnrter (NE 1/�, a distnnce o[ One bundr�d Forty�lg4t and Eig6ty-ais. huadre�ths (148:86� <br />fee� thence d�ng teB 29°�373� aad rm�ning So�; a distaace of T6ree 6undred Niaety=Q�e <br />C39�.0) tee� thence deIIectlng rlgi�t 35°2Z'm" and ranning Nort6vves�edy, e distswce o[ Four �rh�ed <br />1Litty-eia and Ninety-niae bandredths (43b99) tceh theACO detledln,g 1e� 32�0'41" and . raania8 <br />Sout�terl�y, $.diatance ot 11►o ban�ed Ninety-niaa and Flhy-efght h�mdredtba (299.�8) t�et; theace <br />dettec�g t9g4t �2°41'3Z" aad rnnnipg 3anthw�etedy� a distance ot Ten and FiBy-one 6aadredt68 `(1051) <br />tee� th�ce deHectlag tlgl�t 94°027�8" aad rmming Nortleetly, a distsnce of FYve Ltmdred Nfge aad <br />Six�y-ene tinndredths (�09.61) feet, to the NortJ� 11ne o[ eatd Nortveast Q�artr�' ( NE l��i theen�x <br />Fasterly along the Nort6 line al said Northc�at Qoarter {NE 1/4) a dtstance oi One thonsand 1�vo <br />hundred Flv�e and Foar himdredtl�s (1203.4� feet to the place ot beginning. <br />. , ,., <br />