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EI�I'1' aA« <br />��1201�35 <br />Paru� A: <br />A tract o[ land compr.lsing a part of tho Nartheast Qnarter (NE 1/4) of Sectlon 1�venty-sir (2�, <br />Towas6ip Ten (10) NorNi, Rnnge Nine (9) Weat ot t6e 6th P.M., Hall Connty, Nebtaska, said tract belag <br />more particularly described ae tollows: <br />With refereqce to. the Northe,ast corner af. said Nortbeast Corner (�' 2/4); thence e�u,aniag cn an <br />assmned bearIng ot North 9D°00'00" Weat on t6e Nortb line ot said Not�theast Quacter (NE 1/4) f� a <br />dLstance ot Ome thousaad Tweaty-sis and lbiriy-dght handredths {102638) teet to the adual potnt oi <br />b� thence Soath 44°23'30" East for One Wousand Two handred T�liuefy-four and 1�+raty-sia <br />hundtedths (1Z94.2� feet; theAce Sout6 89�6'3d" West for Fittiy (SQ.00) fee� theace Sonth 00 �Vest <br />for F�ght 1i�ndred N9net�-t�vo aad three huadredths (892.�i) feet; thence YV�rin g9�3'13" West tor Oae <br />�6ousaad . TLree hnnd�re�d 1�enty-one and Seventy-two hun�ths (13Zi.72) iee� th�ce North Sl°Ol'UO'� <br />We9t for Tbree htmdred 1Lfrt�.tot�r aed Siaty-$evrn hnn�redtl� (3;i4.67) fee! to a point on tbe We�t tii� <br />of said Nottheast Qaarter (NE i/4); thence North Oa°W!'SW' West on tLe W�t 1�ne ai said Nartbieast <br />Qaarber (NE 1/4) for One t�onsaud N�ae 6andt�d 31aty-Bve aad Sev�tf�ia hundre�tha (196.4.7� feet <br />ta !�e Narthwast cur�r thereo� thenca North 90`00'00" F,ast oa the Na�rth Ifne ot said Northeast Qusirter <br />(N� 1/4) [or One thuueaad Sia hundred Tl�irty-two and Fitt�y-one L�mdredths (16�2.51) teet to .t6e pofnt <br />ot beg�nniag, eaid trad containing Efght9 and O� .hundred N�nety[onr thoasaadths (�0.144� �'acrea <br />more or. �less, t6e NoctEterIy Thirty-tbree (33.00) fe� theteo[ bdng Sc1�Wtz Read rlgLt^ot-way: <br />Parr.el B: <br />The w�t halt of tbe Nort�eaet Qaart� (W 1/2 NE 1/4} �nd the North halt o[ the Northw�est Qnacter <br />(N 1/a NW i/4) and the North ha)f oe Soutb helf ot the Nortbvvest Qosrber (N i/2 S i/2 1VW i/�, aII . <br />In Sectfon Z�renty 8ve (Z�, Township T� (10) Nerth, Ranga Nine (9), West oi t6e 6tb Prtndpal <br />Mesidian, LESS TSE FOLLOWII�iG PROPERIY O�' 1EN (10) ACRES. �� <br />Be,g�aning at tLe Nocl�eaet carner o#' the Northw�st Qoerter ot the Nort6east Quarter (NW 1/41VE 1/�; <br />thence sanEherIy aioug the .east iine oi eaid Narthweat Qasrter of the Northeast Qaaet�r (NW 1/4 NE <br />1/�, a distanc� ot Thvo htmdred Eighteen (Z18) fe�� thence West�rky parallel to the Nortb line of . said <br />NorWeaet Ruauctec (NE 1/4}, s distance o! One handred Forty-el�t and EigLty-eis. hnn�dths (14$:�� <br />tee� thence deflec0tag te� 29°33'23� aad rmming Son�w�r�j; a distaace of Tbree b�mdred Nfnety-8ve <br />(395.0) tee� thene� deflectltig right 35�Z'23" and rauniag Nortbw�esberty, s distance ol Four �dn�d <br />lizirt,�sls and Ninety-nfue� bandredths {436.99) fee� thenco detlecting ie� 3Z�0'01" and . ivnniag <br />Sout�we�tarFy, a.distanc$ ot 11vo Lundred Ninety-nine and l�y-aigfi�t hundredtLs (299.58) tee� th�ce <br />dett� right �2°41'3Z" aad mnping 3anthwestedy, a distance of Teu and Ftgy-one 4andcedthe (1031) <br />tee� �e�a deHecbtng rlghc 94°�Z7�8'� and ronning Normerly, a dieteace ai Ftve 6�mdred Nise aad <br />Sixty-one hnndredths (309.62) feet, to the Nortb Wee oi eaid Northeast Quarter ( 11TE 1/�: th�noe <br />Fastea�ly along the Nortb line of esid Northeast Qaarter (NE if4) a distauce of One thonsaad �vo <br />hnndred Flve and Fair hundredths (1ZOS.4� tcet to the place of beginaing. <br />