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�....ft�..r`£ t E iM1� 4�. �� r f. . . ..._� ._ ___' .__.��- . ,..,�. <br /> - «{ A 5 Fr� �� �y,yS �1 ��r <br /> ' �Sy.i� - � �ZT�v`l`J - <br /> 1ss..7>aS�I+l..�'Ia14'3n.s:.liltz�.is�1l .{t�l,��;s'oY+� � �±.3'sRRtc3v`?w445L3liSH.. <br /> A '� <br /> �G""' 'AV�7a731 <br /> condemnx�ton or aMc�aking ot any pan of ihc Propeny,or for convcya��t in Ileu of candcmneilon.arc hcrcby atsigned and <br /> shall l�pxld to I.ender. <br /> In the orxnf uf a idd IaY,ing ot ihe Wopedy, Qw pra..ds shalt bc appiicd to th: snmi a�curcd by thls Securily �-� <br /> Instnimcn6 whGhv or na then duq�ri�h nny piid Io Bortox�cr. In�hc crmf af a panial taking of tht Prop�ny In <br /> w61cL ihe fair muket v�lue oF thc i4npaty Inminfla�ciy lxforo tl•�:�aking is cquai�a or greaicr�hnn tlx,moum of the anms <br /> secamii hy�tds Saudty Ins�mmom immufia�ely l.:forc�ha taking,nniw Bono��•er and I.ender o�henrise agree In�vd4ng, <br /> No sums saured by this Sxud�y Insttumcm xhall Iw rcdnccJ by On omoun�u(�M1e�roccsAs multipllcd by ihc following - <br /> fmctiom (a)tho total amoam of�he sums stturcd Immedlatcl9 Ixfore�hc�aking,diddrd by(b)�he fntr�narke�value of�he <br />� 1'rop:ny Immcdiatciy�c thc taking. Any balnncc Shall IM paid�o Ilnrtuwcr. In thc c�'eN nf a putlal taking of�Ik = <br /> {'ropctly in wl�ich tho fair ma�ke�valuo of tho IM�peny Immediateiy boPon:�hc taking is Icss�han�hc.moum ot ihe sums <br /> ucnred immcdlmcly Ixfo:a Qw iaking,unlcss [farro�ecr and I.ender o�herwise agrce m writing or unless ap{+ItcaUio law <br /> othrnviso provides,�ho praecds shall iw npplicd to�he sums securtti 6y this Sccumy Ins�mmem xi�e�her or�w�the sums w <br /> titen duc. <br /> If�ho Ropcny is abi�doncd by Oorco�rcr,or if,aRcr noiica 6y I.ondcr io Rorrowcr�hai�hc conJcmnor offcrs to mako <br /> nn aw.vd or seule a claim for damagos,Rorco�eer fnlls io n:spond io Lender withln 30 Aays aRer�ho dvo the no�ice is given, <br /> Isnder is euthodud to mllect and�pply tlie proceeds,n�its op�lon,either�o rex�oration or rcpair of�he Pro�xny or m iho _. <br /> snms saand by this Securi�y Instmntent,whcther or noi then dno. <br /> Untess Ler.der and Oortoe•cr o�henviso ngn:o in wdtfng,any nppilcaiion of pmcecds to principal shall nol extend or <br /> postpor.e tfie du�date of the momhly paymems rtferred io in panSraphs 1 xnd 2 or change�he nmoum of sucl�payments. <br /> OD. d'�renwar Not RaOeased� Porbearnnm Dy i.en�er Not n �5'olrer. Cx�ension ot ihe time for payment or <br /> tcafifu�zio�oE amortizatia�oC tEe snms secund by this Secumy fnstnnnem gmmtd by I.ender ro any successor in interest <br /> o:C��rswir s?wll noi opernte to rcicase�F.c liability of the original Oorroticer or Oorzo«•crl sume+wn in intercst.Lmder - <br /> y!ta'.i not be requircd ro mmmer.ce pmee<dings against any suceessor in inten�st or n:fus�w eateacl�ime for paymenl or <br />" �vficowlx modify amottiration o[the sums secund by�his S.�curity Instmment 6y reuun uf any dtaia��A made by ihe original �_ <br />� Qortower or Oonowerh suacssors in intzrcs�. Any fo�trrrrnce by Lendcr in caec:i�ing any right or rcmcdy ahall not Ue a ° <br />- �veiveroforprecludetheoxerciseo(:myrigh�orremedy. _. <br /> 12. Suceeswrs pnd Assigns Ilound;3oSnt nnA Sereral I.IabSfity;Co�signcn. Thc covenant<a�d agn`emcnis of Ihis <br />- Securiry Inslmmenl shall bind and Ixnefit the�urcessors nnd assignc ot 4ender vd 6urtower,suLi��i�u�he provfslons af <br />- parag�aph 17. DortowerS covenams nnd ngrcemem.shall l+e joint ar,d xreml. Any 6orro�ver��t:o :oaigns ihis Securi�y - <br />- Inslrumem but does not execute�he Note: (n)is co-signine Ihis Sxuriry Enstmmcr.ionly�o mortgage,gront and convey�ha� -. <br /> N'orrower�s Interesl In dte Ptoperty undenhe tennx of�Ids Security Insuuv:enC (b)isrnt�rrsonallyoblfga�ed lo pay�he sums - <br /> securcd by thls Securiry InstrumenC nnd(c)agrees�h:n Lender rnd any odxr 6orroxrr�ay agrct to ex�end,modity.(orbear =- <br /> a make any nccommodailons with n�gard m�hc �ertn+ oi ihis Securet�Incirument or�hc No�c withow �ha� dartox�erh =- <br /> ccnscm. <br /> 13. Loan Charges. If �he loan secrs��t Dq ihia Securiq• Insui¢a�nc is xuF;ect lu a la�v�vhich seis maximum loan = <br /> chvgea;and thnl lnw Is fi.�ally inm�prcted so cLa��he iczrrcs nr mher lonn charges m1lect.d or lo Ik coliec�ed in cnnnection = <br /> riieh�he Ioan exceed Ihe pemitlted Iimits,then: (nl anp su:h ln�n charge shall bc rcAm:ai by�he amoum neccssary m ceduce `. <br /> tne chuge�o�he pemiiued IimiL•and(b)any sums olera:ic collttced from Oortower w;�ich rxeteded{xmiitted lirrtic.�vill be _ <br /> refur.ded�0 6ortower. Lender may chooxe w makr�h�s re(und by reducing�he principal oxxd under Oce No�c or 6y making a - <br />� direcl payment w Uortoxer. If a refunJ m�ucr.principal.�he rcduaion�aill be uraied�u a pani:d r:eEuymem wuhou�any - <br /> prijvymem chnrge undenhe Nutc. _- <br /> 14. No�lces. Any notice m Dorrower pmvided fnr in�his Secnri�y In�vumrm shall be gi�n� by delivering i� or by _ <br /> mailing h by(irst class mail unicss applicablc Imv rcyuires u>r of ano�hcr mcihud.lTe no�icc shall Uo Uircc�cd m�hc Propcny - <br /> ltdreu or nny othcr oddress Oorto�vcr dcsignmes hy nwi;:m Lendcr. Any no�ice to Lendcr shall 6e givcn by fint cless s, <br /> mail to Lcnder�addmxs siaced hercin or any uihcr adArccs{.rndardesignaeec by noiicc�0 6oROwer. Any noticc provided for - <br /> In this Scadiy Insirnmem xhnll 6c dcemcJ m h�vc Iktn gi��en�o I3nrtowcr or Lend.r when Eh.:n u prondcd in this - <br />_ pamgmPh. <br /> I5. Cm�erning; Se��erablllly. 7Li�Security in+wment �hall Uc gm�tmed 6y (edcral la�� and �hc law uf�hc <br />-= JarisAic�lon In�vldch�he Ropeny is lucmed. In ihe evrm ih��any provi+ion or ciw�e of chi.Security lnarument or�he Note -� <br />= eo�fiias with npplicabic la�c.>unc�on0icl sh:+ll ru1 aif.•n n:hcr pmvicions nf Ihis Sra�ri�y Inslmmem or tF.:No1c n�Licl�can � <br />- 6e givm effec� �vi�huni�h.conflk�6ig pra�isiva To�hi.cnd�he pmvicions of�Li. Secnrity Inummenl and�he Note arc _, <br />= declarcd�obes:v.rable. - <br />- ]6. Buramrer'sCapy. 6orrowerxhatllxgivenu�icconformedcopyof�heKo:eanJafthicS:cud�ylnsvumem. _ <br />._ 17. 7}nn»ier of We Pruperly or a 13enc11dnl(nteres�In Ilarroirer. If all orany pan of�he Ropeny ar any imercu in _ <br /> i� is sold or vansfemd(or if n Mncfici:d imcrc>� in 6«co��er is mId or�nnskmd und Oorro�rcr is not a naearal persoN � <br />._ withnul Lender:s prior wmten conknl.I.ender inay,al i�+np�ion,rcyuire immeJia:e paymenl in fuil of all xums secumd by _ <br />_ ihis Secumy Inxtmmem. Ilowever,this up�ion shall not Ix exercixd by Lender if rxenise ic prohibiied by fedeml law aa of _ <br />• the datc of ihix Srcuriiy Im�mment. _- <br /> - If Lender eaercises�his oplion.Lender shall give Uortuxer nntim otncc.ler��inn. The notice�hall provide a period of - <br /> �w�Icss�6an 30 days Gom ihc Jalc Ihc noticc ic dcli�xrcd onnailcd�eilhim�hidi 13nrznw�cnnu.l pay all wms sccurcd by Ihis :. <br /> Srrnrify Inqmment. If Ilnrmxer(nil.In pa�•Ihcse .um�����,���,w� �.r��:�u�,,,,r,i,�.�xrial. Lcndcr may invoke anY .. <br />- icmedies penniued by IhisSecurity Inslminenl a�ithoW funhernntice or Jcnnnd onllortnuer. <br />- I8. �orro�rcr's Righl �o Relnsinlc. If Borro�rcr mcen c.n:�in .ondi�ion�. I3orrm�rr .h:ill harc �hc righi �o harc -. <br />... cnforcclncnl of Ihis Scturii)• II1+INntclli d.KOnlinucJ::1:uly Iimd�lrinr to Ihc tadiu nf: I:U 5 J.l)5 lo+.uch olhCr�1cri[MI:1s .. <br />.'_ SinRIrPo-Jy..F3nnk}8e47cCEie\1aeC\IFIIII\II]Ff1U\iF.\i—�C�neronb 9i90 �I'+irinfnp�eni <br /> _ __ _ •' .;b�S':,.� <!: ,. r.': -. �yri'�F�a< . <br /> fsys]Srxe e+}L]Nf{�:ry�45}F�-.tL�Y�`. b�f:'ei.• .rN,.�: Y1C�. �S.f,Y�1if1J1(�`:jJli{yp .�}tr!!::tE:2tiy�fi �iaa. <br />_ � ,ti • . , _ . . � <br /> ;,�y..� ; _ . . <br /> ��`� •jd:\i.�� . ' ' � , . - . . - , . . <br /> , ... . _ _ ,,._.—"' " -. _ . ' - _ ' _ ' -_ <br />� Si: �.7i._'.i 1 � . . <br /> �'��� . - _ . ' . <br /> ,_... . " . � . . <br />"�,C..� _ ' . . . <br />:_i.'�.. ' . - - . <br /> _ `-. • <br /> " • � . , <br /> . . . . _ ..M•r <br /> � .-_ . , - 1_�� . Y)n� . <br /> t; . i <br /> 1 - !. . R .u � M1� i _ � �, _ _ _ _ _ <br /> .{1 \ . 'IS � 3i1s'' -. . <br /> , <br /> 4. <br /> , ,r. <br /> I. .v � ,...Jt -i2 e . - . . _ ._ _ �. .. - d _ �_ �.... ._ .- ._ .. . <br /> l - <br />