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20120097 <br />. <br />� <br />� <br />ERHIBIT "A" <br />Lot TbJrteen (13), io Aidden I.akes 5ubdivision Number Two be5ng a part of the Southeast Qaarter of <br />t6e Northeast Qnarter (SEl f 4 N�l/� and a part o� the North Half of the North�st Qoarter of the <br />Southeast Quaxter (Ni/2 NE1/4 SE1/4} of 5ection Thirteen (13), Township Eleven (11) Nurth, kange <br />Nine (9) West of the dth P.M., Aall Coutnty, Nebraska. <br />li� <br />A tract of land comprlsing e part of Lot No. Fourteen (14)� Hidden Lakes Subdfitision Nwmber Two, Hall <br />County, Nebxaska and more p�'ticnlarly descrYbed es foAows: Begimn�tng at the soutbeasterly corner of <br />Lot x'h9rteen (13), Hlddeu I�kes Subdivision Nnmber �+vo; thence running� uortbeasterly along the <br />prolongation o�' the Seveniy-nine and Nme Tenths (799) foot line on tLe e.asterly sfde o# Lot T�velve (12), <br />Hidden Lakes Sabdivision Number 1tvo, to its intersecbton with the souther}y line of Lot One (1), Hiddea <br />Lakes Sab�ivislon Nnmt►ex Foor, Hall County, Nebraska; thence running northwesterly along and npon <br />t6e sonWerly line of sauid Lot One (1), to a lot corner common to said Lot Tbirteeu (13), and said Lot <br />One (1), sa3d . aot corner being Fot�ty Une and Ztveaoty-Three Hundredths (41.23) feet sopth of the <br />northeast coraer af said Lot Thirteea (13); t6ence southw�teirly along and opon tbe easterly line of said <br />Lot Thirteen (13), a distance of 1�rvene�ty Eight and Etght Tenths (28.8) feet; thence running southeasterly <br />alo�cg the easterly line of said Lnt TWrteeu (13), a distance of One Hundred. SiBf.y and Fifty Four <br />Handredths (16QS4) feet to the paint of begianing, said � of land lying east oi and ad,jacent to safd <br />Lot Thirteea (13). <br />m <br />