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201200930 <br /> i�x the Properiy and iYghES iuider Clvs Sccurity Inst��mne�t; and (d) t�kes such action as Lender ma�y <br /> reaeonal�ly tequire to assura Chat Lender's in the Propecty and t�ighls under this SecL�rity Instilunent, <br /> and Borrowex's oUligation to pay the stuns secured by this Socurity Inst�mnent, shall conlinue unchanged. <br /> Lender may require thnC Borrowcn'pay such reinstatement smi�s nn�{expcnse�in one or more of the following <br /> forms, �s selected by Lender: (�} cash; (b) monoy order; (c) certified ohecic, Uaul<checic, treasurer's check ox <br /> anel�icT'a checl<, proviclad any such check ia drawn up�n an institution whose deposits are ineLUed Uy a <br /> federal agency, instrumentality or entrty; or (cl) Elwtronic Funds Transler. Upon reinstafement by Bon�ower, <br /> C1us Security Ins�LUnent and oUli�ations secured hereby shall re�nain fully effecfive as if no acc�lerltion had <br /> occurred. Howeusr, this right W reinstate Yhal1 not apply in the oase o�f acccicration mitler Section 18. <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; NoYice of Orievance. TheNotc or apartinl interest in ehe <br /> NoCe(togeil�er with this Seew�itiy InsVument)oan be eold onc oi°more tiines withont prior notice to <br /> Borrower. A sale might rosult in a cl�ange in tkie enYity(Imown ae the "Loan Ser�acer") that collects Pe��iodic <br /> Payinant5 due under the Note ¢nd Y1iie Swurity CnstrmnenC and perform.e oCher mortgage loan seivicing <br /> oUligations under the Note, Elris Security In[�fiunieirt, v�d ApplicaUle Law. There also migl�t Uo one or more <br /> nhanges of the Loan�eivicer muelated to a sale of the NoCe. If Uie�•e is a change oP the Loan Serviccr, <br /> Borrower will bo giwcn written notiee of the cl�ange whieh will etate the nauie and addresa of the new Loau <br /> Servicer, the�cldreas to whicU paymc;nts should be made and any ollier informakion RESPA requirea in <br /> coimection with A notice of lrtuisPer of scrvicing. 1f t11e Nota is sold vid tihereafLOr the I.oan is seiviced by a <br /> Loan Servicer other than Yhe purcheser oP the Notc, the mortgage loan servicing obligatyons to Bocrower will <br /> remain with thc Loan Seivicer or be Yransferxed to a surcessor Loan Seivioer and az•e not asswi�ed by tho <br /> Note purchaser othcrwiso provided Uy(he Note puxchaser. <br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender mery coimnanca, join, or be joniec{ Io any judicial action(as either an <br /> individual litigant or the membe��of a class)that azises from Yhe ofher party's aotions pursuant to tliis <br /> Security lnsh�ument or that alloges thak the ofher party has breached auy provision o1; or any duty owed by <br /> reason aP, t1�is Security Ivai�ument, untll such Borrower or Lender has notified tlie oYher perty(wikh such <br /> notice given in wmpliancc wit1i the requiremenfs of Section 15) of euch alleged Urench and afforded Che <br /> other pazty hereto a reasonable period after tlie�iving of such notioe to Calce corrective action. If ApplieeUle <br /> provides a time period wtuch muaS clapsc befora certain aation cen be taken, that tin�e period will be <br /> ciecmed to be reasoiiable for purposes of this p�ragraph. 'l'hc notice of accaleration and opporhmity to cLU e <br /> biven to Borrower purauant to SecLi�n 22 and the notice oF acoelerfttion given to Borrower pursuant to <br /> Sectioi� 18 �hall be deeined Yo satie$�the noLice zu2d opporhmity to talce oorrective aotion provisions of thie <br /> Section 20. <br /> 21, hlazardous Substanees. As used in Uiie Section 21: (a) °Ilazardous 3itbstances" tu'a those subetnnoes <br /> defined as Yoxic or hnznrdons siib�tai�ccs, pollutants, or wasYes by Enviromnental Law and the following <br /> euUstances: gesoline, kerosene, other fla�nmablo or toxic petaolemn piroduete, toxic peeticidcs aud herbicidae, <br /> volatilo solvcnCs, materials eonteining nsbestos or forn�<�Idchyde, and radioactive materials, (b) <br /> °Environmentud Law" rneans federal laws and lawa of the juriadiction where tha Proparty ia looated fhaC <br /> relateto healel�, safefy or rnivironment�l protecUOU; {c) "Environnaentnl Cleanup"nicludes any response <br /> action, remedial ection, or removal acCion, as defiued in�nvu�onment�l Law; and(d) an "F,nvf.rortrnerttad <br /> Conclition" meaias a condition that can eause, oontrihute to, or otherwisa Y�'igger an Envirmvnc-��tal Cleaaup. <br /> Borrowun•sha11 not causa or�ermit the presence, use, dispoaal, storage, or rele,2se of any Hazardous <br /> Subst�nces, or tlu-eaeon to release any�Iazardous Subetances, on or in fl�a Properry. Bocrower shp11 noC cio, <br /> nor allow anyone else to do, anyChing aCfcoting the Property(a) that ie in violaCion of any$iiviroimiantal <br /> Law, (U) wliiah creates an Enviromnental Coridition, or (e) wll'rah, dua to thapresenee, L�.se, or release of a <br /> Ifazardons Substance, createe a condition that advexsely a�PPectie tl�c value of Ylie Property. The preceding tWo <br /> za000zie <br /> NE6fa\SKA-Singlo Famlly-Fnnnie PdaelFreddle A7ec UWFORNI INSTRUh1ENT Form 3028 1l01 <br /> VM P p VMPB(NE)(110i�) <br /> Woltera Kluw er Financlal Services Pagc 13 of 1"I <br />