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201200930 <br /> satisf'action, provided that such inspection sl�all Ue uudertaken promptly. Leuder ixiay pay for the rapairs <br /> aud restox'ation in a stngle disbursement or in 1 serie.s of prnga•eas payments as Yha work is oomplotc�d. <br /> Unless an agxeen�ent is made li1 writing or Applicable Law requires intorest to Ue paid on sueh <br /> Miscellaneotis Prooeeds, Lender ehal] not Ue required to pay Borrower nny inherest or earnings oix such <br /> Miscellaueows Proceeds. If the resCorR4ion or rcpair is not econoinically feaeible or Lendar's secwitywould <br /> ba las�e�ied, the Miacellaneoas Proceeds ahnll be a��licd to t1ie sLims seoureci by this Seciui�y Insteument, <br /> wflether or not then du�, with the excess, if eny, paid Co Borrowcr. 3uch Miscellaneous Proceeds Fhall Uo <br /> applied in ttie order provided for in Seetion 2. <br /> In thc event of a fotal fAking, destruotion, or loas in vahie oP uhe Property, the Miscallaneaua Prooeeds ehall <br /> be npplied to the sums secured Uy this Socurity Ins4mnent, wlzethet•or noC Chen duc, with flie axcess, if nny, <br /> pald to Borrowe��. _ <br /> In tho eveat of a pactial taking, destr�uction, or loss in valuo of tho Property in which the fair m�rkel value oP <br /> Lhe Property in�mcdiately bafore the pqi�ti�tl taking, dest�tiction, ar Ioss in valuc is.equal to or geeatex thnu the- <br /> amount of the sums aeciued b�tihis Sccurity lnsh-uanent itmnadi��tely before the partial talcing, destruelion, or <br /> loss ni value, miless Borrowex and Lender otl�crwisc agree in writing, the suma secured by chie 3ecLVity <br /> insh'mnent sha1l ba reduced by the amoimt oF the Misccllancous Proceeds inulGiplied by the following <br /> fraction: (a) the total amomrt of the smns securecl inm�ediately beforo thc partial faking, destruction, or losa <br /> in value ciivicied by(b)tl�e fair market value o't'the Property imrnediately bePuro thc pertial taldng, <br /> destrucYion, or lass in value. :11�y balancc shall be paid to Borrower. <br /> In the event o£a parCial Cnking, destruction, or]oss in valua of tha Property in which khe fair marlcef value of <br /> flie Property iminediately before the pnrti¢1 C�king, dostrucHon, ni�loss in value is lese th�n the amoimt df Che <br /> aums securcd�mmediately beiore the paa�Gal tatking, dastruorion, or lose i1i vahGe, uuless Borrower�nd <br /> Lender otherwise agree iii writing, the M'iscellaaieous Proceecls ehall be applied to lhe euins nocured by this <br /> Security Tnstrumei2E wheCher or noC the aums are tlten due. <br /> If Che ProperCy is abandoncd Uy Botrower, or if, after nolica by Lender Co Borrowet thaC Che Opposing Pnrty <br /> (as defined in the next senterice) offers to malm an award to settle a claim for damages, Borrower faile to <br /> respond to Lender within 30 daye affex the date lhe notice is giveir, Lcnder is autliorizad Co collect and npply <br /> thc Miscollaueous Proceecls either to restocation or repair oP�the ProperCy or Io thc s�ims secw�ed by tihis <br /> Security Instrwnent, whether oL not then due. "Opposing Party" means the tUird�arty that owea I3oxxower <br /> Miscellar�eouy Pxoceeds or tlie party against whom Borrowex has a righC of acCiou in regard to Miscellaneoua <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrower shall bo i�i dofau1t if any action or proceeding, wheYlier civil or criminal, is l�egun t1�at, in Lerzdor's <br /> judgnent, oould iesult in forfeiCLU�e of lhe Property or other material impainnent of Lendec's uiterest iri the <br /> Prol7erty or riglns under diis Secluity Instrument, Bon•ower can cur�such a defz�ult and, if acceleratiari t�s <br /> occuered, reinatate sts provided in Section 19, by eaueing the aetion or pinceeding to Uzdismissed witli a <br /> ruling thaS, in Lender's judgment, preoludes forfeiture of tihe Propexty or ather mnCerial impairment af" <br /> Lender's interest in the Property or rights imdor this SecLVity lnstruinent. The proceeds of naiy flw�rd or <br /> claim for daznages thAt Are attr•ibut�lble to the imp�irmeut of Lender's inYc;rest in the Property n�•e Iiereby <br /> assigned and hl�ll be paid to Lender. <br /> A17 Misaellaneoue Proceeds Uiat a�'e noti applied to restoration or repaic of ehe Properry shall be applieci in the <br /> orcier provided for in Section 2. <br /> zaooa��� <br /> NFBRASKA-Single Fam ily-Fennie A7 eelFreddle fd ac UNI FORM INS I'RUM ENT Fo�m 3028 1101 <br /> VM P O VM PB(NE)(1 70R) <br /> Wollers I(luwo�Financlal Servlcos Page 40 oi 17 <br />