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�0��00��� <br />for the repairs and restoratian in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is <br />completed. If the insuxance or condemnation proceeds are not sufficient to repxir ar restore the Property, <br />Borrower is not relieved of Borrower's obligation for the complerion of such repair or restoration. <br />Lender or its agent may make reasonable cntries upon and inspections of the Prnperty. If it has reasonable <br />cause, Lender may inspect the interior af the improvements on 4he Property. Lender shall give Bouawzr <br />notice at the time of or prior to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable cause. <br />$. Borrower'sLoanApplic.a4ion.Borrower shall be in default if, during the Loan applicationproc�, <br />Bormwer or any petsons or entities acting at the direction of Borrower or with Borrower's knowledge or <br />conseni gave materially false, misleading, or inaccurate infozmation or statements to Lender {or failerl to <br />provide Lender with material information) in cannecrion with the Loatt. Matetial. represeutations include, but <br />are na# iimited to, representatians concerning Bortower's occupancy o£the Propetty as Borrowet's principal <br />residence. <br />9. �rotectinnaf Lencisr'sin#erest in the Propetfyand RightsUnderthis Security instrument.If (a) <br />Borrower fails to perform the covenanfs and agreements coatained in this Seaurity Instrument, (b) the�ce is a <br />legai proceeding tliat might significantly affect Lender's interest in the Progerly and/or rights under this <br />Securiiy Iustrument {such as a proceeciing in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation oz forfeiiure, foz <br />enforceinent of a lien which may atiain priority over this Security Instrument or tn enforce iaws or <br />regulaiians}, or (c) Bonower has abandoned the Property, then Lendet may da aud pay for whatever is <br />reasonable or apprc�priate to pxotcct Lender's int�rest in the Property and rights under this Security <br />insiniment, including protecting and/or �ssessing the value of the l'roperty, and securittg andJor repairing <br />the Ptoperfy. Lender's actions can. include, but are not limited to: (a) paying any sums secured by a lien <br />which has prioriiy over fhis Security Instrument; (b) appearing in court; and {c) paying zeasonable attorueys' <br />fees to pratect its inferest in the Property and/or rights under this Security Instrument, including its s�cured <br />positian in a bankruptcy praceedimg. Secuting the Progerty includes, hut is not limited to, entering the <br />Progerty to make repairs, change locks, replace or board up doors and windows, drain water &om pipes, <br />eliminate building or ather code violations or dangerous conditions, and have utilities tumed an or aff. <br />Although Lender may take acrion under this Section 9, Lcnder does not have to do so and is not under any <br />duty or obligation ta do so. It is agree,rl tbat Lendet ittcurs no liability £oz not taking any or all actions <br />autlxarized under this Section 9. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 sha.11 become additionat debt of Borrawer secured by <br />this Security Inshvment. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement <br />and shall be payable, with such inYerest, upon notice &om Lender to Borrower reque.�ing payment. <br />If this Security Instnament is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If <br />Borrawer aaquires fee ritle to lhe Property, the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender <br />agrees to the me�rgez in wtiting. <br />30. Mortg�ge 1nSUt�t1Ce.If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan, Bozro�ver <br />shall pay the prem.iuuxs required to nnaintain the Mortgage Insura.nce in ef�ect. If, for any reason, the <br />Mortgage Tnsurance enverage required by Lender ceases to be available from the mortgage insurer that <br />previously provided such insurance and Bozrower was requized to make separately desiguated payments <br />toward the premiums far Mortgage Insutauce, Borrocver shall pay the premiums rec;uired to obtain coverage <br />substantiaIly equivalent to tb.e Morfgage Insurance previously in effect, at a cost substaafially equivalent to <br />tb.e cost to Borrowez of the Mortgage Insuranc� previously in effect, from an aiternate mortgage insurer <br />sele�t�d by Lender_ If subsEantially equivalent Mortgage Insurance coverage is not available, Borrower sha�l <br />MEBRASKA�SMgIe FamUy-Fannis MaelFreddia Mac UNIRORM INSTRUMEM' �Q+� ��� <br />�qp � VMPB(NE) {1105).00 <br />Wottsre Kluwer Rnancial Sarvices Pege 8 of 17 <br />