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201200890 <br /> sentences shal]not apply to ffie presence, use, ur storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous <br /> Subst�wces that arc generally recognized to be appropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of <br /> the Property(including, but not lunited to, hazardous substances in consumer products). <br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of(a)any investigation, cl�im de�nand, lawsuit or other <br /> action bp any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazazdous <br /> Substance or Environmental Law of wkuch Borrower has actual knowledge; (b) any Environmental <br /> Condition, including but not lunifed to, any�spilling, lealang, dischargo; release ar tlseat of reiease of any <br /> Hazardoi�s Substance, and(c)any condition caused by the presence, use or release of a F3aza;dous Substance <br /> which adverseiy affects the value of the Property. If Boaower leams, or is notified hy any governmenial or <br /> regulatory authority, ar any private party, that any removal or othex reuicdiation of any FIazazdous SuUstance <br /> affecting the Properiy is nccessary, Borrower shall prompdy take all necessary remedial actions in � <br /> accordance wlth Environmental Law. Nothing herein Shall ereate auy obligation on Lender fos an <br /> Enviromnental Cleauup. <br /> Non-Unifortn Covenants. Borrower and Lender cocenant and agree as follows: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall gice nofice to Borrowcr prior to acceleration follo�s�iug <br /> Borrower's breach of anq envenant or agreement in fLis Secnrity Instrumenf(but noY prior to <br /> acceleration imder Section 18 unless Applicable Law provides otherwise). Tl�e nokce skall specify: (a) <br /> the default; (b) the action required to cnre the defanit; (c) a date, npt less than 30 days£rom the date <br /> the notice is given to�orrower, by which the default masY be cured; and(d) that failure to cure Yhe <br /> default on or before the date specified in the nofice may result in acceleration of Yhe sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall further infarm Borrower of tlie <br /> right to reinstate after aceelerafion and the right to bri�n x ao�n�t Acfiou Yo assert the non-eaist�nce of a <br /> defanit or any other defense of Bnrrower to acceleration and sale. If t7ic defanit is not cured on or <br /> before the date specified in fhe notice, Lender at its op&on ma�require immediate payment in full of <br /> aIl sums secured by tlus Security Instrumen4 without further demand and may invoke the power of sale <br /> and any other remedies permitted by�Applicable LaR: Lender shall be entifled to eollect All expenses <br /> incurred'm pursni�n the remedies provided in fhis Sectiun 22, including, but not limited to, reasonable <br /> attomeVS' fees and costs of fitle evidence. <br /> If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of defaulY in each couuty in wluch any <br /> part of the Property is iocated and shall mail copies of such notiee in tlie manner prescn"bed by <br /> Applicable Law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by Applicable Law. After fhe time <br /> required by Applicahle Law; T7astee shall give public nofice of sale to the persons and in the manner <br /> prescribed Uy Applicable Law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at pnblic <br /> auction to the lughest bidder at the fime and place and under the terms designated in thc notice of sale <br /> in one or more parccls�nd in any order 1Yustee determines. Trn5tee may posYpone sale of all or any <br /> parcel of the Property by pabtic announceuient at the tiine and placs of xqy previomsly s�heduled sale. <br /> Lender or its designee may purchase the Yroperty at any sale. <br /> Upon recei�t of payment of fhe price bid, Trnstce sha.11 deliver to the purcltaser Tnistee's deed <br /> conveying the Propertp. The recitals in Ehe Trustee's deed skall Ue prima facie evidenee of the truth of <br /> the statemeuts made 4herein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds o�f the sale in fhe following arder: (A) te <br /> aIl costs and espenses of eaercising the power of sale, and the sale; including the payment of the <br /> Trustee's fees actually incurred and reasonable attorneys' fees as permitted by AppHcable Law; (b)to <br /> all sums secured by thiy Security Instrnment; and(e) any escess Eo 4he person or persons legally <br /> eutiticd to it <br /> zaaao�so <br /> N�:iASKASingle Family-Fannie MzeJFreddie Mac UNIFOWd INSTRUME�T Porm 3028 ?/01 <br /> N/olters Kluwer Financizl Services VMP6(NG)(i 1 OS) <br /> aage 14 of 1] <br />