.� tmrtj. 1y � Jt��sr SS e v -t. � . �Y,^s � ._ >3 yr l�.l:.-.-,.
<br /> v� � L'k0-Y� 4'�'11r'`.��. r�- r !�' - - �� �:t�i,� fis
<br /> �m�_ t ��s+ !{ i r . �, t . _
<br /> �'.. ,r
<br /> ..�`I I) '3fT+* n�+. 1 i v. " i �r . Ripo• � �r �r� ,.✓. . t ..,r .-
<br /> ,,.v-.y:i:��S...Y,,:,,•,.9,. t c,,.s.,,,..�_._.�.. . .. .. .. .
<br /> - not lo aeud 1ht rcWnwm �nwuM a Nnder for � feder�ly rNtled motlp�p�lo�n m�y requ4o lor Oorcower'6 a5crow aecovnt under Ihe
<br /> �K{xtl pwl H�p��BNtNmml P�a+Qwu Act�J 1D74 as�mmdod han tUne la 1kne, tY U.8.0.2601 el soq.('f1EBPA'�, unlaoe ar,o�hor qw
<br /> Pnat ppM� �o�he funds�N�a Nww�mou�i• i��o. Under m�y,el ury lt»v, caBecl and twW Funds N an �mounl nol lo excoed!ho
<br />� - ptaw 3I�tWN• I.uid�, r�y:�`+��e th: aracrt of Nnd: Cao an tho b�a's ct a:rrnl deu eM rc�eone0.w estlmales ol�,pond:umr ol T._ . ___
<br /> WWn E�aow Hemt a OthKxin N�ccad�nce r�Rh�ppRq6b 4w.
<br /> Th�Fundi �hiA IM h1M N�n BtlXutbn whofl depo�Nt�n Nw�W by�fnlNd�gmcy, Ns�mmmu�ry.or mtiry M�dcnp Lmda,11 �
<br /> L�nd1r b such�n NtIMuUon)u N+ny Federrl Hom�la�n 8�nk, tenda sh�l�ppry fho funds lo poy Iho Eacrow Ileme. Lendn mey nol ____.
<br /> �j ciwqt Borroww lor holdhp�nd�ppMnp Ihe FundL�nnwM NM'tNq �he eaow �cwunl, or ra�7y1n0�M Eauow Itane, uM��� londa _
<br /> L�S� My�8aroww MterM on lhe Funda�nd epP�uble Ww pamlis Londn to rMko auch a chnrgo. Howwor,Lend,r nuy�cqulro portower!o �f ,. ,
<br />� �C- p�r�pn�ynH etwy�1or�n Ndepandenl re�l esl�le Ux rcpoNnq aeMCe used by lcndcr In connetlton wl�li this loan,uMese sppcablo I�w � -
<br /> proWdn o1hKwGt. Unleu �n +graanonl la mede or eppnubb lew mqu!res Inlaoal fo 6a pa'd, lundtt alm7 no1 6o raqutrM to pay p
<br /> �j 00ifOwx My�Ixd3t Of amings on Ihe Funds.�ottower and LCndof iney aprce In wdqng,howmtt,Ihal Inlno5l 6ha11�o pa�d on�ho Funds t �"; Y
<br /> �.� Lmda thd q HO lo Uortown,w i i h o u t o h a r g q�n e n n u a l a e c o u m!n g o f i h o F u n tl s, s h o w l r.g e r o J t s e n d d o bL S l o I h o F u n d s a n d l h e p u r p o s a e 7•� _
<br /> lor which e�et�deliN Io tha Fu�ds Nxs mtd=, ih,t Funds aro pledged es adC^Rna1 seev3/ter a7 sums securetl 6y�his Soadly Ir,strumenl {- s; ir _
<br /> ) II�he ftx�di Y2i! Ly Le:fiCr e�teed ihD amd.mis penNRCd to 6a ANd 6y �p7FZ6re trn,lc+idec stu! actounl t0 Oonower lor lhe i-�. ��r i __
<br /> � p�pqys py�=;�Fr,�prdante�r::h Ihe fequl•emenis oi epp5C2.C:o l.n. tt N9 amp�cnl of ihe Fu�tls��d Dy tMtY`r al any[:m215 nol vtf5dM1 t��, �P
<br /> t]y to pq th�e Eserow i�m�s when due, L[odtt mry so no9y Oarrown B wdting,nnd.6� sucA wsv Bortaver shail pay to lcndca!•!s��wunt -_ � ,
<br /> 7 }+� br�.id7['
<br /> ne4csst.y t0 nuka up Iho dc�dhnry. Bonowet ah;7 make up Iho d.:+cirnry N no mae than�rehe mon:hly payrt:er.ls. at Lende�'s so�e � �s s ':
<br /> d�sael'nei. r{�Ll��i�7� -.
<br /> UpOn•payment N NII ol �1 sums 6ecured by ih!5 Secunry Insln:arn6 LendM she0 prompcy reNnd lo �osmver nny Funds hcid Oy �7lx.�,,i ia7W'� �
<br /> Lenda. 11,under p�npnph 21, Lmdn shaG acqu4e or sMl the Propary, ler.dv, Prbr to ihe ncqu!siuon r,r sa�e o11he P�opttry,snall appy ¢,��Y�S��r
<br />- t:.y Fund3 h�d by LMdp il lh0:�:�o ol ecquistl:on Of 50:8 OS a Ged.i ege!n6�Iho SumS 6etured by Ihfs Scarily InSlrume:L �%e�b�?'l.f�[.`d"r "
<br /> 9,qppI1GM1611 Of P�ytt18111D. Uniess appECnblo Ww provides othem!so,e9 paymenls rccehed by Lendtt uncta paregraphs i end �t''1 tHSitf y.
<br /> v;�idKa a�ttr
<br /> 2 ahe7 bo �ppe.�lc 4st,lo �ny prepayment ci+vq�s dun under tho Note: snmd, lo emoums payab�e imder pa:apreph 2;third to inee�est S,�_r� �� t� -
<br />� due:lourtb,to p:ha:el duo;end Wsi,lo eny M•.:cnurgos duo undcr ihe ltoza. ���������(fY!
<br /> 4,CI1Ai{�OS;i10118. Oottaxer shall pn, a1 lexes,assessmer.l;, cFSges, 6�es and �mpos@io�s a:vbulebto lo Iho PropMy �-+'�[:0 � [���S��f` ���
<br /> / .� ��tn
<br /> MY aham p�fodry ovq this 3ecudry InaUUman�,end leaseho:d paymcc�s or q�nntl renls.8.ny. �orcower shan pay theso ab:igauona In Iho F r .
<br /> manner proNdoA In pereg��ph 2, or N nol peW In ihat mannn. Oortower sTxl pay fCem av Wra dar.Uy lo iho pttaon owed paymer.l. �'`•� 1jjl ,�d""
<br /> 3 ���.�f��16Ii__
<br />_ flortowu ahaC promply Wm�sh lo LenAer uL• �oUces o� amoums to 6e Fta undei ths pa�nprdDh. ii Odrowcr makos thosa Daymenis lY✓Rs `s ..
<br /> �reay,8orrowe�sneL promp:y Nmish.to Lentl.r�eceipls evidmoing tce payTems. �I�{P`+1{�Yr""
<br /> P J Y P Y Y 9 �If��5��71i�H ._
<br />�� OortGwu sna9 rqnply Asthzr o an Ecn whlch hes do�. ovEt ihis Eecurli Insl:umen�u:;ess �o�roxcr. �a) apree5 In wri;n to tha � t .
<br /> pnymeat ol lho obl:gm!on aew�etl by Iho lien N a manner acceptabfe lo lmCrr, (EJ ce:.�ests �n,00tl ini�h�he-f.cn by. oi Cofends a9anst _,�r=t3 ��». „_-:
<br /> eNOrttmenl ol Iha QM In.IC0o1 pID:CednB9 which 1111h0 LMdM'S OpvNf1 OyNd�o IO p�t'•Fnt ihe fnlMCemPni ol�h0 fien; or(OJ 6CWre5 t:om � �i,���}��tt'�.S�iP'=�
<br /> tho ho1Ett ol Iho 6es an opreemenl satUfaetory lo Lender subortlina�ing tt�Fen to Ihis SewrM InelNm.em. 11 tenJer Uelc+mines lhal Bny F�(�i��/"'«� i ,
<br />� pM ot Ihe Proper is 6ub eG lo a Gen which ma et�aln dod over�his Se:uri Instm-�eN,lendcr ma ve Dorrowcr a notiw identi�'r, �f•�Y��l Y'` ''
<br /> H 1 Y P h N Y3 'n9 �;.�.r,�ri�ctti�.
<br /> �he Grn. BMOwer sh�tl 6etl5y iho 6en or leko ono a moro ol lho aUbns sel I:rth ebove wilhin 10 days ot 1ho g41ng ot no9co. ��`h #> ;
<br /> 6. Huatd or Propsrly Insurance. oarower shaa tcep mo i�+provcr�,ente now oxiil!ng on c�reatttt ereded on Ihe Property �,�;�',k;�Y,d_i �`.;'
<br /> InsurcA• in51 loss D Pie, hazerds NGuded wilhin Iho lcrm 'eACndtd eoveraga' end any oihcr ha:ards,InUuRng foods or Iloodinp.1ar ���t'4��?.�t.•��.
<br /> whith L dtt r vUes Nsurenca. ThIS insurenco ahaD bo ma�ma!ned h Iho a:nounls and for Iho pMOds Ihal Lendtt reqWres. Tho inswenw ��•'�<;}i';;_;';'.
<br /> eortler proddn9 the Nsureneo shatl bo ehosen by Dortower subJec�to lender's epprmal whleh sha9 nn1 bo unreasonaGy wi:hhelA. II 'k+��:i Ft�l;'^`�'"-
<br /> � ;�.Sf eFr:
<br />�. Oorrowtt fa05 to m�!Na�n eovMage described above, lendtt may.al Le�Ctt's optlon.obWN wverago lo pro:eet Lendtt's dgCis In �he �!`d�!'7�;firri'���-�-_
<br /> ;r:�1r��t.jtiY��ii•,.
<br />� PropMy In acwrdaaee wiih Para9raph 7. <i�S =, f h'_<::':-
<br /> AA Insumneo poGdes end rencwels she�l be ecce lablo b Lendtt end sh�7 Indado e standard moil a e dauso. Lentln sha'�havo iho j1°'S�`%�i�:��if;',;;f-:
<br /> P 9 9 :,. .
<br />_ dghl to hold tho po•+dos end renewa�s. 11 Lwder requtros.Oortovmr shail promp�ty gNa lo Lender all recolp:s ol peid prem!ums end wnrnal �µ-fy yt�.Y �_
<br /> notices. In Iho wxnl ol loss,6orcowet sheA r,HO prorcpl noACe lo iho insum�cu w:der a�d Lendcr. Lender may mako proof ol foss II r.ol �u� {��,}}�1,w 1N ,
<br />- mado P�OmP:y by Bonower. �?I(���{R���t
<br /> Unloss Lender�nd Oortower olhmviso agreo In writ!ng, insurenco p�ocr.WS ahall bo oppFed (o resiaal�on or repeir of Ihe Propny �t,% +� �
<br /> dan�egM, tl thn rcslorollon a reyalr Is ewnomice:y Icasbta end LmCCts ucwl.y is r.o� lessmed. tl �ho reslorotlon or repa4 is no� }��'�'fSin<<
<br /> y�,�xf�r,'�,�
<br /> etOnomlcel!�lea9bie[t L¢ntle�'s secury wouid bo lessened, Iha Inscianco pmceedi oha'.� be nDP%ed lo Ihe sums sewred by Ihis Securiy �,,{,f pv�
<br /> InSWmCn1,whotye�o�nof Ihm du0. vrith any excess paid lo Oorrow�c n Bo:rower�handans lho P�operty, or docs �oi ¢nsw�a wifhln 80 sSN�sSi�+�Y_.
<br />� day5 a nolfw irorn Ltndr+1En1 t�e inswenm c;nier has o1:erM lo setCC n c@"m, Ihen tmtla may co:'ee1 Iho insuranco proceeJs. Ler,Ctt n:�t�3������it�'::!.-��
<br /> may u50 thu pwGeMS fo repa`r o��est0�e ihe Propary o�lo pay sums seccmd 6y Ihls£ecuri.y Inslrumenl.whclher or nollhea duo. 7ho ii�:rJ��(yha�.:-
<br /> yJ.day peripd w7,1 begn whcn the not:ce iz�Nen �k�t��+ti nas ��.:
<br />- Un!ess LCndtt 0nd BoAOwe�o:hwdse n,:ee In writing, any app4wtion ct procectls Io ptlnti�al she�l noi Catend or po5lponF Iho d�e }%' +1�rJ+TJ`I7�:=;?�•..
<br /> tlalo ol Ihe monthy paymenls relened to in ara �a hs 1 end 2 or cnxa�e �r.e emoum ol ihe r . ��s. II cnAe� nre �e h 21 the P�o e �f`���'�''a�'��°�'��
<br />� P 5 A P� P 7 P P RY `� ;�.�Ly;�a.x?!.t.
<br /> :�1.�..,_ r�..�.�..
<br /> is aeq�lrM by lenEtt, Qottower's dght to any nsaranco po!:Ges and proceetls resu:Jng L•om tlacage to Ihe Propttty pdor lo Ihe acqWs:im f:,�.,7�;�.�rf�$'.,�,;_
<br />- sha9 pess lo Lendet lo iho extmt of ihe cums sewietl by Ihis Sewri.y Inslmment im�neCa`efy pr"n[9 Iho otqul5Ci0n. ��/, � i;+( •-
<br />- 8. Occupancy, Prmsorniion, Me)ntananco and P�otuctlon o1 the P�oporty; Oorrowor's Loan - �}:}'�� P" "
<br />° Applleation; LOi90h01d8.Bonowe� ahMl oca:py. estabSSh, nnd use L`.e P�cper.y zs Eo�<•c+'s Drtn�pol rcsfUrnce within iLny days ''JJV'�%;tt�t�t;;_;_:-
<br /> ) p��-K�L�}� -
<br /> Bfiel Iho Cxecv:iDn U 7F.I5 Secur.ly Instmmenl a�tl S�a:l conliwe lo ott�[y:�2 g:[en� .s B<+c••e�� pr'oGpai te�idente ID� a11C.51 oce h���:'�t '�`.
<br />.= yc�r eRCr Ihe dme o1 oeeuFancy.un:ess Le•�da� o:herw�se ag:ees tn nn[m� ..v.cn ccse^- s^a�nei Ce �:^�casonab�y wnnhe:d.o� un�ess ` -' � ' '"�'i,y-
<br /> _ .,1._•�•�'-},
<br /> Ex1[ia:ating N:cumslan[es es�sl whih am be��cr.tl Oonor.c+'s conlroL OouonM thal r_::esrcy.tlamage n impai� Ii�e P�operty.aemv i�:e � �
<br /> "" t" .-_--:_=•:._:•r
<br /> �wpei.y lo tlele�'.a�ale. or tor.md was:e cn fhe Acpe�ty. [r•awer shan be i�delaun f a-y :o+:c.:me aclion or pmcceJ:ng,whmhe� a.0 o� I- - �
<br />� tfinina�.4t bequn 1kp�In Lmdri s Sood lanh jaer,¢ent cec c r=su:l in fodetw�e ol �Fe Prcpetly o�olhrn.he maie�w��y bnpa��Ihe I:m croa!etl �
<br /> by�Eb Seu:ri:y Insl�umenl or lender's secw::� i�:arcesl. Bonower ma� <are such a deault and�r.nslate.as p�or'detl�n pamg:ep4 10.by �
<br /> eouSNg Ihe acfe� cr proceeA:�g Io be c5smrssed wah a re::ng aa: •� �mtleis good lanh delermtn;;on, precWdes bdM:u:e ol ���e � . _
<br /> .. o.....n.n,m .u6... nu4W1 Lnm'vmm� n1 �hn Lnn r :od nv INC Snn�rilv InUeumml m 1 nMnr'x a �nFrv inlrvrcl
<br /> n .. . i . . — ♦ iea n�'
<br /> ov�rvnvon.:mrm.. : .. r�•i •. . . -� . . _' - ' .
<br />_ Uortower Sha7 nlso M In dMau!1 il Oortower, tlur.ng Ihe loan app:ira:icn D'�="ss. ga�c me:c�ia:y�a!te o�inattum7c inlo�malicn o� sialemcn:s �
<br /> to Lmdtt (or �aiietl to provide lender wilh eny ma:erial info�maGOn) �n w�r.acon ..r. �ae Iwn e+fdenccd by Ihe Nale, indudng.6u1 not ,
<br /> Em9ed to. �enese��afons concem'v+g Bono��ns occupancy o� the P�cac*ryr �� a c•�opa� resiCCr.ce. n tr.is Secm;ty msi�un:enl is oa a � -
<br /> IeasehNO. E':nc-•.e�sha9 eompiy wi�h all the vo��isiu�s ol Ihe lease. i� 0o�a...« 3:•n+es fee[Ce ie Ihe P�oputy. ihe icaseho:�antl ite �, _
<br />.� leo ti:le snai ra rmge un:ess Ihe Lenticr ogiees ���r.e mngtt�n w�i:ng. F�
<br /> �
<br />� Pa9elo�S :••.�J':ncu� �
<br />� FlOt9.VA0(�A]l
<br /> YJ�•�
<br /> .
<br /> �. ..
<br /> . __ ._ ._._ _. . __ _ _ ._ .. .. _ . _ ._._._ . .. .
<br />