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� ��•� f�J� in5�y`{ _f . �-�l . ���:;�,. PnS� �i�tF-- .— <br /> + r <br /> � ,1-1��4f i ' ?���,���1 t�•y,t,S{i+,�( /�2 .-�k��ro.� � � . _... r _��nl . � .. <br /> s!trS;.RSl.wfsvli7:+�3((1ti�.f�¢1a;:..{... a�a[.' .,v+LLw+. <br /> 92V-- �.t�3i� <br /> . 1. Pppment otPrindpat,Jntercst and Lale Chorgr. Bottowcr shall pay wl¢n duc Ihc principal of,nMt Imtrcsl cn, <br /> tho deb�evidrnccd 6y�he Noto xnd late charges duc undenho No�e. — - <br /> 2, Monthty pxymenls ot'ttixes,insur�nce urA Other ChxrRes� Uorcower shnll Inciude In mauhiy p�ymen6 — <br /> roge�hcr with tho pdnclpal and inttrcsl as set Ponh In thc Notc and ony late chnrgeR,an Ineullmcnt of nny(e)Inaes wd - � <br />- speclnl nssessmcros Icvled or ro bo Icvied agains��hc Roperly.(b)Ieaschoid paymems or gmund rems on tiwlYo{xny,and = <br /> (cy premtums for insurance requlrcd by Paragreph 4. "°- <br /> P.nch monthly instaliment tor Items(e),(b)nnd(c) shall cqnni one•iwol�h af�ho annuaf amwms, ¢�rtawnahiy <br /> esiimeicd by Lender. �lus an amount sufficlem to maintnin an nddlllonal balanca of nut morc than ontalxlh of Ur. +'•;.?�- <br /> esiimated nmoums. Tlio full annual amount Por each ftem shali Iw necumuia�ul I�y t.ender wiihin a perl�xt endir.y one =,_ - � ' � �'" �"� <br /> . ... :..._ .. _ .. <br /> month boforo an Item would becomo delinqncm. I.cnder shall holA�ho nmouma mllcctcA(n wsi lo poy itenu(o),@)nnd - <br /> (c)beforo thcy ixcomo dclinqucnt. „{_�„ - <br /> if at a�y timc iho�otal of�he pnymems held by Lcndcr Por itcros (N,(6)nnd(c),iogo�hcr wlih tho fumrc momhiy f,��r ,. . <br />= paymems for such Itemz pnynblo to LenAer pdor�o �ho dae dates ot such flems, oxcceds by morc ihan one•rla�h Ihe ,;""X rt'� - <br />-- es�imnted nmoum of pnymenis req�dred ro pny snc6 ieems w6cn Auo,nnd if pnymcNx on�ho Nao arc curcen6 ihen I.endcr t'1§i� tli�'13� " - <br /> shall ci�her rcfimd�he excess over ono-sixth o(tho eslfmmed aYmems ot creAi�ihe oxceu over one•aix�h of�he esOsiated � 18 d _ <br />� Pa mema�o mihu ucm mzms b Uorcower,et tho o tlon ot 13ovowor. If tho ioial o!ihu�myments mnde by Ilortowcr ,�`-�-5`.-.��-��';� `� <br /> r � r�r� r r �:=, - <br />� f0I IIGO(fl),@),o�(c>is inxuticient to pay tho Item when Auo,ihen fiormwer shnll pny m I.enJer nny amount nn;essory Io ��'�p+�`"`L---� <br /> makenp�hedeficiencyonorhtorc�fizda�otF.ei[em6ecomosdue. ��'=1i�`� ''L - -;,:;:: <br />.= As tued i�16is Sccarit�lnstnimtr.t,"Secretary"means tlie Sccrc�ary of Hous6ig nnd U�ban Dcvolo�imc+n or hisor her '��;`�..,.��� . .N;.: <br />- In nny pen�in n�hich thr Lendar must pay a mongago insumnco prenilum to�ha Secretnry,ene i mnmhly paymem :'•.<dy��;�.i_: <br /> she11 nlso inclnde eiiher. li) qn inswqment of the arnual mongago insurnnco prtmium �o Iw pnld By I.ender io the �IR[`;.;;,,4_,•:-- <br />-- Sacretary,or qp n mon�hly ch�rga insknd of a mo[tgagc insumncc prcmlum if this Stturi�y Inslnimcnt is hcid by Ihc ,-%;�;',�i,'tc�a'=�=.3i <br /> Secrclary. Cach n:vs[hly inxiillmem of the mo8gage insurar.ce prtmfum xhall Iw In nn nmount sufflelcnl In nrcumulale Ihe �: y lju.� :_ <br />-� PoIl vmunl mottgage insnmrce prrmiu�n wi�h Lender one monfi prior lo the dala �he fult anmiai mortgage Insurance �`�-�.ti �.�� __ <br />- pnmh�m 1s due ta�he Satttlaq�;or i(ihls Secumy Inswment is tsld by�he Secrctary,each momhly chargo shall be in an 'bt< <br />�-, nmcurt�eqoal m onanvelOh of or.e�t�Jfpercent of ihe outstanding principal bahnce dua on the No�e. "�.�� � ��,- ���.:.- <br />- li IIorrower tendon So Lender ihe full payment of nll sums secured 6y ihis Secumy Insuumenl,13orrowerl a[count .- / �b+�f �'�+ . <br />' shall be crrAited with �he balancro rcmainin fm nll Ins�allments for I�enu pU,(b) nnd(c)nnd my mongnge insurnn:e - -�� �� -J''%n'n- - <br />- prcmium Instalimen�tha�Lender has not Ix come obligatcd to pay lo tl�c Sccrctary,and Lender shall promp�ly rcNnd ony ',}+)t7)� �,x�- "��� :.: <br />._ excess funds ro Bonower. ImmcAi�irly prior to e Porcclosure sale of�he Propeny or itz acquisi�fon 6y Lender,l3ortowert �� ;� ��{y� �.t,�,,__. � <br />- euount sM1all bc crcditcd with any b�lancc rcmaining for nll installmcros for i�cros(a).(b)and(c). `f�,• T s- --_ <br /> 3��._AppIication of Payments. =VI paymcros under 1'eragnphs I and 2 shnll bc applied by I.cndcr ns follox.: -f ,y�M�£1 -: <br />, P!$}Z,lo�he mongage invuranre prcmmm ro be paid by I.ender m�he Secrc�ary or lo ihe moNhly charge 6y ihe ��'�� -�,ir�Y�� - <br />= Sec�rc�lary ins:ead of tl�e monthly morigage insurance prcmium; ,{'��� ��g}��r s� <br />_ $�COND,lo any ta<es,special acussmems,Ieasehold paymems or grounJ rems,nnd Ora ilond and o�her hamrd '„y^;U•;�'?;�.�fx q Ls � - <br /> Insurancc prcmiums,ac rc uircd; � �t�"' <br />_ �,toln;:r.x�:u:uc;�r:.`.:":ract r:F trq}� . ... - .. <br />- L�,IJRTJj,lo amorlimtion ot ehe principal of�he No�e; j .� k�� �'-� <br />- f77� }j,lo lak charges dur unJenhc t�o�c. � ly ti,•° <br />' fn existence or�sub and Olherce�ecTlfl,a�g'ninst�nn��ham d.s,cacualt c�s,Rirtd vminrencfes,efncludloe fic�for rvl ch�Lender F� i'� `'.''{�';°'."`v__ <br /> Y S G 6 n;'_,"r:a:•,�,.,, �• <br /> .- �... � �'t--� <br /> sl�iallte so ins�re all im pirovemems n tl c Prop��tl'a��hclhM'ito vnin existence nr xub.ttrucnll 1ie�t d,e� n�ist u:�I�i�llaxls '� J�"���'���=�� <br />= ro ihe ez�em rcqntrcd 6y�he Secre�sry•. All inserincr zhall lx carried wi�h compante.i nppraved 6y Lender. The InSUranee -�� � -.p ty�s"I�4� <br /> pollcies nnd nny renewals shall be held by Lender and shall include loss paynb!o clouse} 6i fnvor oL nnd in a fonn �+�_` ' � �i-yr�. <br /> acceptable�o.Lender. : �� ' ....� ��"P{.i� <br />- In�he evem o(loss,Oortower shall gire Lender immedia�e no�ice by mail. Lender may m,ke praif of loxs i(no� �,;t�.'''E•...�yv,� <br />, mnde prompily by Aortower. Euch insumnce corn�an concemeJ is herchy:iwhoriud nnJ directed �o m�ke paymtm fm . �:rc���'` <br /> ,.,, ��-t��� :;.. <br />� such loss direc0y ro Lender,Ins�cad of w Dortower nnJ�io Lenderjoimly. All or nny pnn ot t6e tnsurance procttds may lx -., }_ <br /> � ' �t 7< <br />= npplicd by Lcndcr.�n i�s op�ion,eiihcr(a)ta�hc reduc�ion uf�hc indeb�edncss undcr tlic Norc and�his Stturity Inxtn:menL �� E;, .. <br />�, first to any delinquem amoums:�piied in �he order in P.vngraph 3,and ihen �o nrepaymrm of principal,or(U)io the _�;:! ��,t *-�,::-,:' <br />�_ res�oration or repnir of�he damnged propeny. Any npplica�ion of�he prexteds�o�he princip:d shall not extend or posipnne :::a�:,.;.-';q:r:;.<r;�:,is:,p_ <br />_ �hC due datc af Ihe mnnihly paymcros nh:ch nrc f.fcncd lo in Mragr.iph 2,or chungc th.amuum uf xuch p�ymcNs. Any ?��,,. -„:'�,...',`;;�;�- <br />-- excess insuranee roceedc aver nn mm�un�rci uirrJ io � nll oulslandin�indtbleJne�s under�he Note and Ihis SauN� '�:.F"C4�?t�_ <br /> P I P�Y 6 Y --�.'i',: �,...,_ <br /> - InsWmcnl shall M paid�o�hc en�iiy•lega)ly cmid.J�hemm. '::•;��;'i�s;�"t x <br /> In thc ercnl o(forcclosure n(Ihis SCCUri1y Insirumcnl or oihcr IransfCr of lillc lo Ih. Propctly �lia�ex�ingui+hes Ihe ' '.�"'�"'"*ji:�-=- <br />-- indebiedness,nll righ4�itle nnd imercsi of Unrrmcer in anJ w imunnce poliries in fnne.hall pmc�o�he purchaser. .�_� � �A;°,"!. <br /> _ 5. Occupancy, Preservntion, �fnlntennnce nnd Protertian of Ihe Praprrl}'; Uurrm+er'x I,oan Appllmllom '�'1 � j �' <br /> - Leaseholds. Uormwer shall «cnp•,esiablish.and use�he I'ropeny n� 13ortower:princip.d rcsiJenre wi�hin six�Z Jnys � - � f,' �". <br /> _ nRer�he eacculion ot Ihis Securi�y�nsm�mam and shall continuc�n ixcupy�he Prop.n��a.Itorzo�rers princip,l n�idence �`<<�-�•.��.,;?<<;_,�;_,�:' <br /> _ (or ai leas�one yetr after thc dme of rccupav.y,unlexc�hc Sceniary dc�crmiiu��hi.rcyuinnter,n�ill causc undue harJchip � _ <br /> for porto�vcr, or nnless ca�cm�ming circuniclances exisl which arc I+c)'ond f3orto�cer� mmml. R��rtower�h:dl r.nlify �. ,<'` ` - <br />- Lem:;r<of any exlenuaiing circumslar.ces. l3ortmerr shall no1 enmmil �ca.le��r dr>trm.damagr or subslumially change ' , .' -- <br />� Ihe Pmpeny or nllmv thc Pro�nrtp�o dr�rrioratc,rcaannablt.��tar and�car c�ap:cJ. I.c�iJcr may in.per��hc R���crty if tlic . " . . <br /> - Praperly is v,cant nr ahandoned or�he Inan de(au1L LenJtr may take rcaamaM.aaion U�prolect and pr.senr.uch " - <br /> vacant or abandoned Prupetly. Ilnrm�cer sh�ll al.n I+e in defanit if Unrrorer.dunng �hr lo:m appliealion pnre.�.gm�e . ' <br /> maleriall� (alse nr inaccunlc infnrm:+tion or ..�a�rmrN-. �n L��ndr� �or L�il.d lo prariJe i.ender wilh :my ma:cri�d . ' . <br />_ infominuon)in eonnrclinn wilh O:r Inan cvidenccd hc�hc \n1c.nxh�dinF:6ut no1 Iimi�rJ In.rcpre..cnl:niun�ron�rming . <br />� Oorrn.,�.crk creupaney of�hc Rn�nr aa:�prinrip:J re.idenm. 1(ihi.Sc.urny In.Inimcni i.on a Ica.cholJ. flomi��enhnll � . <br />.. cor.iply���ilh the prnvi�ionc of�te Iease. If flnrrmrer r.cqnire.f.r�i�le In ihe Prn�xm,the Itd�fl:��IJ :IILLI ICl`GIII'�FJII Illtl � .• ' <br />_ be reerged unle.s LenJe�aF�res tn ihe mrrgrr in�criiing. _ <br /> 6. Charge,tn 13nrrm�rr nnd Proteni�m nt I.rnJrr'x Ri�hls in Ihe Properq. B�• pa}:dl gocem:nnu:J �� <br /> or mnnicipal chuges. (incs and impn.iiinn>ih.n.rtr nm inrlcdrd in 1:uaFr.�ph 2. ISnrrnwcr.h.�ll p.n durs uhlfgalinn.un �- <br />= lime direclly In tte rmiry�whirh i�nn.d �ha pnymau. I( failnrc tn pa� nnn!J aJ�eneA athri Lendrrl inirn•.1 ia �hr �- <br /> I'rnrrny.npnnLrnJrrircquc�tBnunx.r.hallprnmptlrlurni.hlnLcndrrrc.rfpl.c��mcnl., i <br /> - II IInrrnwet faill lo maAc �hc.c iLc payn:cn„ reqninJ h. P:vagnph ?. or Imh Iu�xrlom�an�n:hrr t <br />- coven.m;.ar.d.Frcemem.comainrJ in i6i.Secnriq• ihrrr i.n tcgai pnxerding tlr.n m:n .igmfir.mll�aflec� ,. <br />�:. �__a_.v.:_�... :_.�_ ....��..,.....v..._ �:.._:_..__�..._.... r._ �......-.�:.......�......r....., i..... ..........�.......... L <br /> .......�..,�. ..... ....... .�.. '"__' '"" <br />-- t e^... ..-..........�........�..t.............q......... ....................... ...,......., .""" '". ..�.............. r _ <br />' Ihen Lender m�y J.�.utJ pay whalerer i.n..r..�rr In p:ulcal Ihe v.iLx nf�hr Pra�ny anJ Lcnder;nghn in�Lr Pm�.n��. <br />�= including pa��mcN of taxci.harard inwr.mac unJ nihcr i�cnn incNinncJ in 1'.�r;igr:q+h L C � <br /> Any amounts diabuneJ bv Lcndcr unJcr thi.1".uagrapli,Lall adJiuonal ucl,t uf ISnm+��cr .mJ hc .c.umd <br />