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� <br />f <br />� <br />201200823 <br />I(��IUII�I�N�� I IN��Il�I�I <br />�� <br />Doc#: 1 1 284 1 8039 Fee: $38.00 <br />Eugene °Qene• Moore <br />Cook County Recorder of Deeda <br />Date: 09/21/2011 11:20 AM Pg: 1 of 2 <br />LIlVIITED POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />STATE UF: <br />COUNTY UF: <br />FEDERAL HOIvIE LOAN MORTGAGE CORP4RATION ("Freddie Mac"), a corporatian organized end existing <br />under the laws of the United States of America, having an office for the conduct of business at 820Q Jones Branch <br />Drive, McLean, VA, 221Q2, constitutes and appoints: <br />BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP <br />its true and lawful auorney-in-fact, and in its name, place, and stead and for its use and benefit, ta execute and <br />aclrnowledge all documents with respect to home mortgages serviced for the undersigned by said attorney-in-facE, <br />which are customarily and ressonably necessary and agpropdate to the (i) rele�se af mortgage, deed of trust or <br />deed ta secare debt upon paymen# and discharge af all sums secured thereby on bebalf uf Freddie Mac and <br />(i� ssstgnment of mortgage, deed of trust or deed ta secure debt froro Freddie Mac to Se11er/5ervicer, as to <br />one-to-four-family mortgages, deeds af Uust or deeds to secure debt owned by Freddie Mac and serviced for Freddie <br />Mac by said attorney-in-fact, whether Freddie Mac is named therein as mortgagee or beneficiary o£ has become <br />mortgagee or beneficiary by virtue of assignment of such mortgage, deed of trust or deed to sectue debt. <br />Freddie Mac gives to said attorney-in-fact full power and authority to execute such inspwnents as if the Freddie. Mac <br />were personally present, hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorney-in-fact shall tawfully do or cause to be <br />done by authority hereof. <br />This limited power of attorney has been executed and is affective as of the 23rd day of March, ZOi 1 and the same <br />shall cantinue in full force and effect unril the cecurrence of any of the following events or until revoked in writing <br />by Freddie Mac: <br />(i) the suspension or tecmination of the attorney-ia-fact as a Freddie Mac Sellcr or Servicer, <br />(ii} the transfer of servicing from tlte attorney-in-faci to another Servicer far cause, <br />(iii) the appointment of a receiver or conservator with respect to the business of the attarnsy-in-fact, or <br />(iv) the filing of a valuntary or involuntary petition in banlQUptcy by the attoraey-in-fact or any of its creditors <br />�� <br />• � —�--6��— <br />�� <br />�� -.�L��-- <br />e.�' B.e� �lG. <br />�� <br />tNT,�� <br />