'_t ':� .- .vh. .za�i.�:`30�.-�-.~�'i�}: . ....a.�.�.�..z�:r:l-- " ' 'iF�s��� ..c� :`.r�c"..f'r.t.:�fF
<br /> .. � , c-- .
<br /> t.f,'; Iv yi ���i'S . - . . �. ~ R �` � � f � tth S ,.,
<br /> -.� , r� � Tt � [ _ - %. �-? ,t4 , . � � _'. ..•`r .. _ � �c-� � . �'-..
<br /> '-�.<` : , ti � � f d' v •� ` � � �`- , k 9F � -
<br />. -�� C. � f �f � °� ,cr4 4 '< r '.� �. .�,. �f �/ ,4� M1 Y ci• _ _�.. � i � x — _
<br /> t _ � `" �' � .y� 1: _
<br /> � t .s`�.
<br /> � x'`S a _
<br /> ` . , f T
<br /> ,���
<br /> __. _ _":. i-��'
<br /> , . .4 .
<br />_ _::''�.�,•:.. F . '�-s.-�'f�:
<br /> , ? • F,` _,
<br /> V • � �v��� 'L..�•
<br /> . �- . . . : 97
<br /> ---- collect ant� compzamise, in its dfscre�ion, all claims "
<br /> _" 8f�j�3£3�a: "- .
<br /> � . , theteattl3er at its sole ogtfon, authorized to eitheY apply the �:�;�; :�.
<br /> ' ° roces8s to icRe =estosation of �he P�operty os upon the
<br /> � p
<br /> - indr�bt�8ness secured hereby, but p�ymenta hereuader snall ` . tt.<
<br /> . � cantin�s until �he sums sec�Ye� he=eby are pafd in full.
<br /> __�—=s-
<br /> . , „�:::;:
<br /> g. E�aro� for Taxes and insurance. None. _
<br /> � � � 6. Ae�air, P4aintenance and Use. Ta pxomp�ly repafr, res�tore
<br /> , • or rebuild any buildinqs oa imp�ovements no�r or herea¢ter on �°1; .-.°`:
<br />-, - - t�t$ pYapezty; to dceep the Property in qooa conditlon and _
<br /> .� � .':;� =epait, �it�out araste, ana free from mechanic's br athe=
<br /> � li�na nat e�ge�sby subosdinated to the lien Aereof; not to '`;`"f.
<br /> - maice, snffez ms &��smit any auisance to exist, not to diminish
<br /> . oz i��ais ttae value of the Property by any act or oaaission ta �
<br /> � �;` : . ` � act; and to c�mply with all requi�ements of lam �vith resg�� :, :�
<br /> - . _ = to tba Psop�zty• ` .
<br /> ; £S?,;. �
<br />- �:��°� 7. ConBemuation. Ia the event tIIee Erogesty, or any pazt ;�,`=`-
<br /> ,�, , -;:;:�:
<br /> � ` '�;���>� thetea#, s�aall tz� �aken by eminent doraai�c, the Mo=�gagee as ,�,�,:.;:
<br /> , L(('t}h .
<br /> ' �•= '�� eraga�rezed �� ca�l�ct and seceive all com�g�u�sa�ion �hich m.a� � :.
<br /> .: .:•4��::..:: ;,��t,� �:c;-".-
<br /> - . � � :�i:,�,;;.::; be pai$ f�os ar►y g�roperty taken or for da�g�s to gropett� ��t
<br /> :a:?�-%, takeA� and the l�ms�gagee strall apply �uch �omp�nsation, ait _
<br /> ,,'�:�:
<br /> �}a�'�-,•= i�� aption, eithe$ �a a reduction of the indebtedness sec�a�ed
<br />- E.t,;
<br /> ., ..:�;;: hereby or to =epafig ana res�ore the pscpe=ty so damaqe3.
<br /> � � � 8. Performance by Mortgaqee. Moztqagee m�ay, �ut shall have �%f;;,
<br /> � :�.
<br /> . ,:�,;::::�
<br /> � t n�a abligation, to �'� any act �rhich the N�os�gagas has agre�¢� .,ry��.;
<br /> ,_ .. . r-... .�;rt`;, >+:
<br /> z` �. � �,;. S�'f Isat fa31s to 80, .�3 Mo=tgagee a��r �Iso da any act it �aeems :..;;
<br /> � • � < <L�l��\. "��..-r
<br /> ,. . ,..<� �cvaasary to prot� the ifen h�rs�s�, H¢axtgagoz aa�ees to ,..,'.;
<br /> '' � .` ��, `'%i;, � �:e8ay; upon dema�a�y any swns so e�,r,anded t�y the �l�ztgaqee fos � '�%��u�-.
<br /> n �1
<br /> � v-,- t&e above pusposes, an8 any sums s�� �xpe��a3 by the Mortgagee � `�-�"=;`
<br /> ,. -. ,,�sft���.� s��ll h� addeal ta�.�e indebtedness �ereby and become snbiect � �..`
<br /> . rx�'�..� :�;:=".�
<br /> -`� ,,,,.;<�,. to the �ien hese��.r Mortgagee sbail not incur aay pe=sonal :r.>
<br /> �` _ ±'�"'= liatsility beaaus�.ofc anythi�g it may �o oz omit to do -..:y=.�
<br /> r .-- F_ .:_;:
<br /> � ,. .�: bezeundez.
<br /> �_
<br /> ' . � � � `� 3. Defaultj Assignment o� Rents. Ti�ne is of the essence �`�°�
<br /> ` h�3reof, an8 upon Mortgagor•s detault in any covenant or �'i:��.:,
<br />`� . • . • '; ;<<,�" `' aq9:�ement of thi� M,�stgage, incla�¢'fsnng covenants to pay �hen _�_,�
<br /> 1;��"��'•' due �he sums secu�2d by tL��s Moz��a�e, t�p Moztc�agee shall_ be �r-��
<br /> s ,t'� �, -
<br /> . ,;:,,, �,.:;�.� entit4.e8� at its sole a�t�Lmra �ns� ���thcutc n.otic�, to decla�e �-_.,-_
<br /> � ;,,.�,.. .; o ,
<br /> '��.`r.y:�r�,:. :., a�l �ums seauzed by ths�r� #�a�ctqaC� .h�� be �..8iately �ue a�cd , -
<br /> � ,;��^ pa�able and may co�mence fasec��st��e of �3�is MoYtgage by
<br /> , �- 2.ii�i�:: ;
<br /> � �`�'��' �� �udicial proceeSings; and, psovfl�cer3 further, tha� �a�on sr��tz , "�'��=_�
<br /> default the Mortgaqee, os � secei�ez appointed tty� � cou=t�Q ���
<br />'�(.. � �. m$y at i� �ption an8 �ai��t�ut segas8 to the adeguacy of �Lfi� � ±
<br /> � � i, secu�ity, ��ter upon and� ii.�i�e possession� of the Ptoperty an8
<br /> � .' . .�._ . � co3lect the rents� iss� and $rd�its therefrom an8 appiy .,
<br /> � �Ha�m fisst to the cost o� coll�c��on and opera�iara of the .: -
<br /> �" � � � pxopesty an� then upon tk�e fnC�l�tt�dness secused �ty this ; :
<br /> �_. Moztcgagee; said se�nts, Sr�u2s an� profits being asslgne� to �, . .
<br /> � , thv Mortgagee as furthes 3�scurity foz the gayment of ���. ' ,�.
<br /> indebte8ness secvre8 hezel�y. ��`•,���
<br /> ; � rJr:
<br /> 10. Trans�er o! Broperty. If aIl or any gast of the G>-.
<br /> ' pzopes�y is so18 or �Yansfesred �vithout the expresa �ar�tfi�n . f��•::
<br /> ,�• �. cunaent of the Mortgaqee, Mo=tgagee may at its sole op�i��,
<br /> � � �eclaze all snms secured by this Mortgage to be immediately
<br /> �`'�' 8ue an� payable.
<br /> ��' . .
<br /> �� � il. Future A�vances. Upon request of Moxtgagot, Mertgaqee
<br /> �;.. �. maty make ad�itional an8 futuse advances to Mortgagor. Such
<br /> a8vances, dith interest thereon, shall be securecl by this
<br /> '�'.-� � � Morctqaqe �rhen evi8enced by psomissory notes stating that sai� �
<br /> ,.•
<br /> ,._.._ .. . _ �otes are secured hexeby. �!t no time shali the principal
<br />-�'� - -- anaunt of the in8abte�ness secused by this Mo=tgage, aot _____
<br /> � ' inclu8ing snms a8vancea to pro�ect khe security of this �
<br /> ��':� � t4ortgage, excee8 the ozig�nal Note. - :
<br /> �.,: :.
<br /> �
<br /> _
<br /> .. ;:
<br />