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<br /> ,_ + �_ `�-�-4� C.AS�YGMNl.�1�3'i'OFl.EASF�. Upon Le�der's�qu�st.Boaow�ar shall ass�m Leadra aII leas�s of the _
<br /> �� _.�r��:_ Pmpc�ty and all�►d�me�e in oormection with te�ses of the P�oP�rtY•UFan ihe ascignme�t,I.eudc* _
<br /> . , sbafl dave t�tight to mndi.fY,extend��the exisvng lea�and w ex�u3e new t�.���'s sote .
<br /> .'' �, . �J� �pn.A9 OSCd ID 1�18 QatB$i8ph�i.1bC WOId°�SC°S'�1811 tQP�~SIIb1P�dSC°tf t118 S�Y�iS OD 8 '_. .
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<br /> —_----- - = Ba�a�nt�e1Y ead�moondi�4ionaIIY a�igns���m L�tdea aII dte�us and reven�f'�"y oi thc __ _ --.
<br /> P�ty.r e g a�d L�s of to whom t�e R�is of tha AvpatY are Pay�e-Bonower�thopzes Leader ar Leader's ,
<br /> ' . ` ..;' �g�mts w t�lTax the It�s.and ag�es tLai eacd t�aat of the Pmpectj►s�aII pay the Re,�t�to Leuder ar Ieitder's ;'..•• ;. .- ..
<br /> ,;.� z �_' e ageu t a H o w�ver,Baaawer shaD�eceive the 18eats�mU7(�Lacde*bas�8nuower nnmce of defauttp�suaat m � _ ` ::
<br /> . - patagiaph 21 af the Secanity Ims�sosneat�d Cn�Leada tras gi��autiroe�tfie t�nt(s)tbat the Reats ac�to hs f , 7 :
<br /> .� � p a id ro �ade� �r Leadds ag�t. 'lbis assignmeut af Reats aa�te,s � ab�r� assi�m�.t aa� not an �
<br /> :
<br /> ` assgnmentfarad�tional sec�aitY oWl+- �
<br /> �. �`�,' �.y 1f Leuda gives no�ce of breacb�u Baaower:()all Rents s�eoeived iry Bomnwa�ll be hrdd by Bormwa as , _"�":;•
<br /> � , ' `�� � .�`'' �ee far t�etr�tof Ieades onlS►.ta be aTmtiea to the sams se�uced�►the Sec�rrty fis��fn?1��sbau , : :,�',
<br /> ' be e�afated w coltect�teae�►e a0 of ths Reats of tLe P�opaty:Cn�Bmcower�s t�t eacb teuant of the '.`
<br /> .. - -•-�-'- . - pcageity sl�aIl pay aD Rea�d¢e mid a�m�paEd m I.mda�I.eadds agents�n I�s�'s arrittaa dem�►d oo tt�e _ ---- -
<br /> • �� r� tenanfi Cn+) nntes�eDD}�ble taw p:avides uU►e�+Iss+aD Rentg anIIec�d 1rY Lead�r or I.c�dds ageats shall be
<br /> . � app�ed fust to the casts af tak�g caatml af and�$d��F�Y�d colIe�ing fhe Reat4,mduding.bus aot �- . �;�
<br /> �,. • limited w.anmueys�fees.ceceiver's fees,�Cetainms on reoeaver's bonds,�r and mainten�ce cos�v.ias�ce ; . - m
<br /> _ '.. ...: °„:�s::.M �s,�aes.asscs�neat�aad_o8�cdarBes an die Prop�ty,aad th�to tde sams serAred by the Seaaity . :'Y'
<br /> � ' - Ins�un�►�(v)1�endci.I�eader's�ntv��mY N��Y���er shaII'be liab2e tn SroaQatfar anty those ;.s:'"._,. ,
<br /> '` " s Reats as�IIY r�ve0.and(vi7 L��ea s9aD be entid�8.to have a tecdvei appointe�f�taite poss�on of�nd
<br />___ , � �g8 the prage�ty and solles:E the Re�ts�ad�Ofits dzcive�fmut the Ptopem►wi@�cst;�►Y�g as oo the - . :�.;
<br /> .l..;, madequscy af thePlaFeatY as�tY- '� . � �`
<br /> � y; : � 1f dce Reat�of ttee Plrope�ty are aa��t to cav�the c�ts of�dng cas�uf a'F sa�r�gm8� .. _
<br /> ' .;1:��'��=� �� P�opaty and of ouIIeaiag the Rmts aay fauds e�ded bY Leadrr fnr sach pmpuses�II becoae�ss a� - �
<br /> � ',. '�;,k`, � Bamower tuLeadet seiau�by die Sec�uity Insu�e�t Fursuant w Unifarm Caveaaut'� . .S,.
<br />-�'.�; � :�.� '"�.' -'` Bauanver represe�s and�thai BaAOwea t�aas nat execated u►Y P�ar a��►t of the Rsms aad 6�s .-�-:_..;,..
<br /> s
<br /> - dotsadw�lnotpaform snY act diatwonld psav�tLeadesfram eaarLdng itsrlghts andra thisp�� � '� -
<br /> � ; ' Iand�,os Leader's ag�s or a judiciaIIy agpointed receavea,shaII not f►e raq+riaed sa eat�ap�:��l .-
<br /> _ notice of defanit to Bonowei.However,l.e�dea,or Leadeds �r:;,�;.,
<br /> ' , . . of or mainmin the Ytop�atY befnre os after giving pA �n of R� �.;«..:
<br /> b dme whe�a defauIt acaus., Y aDP � � �.
<br /> , . . : �-.. '� , ageaq or a�udiciaIIY aPPon►ted receiver,maY do so at any '�'„-°
<br /> m
<br /> � `'.� . s6aII not care ar waive mry def�ult or invalidate m�y other right ar�nedy of Lead�r.11us asdgnmt�s of Rs�ts of �T==.�== �
<br /> .. , , �e Pmp�tY aBaD taminare when all the saa�secuced by the Security Ins�ameat are paid in fnLL �� �,. °
<br /> . . ' L CL�L�DF.Ft�ULT P�OVISIO;lF�. Hauowes's defanii oi bteach tmdea any note t��t in [r =�r .:
<br /> . .A . . which I.c�der has an int�rest s4�aD be a�ander the Seraairy Iastrumeut and Levd�maY invb�e any of� � _
<br /> � �
<br /> � ;, . ,
<br /> r,����, 3 , . �esge�mittedbytheS�'°tyfasu� .
<br /> ','. ' ' BY SY(i1�Nt3 SF����tmwer�and agree��u the tedms su��rav�c,ontained#n fhis 1-0 Fau���. �r :
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