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1Y � f/ CY / . .. . Jt <br /> . �tS� Sls��t���tvJj�y�'i��Sr 1) ��t�� � . � ���� ._�� _. <br /> S.T� ,. r Y � f�,4 ,�`,� , k . ,; �,:1 ,.;; <br /> - ��'l .�L � a- '.`'��1�3 IS�lt�il�.C�S�L.�J�� w �(Y/�A4valW�NLf�c. �� Y � <br /> _C'� _ _ _ __. . .. . <br /> 9�... �.a�6 <br /> TOOIi'fNL•R 141TN ail tbc improvcmcros now nn c�rrafla ereclai on�ho properry,and ail cnscmcnts,appunmantts, <br /> aad fixmra now on c�rraf�u a pan ot�ho pmperty. All reptncements and addiilous shnll.iso tx wvcrcd Uy thls Sxumy - <br /> tnetmmcm. Allotthoforc�oinglsrefcmdmin�IdsSecufltylnsWmcntnsihc"Propeny." <br /> BORROWCR COVCNANTS that Oorcowcr is lawfully sciscd ot�ho cstato hcrcby rnnvcyed and hns�i;c riglnm IIram <br /> and canvey�he Pro�cny nnd thu�ho Pmpeny is unencumbercd,excep�for encumbrances o(rarord. Oortow�er wumr.ts nnd `. <br /> willdefendgenerallytheti�lo�othofkopenyngnins�altclaimsnnddemands,snbJectwanyenwmbrancesofraord � <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUML+NT comh3ncs uniform covcnznts for natlonal usc anA non•cnifomi coveni.ts wiih -� <br /> flmited vaflatlons Uy juflsdietion�o consiiwto n unifomi security insimment covering rcai property. - <br /> UNI�ORMCOVI3NANT5. Rottowerand4endermreeania.yAagrensfollows: °�� <br /> 1. I'ayment of Principal nnA Intcresti Prcpnyornc9 a^x7 dr.'x�harges. 6ortower shall prompily pry wAenCwe rhe y=�� <br />� principal c£ar:d imeresl on tho debt evid^r,ced by�I�e Nae arA any prrpaymem nnd late charges due under iix Nc�e. '� <br />- 2. 6Tx:xJsE�v9hxesandlnsuraerrr. SubjecttoapylicaMelmroztoa�vriaenwafverbyLeader.6or[owersiuipayro ��-_-�: <br /> E.ea�kr on tYee dry monthly paynxnts uc dae ur,Acr ctY Ko:e,umil ihe Nac is p�id in full,a sum ITunds'1 fnr.U)Y��b ,_, <br /> taxcs and asscssmra:s arhich`euy atwin priority over this Securi�y Instrunxm:+s a lien on the Pto�.^tny;(b)�early kisehold �° <br />�.. Qaym:nts or g�oi:nd rcms on the �openy. if any: (c) yeariy hu,vd or prop:ny insnrance premiums: (dl Ye:�ly f2ood :_=: <br /> tnsurance prcniums, it any; (e)yeady mongage insicr.ence prcmiums, if any; ancl(Q any sums piyab7e by Itaro�v¢r to _ <br /> Lend:r,in acco:dance��ith th:provisions oi par,+gmph 8,in lien of tirepa ymem of mongagt ias.eanre prmfimmc 3'Lcese _ _ <br /> itcros art eaHr.d"Gscrorv Uems.' Lendrr may,m,ny�ime,rolleci:nS hotd fi�nds in an amoum n�.w ezced t?is r..uimnm .� <br /> amount a IcncEcr for a(edrraRly relaled motlgage laia may rcquirc fo: Brmmcez's exrow accorr.0 nnUer dn fed�r�l Rwl ��:- <br /> Eslate SUtlememl'rocednm Act of 1974 as amendeci Srom Iime m tlme, 12 US.C.�i601 eurq.("RI35PA'I.w.�zuano�hu <br />� law thet applics�o thc Amds sets a Icsscr amoum. If w�_[endcr may,at any lime,colla�and hold Tl:nds in.n arno:.^.i nouo - <br />� exceed �he Iesxr amount. 4ender may esdma�e ih:•a�s�.oum of Tamds due on �he basis of cuRrn� Jata anJ rcuonable i=_. <br /> eslimates ofexpenditurcs of Polurc Cscro�r i�ems oret;srwise in accoNance wi�h applicabie law. `�';:�- <br />• 'Ihe Nnds zhall be held in an inx�itaci�n wF.oxe deposiis are insured by a fcdenl agencx, issuumer.�ality,a cNiiy =- <br /> (including Lender,If Lender is such an inseim�ion)�in any I'rderal t3ume Laan Oank. Lender sh:+ll apply�hc Funds�n pay <br /> the Pscrow Items. Lender may no1 chergc Uorto��rr inr holding and npplying the f'vnds,annually anuiyzing Ihe acrow ''� <br /> aaoun4 or verifying ihe Bstrow Itcnu, uNess Lenckc Says Dortower interes� ca1�F.c Iimds and applicah!c la�vpertnis �-'-�'�-- <br /> Lender�o make such a charge. Ilo�vecee Lender mry�rcquira Dortower w pay x ea:•�ime chu�e for an inderxndent rcxl �ri,;: <br />- es�ate�ex mponing scrvice used by Lends in conneciion wnh thts lo;ec,i:nlesx app'irable law provides o�henrise. Unless aa -- - <br /> agrcemem is imde or applicabie law requiru Imerest to be paid,Ler,�:er shall no�6e r�qufred to pay 6ortower any hxres�« ��,_�_ <br /> camings on the Mnds. Qovower and Lender may agrco in writing,howcver,ihn:inkrcst shall be pafd on thc I�nds Laickr - _ <br /> shall give�o llortower,withoW charge,an annual aecouming of�he S1mds,showino crcdits anA deUi�s w the�und�aad�M1e _ <br /> purpose for whkh e�ch debil to the!'vnds was made. 'Ilie fLnds Ne pkdged as addiiional security tor oll ums sac:ed by - <br /> ihis Saurirv inswment. <br /> If�he }'vnds hcld by Lender exacd �he amoums pertnlncA to 4e held by applicable law, lcnder sM1all omonnl �o �._�; <br /> Oorcower for the exeess Nnds fn accordanco with�he rcquiremen:s n7 applicabie law. If the amo❑m of the Punds Aeid by �,_,•_ <br /> Lender at any�imc is no�suffident to pay�hc Gscrow llems whcn due.Lendcr may so no�ify 6onowcr in wd�ing,and,in Fc>.;. <br /> such case Dortox�er shall pay �o Lender the nmoum necessary ro maAe up the deficicncy. 6ortower shall make up �he !`__` <br /> deficiency In nomorc than alxlve momhly poymems,ai LenderS mle dlurc�lon. <br /> Upon papncnt in PoII of ail sums sccurcd by thfs Stturily Instnimcm,Lendrr shall promptly hfund to Dortoxtr ony - - <br /> Nnds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender s6all acquirc or sell�be Proptrty,Lender,prior to �he acqeisi�ion or - - <br /> sale of the 1'ropeny, shall apply any f'vnds held by Lcnder m the�ime of acqufsiiion or sale as a credit againsl ik sumc = - <br /> seeured by O�is Stturiry Inswmr.m. 3g:-�. <br /> 3. Appilcatlon of 1'ayments. Unless applicablr iaw pmrides othenvise, all paymems received hy Lendtt m�der ;r.5•, <br /> puagraphs I and 2 shall he applicd:firsi,�o any prtpayinrm charges due under�he Note:secand,to amouNS paya6;e under -- <br /> paragraph 9;�hird,to inrerest due founh,�o principal due:and las�,m nny I.r.e charges due under the Nole. "- <br /> 4. Char es• Liens. Oovower shall a all i�xes,uscssments, char es, fina nnd im sitions anributab:e to ihe �P'- <br /> B � P Y B Po F;��`. <br /> !'ropeny v:hich may anain pdori�y over this Security tnsirumenL znd leaschold paymenis or ground renis, if zny. �arower °`- <br /> shall pay ihesc obligailons In thc manncr provided In paragraph 2,or if no�patd in that manner.6ortmvcr shall pay�hem on �,�-� <br /> qme dtrecdy to�he person owed payment. Dorrower shall prompily fumfsh�o Lender all no�ices of amounts lo be pzid unda �:�,_ <br /> tMs paragraph. If Dorto�ver makes ihese pay�nems direcdy,dorcower shnll promp�ly fum(sh to Lender reccipis cddencing t;+- <br /> tlu paymems. i.: . <br />. 6am.•ztshall promptly discharge any lien which liu prioriryro��enhis Sece:ity Inswment uniess 6ortower.(a)agrca a;',; <br /> In wd�ing e.the payment of the obliga8on secured by the lien in,mznner acceptaSle to Lender.(b)conicsts in goad 6i�h�he �;_, <br /> litn by,w defends againsl en(osemem of the lien in,Icgal praeedings�rh?ch In ihr Lenderk opinion open:e to pre�mt the :-: <br /> enforeemem of�he Iien;or(c)seeurcs from the hold.r of ihe lien an ngrcemem svisfacwry to Lender subordinatingthe lim f;�;( <br /> �o ihis Securiry•Inswment. 1(Lendet de�emiines�hai any pan of�he Propeny is subjm�to a licn ��hich may attainpriority t.f�;-: <br /> ovcr�his Secnri�y Insuument,Lendcr may givc Oovowar a no�ice identifying ihe lien. Oortoixer shall setis(y�he licnar take ;;;:�. <br />- onc or more of IEC actions x1 fonh olwsc�riihin 10 days o(ihc gicii�g ot no�icc. �`--=- <br /> 5. Ilnzard or Properly(nsurance. 6ortawer shall Acep�he impro��cmems naw exisiing or hercaf�er crcc�M on the `�" <br /> Propany insnred against loss by(re,hazard:included�rithin�he trmi "extrndeJ co��erage"and any o�her hazards,ixluding �r",'� <br /> Ooods or (looding, for which Lender rcquircs insurance. This insur:mce shall be maimained in the amour.�s and for �he ji'..' <br /> �.": <br /> Iftn� 4/:E 9N0 quA�:�I�INJ/r.. . <br /> �s'�- <br /> . f.. <br /> �,. <br />. ,.:..__.._. x xt .- ... . . . . . �-�.:.:- .- .—.: . �f:�. :J'm-. .r, i <br /> i <br /> Cf I.A i�.'.'. . �.1.: '.f/ 1:4i• .�)�.t�•��1 <br /> ,' <br /> :�:�,,'irt,,,. . . . . . . . " . <br /> ,,, . <br /> :� . <br /> -- - .i:�.:� <br /> r:. <br />;i . •- . , " ... <br /> . t <br /> - . . _ . . . . .,.n.• - _ . . <br /> �"-r.r r - .,.1- � �_ <br /> r ..... .... ... . i .._.-. .. . . ... ._ . . . - ' . _ . . __.l� - ._ . . . _ ... <br />