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<br /> � .' STATB OI+ NBBRASKPi ) �� =
<br /> _•. '; j ss. `` _,_
<br /> -,�--,.-=�:� COUNTY OF DOUGLAS ) �; , -
<br /> � ;� ��.
<br /> � .�. , �` . ." I, AY�1Nfd M. PUNCGCHAR, bave executed a Rsvocable Trus� to �� . ,''
<br /> .,4 . knoran s� �e P,�INB L�. PDNCOCHI�R RE'�TOCaBLE TRIIST, dated Pebruar�
<br /> ,. •:'� 21, 1997, h�xein�f�as referred to as �e �T�ust°. The terms o� �
<br /> ` ° � -�` �`._..- ttt� Trus� paovide go� ths follac�inq: � �
<br /> :,
<br /> .�
<br /> . .,:-; ; , , 1. T�o �'rustee and the successor to �Pac� Trustes of �h@ . -
<br /> �.°�3 aforesaid trust ar� as fallows: ����
<br /> • . .- .„
<br /> . ...- ,..�"`_a'f.s
<br /> ;�.�-�;_ -_:.���� (a� As �ang as I am living and not incapacitaterl, I s�aZl� -.-
<br /> , � ac� as Trustee oE the �'sust. .
<br />..' • .-. �•�.:..µ•;� . ..
<br /> < '.,y.�..' (b) Qpah my death or. in tha eneat one (1) physicfan
<br /> . �-: , .;,��, .
<br /> _�.:'_:_::::�:..:.::;� certifi�s in wri�ing that, in such phyeician�s opinio�m,.
<br /> .� � "` .,,vt I am incapacitated and thes��or� u�nabl�.to properly __ r
<br /> ,�.�.��',• aci�ifnister �hhs Trust, tlsen the Successor Trus�ee �a13: , �;
<br /> � " ` . be �N R. PIINCOCNAR, if living and able attd Fafa�tq: _ .�� _�
<br /> >- . ., � to serve as 3uccessor Truste�; pro�rfded, s�uld � ,`��'
<br /> �,.,,y,�i,,�r�: •
<br /> : �:� � . -:r.' ;, . . R. P�NCOC81�Y3 not be iivfng car able and c�ilbSueg to eetv� . :.=���-'.,
<br /> ' ' as Succ�ss� Trus�ee or in the event one (4� physiciapa� �f
<br /> ` � ��'�{'. " � s�ites �a crriting �hat, in such physician's opinion, � �'` � �
<br /> ;; .';.�_., , ,, said Suacessor Tru��ee is unable to prope�rly adminis�e� ����� ___.�
<br /> __ ;:�� ttie 3'rust, t�en MAItY H�DDB sIIall 1oe t�e Sucaessor �.: _
<br /> _ ,�:�n - Truatee, 1Y living and ahL�a and willinq �o eerve as , .>�;,
<br /> . :`'�`''' ` Successor Trus�ee; provider�,, should 1KARY BUDDB not b� �`r� ` `
<br /> U ,{;•.;�:,
<br /> �� ;�". � livinq or able and wfllinq�S:o serve as Successor '��`�";^;���:"���
<br /> . Trustee, then MICHAEL PDN�OCHAR s�Icl be �h� Succ�s�o� � :"::_ '
<br /> � TPUStee, if living and able and wiYlinq to serve as I -- - _
<br /> � � ' �� Succ�ssox TrusLee; provi@�d, should MICH�& PONCOCH�B �°�,
<br /> , �j� .:�
<br /> � not be liv�g or able and willing to serv+� as Succes�sos� '�
<br /> ''"�S�� Trus�ee, tpa.Hn NCRWEST BANR NEBRASKA, N.A. s�all be �DLe
<br /> ,
<br /> _ . ...4,7, .. . �-;-,----
<br />-�.. . �- � ,:...�: � Successo�r �'svstee. <:; :;:�-_=�=.
<br /> "� � � � a. T�e Trualm�s set out iir: ���grapA i above have the' `f ' -
<br />' � e�r��si�y �o exerais� �11 powexs �e�m�I al iscre t ions in �he T r us� "-�.4s��:
<br /> ,�$ r � �;� . ing�¢�ment a�t.� ie vested witla al2 t3se•'powere se� out in the . �-°--
<br /> °`a`` . � Nebraska Tr�rs�ee Powers Act, ae the sa�ae ffia�r be amranded from� g3,rae r�r� �.' "
<br /> - _=�"�• •- � . �o time, and�all other powers aonfe�cred uport. `�rustees by �c� laca� '���,;,
<br /> � �� � � oP ttae State of Nebraska and of any State in wbich I may otem,.�eaL - ,
<br /> � � � �e4�� � es�ate, fnaluding, a�iithout lfmitation thereby, the po�rer �- seLL, -
<br /> =� � .• �������',' transPer, assign an8 otherwfse �iispose of any asset, real ou ,� �
<br />_ � - .�� i personal, held in trnst. � -
<br />=-�� � . �.
<br />_ . �,,:: ..
<br />- • _ .. ' , 3. Any party ��alfng with the Trusttee is ent�,ttls8 to rely
<br />_= •� � upen: tbis Certification of Trustee�s Po�vers and skal��i l�e undo� no ����,;;,. ,"
<br /> � ."�;�+� ' ,.
<br />-i'4i . ' '�4.i�a)�� .
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