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<br /> .A,;- j • . ,
<br /> � `'.�''_' ` E l9.T�sasfe�t o£8ts Pta�tty or a B�efidal E�te�si tn Borm�er If a!1 or eay part of t�e PropertY or a�►mterest in it • , - - �
<br /> . `�: , ��`� is sold or transferred(oc if a bencficisl interest in Botmwer is sold or transfe�red aad Burrower is not a a�ual p�rsoa)av�thout � .,.. ..
<br /> • . �� Lender's prior writd�oonseat. Leadsr may. at i3s oQtion, �i r e imme�iate pay�ea�4 in full of all si�ms secured by this ° . . .
<br /> e . `'�
<br /> '_ — •1 Securiry t� �++,P.,t Howavar,.this option sluill not bg w�e�is�by Lender if exereua ts prohibited by ftdetallaw ss of tke date r
<br /> ." • .,'� of this Sec�ttfity instt�i. �t `' ��
<br /> If Lmd6r exe�sises this optiau.Leadee s6all S�ve Bonower natice of acceleratton.'lhc aadce sbatl�a�+tda a geriod of not
<br /> � � less thau 30 days ftom.Ehe date the aotice is delivend or mfniled witlrin which Bo:ro�rar aQUSt pay uU sums secured by this , , �:,: `. .
<br /> . :. •� m ni �. _ .
<br /> i Seauity lnshumenL JEl�osao�er fa�s to pay thae snms prior to the axpisatinn o€tUis perieal,l�nda*m�Y i�roke au}►remed'ies �_.. . - .
<br /> " , ,.4 ';i permitt�ed by this Sec.�rcty lnswmcat without fucther notice or demaad an Sarmwer. � _.
<br /> �;;:' _ _� 1�. Sonovre's P�68 w Rela�at� If Borrower meets certain coaditions, Borrovrer� have the right to ha� , . . ....
<br /> - ea�fo�at of this Sec�mry Instnuora�discontinued at any time prior to the earlier o� a 5 or such othet period � �� , ` , ., .
<br /> • ':i��`�;�``� • t b e f o r o s a l e o f t h e P i m u r s u a u t m s u y p o w e r o f s a I s c o n t a i n e d in this -.�-:—�_.;.-�,
<br />- , . r.,:;;,f*.,t licabla law eci f y f os r e m s t a t e m m) P�Y P at ....
<br /> . � � � o t mfoscin this Sr,�urity Tnstramms-'Ihoss coadidoa4 are chat Bmnower.(a)PaYB � .�. .
<br /> ; Security instrumen�of N)enuY f a Judgmen g t aad the Note av if no accel�a�oa 6ad occtm+ed;(b) • . • ' • �.
<br /> , ` . . •_.� j LCIIdCf SII SilID9 VIJ111CI3 fIiCD W6UId bC dUC[iII�Ef UlI9 SCCIItILS►inetrnmntt - : ,f�. .-,.
<br /> - p i re s a n y r d e f a u lt of aa y other coveaants or agte�ment� (c)PaYg ell exP�nses incurred ia enforcia�this Socurity Insta�mcnt, ,t , ,,
<br /> - ,. • . _ iacluding.but not limitsd to,masoIIahle atmraeys' fee� and(�m k e s s u c h action as I.�d e r ma y r e a s o n a b S y r e q n i t e t u a m t t a `' ' `F:r.'.:' .
<br /> � " thal tlte Ileu of this Se��i[y inctn�menL,Lmder's tights m lhe Ptoperty sud Botmwee's obli$s�ioIl to pay th�Svms seQased bp ,'..�s�..,: . '
<br />'�.,' -� .�,_.. G
<br />-_.,l_ , . _ �jg �ft1�/ TIL9tfilIIl2nL S�� COIItIAIl6 UIIC�20gCa. UpOD 1'CI11S�3tCCI0CAt � B4tI'OWCt� d1L4 SCCi�11ty TD.4[fR1bCnt 8IId f�iC �. '` .i��-�•i -
<br /> C
<br /> . obligptivas secittsd hereby shaU remain fully effettive as if ao acceteration had oaairred.Hawever,this iight to reinstaEe s6aU f� .. .
<br /> #_ :: not apply in tite case of acceteration under patagtaph.l7. ,<
<br />"�`:" � r: ,. ; 19. Sate of tY�ttc; Chsng�of Loan Serv�egc'ihe Note or a partial interest in tt� Note (together with this Security ,�,� ,.
<br />=�':.• - •'r1=.� t `
<br /> ,':�.. . Instso�m�t�sm;6e se.d ane or more timas wit�out gaor notice w Borrower.A r�te may rmsIt ia a cbang�in ths entity f�t�awa ' �`
<br />�i �.��� • due uader the Naoc aad Hris S�caaty F�stmm�e�t.Thece a2so may Tffe one �`4'�'�;�`
<br /> . _ �t5e Ia�r Secvicer")tLat colletts menttdY P� ..
<br /> V os maxe c��s af t�e Lesa Servicer tmnelated m a sala of�e Nate.If theae is a cLanga oS�e i,�an Setvicer.Bormwer w�l be �; �`;�f'::.,, :
<br /> ��;`• � �` J 34 a6ove and spgtica6le L�w.gLe notica wiIl state the na�e�d - •. .
<br /> • -5rf.`;:;:`, given�a'�rac�a€ti�e c]�ange in eccardance witfc p� � , .: �' . ';;..
<br /> , ; :;'. addmss of tEe ac��Setvices and the add�ess bo wbich�aymeuiv shantd�a ma�e.Tirc�IIotice a�!also oonmia aay �:., ,:� .
<br /> � ''_ �Om��r�qnica£Ir�aPPlicab2e lavr.
<br /> , or ielea�x of `�` � .
<br />' <, •�.. �� �.�t3�2atdo�Sn�s.Bori+awer sball not cau5a Aa ge�mie the presea�ce, use.�sposal sto�ap. . �Y , _ -
<br /> - t,;,, ::;t. �us 5u6stances on or in the ProPertY- Borrowes s6si1l aQt do,nor silow anyoae dsa to do. aayt�ag affac�S the '. •; .
<br /> ' properiy t�t is in violation of suy Fnvimamental Iaw_The�din8 two seateace9 shnll s9t apply to 4he pte�se.�rse.or f ,; r � �
<br /> - ''` (,,, storage on tha Pm�ty of small quantities of Hazardous Substances tbat are geaerallY�oogaia�ad w 1�e sPProP��ta nom�sl �-
<br /> '<� - ��F�� :: residential as�a and w mamteoaace of tha P�opecty. �ar ottter actioa6y auy �+ .
<br />:5 �.. ,'y.r �:� Soaswer shail F��Y S►ve Iender wsR�tt sotice of suy iavestigatton,clsim,demaud� :
<br /> <:�'�;• or e¢ ur p:ivate part�r�volving tha Property aa�Y aay Hazardoua S�bstaace or Emvitonmentsl Iaw -� `:� s-+:i�
<br /> ; � r govemmental rtBWat°ry ag aY U a�rthOrity,thai �
<br /> �"' of whicL Borroaer has actual kaowledge.If Bonuwea leams.or is notified by suy gav�atal or�+egolatory ;, ��:
<br />- s ���` .� auy removal or other cemediation of�y Hardrdous Subst�ce affecting We Pro�erty is�ary.Borrower shall prompdy taka :, �� L , �
<br /> �.t}' • r., 8u IIECC833TS/tBmBt�t3�8ChOIL9 III ttCCOTdBIICC Vifitlt�DV1tOIIIDCII�T.Ba►. � ; ` ,u+� �%:` T��
<br /> � _: '; .���. As used'm tta�LaaraSraPb?A, 'Ha7ardaus Sa�ssmns�s° ate thosa�defm��rs tw[i�or haa�rdaus su�ces . L}, �� ��s, f
<br /> Eavironmental Law aad tha follawing s�bsta�s g�.soliae,. 1c�osene� ar,��r flaamwb2e o:to�da pet�o2eum psad��cb. to�dc x
<br /> de.aad radiooactive matecisls.As ased ia �.�'�:�
<br /> -� ' ` �':�- `; pesqcidea and he:bicldes,volat�e solveats.mdte�oontainiafi asbesw9 ot formalde�y di ;.,, ;
<br /> . .F• • • ��3eta1 l�s u�l laws of the urisdtcttoa whece the Pmperty is l�¢�d that <<,pj�,.�;'�-`s
<br /> ':;'r';� � ,.•..,: t�ia�aph 20. Environmental Iaw meaav J j,,.���"';:
<br />_ _�::;<::�.,}�.
<br /> ?����`�`�;;
<br /> -- , 7�ycu:;:.:,, ;:�., relate•bs:PaeaitD,safety or eaivironmeatal protection. . ._`°�i�'�1�!�_��1
<br /> �. . .,;:;{:: 1�c3�i-TJNIFOILM COVBIVANTS.Borrowa�d Le�der f�rher coveaant aad agc+ee as foltowo: ```.:.., ::
<br /> Le
<br /> �:,:-� ,_. :.�- 21.Accr2�tt„lt�e�es.I.e�tder shati Qlve aotIce 4o Bnr�+awer prtor W acceteratiom foltaw'sr�So�rmvrer's E�reac6 '_�;� 1i�:�'i'=-
<br /> �'•c: % uq aqp covenaut��sr s�eeemeut in this Seciuity 3astamueat (Dut not prior to acxeteistlam uaQer paraguF3�1� witess . °�-;;
<br /> :� � . . � . . �'he etotise sl�aD (a We defaWt;(b)tLe ac,�iom requtred to ct�e the atefaui� .,,� �j �,
<br /> , , ;�?: applIcable ta�pr��".�s othe�vlse?- SP� ) �
<br /> ` ''� (c)a dat�aot less tt�an 30 day�f�th2 date the n�ntice is en to Borrmwer, whish th2 deFauat must be aored,aua � �i�
<br /> � . < .>..,.�;:::
<br /> �-�,,.;.,.;1;!':=.'t::;�:;�'` (�t1�t fai[uu�e W c�u+e the ddun�t�n or betore the date s�e�itie�ie�the no��a�esvlQ tn acce�aatto�of the ewas ,<��r•f "�--�°:
<br />, ''�'tl '_t,�.' secur�d by this Sr�ty Iassnmuent and sale of We A�opPaty.T6e aoSce sha11 fwrth2r iafarm Bo�rm�er of We a�ht to ��g�� ,r.°
<br /> � � ��,
<br />_;.;;,�r:'':,;,`.:,. , re�tate aft�accr3,c�aBon and We stght to brleg a comct ndioa to assert the no�e�nsteace aS a detaudt or amy oWer •. .�+:�;�' �
<br /> :. defease of Bor�vv�s-to acce2eratioa and sa1e.If the defanit is nut s�d on or 6efon+e tha date�esifled�the noticr� � �, .`
<br /> ,.,;� LeadEt,�3t It9 opfion,may�ire iam�ed�ate Fsyu�ent in fu11 of 8D s�ms SECan+ed bY tht4 Sec�T1�11a��t with0ut � � � j�'-'�r
<br /> finth�de�nand an�may invafce the power of sale a�d�Qtt�r rem¢dtes prss�adlt�$i� (aw.Leude�sbaD[se • ��r
<br /> _-..�. �� , i eutlt�cA calted aD eap�s inaat+ed in piusuing the r�P�vided in tids pae�b���g�but�bimited ' . ..,?;�_.�.�
<br /> �:,;�; to�et�sona62e uttorneys'fees and c�v of tifIe evtdeaca ������: ' ; .m,,
<br /> ` If�he pawer of sale is tnvake�9,Trustce shaD s�ecord a nolice of defaWt in ca�wu�y ta cc�itcb aqy►put of the ;,: .•
<br /> .. .�.. yrapertj,i�Iacated aa8 shall mail cop ies o t s u c h no�t tce t a t he manaer l�-P-�ai�b 3+a A L'�c a D l e T�v to Borrawer and to . ..
<br /> :,{ ,�... ....' � � the othac peiso�s pr2scribed by applica6le iaw�A4'ter We time requirea t�a�ttca62e law.Tnrstes sha11 gtve public notice � : - -
<br />="'::�i�n''�.c;�� . � of sate eo the persons and ta ths manner pPesrrlbed by appllca62e law.7� '�.+�r�3 deman�on Borc+�ver,sLa11 se1! " °`�;
<br />°.;c.�: .�:;:�y:�,�d'.,. ,1 the Pro�erty a3 p�bttc audlon tu the high�st 6idder at the time a�d place�n�Yesdk��t�ms d�ignated�a the notice of . . . . .
<br /> P 94v ne sale af all or any parcea of the '`°�: ''. �'
<br /> � , sale In oae or more arcels and in qv a:drr Tn�stee determlac�s.Trustee maY P�`�y . ..
<br /> _- . '�.,� �F�Y bY Pu6�iis�:.�nouncaaent at the ttme and place of anY Previ¢+�Y scheduled sate.Lrader or its d e s I�e e maY .
<br /> � purcl�ase the�e+a��ty at airy sate. • . .�;?:
<br /> ' _ : ':{,,�f�� .
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