. `-_ :� =- -_ .a,,,._-<.�. .�:.�-� -- — ` ��}L� = -
<br /> _ �- •��.�'�`� k'
<br /> . _.._"t^-s.; � ,, • '�� ' _ t��ty :"�� �_
<br /> .. 4 , . . _ _ 5 � ., f.� �,c'..
<br /> , . ,�. .� � s f ._� j 4 I�� � � . . . .
<br /> .� . ' � `t, . � " � . � a _�`_ �. .• +�#t '�:
<br /> . ��+- (� <c ,s, c t� y c ' , ' c 3 o�i4 _
<br /> {�. - - - - ��� 9ld�� �� _ � _��
<br /> ,�� .�.--�G�
<br /> 'ibG&1�lER WY1 H aU tke impmvemmts aaw or hereaRer otected en the pmperty.aad all essemeoL9,appurte�an.ces.end �( . �z �
<br /> . futuies nrow oz her�fter n pait of tho propetty. AU t�Iacement$ and additioas sh�! atso ba caver�d hy tbis Secarity ;�,-.,:'.' :
<br /> Instrumen�All of the fo�egoing Is iefepred w ia Wis Secudty Instmm�eat as tiis'Froperty.• ��"� � ��
<br /> _ .... ��: ��:.. , �.
<br /> � ` ' BORROWER COVENANTS tmat Horrowet is Iativfulty seised of tHe estata Herebq caaveyed aad hav the rigfi�t w�t aad '' ' ;�,',':;', .'
<br /> - -�� canvey the IRoperty aad tbat ttu PtopErty is unaacumbercd eaapt for eacumbraa«s of�cord.Bor:awes cvanaats uad a+iU j: . '. ,�;
<br /> �' �P,�Y Ihe titta W the PcoPerty+a$ainst all clairas aad dem�s,sabjec¢to aay m�mhr����F�n1 j' - ,� ,�=y-
<br /> _—�. 7MS S&CIJRCi'Y IN57RUNiE�3T rnmbines tmifmm covenaa�for national use and non-�mifoim coveaaats with limited ,,. � . '
<br /> � variatiaas by juris�ctian w coastitnte a uniforta sesurity insaament eove�g id pmperty. �,��. ?�.
<br /> � �. iJNIFORM CDVENANIS.IIo:r�wer aad Lmder coveaaat aad a�ee as fouows: `� :'`r`
<br /> � :"fr• l. P9�ymeai of Ptincipal aad ini�st: l�epaYatent�ad Late C�Bes. Eormwes shall PmmgdY F�Y�+ke�dus the f�' ..� � :� :
<br /> •�� priacipal of and iaterest oa the debt evidnaced by the Note and a�r p�epayme�t and tate cbaages due uader the Note. 1 , �
<br /> ���;.�'-�;`-� 2.g�m�ea�Tt�a�s amd�n�r�neP Subsect to spplicab2e 1aw or W a writtm�+siver by I.mdet.Bormwec shatl pay to i-:�: .� -
<br />` ' , " � leadet on the day moatbly payme�ts�ce dua uader the Note.unt�the Note is paid'm fuil.a sum(•Fnndsh for.(a)ye�iy tazes �•'•
<br /> . � ead assasmeats wEic�may attain prioriry over thi9 Saauiry Instru�eat aq a liea on th+e Pioperty:N)Yearly teaseltold payn�ata �•',• .�:_,�.��,.,
<br />.. � or�ouad t+ents oa the Aroperty,if anY+(�)Y�Y haratd or piogetty in�utanoe pn�mium�(�Yrdtiy ftaod i�ivaace premium4.
<br /> _ _ �� if aay:(e)Yearly mongage insurauce premiums.i°auy:aad(t3�3+sums psyab2e by Bomnwer to Lettder.ia aoco:daaoe�rith
<br /> == the p:avisions of paiar,,�sph 8,is�tieu of the paymeat of mo�ge ia�ttzaee psemiums.'iLese Items a�eallcd•Esemw Items.• `� ,:
<br /> Ltadtr may.at aay time.oouect aadt hold F�s in aa amo�!nai to exoeed the m�omum amn�t a lradet far a fedeaalty �y-�-'��
<br /> rcEsted mortgage loan may reqaite fos Borra�es's escraw axauat onder the fedeial Real �smLe Seuiemer�t Pmcedures Act of .};'.:
<br /> . . � , . � �.
<br /> 1974 as ameadsd from timo to t i m�. 12 U.S.C. Ssction 2b01 et s�g('RFSFA7.�Irsv another la�v tLat s p plies W the FanAs:
<br /> •:,
<br /> � -:. ''• �� sets a lesset�uat.If so,Ieader may.at any Kma,oollect and hnld Fimds in sa amozmt nut to axceed the l�aamum.. ';T._.. f -
<br /> ._-�� Leadet may�timate dse amouat of Funsis dae�tlaa basis of ca:t+�i drda and�ble�a0�s of eageadisn�es of f�hue_- r'�'
<br /> n= ,"���--_.
<br /> Fscrow Item9 or atherwise in aaordance with applicab�taa. � ,. ; �,_�..-
<br /> a
<br /> � �� 'Ihe Fundv ehall 6a hetd in an institatian v�ase d�oab ate mso�d hy a f�etai age�eq. �►, or eatitll•: i� • -
<br /> fa►ciudmg Iendee.if Leader is sacb an�an)ar m�y Paieral Homa Iean Banlc.Laadra smail apply ths Faads to�y tLe t �= _
<br /> - ..,. . Fscruw�tems.Le�der may aot charge Bar�ow�far dold'm8 and ePP2ying t�s Fimds,�a31Y�aly�8 the escaow ecreuat,or. ' '�=
<br /> ,- - verifying tho E�crow Items,�mtess Leader�Boanarer inte�st aa tt�e Firads and agglicable law pesmits Irader to malte snca �,'� _:`'. ; _���`=
<br /> • a�=_
<br /> ,� '`• a charge.Hoaevea.Ye�der may mqui:e Bonoarer to pay a ene-time cba�a far an iadepmdr�t t+eal est�te tax tegortiaS setvica �.>�. , , _�_
<br /> ' ' ' �'�:s ns� hy Leader ia oonnedion with this �. �Ie� applicable law pravides othernris� Untess aa ag�t is�da or .`_ , : ��'���
<br /> �;�. a�+Plicabte!aw:equir�s intaest w be paid.Leuder abaU not be�ed to gay Eonower any i�eceat or es��on dre Fim3q. � � `• ;,-,��..h.
<br /> � �"_�:_
<br /> � ' 3�`_' Barmara and Lmder may ag�ea ia wsiriag.hawever.tLat i�tesast sl�sII[ie.g3id on the Fcmds.La�dar sbaII g�ve tc IItnni3awer. � s�.�c -:
<br /> � �� withnnt c�e.aa ennual accaunting of the Funde.shawing c�edi�su�ddJits to the F�dv aad the pa:pese far w�iC3a�ch. ��t�,��i_ -
<br /> r; debit W th0 F�md9 wtts made.�he Fimds ase pl�ge�es sddit�onal�fipt aSI spms�6p this S�euti[y Ina�+�*R��. `: �r,� .�'
<br /> • ��= It tha Fwids he2d by Leader excced tha amounts permitte�W be heW hy sgpllcable I�►.L�der�aII soca�t w Hormar�c � .; ;::;'�
<br /> . , i for tha execss Fmnds im aceosidance with tha:eqairements of app2L�ble law.If the�of the F�ds held hy E�det at aay � �:- .�;, :.
<br /> time is aot suf�aeat W pay the Fscrow Items whea dae.Ir�der may so notify BaQmwei ia aritiug,an�.in s�rcb cass B�mroNer. ` �
<br /> • e �• . :..
<br /> .. �� shall pay to I�ender tho amutmt necessary w wake up the defccieacy.Hoa+nwer sball make up the defis�cy in no m�vtv t�nu ''� ,
<br /> -�`' .twelve a�anthlY FaYme�m.at Leader's sro2e d�cetion. , 1' ��`»t.�
<br /> ���' Upon paymc�t in fiill of ell eums secaied by this Securiry Inst�a3.Ieader shall PmmPttp refim,d to Eormwe4 a�t . 1 -
<br /> .. � t I4 - ���
<br /> �,t��� F�md9 held by Le�der.If,�dsr parag�sph 2!.Leader d�all seqoi�e or sell the Propert3►.Leadtr.grior to!ha acqnisidaa os sste �f �.f� �:
<br /> �„
<br /> ----��� of the Prapect�►.sh�!!2pply any Fim3�held hy Leader at the titao of acqoisition ar s�2e as a credit a�iast the sumv secu�ed tiy - t-''-��:
<br /> � .: '' thia Seamiry 3asttnmenl. . . _� �'�,
<br /> • �� . 3.Applic�ttan of Faym�.Unles9 applic�b2e law pravide9 ethe:vvs`�all paymsats recelved by Ir�der�der parngupLs :r'` �• � �fr_.-•,�
<br /> . � � . � ,.SG�i'..�
<br /> "' � �� 1 saa z ahau be applied:fust,to at►y►pzepaymenc cLa�ges aue�der me hoea;seoond,w ammmta psyaula unaer paeagtapn z: f .
<br /> a ►y der
<br /> ���� ' tkird,to iatetest due;faurth.to pr�cipal dne;�d 1ast,to aay late eLaiges dua umder the Noto. ,: r :
<br /> ",. : ., ,. 4.CGaiges;Lieffi.Boimwer shaU pay all taxes,�+����•�,��,cbarges.f�nes and impositaans attn'bntable W the Pt+opetty ,` .�,� '
<br /> G g
<br /> _ , '� � ahich may attala prioritq wer tLis S�uriry Iast�nmr�s.aad lease�o2d pug�ts or�d t+ents.Tif aa}t.Basrawea sbmU pay � + �� _
<br /> mU S .�
<br /> . thesa obli�faas In tha mauaer pmvided in ga�aph 2,or if aot paid in t�at maaaer,Bo:sawer s1�a]I��them oa tims d'irettly ,
<br /> , W the person aaed paymmt Bosmwer eLaU psarAptiy fQmisb to I�der all notiees of amoimt�ta lre g�`'l uadet tms �'s.•'" '
<br /> ',�h�. '
<br /> fi' .- . P��P� � F� ,:_
<br /> � �;. ,; . If Bottower makes thesa paymeats directiy,Bomawes sLaD prompQy fumish to L�der neoeipta evideactag tha payme�. - � -;--
<br /> 'os�l.�r:� . 3�_ -. �-
<br /> Borrawes sLaU�+nmptly discharga any liea which Las g�csiry aver fLis Secwity Iasttumeatt tml�s Bormwer:(a)ag�es ia a�. .
<br /> aU
<br /> . ?,��?;: � ' writiag to tha payme�t of ohe obllgation secvred hy the lien m a maaaer scceptable W Leader.(b)contesis ig gan�fa�th the lien , ��`
<br /> ! , `.��5 b y, o r d e f a u d s s�t n s t e a f o�e m�t o f t h e li e� i n. h g,a l D m c e e d i n p a t u e b l u t h e I t a d e t's op i a i a t�v p p t e W t i i t Qtevea t f h e .� -�
<br /> -` . enfom,emr�t of tha lie�;or(c)secu:es from We holder of tha lien an a�nt eatisfactory W Laa�d'ec eu6¢cdi�ttz�u$the liea ta. . ;'t.' ,.�?;' � - ':
<br />;:; �.. �i ' ILis Sect:ritq lastrumeat.If Lender determine's tbat an}+part aff tbe Piageity is eub}ect�a a lien wbi:rZt rsaY�D�tY�'� i•� '�''� � .. ..
<br /> -�.. ,:�,'•i�� . � tbis Securiry Iasr�umeas,L�der may giva Bonower a aoac�id��6�g�s liea.Barrn��r shal!sarisPy d�e G�Ar ra�e ame or ; ;.i,::: �. :
<br /> y, :c{,t;�, maIIe of tha actians set forW abo�-�aritLin 10 da s of tha � of notic�. • i;�<,?;,t< ^`�'� : .i:�
<br /> � �' . . . S' � 8 _ tit1 t ,c kr� '.-
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