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201200795 <br /> in Yl�e Proparty and riglits under this Security Ilist�'ument; and(d) tekes suoh action as Lcvd�r inay <br /> reasonably reqnire to assure that Lcndcr's inYcrest in fhe Property uid rights under this Seeucity InsG�mnenC, <br /> vid Borrower's obligation to pay the snms seoured by Lhis Security Inst�ument, s1�all continue unch�nged. <br /> l,ender may require thak Sorrower pny such reinstatement sums end expenses in one or more oF the following <br /> forms, as scleoted by l.ender: (a) cash; (b)money ordai; {c) certifieci elxecic, batilt eheok h•ensuxar's eha;ic or <br /> cashier's ol�eck, pinvicied any s[ich ohcck ie drawn uporl an institufion whose<laposiYs are insured by a <br /> fedaral agency, inst�nmentnliCy or enti[y; or(d) �lect�ronic Funds 'l'ransfer. Opon reinAtatiement by Bo�rower, <br /> this Secw�ity InaYrumant end obligations secured hereUy shall remain fully offcctivo as acceleraCiou had <br /> occwred. However, this riglrt Co reinsCafe sh�ll noY apply in the cpsa of aoceleration under Section ]8. <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Ncrce or a partiai intcrest i�, t1�e <br /> Note(logelher wifh Chis Sectu�ity InsUrument) can bo so7d oue or more times wifhouf prior notice to <br /> Borrower. A sale might result in a ohange in the enlity(la�own as ihe "Loan Sevnicer")that collects Periodic <br /> Payme�its due tmder the Note and tUis Sacurity Instrwnent end per£orms other moxtgage loan servicing <br /> obligations imdcr the Note, this Secw-ity fnstrume��t, and Appficable La�w. There also might be one ox more <br /> changes oP tl�e Loan Srn�vicen�um�elaTed to a�alc of thc Notc;. if there is a change of the Lovi Servicec, <br /> Borrower will be given written nofice oP the change whioh will skake Chc n�nc and address of fl�e netv LoaAi <br /> Servicer, the address ta which payments should be m<1de and t�ny other information R�SPA requires in <br /> connection with a notice oF tr�nsfer of servicin�. If the Note is sold and therenfter the Loan is serviced by 2 <br /> Loan Servicer other fl�azz tlie purchaser of the Note, the mortgage loui servieing oUligations to Borrower will <br /> reinvn with the Loan Sexvicer or be i��ensferred to a eucco�sor Loan Servicer and are not assmned by ilie <br /> Note purchaser unless otherwiae provided by tha Note puroh�aer. <br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may conunence, join, or be joined to any j udicial action(as either an <br /> individual litigant or the inembar of a clags}UiaE a��ises fiom tlie other parry's actions pursii2nt to tl�is <br /> Sccurity]nstrumcnt or that allegcs that thc oth�m party l�as breacl�ed any provisioil of, or aAry duty owed by <br /> renson oF, lhis Seourily Instrmnent, until such Borrower or Lender lias iioti"ed tihe otihor party(wit11 such <br /> notice given in eompliance wiHi 8ie requirementa of Secrion 15) o£euoh�illeged brenoh and afPordecl tl�e <br /> othar party hereto a reasonaUle period after the giving of such uotice to take correetive nction. If Applicable <br /> Law provides a time perio�l wl�ich mqst elapse befota certain action can Ue tialcen, Uiati time period v✓ill Ue <br /> deemed Co be re�2eonable for ptuposes aP Chis parag��ph. Tl�c noticc of aaceleraticm and opportunity Co oure <br /> grven to Rorrower pursuant to Section 22 �nd the notice of acceletatiou g�ivan to Borrower pm•suant to <br /> SeeEion 1A�sh211 6e cieomed to �atisfy the nofice aud oppm�hmity to ta1ce corrective�ctionprovisions of'tlris <br /> Section 20. <br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. Aa used in thie Section 21: (aj °Ilazurdo�es Suhs6�rnces" v'e thosc s�ibstances <br /> defined as toxio or haaa�clous substauces, pollutants, or wnstes hy Environmental Z�w end the following <br /> s�ibsta��ces: gasoline; kerose�ie, other flammable or toxic peti�olewnproducts, toxic pest�icides and herbicides, <br /> volaCile solvuita, materiale eovfaining zsbestos or fom�aldchyde, �nd r�idioactive materials; (b) <br /> � "L+'nvirorsm�eralal Law"rneans federallaws and Inws of the jm�isdietion whcro tihe Property ix located that <br /> relake to health, slfety or enviromnental protection; (c) "Envlron�neneal Cleanup"includes any respouse <br /> �ction, reinedial acxion, or removal aoCion, as defined in Enviromnental Lnw; ancl (cl) nn "Errvlroramental <br /> Conddtlon"mcaus a condirio�x that can causc, contribute ta, or otherwise trigger an Euviromnental Cletutup. <br /> Borrowor nl�all nat causc or pcn�i9t theprescnce, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardoua <br /> Substen¢es, or H�reaten to release eny IIazardous Su6stauoes, on or in Uic Property. Borrower sha11 not do, <br /> nor allow aaiyone else to do, auyfliing affecting the Property(e) that is in violation of any L�nvicomnent2l <br /> Law, (U)wl�icli creates an Fnvironmental Condition, or(c)which, dua to the presence, use, or release of� <br /> Hazardous Subst'ance, cieatcs a oondiLion tl�at adversely affccts tho value of the Property. The precediug two <br /> 24000133 <br /> N GORASKA-Single Fam ily�-Fannlc M ae/Freddie Id ac.UNIf-ORhi INS7Rll M FNT Fbrm 3028 1l01 <br /> VAIPU VMPB(NGJ(1705) � <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial 5ervices Page 13 011% <br />