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<br /> "d Y' ^'4 . .. - " _ ' .�.l.L _1� :.
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<br /> � ( ` `'' .. ,-i. t <. 1;y}. .".! ' .
<br /> -�- -./ ` L �.-si�..,_..� �_..��'.,_ ��jFe�`�_.`.��`..__:��b' Y..a _._._.� .._�.s...-.`.-.4.�--�—- --._'"_—.�.,.__..�..._,c�. -O�cs C � .,.
<br /> .�✓= ' �--.i � Y_ p h _>_
<br /> � ��d���i1i�W fJ_ ' �
<br /> ' . . COV811ANTS • .4
<br /> t t� .
<br /> :`"``. . ` . 1. p�t�e, gormw¢r a'groes w mako afl peymerts on the seaued detst whoa duo. Untoae $or►owsr cnd londa s8roe o2hervvise. any '.�E f �y ' �
<br /> _ _-" payme�LenQar reeshras from 6otrowar a�far 8crta�rar's Eenefit wIll be aAAqad fiirst to anY emo�me BoRawor owoa on�a seeused duibt . - -
<br /> � �� �4 exc(usive of irrt�rest oe O r i n�i p a l.se a o n O t o U�t C m e L a n d t t�n t o P�d P a�•n D a►t iaf propaYmont ot tho seclued debt aewre tot eny�eoson.it wL'i �.�, t; ;; • .
<br /> ' � not reduee cr exursA anf/sd�tdu�d OWmem m�ti1 the saeureA debt is P�d in WU. '<' .
<br /> • U13
<br />-' _— -- -- -� $.�2$IU A$3I[t9t�Si 3.Rarmwer wdi pay a0 texes.essessma�.et10 OthOt Gt18t$Q9 ETU�bt7t8[1!9 t0 tlt3�roR�rtli�8ti QtXi II i s d Y�!!4£�811?tit18 �_�,. c : ;. .' �F"'
<br /> c:
<br /> , ' : ,,.L; ��pro0�rtye�irist ereY datms wt�leA wauld tmpa'v the tisn of this deod of trust.londar mAp ra4uire 8armw�u to asaign anY riphts.daims or .
<br /> detensea whtcA 6rartowEr msY hsv9 egainst RarUas wha supDN�r or materiet9 to Unprow or maintafn tho properiV. t, .`
<br /> �.��R � �ti�G � ' . ,.[�F``'- ..r-
<br /> . • 3,tns�ucneo.6arrower wN�eeP the OmPertN insured undm tertns accepuhta to lander at Honowar's expenso ond tor LortdaYa Oanefrt.AO
<br /> . . . , -; tnsivanea polides shaB induda a stBnQard rt�arfissaa ciauso tn favor of lendar.lereder will6e aame4 aa Insa paYee ar as ttsu insuted on any suet► , ..
<br /> a.• ` ro�ta��e�so��red d�abti If�l�d�reQntroa mo gsge i a�ensurance•BonowOr agra�es m mat�n surfi�Ri sw�ana f i as or 0 as Le�ndudr�repu�es ropartft .
<br /> ,4 , .
<br /> `i�-�' .g--�--. 4.p�ty.Barower writl kea�tho pmper�yr ie�gaod condition and mako ell repefra reasonaDly neeessary. -
<br /> ` , 6.6�SO9.Barroweragrees to paY eD Lender's e:Pens6s.tn�tudtn8 reesonaDte attomoyt'tees.it Borruwer 6reaka eny covenants in tNs daed �
<br /> �- of trust or in any obitgatian sauue0 oY this�eed of vust.Bortawiar wiU pay t0�ese amounis to L.ender as pravided in Cavanant 8 of ttds dasd ot • .
<br /> . _ " , .� VB.9t. '.k,...
<br /> ,;�' &Rtar SaausitY UR�e�f-Unfess Bortower first abtains Lender's mitten consertt,Borrowar�nn'0 not make or permit anY ctranges to enY Orior
<br /> _ sesu�ity iMeresis.Bartow�vvU pert�orm eIl ot 8arrowefs oDGgatinns under anY Prfor martgege.Qeed of trust ar other secvrity agreemen4
<br /> --- induding Bormwer's caw•.nartts m make pavments when due.
<br />- � � ^ ,�',,� 7. of R�ta ond pfrafite.Bortower assi�nm ta tender the rerrts artd profite of the property.linless 8orrower and len0et have egsaed - -
<br /> a
<br /> oth e in writin9.8artowar msy coUnct and retain the rents as long as Bartower is not in deTauh.if Horrawer detautts. Lender. Lender'9 ; A r
<br />.�. 5 . . . agent,or a court eRAOirtted reoeiver maV take Do�n and manage the ProPen1►and coReet the [e�. Arry rersts Lender coltacts sAa11 be
<br /> . �� ` appGed first to the costs of managing the proDertll.inct�sdng��rourt costs and attomeys' fees. eommissions w rerrtal eserns. and any other � ;`
<br /> -� .'� �ycessary retated expenses.T he rema fn ing a mo w�i o f r e r K a w i U then a p pl Y m Pa Y+nents on the sewred de6t as provided in Cc�e+eaM 1• �`�
<br /> �. •
<br /> " �''!`,'
<br /> x�
<br /> 8.LaaseAaS�•Ca�t4o�;.R7�Itrtit�:Borrowera�ees so camp ly witA the provisions o!riny teat�if thia deed of truat is on ' ,� -
<br />:, '�-�. a teasehatd.1�dils deed�trust ia an s unrt ir�a condomir+ium or a planned unit devetopmeM,Bortower wllt perfarm a11 of 8orrower's Quttea � :r �}�: "
<br />_;�:.,. ��r tl�a eovanants.py..Fg,ns,m regulattors of ths condomintum ar ptannad uait development :
<br /> - • - - 9 AaN�osFN ot Lead:s to Perfarm tar Barravrer.tf Borrawer faHs m�erform eiry af Borrowefs Quties under ttrts�aed of trust.tsnda maY `: `:..'
<br /> � perfarm the duties or eause tAem to 6e perfoTmed.Lender maY sign rtowefs name ar pay any►smouM if nas�sarY�PB��8���� �
<br /> ,.'�`� aonatiuctian on theproaerty is disu�ed or aat carried on in a reasoaab(e manaer,Lendsr may do whatever ia ne�assaiY to Drotect L.endea's •,
<br /> . . ;,j�, sec�uitll inmrest in tlte GroDert11.This may include eom4[eting the canstruetion. i*k =
<br /> .r . . -•.. �: Lendefs faft�e to perform wiU not prech�ds Lender trans e�rdsiog anll af its other dghts undar tlre Ianv or ttds d2ed af trust. � � %t
<br /> :,.'� � ':,i.
<br /> �;,. ,,..tr t q�y amauMS paid py Lender to prpteet Lroreders se2w,��r�rest wiit be secured 6y this deed of trus�t.Sucfi smacxRS wi0 De 0ue on demand . .�,�,
<br /> and w�►bear iMerest irom tne date of the aayment�1,^�ia ii tu8 et the interest►ate in eftect on the seared detrG s ,, ,: �
<br /> t0.Qe�uJl:and Aeo�e�eUon.lf Borra�fails to ma'�a�� c�t�aYS when due or breaks any covenarts under thia deed af Uust or acq� �•s��'� s� :
<br /> _ . . �``'� o b rig a t,..^�a�s a�r e d b y t h i s Q e e d o t m i s�c r a r ry p r i a r m e�'s s c r.n�o f t r u s 4 L e n d e r m a y aecelerate Cfs maturhY of tfie sec�ued deht amt � ��`_ �",�;�i._
<br /> � � daman�is�.:�liata C�errt and may irra�tts power c5 saa ar�a�lr cther remediea Dermrtted bY eODlieabte law. ..E ' ��••:;
<br /> ;`:;, 71.Re�t tas HoL'eo at�efta��h is hetebV re4+-����ss af the notTc�s af Refautt and sale be sent t�each person wt�a is a B,ar4y • �:•�a -
<br /> �, � ; heteta.as�:8 adQtess cg F�h Sucfi petsoo,es set fcr��ha.'ein. : �',�
<br /> „�. 'c 12,p�yj���tender invo�s'*s�ow�.tlf ss:e.the Tr.�+-�e sha0 ft►st r�ard in ths ofHce ot tha reQtetet of Qeeds af ez�car:r.fjv. � j.�:� _
<br /> • '+ vuttaefcn JQ�ProFenl►or sorma palt csr t�el L"ba:�af.is sttuate�a sudee of defauk comefnTng fie intormatlort requhed Dy iavr_�r Tr..iE.� • ��,�.y- .
<br /> i ' shalt tls�sr,a�xoGtes of the notte9 dt�a�Lt m tAe.Bcrrower,to ea-h Derson who is a partl/he�m,artd to otl+er persons as�p*e�be0 tiy . �,�-�,1y��,��� .t
<br /> ,,. aPDRcab'ta�a�.Nut tesa than one month after the.tn�stae reeoMa t�ie notfea at defauft.or twa cr.omhs if tt�tnut ptoPe+tY a��rrat tn any ',.�,�3 `
<br /> f�: ` � ' incorpor��city or vi[tage and is usod in farmtng og�-�tians prtied an by the uustor,the Tnrstoe st�all give publio notice of eala 49�:�a Dersans , s _
<br /> and in the manmr pr��adp�aDDD�lcabie Iaw.fr,�s+.ae,whhout demand on Bortower,shail sel!ths property ai p�611c aucUOts ts 2?ce hi971est +. s:
<br /> :;� ,' Eidder.If required by tt+a 6arrn Homeatead Vrotecaan�trt.Trustee eha0 offer tha property in two separate eatas as wauired Dy appGcaDie law. _„�, -
<br /> ,�: 3 Tn�ea maY pastpa�r r��t a f i ar arry p a r c e i o f�e a m r.s p e rt l l D Y D�t i a a n rt o u n c e m e n t a t t h e t t m e s s�d pt e ce ct�,a�r��ravio u s t y scheduted eate. r.-T -
<br />.;;�.:_ ... __,F Lender ar its Qestgrvee�r�P aurchase tha praperty at�y aate. •y.__ . e �i-.
<br /> � rult--.
<br /> Upon receipt of paymerrt of tJ►a pNee E�it.Trustee ahatl defive►to the purcfiaser Trustea's deed com�ying tt�s property.The tecitiats torrteirted tn �
<br /> Ttustes's deed sttnll 60 pTima facte evi�6�ee of the wth of the etammanta cornained therein.TnMtee�shaU appiy the proceeds of�.'aa salo tn tAe L 5�" �� -
<br /> � . , r�euhtip�mmeM$iee.tas�lD)to�e11 s�ma e�ed bY t�tiis QeeO ot�u8ustb,�and(cl�e batance�aml bto th persons le�gaRY eIIr�ed to rttece`.��-�a� and , ,. ::- :�Y,,'
<br /> •YyY•A•�
<br /> ��"I ' ' 13.foradas�ue.At lende�'s aDtion.Ws deed of trust may ba forectased in the rtu��a*proviQe by apylicabte law tor forectosure of moRgageS �;� �•.�..;: -.�r-.'��:
<br /> - . on�eal DroPeRY• _:.(.�- _—
<br /> . t4.��eBon.Lender may enter the properry to inspeet it if lender gtves Bortower.wtice deiarahand.Tho naaca muat scoi�4��eawnaDle ��.._
<br /> � � cause for LenQefs inspectlon. -
<br /> �r �• ` � •-.
<br /> r'_ , ' tg�ConQetru�r.Bcrrower assiqns to Lender the procseds of arri►awerd or daim for aama�os ca•'�ected wFtt�a condemnatton ar otD�er takine ; f..�. ��.
<br /> of eU ar an}I part ot ttfa prOperty.Sueh proceeds wiD fsv appLed as provided in Covenam 7. ta asaipnmaM is s���t to ths terms ot a�ry arlor �_,,::r:,;.;.�.r _____
<br />��" � Set�u1t11 ag(eSt11et11. ,+ _
<br /> �; , . - , i �.: T � _
<br /> � 1g,1lyatver,gy 0xereisfn8 enY temedy evailabte w L en der,L en der Qooa no t g tv eup a n y►l g h t s t o l a t e r u s e arN o t h a r r e m e d y.B y n o t e x e r d s t n g ^` �°
<br /> ).k�� �`� , any remedy upon Bonowers dofaulL l,ender does not waive any rtght to lete�consider the evert e detautt tf rt neppena again. ?` ��"�`�'� 6�•�4' °
<br /> : '�,��.:. :: :�:;;��.�'::_.�-- ,.:.
<br /> ., ,.= -=
<br />�"1' � 77. Jo6�t en4 S�r�d Uah�ty:Co��era%Suecaaaors an0 Aast�m Gausd.AO AWes under thia Qeed of wst are joint artd several. Amr , �, —
<br /> �k?.. Bonower w2w co-signs tAb deed of Vust but does not co-sign 4-�u�QeA�1rtA debt instrumer�tta) does so only ta grant end corney that '�_,,�..` .
<br /> :;� " Borrower'e interest in tha OroAerN to the Trustee under the tarms of�zg Qee�ortrust.in addition,SUCh 8 BOROWB�88f688 th8t th0 LROdQ!8ftd .
<br /> �r. � atry othee Borrower unCer this deed of trust may extend,madi}�oI rt:,7ke arry othe*cAanges in the terma of tAlu deed of uust or tfio seaued �- �
<br /> `j Qebt without that Bonower's consertt and wlthout�efeasirtg that Boncwer from the t�ms oT thfs deed of trust. ..•.
<br />,:��< '.., '
<br /> �"`� • �+'�j�• � • Th e d u H e a a n d b a n e fl t s o f t h i s d e e d a t tr u s t s h a 0 b i n d e n d b ensfit tt•r:�ceessora and assi g n s of f.er.Cer and Bortower. •, ��s'��;��r'.,. �
<br /> `�,`�.
<br />'��;,r,�:�!•�;i;.,: 1 8.i Y o 9 e o.U n i e s s o t h e r w i s e re Q u'a e d s C+�C�w,a r►y n o U c e t o Bottower ehall be g i v en by Qeliverin4��6�maiiing it by certiffed srsaE a�dressod to ��";r'�+�,�}i. ;•.
<br /> � Borrovrar at ths property addrass ar ar,i�fier a3dress that Borrower has givon to Lender.Borr�.wer u v�l g i vo arN n o t t ce t o l e n G e r b y c e�o i f i o d �• 1•,� �•
<br /> ; ' mail to LenQsPe adQresa on page 1 ot tt�is deed a`�aat,ot to amr otAer aAdresa whlefi Lender has Qesignated.Atisy otNer�otice to LeMa3 sAtt:1 :
<br /> . . b e s e n t w t e n d e►'a a d Q r e s s a s s t a t e a o n G a'Q e 1 a.°xris deod of bust. :
<br /> _ �:,. •-..
<br /> ;•}��� :�r;,'��_ . Atry notlee shdil b0 deomed to have b�tn��rJer►co E6rrowm or lanQer whon glven in Yne manner s��aDovo. � .• •
<br />•• �, � .};,��,�,. .
<br /> "�� ..�._,;�r;�,._' � , 19.7 caactcr o91!»?tope�tV m o Qaae�fcf►�trttoraat tn thn Ftonower.lf all ar any Par!of tho pr�r or�ny iMeraut In it is sa'e�cr�enafe�red :�. : ..• .Sf���
<br /> ��k;,. ' �';. •• wi�Gsndsrs prlor wdtmn consert� Lendor may QemanA immediate OSlrment of tho secu;uf�4aDt. Londar maY afso ds:R�d immadlate
<br /> :.�;::, � � � payrr�c�:t it tAp Bonower is not a natural pereon and a beneAaial tnterest in tRe Bonower ts���f ar transtercod. Howevoq Lei:Qer mtsy not r ;: . �•
<br /> � • ' �.', demand paymerYl In the abave situations H it ia prohihited by tederal law as of tha Qauj of ihi�QeeG�4 oust. �
<br /> �` �•' • 20.Raeortveytu�a.When Mo obitgation sewred by Ctis debd Of trust has baen pa?,and londer has no fur,�obllpaUon to mako aEvances .
<br /> ��`` � undor tho tnsuumerrts o►agroamer►te secured by t12v deed of Vuat.the Truatee s'�:I,upon written requesE ax:�lendet,recamey iho trust t '
<br /> ,ts'r ;� �.�';•1 �' property.TAa Lender shail Qetivar to tho Bonawer,o�to Bonower's successor in intarest,the trust deed anQ i'�a�ota or otl�e►ovidenoo of the
<br /> x�� , � oEligaUan so saUafled.Bnttawer shail poy any rocordation costs.
<br /> ��'' y ', 21. 8ueeessm Tnuto�. lender, at Lender's o�Uon,may remove Trustoe and appotrst a successor tru3tee by first. mailing o copy ot the ` � °;
<br /> ���' subsUtutlan of Vustea as required by applicabto aw.apnd then,bY titlng the suDstitutian of trustee for reeord in tAa office o!thA reglstat of QeeQs
<br /> BuCaaAd t�o ellYthe powce►.Eudesget�Ahor�ity�end titte o!tf�e Trust e emad in td�he deed oi tru t na dgof arry ucaeawsorvtri�teti.ot tAe ptoperty,sha11
<br /> �` ;"". , .
<br /> r�`<;..:.. -- - -
<br /> �±.-.�. - - . . .,- .. ____ ; .
<br /> �::��.., � . _ "
<br />_ 'i .:�` ' . . /papn 2 0111 .
<br /> - ' ' �, ' Qµ(XERgS1ISTEM9.WC..ST.CLOUD.NN 68301 It-BOD�97•t3411 CORM OCpJuIT6f�E B/19A1 . .
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