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s��-� �:���� <br /> eondemnadan or mher taking of any pu�ut�ha Pro�xrry,or fo�conveynnce in Iieu of condemnmten.nre hem6y Ruigr.ed und <br /> shalt be pald to l.enOeo --� <br />: In tha event of a �o�al iaking ot Ihc Pmpctly, dm procccds ahnll Ix nppllcd io �Itc sums xturcA by mis Suuriry <br />. Inshumrn6 whe�her or nvt then duo,wl�h nny oxcoss paid�o ilonower. In i6o ercnt of n pnnial �aking of�he Propeny in <br />. whlch tho fair markc�vuluo of�ha Propony immcdimcly Acforo iFc�nk6ig k cqunl to or grcatcr�han�hc nmoun�of�he sums <br /> ucurcd by this Suudty Instrumcm Immcdimoly Ucforo tlrc Iaking,unloss Dorrower nnd Lendcr o:hernise wriitng, <br /> �he sums sewred by U�Is Secur(�y Instnnnent simll Iw rtduce<t by Iho nmount of tho procced�mvliipli:d by the Pollowing <br /> froctiun: (a}�Lu toial amoum af�ho snms sccurcd fmmuli��cly b:fnrc Ihc taking,dirlJcd hy(h?[he f�e n;arkr�vnluc of Ur -� <br /> !'ropetty immediately ixforo tho mking. Any balance shall tw palA �o Ifnrcawcr. In t6o even�ot�p:�Erinl iaking of�hc <br /> Pvpetty in u•hlch�he fair market vnluo ot�ho Propeny Im:nedin:cly boPoro tho iaking is Iesa iben�he nn:a:im of ihe sums <br />- sceumd Immcdiately Ixforo�he iaY,ins, ur.loss florrowcr nad Lcndcr othenvim agmo in wri6ng a�uakss npplicable law <br />- o�herwise provldes,lhe proceads shall Iw epplled to�ho sums sccurcd 6y�hls Securi�y Inswm�nt n��ihrr nr not�he sums are <br /> �Fcn due. <br /> If the Ropeny Is nbandoned 6y Dnrrowar,or IL n(cer nollce by 4enAer�o I�ortower iha�ihe condamnuroifers m mnkc <br />� nn eward or seule nclaim for damagcs,porco�vcr(ntk�n miponJ to Lendcr wi�61n 30 days nher ihr dmc ihc uo�ice i.givrn, - <br />- Lender is au�horiz<d to collect and npply�ho praceds,m i�s op�lon,cithcr lo restornlion ar reg�ir oI thc Ym�ny or�o thc - <br />� sums sceurcd 6y�his Securi�y Insumnent.�rhotheror no��han duo. <br /> Untess Lender nnd 6ortower o�hm�visa ngree in wriiing, a�y a plica�lon of proceedx to p�incipnl sh�tl no�ex�cnd ur <br /> postpone the due da:e of�he monihly paymems rcterrcd tn In parngnpRs 1 and 2 urchange�hc nmoun�of such?1vmems. - <br /> il� Borrower Not RelcnseAt ForLeurance IIy I.endee Not n RLlver. Cztension of �he �im.c (u: Qaymcm or - <br />;: modiflcallon of nmonl�nlion of the xums ucured by this Seeurhy Instmmml grnmed by Ler.der�o an� mc:,?ar in inrresi <br />- ot Bortowcr shall no� opemtc to rcicaxc�he Ilability of�he odginal Oorcowcr ar ponower�cuc:essoa in intercx�.Len�lv <br />- shall not Ixnq uired tn wmmence procxdings againsi xny Aacttssor in imeres�or rcfuse to c�rend iimc for paymqll o� - <br />- o�hcrnise modify amortize�lon of�h¢sumssewred by ih(s Secud�y Inslnmuni by rcuon of nny drmand mcnle by Ihe o�igincd ` <br />- IIorrower or 6ortowtrk successon in Inreres�. Any forUeannce 6y I.Cnder In exCfClsing nny rigM or rcmed) stmll r.ol be a <br />