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<br /> ���.���.T ,
<br /> :,,�.n' <_.= :�..
<br /> ' �. - LOAN t�AffICATI�H � ASSIP�tI�iV `
<br />� " ; ` � AGREEI�QtT 6IITH ' ` �
<br /> � L f" ��A t/ .
<br /> �q , ;
<br /> � ` �"�'` 1�1HfREAS, ti�I�lE FEDERWL SAUINGS Atim lOAN ASSOCIATION UF GRAUID I:,l.NND, hereinafter �
<br /> �s�`.,,� �.
<br /> ::�, r: '�'.
<br /> � �; s, � refessred to as "Ftoma Fe�ral", 1 ed TRUDY ANN FRENCH alsd �Sdeum as Trudy Ann Lucl�singEr
<br /> �s�-�;',:':; and Ti�r,a�hy 6. Luchsinger,�u�fe a��fter referred �o as Borromers", the origirtal
<br /> �t ��` Princfpal .��af Epg'C�r EIGhT �AND �NE HUIWREQ FIFTY AII�D ND/1DD------ Oul.lars , �
<br /> ,:.. ����
<br /> : �� �'� , ... �.
<br /> . ' ;` ......-,�SQ=��'R:•:�'s gv�.:l��. a._tttortga y� �ote dated ��bnrar�r 4e 1984 r:_
<br /> '� k " ss�.u.�sl by � mortgacr�'di� af �ust date¢� FEbruarv G, 19�� recaaq'�1 as �J�taamr�t '
<br /> ..��,� f: ,�� h'�+- 9�k�:.1�1285 in t.� �:ffica a�.the Regisfier of Qeeds in �i� �,C�i��,�t��^�C�i
<br /> .. ,.� . .-.� ast�; . �: � . �. � •. . �.
<br /> ���` �" `� �� jit�a�R�l�SD. �i.d Eas�s�aaers hs�ae snld �o the undersiqr�'sd �i�chasers the ��ky � �
<br /> �fl�;;``'`�;� _ leg�� �esc���e�d�. . . .. � � � �
<br /> � � .
<br /> t�Y�, ��i 1 n.. '. :' "
<br /> °'- + . .:..�,-- ;,. ` �:.%:::
<br />_ `_.:°;;�,° .; LOT TtUELUE (p2� BL�CK TH�tEE (3) ULOE PIILL SlIBDIUISION, IN THE CITY �F GftANQ ISLAND, ;.;=_;,
<br /> �. .. . =— _
<br /> ° �;r:'
<br /> ,: -
<br /> �-_
<br />-- : " . ' �: '.
<br /> . � ' � :
<br /> :!, and "
<br /> _ . , �_ • .�: ttfNEREAS, Purchasars desire to ess�une and pay the remsining indebtedness described �
<br /> ; ahous �s evfdsnced by tlie aForementioned nate and martgage/deed of trusti and � '
<br /> � x ~..
<br /> , ,� ; ItfHEREAS, �o r r o m e r s d e s i r e t o b e re lease d from any fur t he�r o b l iga t ion in respect
<br /> � to the abo�e describsd note and mortgage/deed of trusti and ��`-�=
<br /> . .�.:, .,. ,
<br /> . � - ` UHEREAS, Heme �ederal is willir�g t�n �eermit the ass�tian by A�uc4��sa� of � =
<br /> �` ` .the note and anortgage/deed nf trust and selease tha Borrawers from �e o�ligations ' �-":'=`:
<br /> ��;. '.. ;:3�
<br /> . ,� ,• . evic2nced by the aforedescribsd nflte and mortgage/dz�d of trust; suJho�ect, houever,
<br />_��: .�� �`; .. to � revisfon of ths ter�r,s of payment of said indebtedness, �
<br /> - ''''' 11l�U), THEREFQRE� 3n considsration of the mutual cmre.rn�nts herein car�S.a�ned�
<br /> _ ,. �;
<br />-= � ���� • � i t is agreed: �.';
<br /> - The undersigned Purchasers hereby assu� and agree tc pay �he remaining
<br /> � , <��; indebtedness ev�d$nced by the aPoredescribed noLe and mortgage/deed of trust and � =
<br />_ � . :� �: perform all of tha obligations provided therein and as modified herebyo i� �ising .
<br />_= =` -' • agreed and �mderstaod that as of this date said indebtedness is SEUENTY TtdD THOUSAND
<br />- , • . . �: FIU� HUNOREO FIFTY F�UR & 78/100----------Qollars ($ 72 554.?B . '��
<br /> . � 2. The te:ms of the repaymQnt af the debt ev denced by the aforedescribed
<br />__ . , �ote and mortg�ge/deed of trust are hereby modified fn that fnterest upan the unpa�d �'.;
<br />-- balance of seid indebtedness sfiall 6e at the rate of sovpn & 1/8th percent ( ?.12$) �# :. ..
<br /> - . � � •�� ; per anntun, and that manthly payments shall be made commencing on the lst day of
<br />- .� � . . ,. ` p►av , 19 97 � and continuing on the lst of each month thereaf ter, it 6eing �
<br /> ''-� � . � further agreed that su�h payments shall 6e i� the amount of SIx HUI1lOftEO FIfTY SEUEN AND
<br /> -
<br /> � , . 22/100----�----------------------_ Oollars ($65?.22 ) per month, to be applied
<br />= ., . first to nterest and tha balance to principal until said indebtedness is paid in �
<br /> ___ � full, and that, in addition, said Purchasers will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED EIGMIt'Y ONE
<br /> .... . ,�R '
<br /> _ - AllZ3 02/lOQ------------------------pollars ($ 181.02 ) p�r c�rn�th in escrou� estimated
<br /> - � sufGicient to pay t�xes and or nsurance on said property„ which e5t}mate may be �
<br /> r reuis2d from time to time by ks�r:� Federal, makin� a �ots}. c:.;rsent pa�y�msnt oF EIGliT �
<br /> • HEI*,�R�O THIii?Y EIGHT RF;D 24/].QQ-----------------------�,aIE�� ($$38.2k 3 peE rnoni.t�.
<br /> + ��;�a�, � r. . Exc��t as m�d�fied hereby. tF.e nn�e Erd�mortga�fideed of tsus abo�e de- �
<br /> .':��;A�'�''` . '. scribed shell semain £n full force end effect, �-rf� �he undersiqned purchasers promfse �:�=.`:
<br />' �• .� ' . ta pay said indebtedness as herein stated ar� ;�o perform all of the obliqations
<br /> �'� � � � . of said mort�at�e/deed of trust as herein re�ised.
<br /> � . � • � , 4. By reason of this Loan modification and Assumption Agreement, Home ��ral
<br /> ' ` --�` - --= h+�reb releases and df schar s the �snslers3 - =� �
<br /> . . Y g$ gnt� arigin�3 B�rrcx�ars frcx� tl�eir p�,;sc,nal
<br /> ' � obligatian upon said indebtedness.
<br /> .. , t
<br />- . � � . ' -_ ".-..�.,,,��+-��.�.. ..
<br />