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� ' • 4 <br />� ' � <br />! <br />20120076'7 <br />I���� ������� <br />� <br />� <br />�oc# 1 1 284 1 6039 Fee � <br />Eugene ° Dene• Moor� <br />Cook County Reoorder of peeda <br />Date: 09J2112011 11:20 AM Pg: 1 of 2 <br />LIlVIITED POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />STATE OF: <br />COUNTY OF: <br />FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP4RATION {"Freddie Mad'), a corporation organized and eacisting <br />under the laws of the United States of Amerlc�a, having an offica for the conduct of business at 820Q Jonas Branch <br />Drive, McLean, VA, 22102, constitutes and appoints: <br />BAC Home Loaas Servicing, LP <br />its truc and lawful attorney-in-fact, and in its name, place, and stead and for its use and benefit, to exe�ute and <br />acla�owledge all documents witt► respect to home mortgages serviced for the undersigned by said attQrney-in-fact, <br />whicfl are custamarily and reasonably necessary and agpropdate W the (� rele�se af mortgage, deed of trust or <br />deed to secnre debt upon payment and discharge of all sums secured thereby on behaUof Freddte Mac sod <br />(ii} assignment of mortgaage, deed of trust or de� to secure debt from Freddte Mac to Sefler/Servtcer. as to <br />ona-to-four-family mortgages, deeds of trust or deeds to secure debt owncd by Freddie Mac and serviced for Freddie <br />Mac by said attorney-in-fact, whether Freddie Mac is named therein as mortgagee or beneficiary o� has become <br />marCgagee or beneflciary by virtue of assignmeni of such mortgage, dcec} of trust or deed to secwe deb� <br />Freddie Mac gives to said attorney-in-fact fu1( power and authority to execute such insUvments as if the Freddie Mac <br />were pecsonally present, hereby ratifying and canfirming all that said attorney-in-fact shali lawfitlly do or cause to be <br />done by autharlty hereof. <br />'I`his limited power of attorney has been executed and is effective as of the 23rd day of March, 2011 and �e seme <br />shall continue in full forcc and ef�ect until the occurrence of any of the following aveats or imtil revoked in writing <br />by Freddie Mac: <br />(i) the suspension or termination of thc attorney-u�-fact as a Freddie Mac Sellcr or Servicer� <br />(ii} ihe transfer of servicing from the attomey-in-fact to another Servicer for caase, <br />(iii} the appointment of a receiver or conservator with respect ta the business of the auorney-in-fact, or <br />(iv) the filing of a voluntary or involuntary petition in banl�uptcy by the attomey-in-fact or any of its creditors <br />� <br />• �� <br />� _.�� <br />�� ,�L�.. <br />''�'�� GG <br />�� <br />INT,�� <br />