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-.... LLL.�IVHM/iMf�Niii/�MwNiNi�i�"li:IlrVi_fUe:w�l�Tww�w^w�rwww.�'�.._____...___..._..r___.._..____. _.. .. . <br /> :. sz�. �.�►�8�6 <br /> applicable inw may sptclfy for rclnstekmcnO lxforo salo of�ho Propcny pnrsuam�o any power af salo mn�ninrA In�his <br /> Sceudty fnstvmam;or @)ertry of a jadgment tnforcfng this 6eturity inslmnunt. 7hou sandtitlons nrc tNat Rofro»•Ut (a) __ <br /> , p►ys Lendar all sums which�hen wouid Ix duo ander thls Sewrit�Instmnxnt and tlx Nae as If no ncalcntlon hxd <br /> occurrcd:@)wres xny dcfault of any aher covennnis or ngrocmeNS;(c)paYs all expcnxs incumd(n enforoinp ihis Securi�y <br /> instmmenh Inciuding.but nm Ilmhed to,rcasonn6lo auomoys'fus;and (d)�akes such x�ion as 4endor may rensombly <br /> rcqulro Io nt:urc th¢t uie Iien of�his Securl�y Inxinnncm,l.ender§dghu in the I'rop�hy and Rurcower4 obllgntlo�to psy tUo <br /> � sunu sccurcd by �his Sccuflry Inst�umcn� shall continuo anchangcd. Upon rcinstaiamcnt by Borrowcr, this 5andty <br /> fnswment and tho obligatlms saured here6y shnll rcmn(n tnlly effectivo ns if no uceelera�lon had occaned. Howover,thls <br /> rigln lo rcinstaiu s6eI1 irot apply in�6o caso of nccclention undcr paragrnph 17. _-.--.. <br /> 19. Sple ot Note+Chonge ot tuan Servlcer. 7'iio Noto or a potllal imenst in the No�e(wgethcr w06 this Sccudty <br /> Ins�mmcnq may bo sold ono or mom timcs without pdor no�ice�o Dortowcr. A sata may rcsult In a changu in Iho cn�ity <br />' (known ns tho"Loan Scrvicct')�hat collats monthiy paymcnu duc undcr�hc Notc and this Sceurity Insimmem. Thcrc nlso <br /> mny bo one a mo�o changes of iho I.wn Serv[eer unrciated to a sale ot the Nota ff�hero is a chm�ga af Oio I.oan Servicer, <br /> 6orrower wilf 6e gireu written naico of d:e chan e in accotdance whh angrapb 14 nbova and applica6lo Iaw. T7ie noHw <br /> will sta.te the nurce ar.d xddress of ctx new Lwn Servicer and the addrus ro wldch paymrnis should be made. The no�ice wfll <br />' alwmnuinanyaherinfctmatemnn�ynindbya�pficabielaw. -- <br /> 2Q�. Ilaaa�rcSens SuQ�s9aez�ca. Uorro�ver shali nat eause w pemiit�ho prcsence.use.dispoxal,storage,or releav.uf az�y <br />- IFaza�dous Suhseaacas on or��vhe Pto,xny. Eformx�cr shall no�do,rzar altov�ac�yoce eise to do,anything afl'esdng thc <br />- Vroprny thae is c��iolatloa pf eny Cnvironmer.wl La�v. Tho preceding nco ratences shall r,a appfy w tta pms:nce.uv:.or <br />� storaga on ihe 6;a(pny of miall quantitics of Haiardous Subslanms�hat aze genemi{y cecognized w be appropri�e ro eomial __ <br /> resid,v,taal uses end to main�ercnce af the Propeny. _._ <br />; �zrtower sM1all promp�t��gi.e Lender wri«en naice aFany(nvestigation,ciaim,dcmand.lawsuit oro:t:cr xction by any —: <br />' go�unnxmal or rcgulatory aguxy or privatc pany Im•olring thc Propcny and any HaLVdais Substancc or Environmental Y;�._� <br />� La.�-of wldch Oorcower has acmal knowtr�ca If Rortower leams. or is notified by any govemmental or reguiatory <br />� aotlkvily,�hot any removal or aher remedi:.eion of any Harardous Substance affecting�he Pro�ny e.meessary,Dorto�ver <br />: .hall promptly 1's'��all necessary remedial anions in accordance wi�h Cnvlronmental Law. -- <br /> As used in�his paragraph 20,"Hazardous Subs�ances"arc Uiose subsiuices defined as toxk or hazanious subv:.nces by —_- <br /> Env;�mmemal Law nnd the following subs�ances: gasotine.kerosene,other flammable or�oxic petro!eum prmiucts,ioxic �,.,�, <br /> pcxicides nnd I:efbtcides, rola�ile solvents,naterials co:vaining ashestos or fom�aldehyde,and redioac�ire materiais. As =i;=- <br /> usM in�his,guxlaph 20,"Gnvironmcntal Ee.w"mcans fcdcral laws ar.d laws of�hc judsdicUon wherc thc Propcny is locntcd a"'�"" <br /> theuelato�o t.a'u�.sate�y or envtronme�v_zi p�otec�fon. -- <br /> NON�17ti[FORMCOVCNANTS, 8onowerandLmderfunhcrcorenxntandagrccasfollows: _ <br /> ZI. Acttterationt RecncSSes. I.ender sOali glre nolice lo Bttrox�er prlor lo uccelerotlon Pollatiring 13orrower's __ <br /> Gceach of auy carenanf cr ar}�req�ent In this SewAiy Instrumenl(but not prlor lo aaeierallon under par.v,rfaph 17 = <br /> u�7ess applleable law pruvi0c>otF.envtae). The nolice sfiali speci�y: (a)Ihe defaull;(b)the action requircd 9n�.ure ihe __ <br /> d;7.ui:q(c)�:?stt.^�f!_.S id�n 3B dAit e�.nm!hn�afn�hn nntiee k atven to Qorrox�er,bp�xhlc3�1hC defnull must bC -- <br /> cnred�and(dl thst fallurc rocure tl�e 1'eGnut�on or betore the detespectlicd In the notice may vesntbin acttltraiion of �_: <br /> a3�e sunu secured by this Securi�y lixvlra�eem and sale ot�he Property. The nolice s6a11 Nr�9�rr inform IIorrox�er of �;.r;-=-� <br /> tt;e dght to relnsfalc atter ncecierpllo�i nnd uhe rigld 10 bring a eourt aclion to asserl Ihe nomexlslenec uf n lletault or }�';�;.; <br /> nny other defrnse of Dorroner�o accclernilnn and vnta. if the defeuit is not cure:t on or before Ihe daEC 5per7':ed in };rj,p,:- <br /> Ihc nottcq E.endcr nt Its opilon may reryuire immcdiate pa��mcnt In(uli otail smns seeured by this 3eeurity Iv■s�roment �;.;%-. <br /> wl�hout further demond end may dr��oke �he �wx�er of saie end any o�her remMles perm(ued by npplicable law. F�:%�±,� <br /> I.ender shpll be cntftled to eolleaf all ezpenus incurred in pursuin� 1he remcdles provided in Ihls paragraph 21, �' <br /> Inciudtng,6ut nollimlled lo,ren�onable nvorneys'hes nnd cosls of Ulic evidence. r� <br /> ]f IM1e pox�er of sale(s I�a�okRd,"i}mlee shall record e nolice of de�nuil In en:h counly In x�hkh anr parl of lhe f�{ - <br /> Property Is Iceated nnd shaL'mai!coples otsuch notice In Ihe manner prexcribed'by applleabie law to Dorrox�er and ro �-� _ <br /> �he olher perwns prescrlUed by npplk.U;e Iww. Afler Ihe Ihne requireJ by nppllni6le Ia�v,'i5�us�ee shnll give public --- <br /> nolice otwie lo the persons nnd In the m;.nner pmccrfbed by epplicable la��: 7}uslee.�dthoiil demand on Dorrower. '/`�" <br /> shnll sell lhe Properly nt publk aucllon 7o uhe filghest bidder et Ihe tlme nnd pince ond under¢hr terms designaleA In y:_;.�-, <br />• the notice of saie fn one or more parceis nnJ In nny arder 7Yuslm deterndnes. 7tuslee may postpone sale of nll or any �j�.__, <br />- E�zrcel of the Property Ay publlc annowicement m ttie t�me and place a(nny predously sche�:u7eJ sale. I.ender or ils P : <br /> Ac;i�nce may purchase tl�c Properly nt onv stilc. F <br /> . Upon reccipt of payment of the pricc hid,7Yustre shail Jelhcr to Ihe purc'haser 7Yustre's dced conce��ing the �"_..._ <br />_ Properly. 7tce rzdtels In Ihc 7Yustce i�'shall 6e prima facic e.i93nm of Ihc Iruth of the s�nxements maJe Ihcrcin. f;;;;=; <br /> Ttnstce shait npply Ilie proceeds of Ihe sale in the fallo�dng ordei: �ae io nll msls nnd expenses uf exerclsing the pox�er �i;�_:;- <br /> iti:'": <br /> ��'. <br />_ Iurm.Ltlb 9.'90 �ry[rc�9�NCm <br /> - i,'_ <br /> _ _. _.._. ,._ ... ._., ;{4tu:;rx,e�m�n..t�u ....-�•.c;.,,:�.:3,, ;J, <br />.:��,?,. ••� ��.�_ � ,. _.._. , . ' . <br />—�;ii�..__.. . ' . . .. .. - . - - . " ' . <br /> . � �.i-:,;i)�%fr.:��y-,..;:" _ - <br /> ;e '_. t+ <br /> is ' <br /> _ . _.. . ..�. .. . . � <br /> _. . _ . � :`_. _ _ ,- . . . ' ' _ , , <br />_ . _. . . .i':°,l` .. _ . . � . , . <br /> � - :�.! _ . . . . - . , - <br /> - . . ':i�:'• �- _ - _ � . . . . . �• . . _ <br /> . <br /> `� _ . _ . .. . . . «,�ti� � - � - <br /> . .; aJ( ' � ' - .. . - . . e � �,. " <br /> }� hk . . J . f . <br /> t 1 I N <br /> � � t � ` <br /> . <br /> � � " <br /> ,. .�a � - � : � - : ... , �+ : <br /> : � <br /> - ` � � , ..i.._ �.. -. <br /> � ! . . . .. . .- . . . .. . .._. <br />