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.. . ;.,iv_>1r��'. ._'_..�"�°�• uwcpu�:aa�c5.v;www�wwww.p..�+.-"- <br /> �F�M ��MV�� <br /> 7YXJN7H�'R WI'fli all tiio improvemrnu now or Iknaltcr crcctcd on thc prcpeny.and all cueincnts,dp4w'�enuces; <br /> anA fixwres now or hercnftcr n p�n ot the p;op:np. All rcptacemmu nnd nddlitons shall xiso bc covered 6y this Sauflry <br /> lnsttumont. Al1ofllroforcgotnIIlsreferrcdlolnthisSccudlyJnstmmmtas�lw'PropenY•" <br /> AORROWBR COVL•NAN7S thel Aorrowtr is lawfully scised of Iho ts�ata Mroby convoycd and has tlw dght to grdnt <br /> artd convay tho Propcny and tl�u��he Properly Is unencumbercd,oxeep�for encumbronces of record. IIorcower warcants ahd <br />. willdcfendgrnerally�hetidetotlKPropenyagninstnlldnimsnnddcmunds,subjec�eoanycncumbr�nccsoirxord. <br /> TIiIS SGCURITY INST12Uh1GNT combincs aniform covcnants for nailonal usc and non•uniform rnvenants wi�h <br />� Ilmliedvrui��ionsbyjurisdiaion�oeonstitu�caunlfomisecuri�ylmwmentcoveringrcalpropertY• .. <br /> UNIFORMCOVUNANTS. Dorcowersndl.endercovenant�nAagreoasfollows: Py <br /> princi p�al ofAand in crc t�oniho delae idcoced ly tt�No e and any pr paymcnanci Inoclmr�c au u�S���he No cen due tta .. <br /> 1. i�Lndstor7�xesandlnsurancaSubJec�ioapplicabtelawortoawritronwaiveryl.ender,Uorrowershalipryto <br /> l.cnder on tho day mooAily paymcros aro due unAer tho Note,amll�hc Nme is Qaid in tull,n snm("f�nAs)for:(a)yearly <br /> �axcs and asscssmeau whicte m.ay nuain priority orcr ihis Securiiy Ins�mmcnt as a 4en oii Qr:Mope�ty;(b)pcady Ic�sehold <br /> . payments a ground rents oct the Roperty, if any: (c) yearty hamrd or prope:ty insuracce premiums; (d) yeazl y flaod <br /> insurs.nce Qrcmiums,tf aiy; (r.)yea+ly motlgngo insnronce prcminms, (f any; az:d(�any sums paynb.o by➢orroxrr�o <br /> i.en ier,in�cordantt wi�h ttve prorisions of parngreph Iieu of tho ry��y�r•cnt of mortgaye uuwar,ce premfums. TCesa <br /> iunK are c�11rA"liscrow L•ems: Lerd.r may,at nny nm0.collecl and holA iL+:ds in an art:ount not to exceed:de m.axLmattt . <br /> amo�m� n Itader for a federnlly rclatect mongaga toan may requin Por �orrowerS eurow accoum urder the[edeeai Reat <br /> E{�a.e Sc�v!ement Procedun:s Aa o(1974 as amendcd from�imo to tim0.12 U.S.C.§2d01 et srq.('R&SPA"),un:css ar.xher <br />_ In�.aLa:r.pr7ies io the Ilmds sets a Irsser anwunt. If so,4ender may,at ony Ume,coflect ar.d 2mtd Ponds in an amount not to <br /> excee�::ti Itsur amoum. Ler.!�r niey estimate�he amount of I'ur,ds due on tl�e hasis.S.uvmt dn�a and reasa`af,1c <br /> estimates ulexpendiwros of futurc Fscrow Items or o�herwise In accordanee�rirh appliceri:se�u. � <br /> 'ILe I1mds shall be hcld in,n insthmion who:c deposfu arc insurcd Ly a fec�ami agen:y,fnswmcrttali�y,or cmiry - <br /> (including Lcnder,if Lcud:r is suoh an instiwfon)or in nny i'rderai Home Low F�:+-k. D.rnder shall apply�he Slmcis m ppy __ <br /> tM fscrow Items. I.en�4r may not charge Rortox•er tor hal�ing nnd npplying the f�tnid:. amm�liy analyzing ihe e!amw _ . <br /> aceount.or verifying the Gscrow[ccns, unless 4ender pays 6ortower interest on ihe Fc.aa: a�xl applicable law p��aaics _ <br /> Lender to make such a clwrSe. Ftoucver,Lender may ree�uire Dortower to pay a onaHme chnrge for an independem re-; __ <br /> estate tex rcponing serviax nsed liyI.ene'.er In conntttion wnh this loan,unless applicable law pmvides o�herwise. Unlus nn _� <br /> agrcemcm is made ornp :icabtc lau��rcqulrcs Intemsl to Ix paid,Lendcr shall no�Ix rcquircd to pay dortower any intcrcs�ur __- <br />�= camfngs on the fimds. �orcowerar.d Lcnder may aecec in writing.hmvever,tha�intercst shail be patd on�he kunds. Lendcr �,.,- <br />- shall gtvo to Bortower, wiihout ot:iFe;an annual eccounling of�he fvnds,showing eredi�s nnA debhs to the�ur.ds nnd the Y_,;. <br />.= purpose for which each deb(� ro i.e Fr.�nds was made. The I'unds are p:edged as addilion:l.ccuriry for all sums secured by �.-,� <br />- thlsScacrirytnsin�ment. '` <br /> - 1I t�e Ivnds aeini by La:nder erc�ihc arwnu �rmltted !e be hcid 6y appifceble Iaw.Lender shall eccount tv i�,� <br /> ' Dorrower fm�he exce:s Funds tn attordance wl�h�he rcquircmems of app1ic�A[e law. If�he amount of�he SLnds hdA by -_ <br /> ` Lender at e�iy�ime is uoi sufficicm w pay�he Cscrow Iicros when dua Lendra.asy so notify BoROwer In wd�ing, <br />._ such case 6orrower shnll pay w Lender�he nmount necessary to make up ihr �kficiency. 6orro�eer shall make up t2�e e ; <br /> = deficiency in no morc dia��weh'e monthly payments,at Lender�sole discretion. - <br /> - U{wn paymenl in fcll of all sums setured by tlds Sccuri�y InswmcN.Lender sM1all promp�ly rePond�o Donower rac - <br />-- I�nds held by I.ender. If,under paregnph 21. Ler.der shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender,pdor a the acquisfiion or <br />-` sele ot the Ptoperty:sh�ll apply any Funds held by Lender at �he time o(acqutsitlan ot sale as a crcdie zgr.enst O�e smns V>_- <br />- securedby�hlsSecunlylnswmem. r':C� <br />- 3. Appllcailon of Paymenls. Unlas npplicable law provides o�hcnvise, all paymems nYeivcd by Lender under �.,.�. <br />-= pam6nphs 1 end 2 shall be applied:Cr.s�,�o any�repayment eharges due under the Nolr,second,ro amoums payable under t_.,-- <br /> = paragrnp:�2;�hird,to Intercst due;fech.;e,�o princ pal due:and las6�o any la�e chuges due undtt�he Note. <br /> 4. Chnrges; i.tens. Bmrnn�er shall pay all �axcs, assessmcnts,charges, fines nnd imposi�lons atvibwable m tlic °- <br /> - Propeny which may rx�ain prioriq�oeer this Security Insuumen4 and Icasdiold Faymems or gound rcnts,If any. 6ortower �y:� <br /> shall pay�hesc obliga�iaeas in tAr providcd in paragraph 2,or If not pn&t in that manncr,Dortower shall pay them on •- <br /> - �ima direc�ly ro�he�tsoo owed paymenl. Dortoxror shail prompily fumish�a lemler all no�ices of amoums to ix paid under _ <br /> this paragrapl�. If Uuno��rr mals ehese paymems dimc�ly.IIurrower shall promply fumish�o Lender rccefpis evidrr,cing _ <br /> = Ihc payTncnts. _ <br /> Dortowcr shatl proTptly dixhuge any licn a�hi:h has priority ovcr�his Securi�y Insvumem unless 6ortower.(a)zgr�ts <br /> in wri�ing to�hc p�ym�n�of the obligation s:cun:d b���nc licn in a manncr accepiabtc m Lendcr,(b)come�ts In goad fai:h thc <br /> '` Ilen by,ordefends n3ainu enforcement of the Iicn in,itgal proccedings which in the I.�ndar's opinion c+fle.:*x to pre�rom the _ <br />"' enfercemem of the lim;or(c)stturcs from the ho!der of thr lian a�i agrcemenl satisfactory•�o Lender euFix�ina�ing�k lien _ <br />-:'�� ro�his Sc:ariry fnsmimw�. If Lender detcmiines that any p:.rt o`�he Propcny is subjen to a lian which may auain prioriry - <br /> = ovcr�hi>Security Inswment,Lendcr may givc Oorcowcr a notnr idcntifying�he licn. 6urroaer shall sa�isfy thc lien o��aAe _ <br /> - nnc or mum of thc scdons cct fonh aUovc��i�hin 10 days ohhc givinR of noiict. -.. <br /> 5. Ilauird or Property Insurnnce. Uottot��cr shall kecp�hc improvemems now czisling or hema(tcr crated on Ihc <br /> - Propeny insurcd agzias�loss by fire,hazards included wiihin U�e�emi"ex�end.d coverage"anJ any other hazards,induding ,_ <br /> = (loods or Oaoding,for which Lender requims insurance. "Ilus insumnce shsll be maimained in the amounts and tor�he _ <br /> ' Forml028 990 /rySt:/6NR/t� - <br /> i <br />'.Y 1 <br /> .Ci .:.tYfT�.II-'•:�1�+�SY:/'GC4'1:C3 i:T.-�t�...vAw�rp�.n«�p•.�i^.Y[`. <br /> -__.x_7)Tfkfir:�N,�Xf1f'^�';If9.S:i:,P�1-.:'r�:_••f:_ . .... . .� - . .,r.:.o,.. . ' <br /> i <br /> �-_ - jf� . <br /> SS ����?� .'1 . 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